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Is Who is who and What is What best books of exams ?

Is Who is who and What is What ? who what when where why, who is this, who is who, who is domain, who owns domain, who what where when why, who is hosting, who owns website, who is net, who is godaddy, who is it, common knowledge, basic computer knowledge, self knowledge, product knowledge, explicit knowledge, knowledge based systems, body of knowledge, an investment in knowledge pays the best interest, sap knowledge, justified true belief, knowledge process outsourcing, the book of knowledge, knowledge examples, knowledge power, shared knowledge, the new book of knowledge, leasehold knowledge partnership, general knowledge in gujarati, the archaeology of knowledge

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Here in this website we are giving the users the complete authentic knowledge about the preporation for different examinations for various admissions and to get government jobs. Students preparing for the exams of NTS, PPSE, FPSC, MCAT, OTS, ARMY AIR FORCE, NAVY, ISSSB, ETC. Can get easily advantage online form this website,It is pertinent to mention here that you will find here the valuable tips for the said exams, so that our users students may be able to get success in these tests and exams.

Some tips to pass the tests

One question come about geographical infprmation of the countries, rivers, seas lakes ETC           


Who is who  and What is What ? who what when where why, who is this, who is who, who is domain, who owns domain, who what where when why, who is hosting, who owns website, who is net, who is go daddy, who is it, common knowledge, basic computer knowledge, self knowledge, product knowledge, explicit knowledge, knowledge based systems, body of knowledge, an investment in knowledge pays the best interest, sap knowledge, justified true belief, knowledge process outsourcing, the book of knowledge, knowledge examples, knowledge power, shared knowledge, the new book of knowledge, leasehold knowledge partnership, general knowledge in gujarati, the archaeology of knowledge

Here I did attach my e book  viz “WHO is Who ”


Basic information are mentioned in this book. In this book mentioned are 4 provision of Punjab information, Current and   Provincial Cabinet , Pakistan Geography ,National symbols of Pakistan, Islam, World, Sports, Basic English,  Basic Geography and  Computer Science

Writer: Niamat ullah zahee


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