How to Find Something You Lost? – It’s heartbreaking… it’s time to look in both your back and front pocket , but you do not feel the heft of your wallet or phone.
There are four choices How do you decide?
A) PanicB) Begin crying
C) Feel angry and suppose that somebody mighthave taken it
D) Take an inhale, recollect your thoughts and repeat your steps. After that, you must say a dua that you have seen on a website known as
It’s D, as I am sure you’ve already knew, but the normal reactions that we have are A B, C, and A.
Our minds are programmed to think of the worst scenario in order to safeguard our existence. This is the self-defense mechanism we’ve crafted in ourselves. For many, the mind naturally leaps to the worst possible scenario.
We understand that this is not helping to fix the situation, yet when tragedy strikes, we tend to react the same way every time.
The next time you’re losing something , take a short rest and then engage in an positive dialogue, that will definitely bring you closer to finding the solution. Engaging in extreme emotions on any subject can make things more difficult.
Allah (SWT) is said to have stated, “And be patient. Sure, Allah is with those who are patience” (Surah Al-Anfal Ayat 46)
So again, remain calm. Take a deep breath. Do not jump to conclusions. After you’ve completed that process, you can now recite a dhikr that you could recite to request Allah to aid you in finding the missing piece of equipment.
Transliteration: Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un
Translation The truth is that we belong to ALLAH and, indeed, to Him we return.
You’ve probably heard of this Dua earlier, though probably in another context. This is a common chant among Muslims when someone suffers an unfortunate event in their life. It is usually recited when a person’s death is announced. has passed into the past. This is also applicable to situations that pose risks of any kind.
Suggested Read: The Islamic World by Ladan Akbarnia, Nahj al-Balagha by Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb, Lost Islamic History by Firas Alkhateeb, Stranger The History by Aatish Taseer, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by Abu Moosa Reza, Islamic Art by Luca Mozzati and Islamic History For Kids: Story of Uhud

ow to Find Something You Lost? – There is no assurance that Allah will give us the things we desire. This is why the forum user made a mistake. In time’s end Allah only will know what’s best, and we need to trust that He will grant us the best.
This could be a way to improve our patience to determine how we react. Do we lose faith in Allah due to the fact that we lost something God had given us?
Sometimes we do not be aware of the full consequences of the circumstances. This could turn out to be an opportunity disguise or an opportunity to allow Allah to shield us from the things we don’t know.
The most effective method I’ve personally dealt losing is to appreciate the material pleasures while they’re here however, don’t be able to be sad if they’re gone.
It is important to treat things that you don’t have as being nonexistent.
If you are feeling you’ve lost something, it is your decision on which way to respond and be feeling in a particular way.
We feel pain or hurt is due to the fact that we attach meaning to these objects and, when they go away, we feel like we’ve have lost a part of what defines us as a person.
Consider this… In the event that you dropped one penny on the ground how much sleep would you get after you realized that the penny was missing? My guess would not be very much.
The reason you can sleep peacefully being aware of your loss is that the amount you pay has no significance or significance for you. It doesn’t seem like you’ve lost something, and because you don’t feel any sentimental attachment, you don’t think about it.
It’s a bit more difficult when you’re using the case with an iPhone and even an $20 note. However, remember that you’re powerful and you control the narrative, which is freedom.
It is important to remember that life on earth is temporary can be helpful. Muslims know that the ultimate purpose is Jannah that can assist the stress of.
Another option is to dissect the object of your desire in the material that were used to make it. What is an iPhone more than a gadget made of plastic, metal, and glass joined by screws. This may help you rethink your love for the device and prevent you from focusing too much on the device.
Do this, piece of paper and note down the parts of the object you have lost. It will be obvious how ridiculous it is to be angry over a few scraps of metal.
Suggested Read: Dua Leaving House, Dua of Forgiveness, Dua of Taraweeh, Dua of Musa Alayhi’salam, Dua For Success, Dua For Marriage , Dua For Rain, Dua For Parents, Powerful Dua and Dua For The Sick

ow to Find Something You Lost? – Let’s swap roles, and imagine that you’re the one who finds the missing object. You might have discovered an Samsung SMART TV on the street or, more realistically, money lying on the ground. What do Islam recommend you do?
The first rule is not to try to conceal or cover up the object you’ve discovered. It may appear that you’re getting it cost, but in the end you’ll be having to pay for it.
Narrated by Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet (pubh) declared that whoever conceals a camel in the wild will pay a fine and an equal amount of compensation in return. Sunan Abi Dawud 1718 Sahih (Al-Albani)
In the next step, you should make every effort to ensure that it is returned to its the rightful owner.
The story of Ubai bin Ka’bas follows: “I discovered an empty purse that contained one hundred diners. Then I went before the Prophet (and told him about the purse) and he told me, “Make public announcement about it for one year” I did that, but nobody showed to claim the money which is why I returned to the Prophet, who said, “Make public announcement for another year.”
I tried, but no one showed up to claim the item. I approached him for the third time, and I was told, “Keep the container and the string which is used for its tying and count the money it contains and if its owner comes, give it to him; otherwise, utilize it.”
The person who finds the item should not be allowed to take the item until he is sure that he is confident that the item will be kept. He should be able announce the required information until he can locate the owner. Anyone who isn’t sure the things he is able to carry out his duties, should transfer the responsibility to someone else who can.
In the age of social media, announcements are simpler than it was in Prophet Muhammad’s day Peace and blessings upon his soul. Join Facebook communities for the state or city and make an announcement that you’ve came across this object. If it is found in a Masjid or a public area, you can give it to personnel and allow them to make the appropriate announcement.
Suggested Read : How Many Chapters in Quran? ,la ilaha illa anta subhanaka, Has The Quran Been Changed?, How Many Pages in Quran? , Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar, Allahu Mahdina, Allahu Alam , Allah Yashfeek , Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala

ow to Find Something You Lost? – Be aware the next time you’re going to lose some thing to be cool and not get emotional.
Breathe deeply and repeat the Dua for the item that has been lost. Allah is the one who remembers all those who keep track of him.
If, after a while, you are unable to locate the item, stop and come back later. If it seems like you’re losing hope keep in mind that this life is only temporary and shouldn’t be a part of investing in material things. Allah could be testing your faith and protecting you against dangers things you don’t know about.
To manage loss, it helps to reduce the product into the components that comprise it. This helps us not be enthralled by the item and look at it as the real thing. It is usually just glass, metal and plastic.
Before leaving, go through our post on The 99 Names of Allah We created a comprehensive guide that explains each name in detail. I’ll conclude with a short account that comes from Prophet Muhammad (pbuh):