In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.12 (Al-Anbiya, Al-Furqan) – This Qisas al-anbiya, composed by al-Kisai in 1200 AD, is one of the most beloved versions of prophetic tales. The author is a master storyteller and his ability to end a section of a narrative at the right time to highlight an important point in the listener’s mind is evident throughout. The author describes in the preface the birth of a human foetus and its subsequent entry into the world as a newborn baby.
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Contrast this with the typical genre descriptions of the ex nihilo birth of the universe by God’s Word, Be! Following are descriptions of the world, natural phenomena, and angelology, we reach the culmination of God’s creative power, Adam, His perfect creation. Adam, unlike the rest of creation which was created by divine fiat and all of it being created by God, was created by God’s hands and was given God’s breath of spirit. Follow the stories! The stories of Prophet Adam and his immediate families are followed by Prophets Idris and Noah.
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Suggested Read: The Clear Quran, El Coran and The Essential Book of Quranic Words
Syed Qutb
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.12 (Al-Anbiya, Al-Furqan) – Since its 1400 year anniversary, the Qur’an is a guide and inspiration book, a reference point and a rich source for social and moral dynamism. It has also been the foundation of hundreds of millions of believers around the globe who consider it the immutable word and truth of God. It seems like every generation is attempting to understand the Qur’an’s meanings and gain a deeper understanding of its universal message from a modern perspective.
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.12 (Al-Anbiya, Al-Furqan) – offers more than just another commentary. It isn’t too far-reaching and outlandish to be considered a new interpretation. It’s a sincere, honest, and sober examination of man’s current achievements and problems in light of the Qur’an’s message. It is an attempt to vigorously explore its rich wisdom and expand its invaluable guidance in the interest of a more’sophisticated’ but highly perplexed society.
In The Shade of The Qur’an Vol.12 (Al-Anbiya, Al-Furqan) – This work, Sayyid Qutb’s most extensive and profound, covers the entire Qur’an text. It was completed over 15 years. Most of it was spent in Egyptian prisons during the 1950s and 60s. It contains Sayyid Qutb’s insights, highly regarded intellectual vigor and widely-acclaimed literary prowess.
The outstanding contribution of Islamic thought and scholarship to In The Shade Of The Qur’an is widely recognized. Students and scholars around the globe, as well as current Islamic revivalist movements, owe it a lot. It is now available in English and will continue to inspire and educate millions more. It will be an indispensable reference work for understanding contemporary Islamic thought.
Author: Syed Qutb died true to his teachings and for the principles he stood for. A military court founded by Nasser sentenced him to death and executed him. He wrote his jihad against all the jahiliyya he saw around him.
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1906 – Born in Musha, northern Egypt.
1930’s and 1940s: Qutb starts working as an inspector of schools for Egypt’s Ministry of Education. Qutb also attempts to become a writer. He publishes a few books, but not much success.
1948: Receives a master’s from the Colorado State College of Education and travels to the USA to study the educational system. 1951: Qutb returns home to Egypt and joins the Muslim Brotherhood. (Ikhwan ul Muslim). 1952: The first volume of his commentary In the Shade of the Qur’an is published (Fi Zilal al-Qur’an). This work would have 29 additional volumes.
1954: He is taken into custody and sentenced to a long time imprisonment with many others members of the Ikhwan.1964: Qutb is freed after ten years imprisonment. 1965: Arrest again for allegedly being part of the plot to assassinate President Gamal Abdu-l-Nasser. 1966 August 29: Executed following a 1965 plot. May Allah Bless His Soul
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- In The Shade Of The Qur’an Vol-1 (Surah 1 & 2)
- 2. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-2, (Surah 3: (2)
- 3. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-3, (Surah 4
- 4. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Vol-4 (Surah 5 5) (1 Mb)
- 5. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-5, (Surah 6)
- 6. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-6, (Surah 7)
- 7. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Vol-7 (Surah 8)
- 8. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-8, (Surah 9)
- 9. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-9, (Surahs ten-11)
- 10. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Vol-10 (Surahs 12-15)
- 11. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Vol-11 (Surahs 16, 20)
- 12. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Vol-12 (Surahs 21, 25)
- 13. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-13 [Surahs 23-32]
- 14. In The Shade Of The Qur’an Vol-14 (Surahs33-39) (2MB)
- 15. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-15, (Surahs 41-47)
- 16. In The Shadow Of The Qur’an Volume-16, (Surahs48-61)
- 17. In The Shade Of The Qur’an Vol-17 (Surahs 662-77)
- 18. In The Shade Of The Qur’an Vol-18 (Surahs. 78-114)
- Publisher : The Islamic Foundation
- Language : English
- Paperback : 476 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0860375005
- ISBN-13 : 978-0860375005
- Weight : 1.55 pounds
- Dimensions : 6 x 1.75 x 9.25 inches
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Mushaf al-Madinah | Quran French |
The Clear Quran | Tajweed Rules |
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