Islam’s Holy Book for Kids (Age-wise) Ages 9 to 10 PDF

Our children represent the best gift of Allah (SWT). We wish them to walk the correct route of Islam to succeed both in this life and the next. Even if you’re Muslim and your children were born Muslims in the same way, you must instruct them in Islamic study to encourage them to embrace their religion with a firm hand and be aware of the importance of Islam. The first obvious question your children would be asking the following question: “What is Islam? What is Islam?

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Like Islam’s Holy Book for Kids (Age-wise)

As well as being aware of what Islam is about There are four fundamental Islamic research topics that kids must be taught…

The Pillars of Islam

The Five Pillars of Islam is thought to be the basis of all Islamic principles. It is the initial stage in Islamic studies that every Muslims should comprehend and learn thoroughly.

The Shahada (Declaration of Faith)

The Shahada is the first part of Islam. It’s a statement of faith in the unity that is God (Tawhid) in addition to also the recognition of Muhammad for the role of God’s prophet. The shortest version it reads (from left to right (from left to right) in Arabic):

Salat (Muslim Prayer)

Salat (Five Times in Day, Fajr, Zuhur, Asr, Maghrib, Isha ), also known as Salah can be described as the 2nd principle of Islam. It’s a mental, physical, religious act praying to Allah, which must be performed five times per day at specific times.

Zakat (Obligatory Charity)

Zakat, also known as Zakah can be described as the 3rd principle of Islam. It is the offering of alms to the needy and poor. It’s obligatory for each adult Muslim who is of good health and with the ability to pay.

Sawm of Ramadan (Fasting Ramadan)

Sawm (Fasting) of Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam. Fasting during Ramadan is abstaining from drinking, food smoking, sexual activities every day from dawn until sunset, at which point it is the time for evening prayers sounding.

Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Hajj (Pilgrimage) is the fifth and final foundational pillar of Islam. It’s an an annual Islamic trip towards Mecca, Saudi Arabia the holiest city of Muslims and a compulsory religious obligation for Muslims which must be carried at least once during their lives by all mature Muslims who are financially and physically capable of making the trip and able to support their families in their absence.

The Quran

Another important kind of Islamic study that your children should be studying are The Holy Quran, The Holy Quran with Tajweed, The Quran with meaning word by word, The Quran Tafseer, The reading Quran via Good Tutor, The Arabic Grammar, Arabic Learning, Arabic Alphabets and basic education The benefits of studying Quran for children regardless of religion or spiritual nature are endless.

Hadith (The statements that Prophet Muhammad)

Hadith (Six books of Hadith: Bukhari, Muslim Sharif, Abu Dawood Sharif, Nasi Shareef, Tirimdhi Sharif, Majah Sharif) is the account of the words as well as the actions, as well as the silence from the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). By studying his hadith, children will understand our role in the world and gain from his words’ wisdom.

Al-Sira Al-Nabawiyya (Prophetic Biography)

Sira or Seerah is the study of the life of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It covers his day-to-everyday life, interactions with family members and companions and his role as an exemplary leader and also his manners and traits.

Du’a (Supplication)

The final essential aspect of Islamic study that your children must be taught includes the Du’a (Supplication). Dua is a type of prayer, and it can be offered at any time, and there is no set date or time for making Dua. It’s a means for bringing the supplicant to Allah the All-powerful.

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Find a Quran Teacher Online in your nearest Area.

It’s no longer an excuse to claim that an experienced Holy Quran teacher is not readily available in your area. You can take advantage of the Quran lesson. Additionally, you can read on the internet Noorani Qaida to learn about the Quran with Tajweed. The QuranMualim website operates in various countries, including Pakistan, the USA, the UK, and many other countries around the globe.

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