Dua – If you want dua to increase the love between husband and wife, then you have to read this Allahumma inni auzu bika min zawaali ni’ dua so that you will be able to increase the love and affection between you and your partner immediately without any interference.
This will help you to understand and coordinate each other without any kind of obstacles in your life. Moreover, you will be able to look out all the issues and problems which are happening in the life of you and your partner.

What is the best Dua for husband?
When husband is not paying attention you, then you have to read This matika, watahav-wuli afi-yatika wa fuja-ati sign dua so that you’ll be able to convince your partner in such a way that they will listen to you only whenever you be around them. It will also create you value and respect in your partners like and they will start admiring everything you do for them.
No matter how much problems you and your partners are facing, despair will help you to solve all kind of issues in your life immediately irrespective of your situation and circumstances.
How can I make dua for my husband?
Dua – It is very important to coordinate with your partner in every aspect when they are not talking to you in the same way. If you want to regain the attraction infection from their partner then you have to read this dua so that you’ll be able to cope up with your partner in a way optimum way.
Now you don’t have to worry about silly mistakes in your life because your husband will understand you in a better way and try to solve every kind of problem Whenever there is an argument and issue going on between you and your partner related to the love marriage.
How can I make my husband feel special in Islam?
If you want to make your husband feel special according to your with any help to understand their human behaviour, so that will be able to act according to their likes and dislikes and this way there will be no chances left for your arguments which can lead to the destruction of your relationship to make this possible in a better way, you can increase your communication and understanding in a deep way so that you will be able to match the positive vibe of your partner and create a relationship born which would sustain longer and stronger for the rest of your life. .
Which surah to recite to increase love between husband and wife?
Surah-Muzzammil is The Best surah which can help you to increase your love between husband and wife so that no one can break your bones in a long way. Irrespective of a situation and circumstances, you will face a lot of positivity and prosperity in your life that you will feel special with your partner whenever there around you. Apart from this, you need to take certain actions and instructions made by the Allah so that you will get the love, care and blessings from him immediately.
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1 is there, anyway I can make my partner understand and listen me?
Yes, if you express your emotions clearly and confidently in front of them and try to make them, listen you, then they will understand you in the same way as you want to do that.
2 what are the complications someone face in their relationship?
When there are so many arguments going on between the couple, it is very important to listen entry cholo, better conclusion, so that they can solve the issue as soon as possible.
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Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram