Hajj and The Neglected Legacy of a Great Woman: Unveiling Untold Stories

Great Woman – Islam is a way of life that teaches us to surrender fully and completely. “O the believers! Accept Islam fully, completely …” ( Quran 2:208)

It also requires an uninvolved submission and shrewd, without doubt or resistance to the guidance and will of God. “But you, according to your Rabb they will not have (real) faith until they allow you to judge in all disagreements between them and discover within their hearts no opposition to your judgments and take them in full conviction.” (Quran 4:65)

There’s some amazing – good news coming from God. “Those who believe in God and live a moral life are the most noble of creatures (Great Woman). Their rewarding reward will be to be with God: Gardens of Eternity under which the rivers flow; they’ll remain there for the rest of their lives; God is well pleased with them, and are with Him. This is for those who revere the Lord, their Rabb (the the one who cherishes and supports).” (Quran 98:7-8)

Eid al-Adha is a great and unique time of joyful celebration and happiness. It is ironic that this celebration and joy revolve around sacrifice. It’s probably logical to those who know the value of giving to touch people’s lives is more profound and enduring than the pleasure of receiving.

This significant holiday of Eid al-Ad’ha has been linked to a unique occasion, the Hajj as well as a distinct city, Makkah; and a distinct family known as that of Ibrahim (peace be on his soul). In fact that which is said in the Quran refers to as the Milla of Ibrahim is fundamentally an ancestry of a family model. Speak: “God speaks the Truth and you must follow to the milla of Ibrahim The True Faith and he was not a pagan.” (Quran 3:95)

We can’t talk about Eid al-Ad’ha without remembering Ibrahim who is the symbol in the Quran an ideal model of submission. He never hesitated to answer to the call and instruction by the Rabb (the Creator as well as the Sustainer and Evolver). 

He did not consider anything to important to be kept from his mind in the pursuit of the wishes from his Rabb. Every action he took was dictated by God and was carried out by him diligently, with respect and dignity. We are all well-versed in the tale of his constant faith and determination, and his ultimate sacrifice depicted in the incident in which he was prepared to sacrifice his beloved only son in order to fulfill the desire that he had made to his Rabb. 

“Behold! His Rabb (Lord) told the man: “Bow (submit your will to me) He then said: “I bow (submit my will) to God and the The Cherisher of the Universe.” ( Quran 2:131) We are aware that God did not want him to kill his son, simply wanted to determine whether Ibrahim was willing to surrender to God completely and in complete faith (Great Woman). A loveable God would have demanded the sacrifice of the one’s child.

Another person in this family (Great Woman) of ideals was the brother of Ibrahim, Ismail. The Quran describes him as a father to son. “… (Abraham) He declared: “O my son! I see in my mind that I’m offering you sacrifice. Now consider your opinion” (The son) told his father: “O my father! Follow the instructions given to you I will be when God wills, who is patient and steadfast!” (Quran 19:102)

In his obedience to the wishes that was enacted by his Rabb, Ismail was no less perfect. He accepted the Will of God fully as well as with a soul filled with peace and peace. Again, there are few who aren’t already acquainted with the importance and role that is Ismail in the history of Tawheed and the eternal truth.

In addition to the traditional memorialization of the tales about Ibrahim and Ismail We will look at the less-remembered the legacy of a remarkable female, Mother Hajar (Great Woman) (Radhiallahu ‘anha and may Allah be happy by the way she has lived her life) The wife of Ibrahim and maternal grandmother of Ismail . In reality she is an integral and a significant part to the story of Tawheed and the Milla (community) of Ibrahim. Her obedience to the will of her Rabb and her sacrifice was just as perfect as those of Ibrahim and Ismail. God has elevated her through the Quran by giving Safaa and Marwah essential to the practice of Hajj which is being one of five foundations of Islam. They are two mountains which she walked around and back in search of water to her infant son who was dear to her as she was by herself, according to the plans set out in the plan of God Himself. “Behold! Safaa And Marwah are among the gods of God. Therefore, if people who come to the House during the season or other times should be able to gather them around It is not a sinful behavior. And if anyone obeys his own inclination to do Good then be certain that God is the One who recognizes and understands.” (Quran 2:158)

If readers haven’t been reading, I suggest readers to go through the Hadith with the specific details about their story within Sahih al-Bukhari (Vol. 4 #583, Book of Ambiya or Prophets).

Mother Hajar (Great Woman) was not just the wife of Ibrahim and Ibrahim, she was a deeply loved one by Ibrahim. However, yet time, in fulfillment of the desires of God he took Mother Hajar and their beloved newborn boy, Ismail, to this barren, deserted valley called Makkah. There was not a single inhabited area that was called Makkah at the time.

When Ibrahim carried Mother Hajar and Ismail to this barren, rugged valley, she asked (as as in Hadith)”O Ibrahim! Where do you intend to go when you leave the valley, where there’s no one or other thing (to endure) Do you know the answer? She repeated this to him several times but he didn’t glance back at her. She then asked him “Has God directed you to obey Did He direct you to do so? He answered”Yes. ‘…

This is enough to Mother Hajar. Then she realized that it was in accordance with the divine will. With the same respect and respect for faith that it was practiced in that household, “She said, ‘Then God will not leave us.’ (In another translation)”I am happy being (left) by God.’

Then Ibrahim went away and she was left alone with her baby. Makkah was not a populated area at that time. The water and food that Ibrahim supplied them with were sipped by mother and her baby. In desperate need, she began searching for water flowing across the valley that runs between and the mountains of Safaa in the direction of Marwah. Surly Allah did not leave the Ibrahim family. Ibrahim and, as a result her visit was received by angel of the apex Jibril . This is a significant aspect to think about what kind of person gets visited in a private way by Jibril?

The water, which was as a perpetually flowing stream, called the Zamzam was made accessible through the God’s direct intervention. God. In that moment the Jurhum tribe Jurhum who were passing through the valley, observed birds flying. 

Great Woman – Convinced that water was readily available, they searched the area and came across Mother Hajar and Ismail. In the end, they sought approval to set up there. The desolate valley of Makkah was turned into a populated area. 

Ibrahim returned to the area afterwards and laid the basis of Ka’ba. Makkah eventually emerged as a town and the permanent heartland for Tawheed which is the belief that there is oneness with God.

Subhanallah, God is glorified. He performed an important and significant job from an individual woman. Consider another thing. What kind of circumstance Mother Hajar was placed into? In that bleak, deserted valley, what may be going on in her head?

In her unwavering devotion to God She was always looking and moving, not to think about her any more in order to find water to help her child. What was she thinking about her own thoughts? What would she think about herself. Ali Shariati, in his well-known book Hajj offers an insight. 

At one time she was a slave, but was subsequently slain by her master King, who was the representative of the class that owned it; today she is an outsider and a victim who was evicted and abandoned by her family, all with her infant with her! 

Great Woman never had an honorable identity. If she had not be the wife of Ismail who would have recognized her or worth? In that barren location, her identity didn’t matter anymore. But, she placed the complete faith in the Lord of her life (Rabb) who was adamant to do all she could do in following the Way of God.

Ask yourself. If there were any human beings who need for identification, which would you say is the most prominent when it comes to the founding of Makkah in the form of a town? * Is there a different civilization, or city of this size which has come to existence by the primary effort and sacrifices of women? 

What a pity, irony, sexist and completely inconvenient that a city that was born out of the struggle and sacrifice of a woman who was lone isn’t allowing women to drive a car herself. 

Also, it does not allow women to go to perform hajj alone even when it was the case that Prophet Muhammad himself had the idea of a woman traveling by herself to perform hajj. And it was realized. (Musnad from Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Vol. 4, #19397, 19400; Also Sahih al-Bukhari: Vol. 4, #793)

It’s a shame that she is not the subject of much is discussed even on such important occasions of which she plays an integral component. I can’t remember listening to any Khutbah which emphasized her sacrifice, faith, and contributions that were second to none.

Yes they were more than any other. I’ve actually read Sahih al-Bukhari previously but it wasn’t until the work of the work of a Muslim academic of our times who’s mind is focused about the role of women in the tradition of Tawheed and Tawheed, attracted my attention to this. *

What can men and women learn from women, her service and work elevated those Hills of Safaa and Marwah to the position of “among the Signs of God,” which is a must to be visited and whose search for protecting the object of her passion must be brought to life?

As we watch the pilgrims reenact this ritual, we would also like to emulate Ismail and share a bit of the admiration for this beautiful woman. But there’s a more significance to the symbol!

This group of followers follow an adherence to the Way of Muhammad. Muhammad and was primarily designed following what was the Way of Ibrahim as well as his families. The role performed in the home of Ibrahim was widely accepted by Prophet Muhammad and is now being played by not just his family members, but the entire group of believers. The community (Ummah) was created to serve humanity! (Quran 3:110)

The same was true back in the past, it’s current, that human race is pursuing destruction and doom. Do we not consider the human race as Ismail that is bound for death to save which affection, love and the unending enthusiasm that are the hallmarks of Mother Hajar are needed again and repeatedly? 

Didn’t the Prophet Muhammad perform that task of compassion and love and so he became an example of Rahmatullil Alamin (mercy in the entire universe) in accordance with the Quran? Didn’t his faithful companions also fulfill the same task? 

So, doesn’t the community (Ummah) have to be aware of the faith God has granted them, to whom the community will be held accountable? What is an appropriate time for us be reminded of this trust, and to consider the situation and act to it in the right way?

So, what’s there to do to celebrate?

“Our Lord! Please grant us the things you promise us through your prophets, and spare us from shame on day Day of Judgment: for you will never fail to keep your promise.” Their Rabbi (Lord) was acquiescent the promise of their request, and replied: “Never will I suffer to lose the efforts of any one of you, whether female or male: you are members one of the other and those who have fled home, have been exiled or were harmed during the cause of My Cause or fought for or were killed. I will wipe out their sins and allow them to enter Gardens that have rivers flowing underneath and a reward that comes from the presence of God and from His Presence is the most gratifying of rewards. (Quran 3:194-195)

Through all the work and effort, the struggle as well as sacrifices, effort and efforts, isn’t it worthy of celebration that our work won’t be wasted We will never suffer loss? This is a promise by only God.

To me, that’s more than enough. With all the flimsy promises of guarantees, warranties, and guarantees that provide us with the feeling of security we tend to forget that there’s also a huge array of deceit. If we can’t find peace of mind knowing the promises of God and we are left with no one to turn. 

So, what is more worthy of praise than the promise from God to live an everlasting life of happiness, peace and prosperity? It is an invitation that is accompanied by the unending assurance of God. 

This, naturally, demands that we be committed to the constructive and positive goal of bringing peace, happiness, and prosperity to all people of the world.

* I learned about this particular issue through an important piece of work by Dr. Kaukab Siddique. I am not able to speak on his views on other issues however, his work on matters pertaining to Islam as well as women’s issues is pertinent, informative and important.

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Topics:  Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH,  Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram

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