It is the Arabic Letter Kha is an moon Letter. It’s the same basic form as Hha with the addition of an extra dot.
How to pronounce the Arabic word خ is spoken
خ is also among the letters without an English counterpart. English. It is typically spoken by non-Arabic people in a manner similar that of that of the English letters K. However, K is the equivalent of an alternative Arabic word called Kaaf or the KH combination.
خ is also used also in Spanish language, as it is”Juan” the Spanish “J” in the name “Juan”. خ is also used in German it appears in German spelling of “ch” of “Zurich”.
Another good illustration is the hard “ch sound that is heard found in Loch Ness.
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Basic Sample Words of خ in various states
خ can be linked with both ends. It can take three shapes based on its location in the world:
Word examples that use the Arabic alphabet Kha along with diacritics
خ also includes all four types of sounds. Unfortunately, since خ doesn’t have a similar sound in English so we aren’t able to give an example of pronunciation in English.
The following are the various situations:
The fatha of خ
The tone could be gentle or rough.
- خ with an kasra:
- خ with damma:
- خ with Sokoon:
Jeem , Hha and خ are twins or shape-mates.
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The isolated version of any letter in this group begins with a portion that appears similar to that of the English numeral 7 and an extension to the right.
Take a moment… These appear exactly identical to that of the English numbers 2,. However, they’re it’s rotated 180 degrees!
- Alif – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ba – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ta – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Tha- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Jeem – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Hha – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim

Arabic Chart
Arabic Alphabet
Arabic Alphabet Course
Gateway to Arabic Workbook-1
خ Letter
خاء Alphabet