How To Write My Name in Arabic? Are you interested in knowing what to do with your personal name Arabic?
One of the most frequently asked questions asked the most often on ArabicPod101 is about — sure, you’ve guessed it names. Most frequently asked questions are:
- “How do you write an English name in Arabic?”
- “Is it possible to make a nickname up and ask native Arabic speakers to use it?”
- “Are there any Arabic names that sound like English names?”
For those who wish to be able to spell their name written in Arabic we’ve made it easy for you to sign your name today. Yes, today! This is the ultimate guide to Arabic names!
Table of Contents
- How to Write Your Name in Arabic
- How to Make Up Your Arabic Nickname
- Arabic First Names
- Female Names
- Male Names
- Arabic Last Names
- Related Lessons
Arabic Corner
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1. How to Write Your Name in Arabic
How To Write My Name in Arabic? Arabic users make use of Arabic speakers use the Arabic alphabet to write English names. For writing your English initials in Arabic first, you’ll need to master the alphabet of 28 letters.
The most straightforward method is to locate the Arabic letter that is corresponding to how you sound the sound of your Arabic namesake. For example, If you’re name reads “Maya,” you can utilize the letter m to represent”m” sound, y for the “m” sound, for “aa” sound, y for “ya” sound, then for “aa” sound. It’s as simple as putting the letters together and write your in the form of “Maya.”
Vocabulary Words: Arabic English Dictionary
Here are a few English names translated into Arabic.
- Noah nwH
- Jacob y`qwb
- Michael myky’yl
- Daniel dnyl
- Olivia ‘wlyfy
- George jwrj
- Thomas twms
- Kimberly Kymbrly
If you are unable to locate your name in this list or would like to create your name appear in the Arabic alphabet on your own then this video series is to help you. Take a look at Arabic Alphabet made Simple and learn create the Arabic characters to your English name.
This will allow you to learn your Arabic alphabet and begin making your initials in Arabic all by yourself!
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2. How to Make Up Your Arabic Nickname
If you’re looking to get your personal Arabic Name that is sounding similar to the typical name that a native speaker would be able to understand and read with ease Don’t fret.
Here’s the listing of Arabic names that were selected by the team at Names of Love. Select the name you like and use for the Arabic name.
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A. Arabic First Names
– a. Arabic Female Names
- Lynwr (Eleanor)
- sr@ (Sarah)
- mn~ (Muna)
- MLK (Malak)
- shyryn (Sirin)
- fdy@ (Fadia)
- nsym (Naseem)
- NWR (Noor)
– b. Arabic Male Names
- krym (Karim)
- myn (Mina)
- ‘myr (`Amir)
- MRD (Murad)
- Syf (Sif)
- Smy (Sami)
- slym (Saleem)
- MHmd (Mohammed)
B. Arabic Last Names
If you’re looking to own an Arabic last name Here’s a list of the most popular Arabic last names.
- ‘Hmd (Ahmad)
- S`b (Saab)
- slTn (Sultan)
- zmn (Zaman)
- njy (Naaji)
- krym (Karim)
- Hsyn (Hussain)
- `lyW (Ali)
- LFRsy (Alfarsi)
- ‘Hmd (Ahmed)
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