Namaz is a form of prayer that Muslims offer to bring Allah satisfied. It’s also referred to in the form of Salat as well as Salah. Giving Salah means to communicate with Allah. Furthermore, it shields the person from performing sins or bad acts. It also protects us from doing bad deeds or sins. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) stated in a hadith “Salat is the key to heaven”.
Allah has given Muslims five times a day with prayers. every day. Muslims must pray frequently and be connected to Allah and shield themselves from shaitan’s ill-informed advice. Every Muslim is required to pray at least five times per day, otherwise they’ll be punished at the time of judgement.
In each Salat there is a series of the movement called Rakat. Rakats are performed at every Salat whether in the mosque or in your home. The article below we’ve given all the relevant information regarding Namaz Rakats.
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Therefore, without further delay we will continue. The amount of Rakah per time
- First two rakat Sunnat Mokadda
- Two rakats Fard
- Zuhr:
- Four rakat Sunnat Mokadda
- A Four-Raat Fard
- Two rakat sunnat Mokadda
- IV) Two rakats Nafl (Optional but spiritually beneficial)
- Four rakat sunnat mokadda (Optional but spiritually beneficial)
- Four Fard rakats
- The Fard is three rakats
- ii) Two rakat Sunnat Mokadda
- Iii) Two Rakat Nafl (Optional however spiritually beneficial)
- four rakat sunnat Ghair Mokadda (Optional yet spiritually beneficial)
- A Four-Raat Fard
- iii) Two Rakat Sunnat Mokadda
- IV) two Rakhat Nafil (Optional However spiritually beneficial)
- V) 3 rakat Wajib
- Vi) two Rakat Nafil (Optional however spiritually
Asar Rakats (Afternoon Prayer)
The timings of this salat start between noon until sunset. It’s an eight Rakats prayer.
- The first four Rakats are sung to create Sunnat Non-Mokadda.
- The other Rakats are played in the same way as Fard.
Following Zuhar’s Salat The Asar’s prayer begins, and begins later in the day. The prayer consists of eight Rakats and four Rakat Sunnat that is not a Mokadda prayer as well as Four Rakat fard. Non-Mokadda Rakats mean that there is no sin in refusing to give them, but praying them will reward you. In a hadith, it’s said that
“Whoever offers Fajr and Asar prayer will enter Jannah.”
This Salat can open the door to hell for people who practice it and safeguards him from the hell of. Numerous hadiths mention that this Salat plays an extremely crucial role in the progress of Muslims. The Asar prayer will ensure your family and you an enviable life and prosperity in the hereafter and now. Also, reciting the Asar prayer on a regular basis will increase your wealth as well as Rizq.

How many Rak’aats are within each of the prayers?
Name of prayer | Sunnah (before prayer Fardh) | Fardh | Sunnah/Wajib (after Fardh) |
Fajr | 2 (Sunnah mu’akkadah) | 2 | |
Dhuhr | 4 (Sunnah mu’akkadah) | 4 | 2 (Sunnah mu’akkadah) + 2 |
‘Asr | 4 | 4 | |
Maghrib | 0 | 3 | 2 (Sunnah mu’akkadah) |
‘Isha | 4 | 4 | 2 (Sunnah mu’akkadah) + 3 (Wajib, Witr) |
Jumu’ah | 4 | 2 | 4 + 2 |
What is the difference between waajib, fard sunnah, nafl and fard and what is the distinction between them?
Fard refers to a condition that is mandatory regardless of argument. Any person who refuses to acknowledge the necessity of a far d is a Kaafir. Anyone who fails to excuse an unanswered far d without any excuse is an Faasiq and is a sin.
Waajib is second in importance to far far. A person who refuses the waajib cannot be considered a Kaafir but if one leaves waajib without reason the person can be considered the faasiq and sinful.
Sunnah was an action the Prophet did , and his companions obeyed and even commanded. Sunnah mu’akkadah is a strongly exaggerated Sunnah and shouldn’t be ignored without justification.
Nafl is an act ordered by Sharee’ah. It is rewarded if it is done but there is no punishment if it isn’t executed. It’s also referred to as mandoob, mustahab or Tatawwu’.
How many rakats should I offer for ASR?
The Asr.: Four rakat sunnat Ghair mokadda I.) Four rakats sunnat ghair mokadda (Optional but spiritually beneficial) I Three rakats Fard II) Two rakats at Sunnat Mokadda II) Four Fard Maghrib rakat I Three rakat Fard. The final alternative is to use two rakats the nafl (Optional and spiritually effective)
How many Rakaat can you count in the Sunnah Ghair Mu’Akadda prayer?
Maghrib can be divided into two Rakaats (after the 3rd Fard) Isha two rakaats of singing (after the 4th Fard) There is twelve rakaat.Sunnah Ghair Mu’akadda prayers are the prayers that are not obligatory and which the Prophet sws didn’t explicitly state or suggest the need to offer at all.The following are some examples of prayers which include: Fajr: There are none.Dhur: There is none.Asr (four Rakaats): (before 4 Fard) Maghrib is divided by two rakaats (before 3 Fard)
Which number Rakaat are included in the amount of prayers?
In all there are 17 rakaats in the required prayers, which are which are divided into three categories: voluntary (extra) Nafil prayers are ones that do not have to be performed but are performed because of the good intentions of the heart to be pleasing to Allah. c) Salat al-Wajib (Wajib prayers).
How many rakats can you use during each prayer?
It is essential to know the amount of rakats that are required for the prayer that is performed otherwise the prayer will be deemed invalid.1st The Fajr Prayer.2 Rakats Mu’akkaadah, 2 Rakats Fard 2. Rakats Sunnat (obligatory).2.The Zuhr (or early morning) prayer Sunnat Mu’akkadah. 2 or 4 rakats fard, two rakats sunnat , Mu’akkadah. an unspecified amount of nafls, contingent on the time and the capacity available.
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Read Also:
The Holy Quran | El Coran |
Mushaf al-Madinah | Quran French |
The Clear Quran | Tajweed Rules |
Quran Kareem | The Study Quran |
The 99 Names of Allah | Laylat-ul-Qadr |