Jeem (ج) – Arabic Alphabets in English – The Arabic letter Jeem can be described as a Moon Mail. It’s the same shape as the three letters Jeem and Hha.
How to write the Arabic letter ج
The Arabic letter Jeem can be pronounced .Jeem refers to the English letter J in the” Job” spelling of Modern Standard Arabic. Still, in certain Arabic countries similar as Egypt they may gasp it as” g” in” game”.
They also call the letter” Jeem” which is incorrect. Modern Standard Arabic does not have the sound of” g” in Modern Standard Arabic, but it’s veritably common and fluently understood
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Basic Sample words from ج for different countries . ج can be connected to both sides. These three forms are dependent on their position within the word. Word exemplifications with the Arabic letter ج and diacritics
Jeem can represent all four types of sounds. ج with fatha Has a soft sound like
- ج in nuary, Jam
- ج in Pa jamas
ج with fatha may also make a gruff sound like this
- ج in jar
- ج in A jar
ج with a Kasra Sounds like
– Ge in Gentleman
-Gy in Gym
– Gi in mastermind
ج with the damma Sounds like
– Ju in Juice June
– Jo in Bonjour
ج with the sakoon sounds like
- S in Casual
- G In Presti e Oran e
- Look-a-likes
ج( Hha) and Kha are halves or shape mates.
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The insulated form of any letter in this group is drawn by a portion that looks analogous to the English number 7, with an fresh extension to the right. These figures look exactly the same as the 2. But they’re rotated 180 degrees!
- Alif – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ba – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ta – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Tha- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
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