Dr. Hatem al-Haj is a Muslim scholar who holds a PhD in Comparative Fiqh from al-Jinan University. He is presently the Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University, a member of AMJA permanent Fatwa Committee, and a board-certified pediatrician.
When he became giving some exciting lectures on fiqh of worship, Dr Hatem taught the Muslim ummah how to wipe over socks, hijab and so on at some point of wudu. Hatem Al-Haj wiping over sock is a few of the famous lecture.
Table Of Contents
- Hatem Al-Haj Wiping Over Sock Audio
- Hatem Al-Haj Wiping Over Sock Video
- Conditions Of Wiping Over The Socks In Islam
- The First Condition:
- The Second Condition:
- The Third Condition:
- The Fourth Condition:
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Hanbali Fiqh
Fiqh is a frame of non secular rulings derived from proofs:
- Absolute proofs:
- The Holy Quran
- The Sunnah of the Messenger, salallahu ‘alayhi changed into-sallam.
- The consensus of the Ummah
- Relative proofs, which include analogy
All moves have rulings and belong to certainly one of five classes:
- Mandatory
- Preferable
- Permissible
- Disliked
- Forbidden
Five fundamental criminal principles:
- Deeds are but by using their intentions
- Certainty is not negated by doubt
- Hardship mandates the making of concessions
- No damage and no reciprocation of damage
- Customs are given consideration
Fiqh categories:
- Fiqh of worship
- Purification
- Prayers
- Funerals
- Charity
- Fasting
- Pilgrimage
- Fiqh of interpersonal dealings and private behavior
- Is the water more than one hundred ninety liters or flowing?
- Yes. Has the colour, flavor, or odor changed?
- Yes. Not purifying.
- No. Purifying.
- No. Is it combined with impurities?
- Yes. Not purifying.
- No. Have the traits modified by using natural but no longer purifying substance?*
- Yes. Not purifying.
- No. Has it been used to purify ritual impurity (used for ablution)?
- Yes. Not purifying.
- No. Purifying.

Items natural and impure [which might hold ablution water, for example]
Forbidden utensils for purification use and to eat from:
- Gold and silver vessels
- Vessels soldered through [or plated with] them, besides for small quantity of silver
Parts of lifeless animals
- Wool and hair are pure
- Hide of non-slaughtered lifeless animals, tanned or no longer, is impure (filthy)*
- Every lifeless frame is impure, except human and sea creature that can most effective live in the sea and that which does not have blood as lengthy because it did not emanate from grime
*Shafi’i, Hanafi, and a minority of Hanbali do not forget hides pure after tanning, and there are variations in opinion about pigs, puppies, and simplest those animals permissible to consume.
Using the bathroom
- Do now not enter with any object on which the name of Allah is written, except for a want [for example, when using public lavatory, wrap pages of Quran in bag or clothes]
- When entering, advocated to say:
- “bismillah a’uthu billahi min al-khubthi wa al-khubaaith, wa min ir-r?J?S? In-najas? Ash-shayTaan ir-rajeem”
- “In the name of Allah. I are trying to find shelter in Allah from the evil and all this is evil (or: the male and lady demons), and from the cursed filthy Satan.”
- Enter with left foot
- Exit with right foot
- When leaving, say:
- “ghufraanik, al-Hamdu lillah illathee ithhab ‘anee el-ath? Wa ‘aafaanee”
- “I are trying to find Your forgiveness. All praise be to Allah who rid me of harm and gave me fitness.”
Etiquette of using the rest room
- Squat with weight extra on left leg
- In outside, go a long way and display oneself
- Find a smooth spot to urinate on [to avoid splatter]
- Do not urinate in a hole, grove, course, useful colour or underneath fruit tree
Etiquette of cleaning oneself
- When urine stops, milk penis from root to tip and shake it off 3 instances
- Do not contact it with the right hand
- Do now not use right hand to wipe with stones or other fabric
- Wipe with an atypical variety
- Wash with water
- Only wiping would suffice simplest if dust that exited did now not move past typical location it touches
- Less than three wipes that remove whole dust isn’t always sufficient
- Every natural substance may be used for wiping, besides for excrement of animals, bones and sacred fabric
Description of ablution
- Say “Bismillah”
- Wash fingers thrice
- Rinse mouth and nostrils three times, each with one handful
- Wash face thrice from hairline all the way down to bottom of chin and from ear to ear
- Run moist palms thru beard and if skin is displaying through beard, wash it
- Wash arms to the whole elbows thrice
- Wipe head and ears, beginning with forelock wiping to nape and returned to forelock
- Wash feet to the complete ankles three times inclusive of inner components of feet
- Raise sight to heavens and say:
- “Ash hadu a los angeles ilaha illa allahu waHdahu la shareeka lahu wa ashhadu anna muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluh”
- “I endure witness that there may be no god but Allah, one without companion, and I undergo witness that Muhammad is his servant and messenger.”

Ritual ablution: Purifying ritual impurity
- Mandatory acts
- Intention
- Washing each body part at the least as soon as:
- Mouth and nostril
- Face
- Fingertips to elbows
- Forelock to nape and ears
- Toe guidelines to ankles
- Not delaying washing a part till the earlier part dries
- Doing so inside the sequence above
- Preferable acts
- Mention call of Allah
- Wash fingers
- Perfect washing of mouth and nostrils by way of letting water attain as a ways returned as viable (except when fasting)
- Run fingers via beard
- Run arms among arms and toes
- Wipe the ears
- Begin with the proper components then left
- Wash every part three times, and extra than that and the use of immoderate water is disliked
Cleaning enamel is greatest whilst:
- Mouth has changed in taste or scent
- Rising from sleep
- Before prayers
- All different times besides for fasting character after solar’s zenith
Permissible garb to wipe over [during ablution]
- Condition for wiping on all clothing is that it should be put on in a state of formality purity.
- Leather socks and something resembles them, like thick socks that stay at the feet and shoes that move past the anklebone.
- One day for resident and three days for vacationer from the time of breaking ritual purity.
- When duration is over or footgear is taken off earlier than it’s far over, purity turns into invalid.
- If traveller reaches place of residence, or vice versa, he wipes for sooner or later only like resident.
- Turban if it has tail and covers complete head except that that is usually exposed.
- Bandage if it does not exceed the place that wishes to be included.
- Men and girls are equal in the above, except women won’t wipe on turban.
Nullifiers of ablution
- Passing what exits from non-public elements
- Impure discharges some other place in frame [such as blood or puss] if they’re voluminous enough to be repulsing
- Loss of attention, except for mild sleep while sitting or standing
- Touching penis with palms
- Skin touching skin between sexes with lustful choice
- Apostasy from Islam
- Eating camel meat

In case of doubt of either ritual purity or nullification, comply with fact.
Major ablution (ghusal)
What makes it required:
- Ejaculation, that’s gushing
- Meeting of two sexual organs (sex)
Mandatory acts of principal ablution:
- Intention
- Washing whole body
- With rinsing mouth and nostrils
Recommended acts:
- Say bismillah
- Rubbing body with hand
- In this manner:
- Wash fingers
- Pour water on left hand and wash privates
- Strike hand on wall and floor [clean hands]
- Perform everyday ablution
- Pour water on body
- Move slightly [away from area] and wash feet
Braided hair does no longer need to be undone, so long as roots are saturated with water.
Dry ablution (tayammum)
- Strike floor of earth with hand as soon as
- Wipe face and arms (to wrists)
- Inability to use water
- Because of its lack.
- For fear of damage, because of illness or intense bloodless.
- If he feared thirst for self, associate, or beast.
- If he feared for self or assets if he sought water.
- If he can not gain it except with expensive price.
- If water used on a part of frame, he can entire ablution with dry ablution.
- Commencement of prayer time: Neither make dry ablution earlier than a mandatory prayer time nor for a suggest prayer at some point of its prohibited time.
- Intention
- Intention in dry ablution for advocated prayer accesses simplest endorsed prayers.
- Intention in dry ablution for mandatory prayer accesses all mandatory prayers and endorsed ones.
- Soil: Must use wholesome soil with debris of dust*
*Hanafi and Maliki opinions say the surface of earth in wellknown.
Nullifiers of dry ablution
- What invalidates wet ablution, plus
- Ending of prayer time
- Availability of water even though he was in prayer
Menstruation (hayd)
Things it prevents:
- Act of praying
- Obligation of prayers
- Fasting
- Circumambulation of the ka’abh (tawaf)
- Recitation of the Quran
- Touching the Mushaf (permissible with covered fingers)
- Staying inside the masjid (prayer corridor itself, but other areas related are permissible)
- Intercourse (All permissible forms of intercourse with a menstruating lady are permissible except sex.)
- Sunni lawful divorce
- Counting waiting duration in step with calendar (menstruating lady counts ready duration after divorce via her periods, now not calendar)
Things is make mandatory:
- Major ablution
- Puberty
- Counting waiting length in divorce in step with it
When to renew premenstrual features: Once bleeding stops, fasting and divorce come to be permissible, however the other actions are not until foremost ablution.
Period of menstruation
- Shortest length is an afternoon and night
- Longest is 15 days
- Shortest c programming language between durations is thirteen days
- Longest c program languageperiod has no restrict
- Youngest age at which ladies can begin menstruating is nine (and it’s miles a certain signal of puberty)
- Latest is 60
Cases of misunderstanding
The novice
- If one that simply started out sees blood for period customary for menstruation, then she need to abstain from the acts above.
- If it stopped brief of a day and a night, it isn’t always menstruation.
- If it passed that however did now not exceed the longest length, then it’s far menstruation.
- If it recurs with equal shape and period for three months, then it is installed habit.
- If it surpassed the longest length, then some thing is beyond it’s miles non-menstrual bleeding (istihadah). In such case, she:
- makes foremost ablution,
- guarantees blood will now not leak, and
- make ablution before each prayer time.
- (Likewise is ruling for one with urinary incontinence and so on.)
Prolonged bleeding
- If she has dependancy, her hayd is like her addiction.
- If she does not have habit, but has capability to parent (that menstrual blood is black and thick and non-menstrual is purple and skinny), then her hayd is period of go with the flow of black and thick.
- If she is novice or forgot her habit and had no capacity to discern, then her hayd is 6 or 7 days out of each month.
Postpartum bleeding (nifaas)
- What is permissible, forbidden, required and stopped are like that of hayd.
- Longest period is forty days and no restriction to shortest.
- Upon cessation of bleeding, she plays essential ablution.
- If it returns within the forty days, it’s miles taken into consideration nifaas.
Prayer (salah)
- Five prayers are mandatory upon every sane person Muslim, except one who’s menstruating or in post-partum bleeding.
- Whoever rejects it out of lack of information, have to be educated. Whoever rejects it out of stubbornness, he will become a disbeliever.
- Delaying it byond mandated time is not permissible, except for one intending to combine it or one busy filling its conditions.
- If he abandons it out of carelessness, he ought to be requested to repent for three days, and if he does now not, he ought to be killed.
Call to prayer (athan and iqamah)
- Prescribed for 5 prayers only and for men handiest.
- Athan is 15 words and iqama is 11.
- Caller to prayer (mu’athan) ought to be sincere, have excellent and loud voice, and knowledgeable of instances.
- Standing on excessive location is recomended, going through qiblah in ritual purity (wudhu’).
- Upon accomplishing al-hay’alah, he leans to the right and left with out transferring feet.
- He have to placed index hands in ears.
- Recite athan slowly and iqama quickly.
- In morning athan, after al-hay’alah, he have to say two times: “as-salatu khayrum mina an-nawm” (The prayer is higher than sleep).
- One can’t make athan earlier than prescribed time, except for in the morning.
- Recommended for those who hear athan to repeat what mu’athan says.

Conditions of prayer (salah)
- Ritual purity (wudhu’)
- Commencement of time
- Dhuhr midday prayer: from zenith until a shadow of a aspect becomes same to it.
- ‘Asr afternoon prayer: Time of desire from quit of dhuhr until sun turns yellow. Time of necessity lasts until sundown.
- Maghrib sundown prayer: Until the red coloration of sundown disappears.
- ‘Isha night time prayer: From that time till midnight. Time of necessity until fajr.
- Fajr morning prayer: From the growing of 2d dawn till sunrise
- Making takbeer earlier than the end of the time is catching the time.
- Praying at beginnign of time better, except for ‘isha, and dhuhr while it’s far excessively hot.
- Covering one’s nakedness (‘awrah) with that which does now not display complextion.
- Nakedness of man and bondwoman is between navel and knees. (Same for bondwoman who had a infant and changed into freed)
- Entire body of unfastened woman is ‘awrah besides for face and hands.
- Prayer in garment or residence wrongfully seized is invalid.
- Wearing gold and silk allowable for girls and not for guys except for a want.
- For guys, praying in a single garment with part of it on shoulders could suffice.
- Should cover what he can of nakedness, and if he cannot, then cover two privates. If he can’t, then at least one in every of them.
- If he has not anything to cover with, pray sitting and nod for ruku’ and sujud (but praying status would be permissible.
- One who cannot discover anything but impure garment or spot, he may additionally pray and no makeup required.
- Physical purity fo the frame, garment, and area, besides for little imputiry, along with blood.
- Prayer with unknown or forgotten impurity is valid.
- If it turns into acknowledged in prayer, he must dispose of it in prayer.
- Entire earth is a place of prayer, except graveyard, bathhouse, lavatory, camel’s stables, and center of roads.
- Facing Qiblah:
- Except in elective prayers at the same time as driving for the visitor, pray in direction shifting.
- Except incapable out of worry or some other motive, pray whichever way he can.
- Otherwise, prayer now not facing ka’bah is invalid.
- If close to it, pray exactly toward it. If a ways, then towards its direction.
- If qib’ah is unknown to him in town, ask, and take clues from the prayer niches. If erred, makeup is required.
- If it’s far unknown all through tour, do fine to figure and pray, and no makeup is needed.
- If individuals able to reasoning disagreed, they need now not comply with eachother.
- A blind or lay person should comply with the extra sincere in his thinking.
- Intention to preform precise prayer. It can be made a short at the same time as earlier than takbeer as long as he did no longer annul it.
Description of prayer
- Stand and make takbir outloud: “Allahu akbar.”
- Raise fingers at the start of takbir to stage of shoulders or earlobes.
- Rest them underneath the navel.
- Look on the website of prostration.
- Say, “Subhanaka allahuma wa bihamdika wa tabaraka-smuka wa ta’ala jadduka wa la ilaha ghairuk.”
- Say, “A’ootho billah mina ash-shaytan ar-rajeem.”
- Say, “Bismillah ar-arahman ar-raheem.”
- None of this is out loud.
- Recite the Fatiha.
- Recite a surah. (In the morning, longer is preferred. Maghrib: shorter. Isha: medium.)
- The imam recites out loud within the morning prayer, first two rak’ah of maghrib and isha. The relaxation silent.
- Say, “allahu akbar,” enhance his fingers because the first time and bow (rukoo’) with hand on knees spreading the palms, stretching his again and making head stage with it, and say three times, “subhana rabbeya al-‘athem.”
- Raise head even as announcing, “identical’a Allahu liman hamidah,” and raising fingers again. When erect, say, “rabbana laka alhamd mil’a as-samawat wa mil’a al-ardh wa mil’a ma shi’ta min shay’en ba’d.” “Our Lord, all reward be to you, the fill of the heavens, the fill of the earth, and the fill of what you’ll past them. The ma’moom (one lead in the prayer) says, “rabbana laka alhamd.”
- Fall down in prostration whilst pronouncing “Allahu akbar and do now not increase palms. First to touch ground are knees, hands, after which forehead and nostril. Separate palms from flanks and thighs from stomach. Hands parallel to shoulders. On recommendations of feet.
- Say three times in prostration, “subhana rabbeya al-‘ala.”
- Raise head even as making takbir and sit down in iftirash, that is to put left foot on aspect, sitting on it, and make the right erect with ft bent, their suggestions facing qiblah. And say thrice, “rabbi-ghfir-li.” The prostrate again as inside the first time.
- Raise head whilst pronouncing takbir. Stand up to wish the second one rak’ah as inside the first one.
- When finished with both rak’ahs, take a seat in iftirash for tashahhud, left hand on left thigh, proper on right. With the proper, make a circle with middle finger and thumb and factor with the index during tashahhud numerous instances.
- Say, “at-tahiyyatu illahi changed into-salawatu wat-tayyibat. As-salamu ‘alayka ayyuhan-nabiyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. As-salamu ‘alayna wa ‘alaa ‘ibadillahis-saliheen. Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illallahu, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu.”
- Say, the salawat Ibrahim.
- Recommended to are seeking safe haven from the torment of the grave and of the hell fireplace.
- Make tasleem with the aid of announcing, “as-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullah even as appearance to the right then the left.
- If the prayer has more than two rak’ahs, stand up after tashahhud and pray the extra rak’ah, in which nothing is recited except fatiha. When sitting for ultimate tashahhud, sit in tawarruk via making erect the proper foot and laying the left on its facet and beneath the right leg.
- Only make tawarruk in prayers which have two tashahhuds and at the closing one.
- After tasleem, say, “astaghfirullah” thrice. And, “allahuma anta as-salamu wa minka as-salamu tabarakta ya thaljalaali walikraam.”
Prayer’s pillars are 12, with out which the prayer isn’t always fulfilled
- Standing if succesful
- Opening takbir-ul-ihraam
- Reciting Al-fatiha
- Bowing in rukoo’
- Rising from it
- Prostration of sujood
- Sitting after it
- Tranquility in all pillars
- Last tashahhud
- Sitting during it
- First tasleem
- Following the order mentioned
Conditions Of Wiping Over The Socks In Islam
The four conditions apply to wiping over the socks in keeping with Islamqa is as follows:
The First Condition:
That they have to were put on whilst one was in a country of tahaarah (purity, i.E., when one has wudoo’).
The evidence for that’s what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to al-Mugheerah ibn Shu’bah:
“Don’t fear, due to the fact I positioned them on once I was smooth.”
The Second Condition:
That the khufoof (leather slippers which cowl the ankle) or socks must be taahir (natural). If they’re naajis (impure) then it isn’t always permissible to wipe over them.
The proof for this is that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and benefits of Allaah be upon him) led his companions in prayer in the future carrying shoes, which he took off at the same time as he turned into praying.
He stated that Jibreel had advised him that there has been something grimy on them. This turned into narrated by means of Ahmad from the hadeeth of Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may additionally Allaah be pleased with him) in his Musnad.
This indicates that it isn’t permissible to pray wearing something this is naajis, due to the fact if the naajis element is wiped over, the individual can be infected via that najaasah (impurity), so he cannot be taken into consideration to be taahir (natural).
The Third Condition:
They can be wiped over whilst one is purifying oneself from minor impurity (i.E., doing wudoo’ after passing wind, urine or stools), now not while one is in a state of janaabah (main impurity following intimacy) or whilst ghusl is required.
The proof for that is the hadeeth of Safwaan ibn ‘Assaal (may additionally Allaah be pleased with him) who stated:
“The Messenger of Allaah (peace and benefits of Allaah be upon him) commanded us, while we have been visiting, not to get rid of our khufoof for three days and 3 nights, besides in the case of janaabah. But we ought to hold them on and wipe over them in the case of stools, urine and drowsing.”
This became narrated via Ahmad from the hadeeth of Safwaan ibn ‘Assaal (may Allaah be pleased with him) in his Musnad.
So the circumstance is that wiping the socks may be achieved when purifying oneself (doing wudoo’) from minor impurity, and it isn’t permissible inside the case of main impurity, due to the hadeeth which we’ve noted right here.
The Fourth Condition:
That the wiping can be accomplished in the time specific via sharee’ah, that is one day and one night time in the case of 1 who isn’t always visiting, and three days and 3 nights in the case of 1 who’s visiting.
This is because of the hadeeth of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be thrilled with him) who said:
“The Prophet (peace and benefits of Allaah be upon him) said at some point and one night time for the one who isn’t always traveling, and 3 days and three nights for the one who is touring, i.E., for wiping over the khufoof.”
This become narrated through Muslim. This period begins from the first time one wipes over the socks when doing wudoo’ after a few minor impurity, and it ends twenty-4 later for the only who is not traveling, and seventy- hours later for the only who is traveling.
So if we anticipate that someone purifies himself for Fajr prayer on Tuesday and remains taahir (natural, i.E., keeps his wudoo’) until ‘Isha prayer on Tuesday evening, then he sleeps and wakes up to hope Fajr on Wednesday, and he wipes his socks at 5 o’clock zawaali time , then the duration begins from 5 a.M. On Wednesday and lasts until five a.M. On Thursday.
If we count on that he wiped his socks earlier than 5 a.M then he can pray Fajr on Thursday with this wiping and pray as a lot as he needs as long as he remains taahir, due to the fact in keeping with the most correct scholarly opinion, wudoo’ isn’t broken when the term for wiping over the socks expires.
That is due to the fact the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not set a time limit for tahaarah, as a substitute he set a time restriction for wiping over the socks.
Once that point limit expires, one can’t wipe over the socks once more, however if a person remains in a kingdom of tahaarah then his tahaarah continues to be valid, due to the fact that is what is implied through the shar’i proof, and something is verified by using shar’i evidence cannot be invalidated except there’s similarly shar’i proof to that effect.
There is not any evidence to indicate that wudoo’ is broken whilst the time limit for wiping over the socks expires, due to the fact what the primary precept is that he stays as he’s (i.E., taahir) till it will become obvious that this is no longer the case. These are the conditions which follow to wiping over the khufoof. There are other conditions which have been stated with the aid of some of the students, but a number of those are concern to similarly debate.