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How Much Is Zakat ul Fitr Per Person This Year?

How Much Is Zakat ul Fitr Per Person This Year? Eid al Fitr, Beliefs, Faith, Islam, Eid Prayer, Eid Celebration

Here we will learn about How Much Is Zakat ul Fitr Per Person This Year? Zakat al Fitr is a charitable donation of food, Grains, Corns, Rupees that must be given before Eid ul Fitr prayer, before the end of the month of The Holy Ramadan

How Much Is Zakat ul Fitr Per Person This Year?

“It was proven from the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) that he enjoined zakat al-fitr on the Muslims all over the World, one sa’ of dates or one sa’ of barley, and Hazrat Muhammad  commanded that it be given to the poor, needy Muslim before the Eid Prayer.

You know that Rice as the central food in Saudi Arabia thus serving as both valuable and nutritious; it surpasses barley as described in the text. The Islamic community approves of providing rice also as zakat al-fitr payment.

What compulsory be given is a sa’ of any kind of staple food, i.e., a sa’ of the Prophet (PBUH), which is four complete scoops as scooped up with two hands, according to al-Qamus etc. 

The modern equivalent weight amount is three kilograms. In accordance with the better opinion Muslim donors may give a sa’ measurement of rice or another nation-based staple food which does not exactly match the hadith’s specified types.

There is nothing wrong with giving the equivalent amount by weight, which is approximately three KG only. 

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting)HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

How much is Fitrana (Zakat al Fitr) per person?

At the time of the Prophet (PBUH) Fitrana (Zakat al Fitr) would be given as 1 saa’ only. So that the quantity is described by Prophet (PBUH) as 1 saa’ of food (1 saa’ is equivalent to 4 madd). A madd is the amount that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.

Difference Between Zakat and Zakat al Fitr

What is The differences between Zakat and Zakat al Fitr?:


Zakat al Fitr

Who can receive Fitrana (Zakat al Fitr)?

The scholars hold the opinion that only the first two categories of the recipients of Zakat can receive Fitrana, which is:

Exchanging cash with grain, corns is better when recipients cannot easily utilize the grain as we currently observe in urban centers.

Allah Almighty knows best.

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