English into Arabic – Arabic phrases and their meanings in English for novices. Important Arabic words with English meanings for everyday use. A listing of typically used Arabic phrases with English meanings. Learn Arabic vocabulary as vocabulary builder.
Below are 200 words to get you started out. Let’s dig in! www.Quranmualim.com
Table of Contents
- Pronouns
- Numbers
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Conjunctions
- Others
- Conclusion
Quran Corner
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1. Pronouns
Personal Pronouns
English into Arabic – To begin composing primary sentences in Arabic, you’ll in all likelihood need to master personal pronouns. Here’s a listing of the most important non-public pronouns in Arabic.
English Translations
Arabic Words
- I
- أنَا
- you
- أَنتَ
- you
- أَنتِ
- he
- هُوَ
- she
- هِيَ
- it
- هُوَ/هِيَ
- we
- نَحنُ
- they
- هُم
- him
- -ه
- her
- -ها
- us
- -نا
- them
- -هم
Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are the equipment you use to consult items and people in your conversations. Learning these will be of splendid use for your interactions. Here’s a listing of the four demonstrative pronouns:
Arabic Words
- this
- هَذِهِ / هَذا
- that
- ذاكَ / ذَلِك
- those
- هَؤُلاء / هَذِهِ
- those
- أولَئِك / تِلك
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Interrogative Pronouns / Question Words
English into Arabic – Interrogative pronouns are building blocks for questions, a.K.A. The Five Ws. Here’s a listing of these with romanizations:
Arabic Words
- who
- مَن
- whom
- مَن
- whose
- لِمَن
- what
- ماذا
- which
- أَيّ
Along with interrogative pronouns, it’s also worth listing interrogative adverbs, which serve a comparable purpose.
Arabic Words
- when
- مَتى
- in which
- أَيْنَ
- why
- لِماذا
- how
- كَيْفَ
2. Numbers
Numerals in English
Numerals in Arabic
- zero
- ٠
- zero
- صِفر
- 1
- ١
- one
- وَاحِد
- 2
- ٢
- two
- إثنان
- three
- ٣
- three
- ثلَاثَة
- 4
- ٤
- 4
- أَربَعَة
- 5
- ٥
- 5
- خَمسَة
- 6
- ٦
- six
- سِتَّة
- 7
- ٧
- seven
- سَبعَة
- eight
- ٨
- eight
- ثَمانِيَة
- nine
- ٩
- nine
- تِسعَة
- 10
- ١٠
- ten
- عَشَرَة
Best Places

3. Nouns
English into Arabic – Nouns are probable the first fundamental Arabic vocabulary phrases you begin gaining knowledge of as a beginner. They’re one among two key components in a sentence (together with verbs) and you could commonly get your point across the usage of simply the proper noun. With that in thoughts, permit’s have a look at a few beginner-stage Arabic nouns.
English Translations
- hour
- ساعَة
- minute
- دَقيقَة
- morning
- صَباح
- afternoon
- بَعد الظُهر
- evening
- مَساء
- day
- يَوْم
- month
- شَهر
- year
- سَنَة
- Monday
- الإثنَيْن
- Tuesday
- الثُلاثاء
- Wednesday
- الأَربَعاء
- Thursday
- الخَميس
- Friday
- الجُمعَة
- Saturday
- السَبت
- Sunday
- الأَحَد
English Translations
Arabic Words
- butcher
- جَزّار
- woodman
- حَطّاب
- police officer
- ضابِط شُرطَة
- physician
- طَبيب
- nurse
- مُمَرِّضَة
- firefighter
- رَجُل إطفاء
- teacher
- مُدَرِّس
- father
- أَب
- mom
- أُم
- sister
- أُخت
- brother
- أَخ
- Mr.
- السَيِّد
- Ms.
- السَيِّدَة
Places Around Town
English Translations
Arabic Words
- clinic
- مُستَشفى
- supermarket
- سوبَر ماركِت
- college
- مَدرَسَة
- downtown
- وَسَط المَدينَة
- university
- جامِعَة
- city hall
- جِهاز المَدينَة
- fundamental rectangular
- المَيْدان الرَئيسي
- bank
- البَنك
- museum
- المَتحَف
- restaurant
- المَطعَم
- café
- المَقهى
- police station
- مَركَز الشُرطَة
- teach station
- مَحَطَّةُ القِطار
- bus station
- مَحَطَّةُ الحافِلات
School/Office Essentials
English Translations
Arabic Words
- pen
- قَلَم
- pocket book
- دَفتَر مُلاحَظات
- computer
- كُمبيوتَر
- pencil case
- مَقلَمَة
- headphones
- سمّاعات
- mouse
- فأرَة
- keyboard
- لَوْحَةُ مَفاتيح
- wifi
- واي فاي
- charger
- شاحِن
- cable
- سِلك
- backpack
- حَقيبَةُ ظَهر
- desk
- مَكتَب
- copybook
- كُرّاسَة
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Body Parts
English Translations
Arabic Words
- eye
- العَيْن
- nostril
- الأَنف
- ear
- الأُذُن
- face
- الوَجه
- arm
- الذِراع
- chest
- الصَدر
- cheek
- الخَد
- forehead
- الجَبهَة
- mouth
- الفَم
- chin
- الذَقن
- armpit
- الإبِط
- stomach
- البَطن
- leg
- الساق
- toe
- أَصابِع القَدَم
- finger
- إصبَع
- ankle
- الكاحِل
- hip
- الوِرك
- forearm
- الساعِد
- elbow
- الكوع
- wrist
- المِعصَم
English Translations
Arabic Words
- ٍٍgreens
- خُضرَوات
- fruit
- فَوَاكِه
- meat
- لَحم
- milk
- حَليب
- egg
- بَيْض
- coffee
- قَهوَة
- yogurt
- زَبادي
- bread
- خُبز
- bacon
- لَحم مُقَدَّد
- pie
- فَطيرَة
- ham
- لَحم خِنزير
- hen
- دَجاج
- juice
- عَصير
- sausage
- سُجُق
4. Verbs
Our subsequent set of Arabic amateur phrases covers the most critical verbs in a number of classes. You can use those to shape extra complete sentences in Arabic.
Daily Routine Verbs
The following verbs will are available in handy in case you want to begin a journal in Arabic.
English Translations
Arabic Words
- to stand up
- قامَ
- to devour
- أَكَلَ
- to drink
- شَرِب
- to head
- ذَهَبَ
- to paintings
- عَمِلَ
- to have a look at
- دَرَسَ
- to drive
- قادَ
- to ride
- رَكِبَ
- to sleep
- نامَ
- to awaken
- اِستَيْقَظَ
- to hold
- عَلَّقَ
- to do laundry
- قامَ بِالغَسيل
- to nap
- أَخَذَ قَيْلولَة
- to exercise session
- تَمَرَّنَ
- to go out
- خَرَجَ
- to put together
- حَضَرَ
- to cook dinner
- طَبَخَ
- to smooth
- نَظَّفَ
- to wash
- غَسَلَ
- to tidy up
- رَتَّبَ
- to attach
- اِتَّصَلَ
- to talk
- تَوَاصَلَ
- to put on
- اِرتَدى
- to take (something) off
- أَزالَ
- to grab
- أَمسَكَ
- to combine
- خَلَطَ
- to hold
- خَمَلَ
- to freeze
- جَمَّدَ
- to change
- غَيَّرَ
- to move
- نَقَلَ

Other Common Verbs
English Translations
Arabic Words
- to provide
- أَعطى
- to take
- أَخَذَ
- to do
- فَعَلَ
- to make
- جَعَلَ
- to let
- تَرَكَ
- to ask
- طَلَبَ
- to grin
- اِبتَسَمَ
- to locate
- وَجَدَ
- to apply
- اِستَخدَمَ
- to lose
- فَقَد
- to come
- أَتى
- to appearance
- نَظَرَ
- to hear
- سَمِعَ
- to scent
- شَمَّ
- to talk
- تَحَدَّثَ
- to exit
- خَرَجَ
- to call
- اِتَّصَلَ
- to experience
- أَحَسَّ
- to answer
- أَجابَ
- to giggle
- ضَحِكَ
- to cry
- بَكى
- to steal
- سَرَقَ
- to run
- جَرى
- to walk
- مَشى
- to meet
- اِلتَقى
- to create
- صَنَعَ
- to finish
- أَنهى
5. Adjectives
Learning Arabic phrases to describe the arena around you may liven up your conversations, fortify your Arabic writing, and permit you to better explicit your self on this rather expressive language.
Describing Objects
English Translations
Arabic Words
- large
- كَبير
- small
- صَغير
- long
- طَوِيل
- short
- قَصير
- twisted
- مُلتَوِي
- clean
- ناعِم
- rough
- خَشِن
Describing People
English Translations
Arabic Words
- quite
- جَميل
- good-looking
- وَسيم
- tall
- طَوِيل
- short
- قَصير
- disgusting
- مُثير لِلاِشمِئزاز
- sociable
- اِجتِماعي
- funny
- مُضحِك
- stunning
- جَميل
- cute
- رائِع
- being concerned
- عَطوف
- beneficent
- كَريم
- smug
- مَغرور
- humble
- مُتَوَاضِع
- brave
- شُجاع
- vulnerable
- ضَعيف
- robust
- قَوي
Describing Emotions
English Translations
Arabic Words
- glad
- سَعيد
- sad
- حَزين
- pleased
- مُبتَهِج
- bizarre
- غَريب
- depressed
- مُكتَئِب
- annoying
- قَلِق
- confused out
- مُتَوَتِّر
- jolly
- مَرِح
Describing Weather
English Translations
Arabic Words
- wet
- مُمطِر
- sunny
- مُشمِس
- humid
- رَطِب
- dry
- جاف
- arid
- قاحِل
- frigid
- مُتَجَمِّد
- foggy
- ضَبابي
- windy
- ريحي
- stormy
- عاصِف
- in part cloudy
- غائِم جُزئِيّاً
- cloudy
- غائِم
- calm
- هادِئ
6. Conjunctions
When you need to hyperlink one sentence to any other, you operate conjunctions. Here’s a listing of the most used conjunctions in Arabic:
English Translations
Arabic Words
- and
- و
- however
- لَكِن
- then
- ثُمَّ
- because
- لِأَنَّ
- so
- وَبِالتالي
7. Others
Below are some filler words from unique Arabic dialects and MSA (Modern Standard Arabic) to help you blend in even more with local audio system.
English Translations
Arabic Words
- lovely (MSA)
- جَميل
- by using God (all dialects, MSA)
- واَلله
- now (Levantine)
- هَلا
- ًwhat (Moroccan Arabic, Algerian Arabic)
- كِفاش
- I imply / like (Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf)
- يَعني
Arabic phrases and their meanings in English
- Word
- Arabic meanings
- Talking
- کَلاَمٌ
- Dream
- حُلمٌ
- Voice
- صَوتٌ
- Breath
- نَفَسٌ
- Sleep
- نَومٌ
- Getup
- سَھَرٌ
- Snoring
- غَلِیطٌ
- Drowsiness
- نَعَسٌ
- Shape
- ھَیئَۃٌ
- Color
- لَونٌ
- Moan
- أَنِینٌ
- Cry
- صَرّاخٌ
- Sneezing
- عَطَسٌ
- Yawn
- تَثَاوُبُ
- Laugh
- ضِحکٌ
- Weep
- بُکَاءٌ
- Power
- قُوْۃٌ
- Leanness
- نَحَافَۃٌ
- Hunger
- الجَوعُ
- Picnic
- رَیّانٌ
- Thirst
- العَطشُ
- Walk
- المَشیٌ
- Stand
- القِیَامٌ
- Sit
- جُلُوسٌ
- Wakefulness
- سَھَرٌ
- Nausea
- تَھَوُّع
- Yawning
- تَمؐطِّیُّ
- Blister
- نِفطَۃُ
- Hot Wind
- خَدِر
- Slits
- غُصُونٌ
- Man
- رَجُلٌ
- Woman
- اِمرأۃٌ
- Boy
- وَلَدٌ
- Girl
- بنت
- Bridegroom
- عَرِیس
- Bride
- عَرِیسَۃٌ
- Unmarried
- أعزب
- Married
- متزوّج
- Widower
- ارمل
- Educated
- عالم
- Uneducated
- جاھل
- Pleased
- مسرور
- Sad
- محزون
- Powerful
- قویٌّ
- Weak
- ضعیفٌ
- Live
- حیٌّ
- Dead body
- میّتٌ
- Beautiful
- جمیلٌ
- Ugly
- یشیحٌ
- Healthy
- صحیحٌ
- Sick
- مریضٌ
- Cheerful
- ظریفٌ
- Handsome
- لطیفٌ
- Tall
- طویلٌ
- Small
- قصیرٌ
- Fat
- سمینٌ
- Abdominal
- ثخینٌ
- Slim
- نحیف
- Soft
- لیِّنٌ
- Slim
- رقیقٌ
- Hard
- صلبٌ
- Tender
- ناعمٌ
- Tender
- أملسٌ
- Rough
- خشینٌ
- Large
- کبیرٌ
- Middle
- مُتوسِّطٌ
- Small
- صغِیرٌ
- Wide
- واسِعٌ
- Bent
- معوَّجٌ
- Seiner
- بصیرٌ
- Blind
- اعمی
- Straight
- مستقیمٌ
- Heavy
- ضخیمٌ
- Weight Lerr
- خفیفٌ
- Clean
- نظیفٌ
- Dirty
- وسخٌ
- Large Eyed
- أعینٌ
- Black Eyed
- أحورٌ
- Brave
- شُجَاعٌ
- Bravery
- الجَسَارَۃُ
- Enduring
- قَانِعٌ
- Enduring
- صَابِرٌ
- True
- صَادِقٌ
- Honest
- اَمِینٌ
- Cheerful
- مَبسُوطٌ
- Splendid
- مُستَنِیرٌ
- Wise
- عَاقِلٌ
- Faithful
- مُخلِصٌ
- Sensitive
- حَسَّاسٌ
- Hard Worker
- مُجتَھِدٌ
- Effective
- فَعَّالٌ
- Skillful
- مَاھِرٌ
- Leap
- نَشِیطٌ
- Helper
- مُسَاعِدٌ
- Obedient
- مُطِیعٌ
- Moderate
- مُعتَدِلٌ
- Kind
- لؒطِیفٌ
- Civil
- مُھَذِّبٌ
- Ready
- مُستَعِدٌ
- Respectable
- مُحتَرَمٌ
- Brave
- جَرِئٌ
- Humble
- مُتَوَاضِعٌ
- Simple
- سَاذِجٌ
- Kind
- شَفِیقٌ
- Fortunate
- سَعِیدٌ
- Cheerful
- مُبتَھِجٌ
- Broad Minded
- کَرِیمٌ
- Well-Meaning
- مُتَفَائِلٌ
- Serious
- رَزِینٌ
- Modest
- ذُومُرَوَّۃٌ
- Linguist
- الأدِیبٌ
- Well-Habitual
- ذُوعَادَۃٍ حَسَنَۃٍ
- Dignified
- وَقُورٌ
- Smiler
- مُبتَسِمٌ
- Cleanness of Heart
- طَھَارَۃُ القَلبِ
- Friendship
- وَدَّادٌ
- Sure-Maker
- مُصَدِّقٌ
- Virtuous
- عَفِیفٌ
- Generous
- جَوَّادٌ
- Wealthy
- غَنِیٌّ
- Clever
- شَاطِرٌ
- Thankful
- شَاکِرٌ
- Worshiping
- عَابِدٌ
- Steadfast
- ثَابِتٌ
- Just
- عَادِلٌ
- Mentioning
- ذَاکِرٌ
- Care
- الأعتِنَاءُ
- Careful
- المُحطَاطٌ
- Clever
- ذَکِیٌّ
- Intelligent
- فَطِینٌ
- Popular
- مَعرُوفٌ
- Detention of Time
- مُحَافَظُ الوَقتُ
- Hospitality
- ضِیَافَۃٌ
- Patriotism
- مُحِبُّ الوَطَنِ
- Respectful
- مُؤَدِّبٌ
- Moderation
- اَقتِصَادٌ
- Modest
- ذُوحَیَاءٍ
- Tolerant
- حَلِیمٌ
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