The Return to God – Embark on a Journey of Divine Rediscovery, Exploring the Profound Significance of Hajj” Through by the Break of Day; By the Ten Nights by the Odd and Even (contrasted) By the Even and Odd (contrasted) the time it is dark when it goes by; is it (not) any way to find a adjuration (or evidence) for those who comprehend? (Surah al-Fajr 89:1-5)
“And announce the Pilgrimage to people. They will go to you on foot or (mounted) on all kinds of camel. They’ll be able to beg, due to the trips through distant and deep mountain roads. So that they can witness the advantages (provided) to them and rejoice in Allah’s name. Allah during the days Appointed over the cattle which He has arranged for the sacrifice of their cattle (for to sacrifice). Eat them and feed the poor who are in need. After that, let them go through the rituals that are prescribed to them, make their vows and (again) make a circumambulation of to the Ancient House.” (Surah al-Hajj 22:27-29)
The very first House (of worship) that was ordained for the people was Bakkah filled with blessings and direction for all creatures. There are signs that are visible as it is the Station of Abraham; whoever is able to enter it will be secure; it is a requirement to visit there. that all men owe Allah as well as those who can afford it; however, should anyone deny their faith, Allah does not require to any creature. (Surah Al ‘Imran 3:96-97)
We’ll begin this month known as Dhul Hijjah next week. The first 10 days in Dhul Hijjah are among the most holy times of the year. They are described as special dates within Surah al-Fajr.
These are days that bring special blessings. Muslims are encouraged to perform more Dhikr and charity, as well as acts of kindness during this time. The fasting during the days of Nafl is a requirement. Nafl between the first and nineth day Dhul Hijjah. The Prophet, peace be upon him- stated:
“There aren’t any other days when righteous acts are more adored by Allah than the ten days of this month.” The people inquired, “Not even Jihad for Allah’s sake? Allah?”
He responded, “Not even Jihad for Allah’s sake. Allah other than in the case of someone who went to fight, putting his life and his riches for the cause, only to come home empty handed.” (Reported in Al-Tirmidhi 688)
In the present, thousands of Muslims are gathering around the holy town of Makkah. They’re traveling from all over the globe to participate in the holy rituals of Hajj. A lot of members of our community are also there. We ask Allah for blessing all Muslims and to accept their Hajj and prayers.
Hajj is a significant rukn of Islam. It is a blessing in many ways. It is a commanded by Allah. It is required at least for all adult Muslim male or female who is able to pay for it financially and physically. Muslims take part in Hajj every year, in thousands. They perform the Hajj with a lot of dedication and love.
Hajj is a form as well as an essence. The way to perform it is to take Ihram, do Tawaf and Sa’y, travel to Mina, the ‘Arafat, Muzdalifah, do the ramy in the Jamarat and then sacrifice a goat, sheep or camel. There are rules in detail that Pilgrims are taught. At this moment I’d like to go over a few things about Hajj’s spirit to our benefit. We can consider it during these moments. This will aid us as well.
1. Hajj is a religious ceremony that demonstrates dedication and love for Allah. The relationship between Muslims and Allah is one of profound reverence, love and devotion. We are devoted to Allah for the reason that He loves us. “He loves them and they adore God …” (al-Ma’idah 5:54).
Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon himloved Allah and Allah accepted his name as a friend (Khalil). “Allah was a friend to Ibrahim as an ally .” (al-Nisa’ 4:125). Hajj is closely associated with prophet Ibrahim and his life. Hajj offers us a glimpse of History. The faith we have is deeply that is rooted in History.
It is the faith of Allah and was handed through His numerous prophets, including Adam, Noah, Ibrahim, Ismael and finally Prophet Muhammad Peace be on all of them. They were the ones who adored Allah as well. Allah loved them, and gave them the status of humankind’s guides.
2. Hajj represents the universal spirit of Islam. All races as well as nationalities and colors visit the mosque. They merge into one group with no distinction or class. They are alike and perform the same actions. The essence that is the essence of Hajj is to encourage the unity of brotherhood, and universal brotherhood as well as solidarity among believers.
3. Hajj provides us with a focal point on our center, orientation and focus. We only have one Qiblah and it is the direction we follow to worship. However, we shouldn’t have just one Qiblah to worship, we must also share a common goal and purpose in our lives.
Muslims are the ones who have a clear focus and direction not a muddled people or a group of people with no sense of direction and orientation. Our main focus is Allah and the House of Allah Ka’bah, which is the most sacred place on earth.
We are blessed with Allah’s holy book which we have to be united. “And keep all your hands together Allah’s rope, and never be separated… (Al Imran 3:103).
4. Hajj is the ritual that promotes peace and harmony. The pilgrims arrive in peace and enjoy their time in a tranquil and peaceful manner. They treat everyone with respect and all things. They are not a threat to anyone or any thing. This is also the ethos of Islam. Islam is an absolute commitment to caring compassion, kindness and love. Hajj is a symbol of this dedication and is a requirement to reflect it in our daily lives.
5. Hajj can also be described as a movment that involves sacrifice, action and movement. The pilgrim continues to move through the entire time, taking Tawaf, Sa’y, traveling to Mina and ‘Arafat. Muzdalifah, Mina again, in the vicinity of Jamarat and various other places.
It’s an exciting ceremony, and that is the how a Muslim’s life ought to be. Moving, action and sacrifice will bring success in this life as well as salvation in the next.
I am hoping that all the people who have been to Hajj will take good lessons from their experience and that we, too, be aware of these lessons in our hearts and in our lives.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram