Hajj: Linking Muslims with The Abrahamic Heritage – I’ve been on the journey through Mecca 3 times throughout my life. Once during the hajj season and once in the off-season. I have learned a lot in navigating the physical obstacles, like massive crowds and hot temperatures as I perform the religious rituals.
As I make the pilgrimage, I’m hoping to fill my ever-depleted spiritual mug by meditating and praying in tranquility. The ideal moment to go to the Kaaba and perform this ritual I’ve come be aware of, is at night.
Holy Kaaba is the squiggle-like design that is at the heart of Mecca’s Grand Mosque in Mecca and is the center of the rites of pilgrimage. At night the crowds begin to thin and the heat is less oppressive, and I find a few minutes to relax at the foot of the court around the Kaaba and think.
The Kaaba covered in black silk fabric embossed using Koranic callsigraphy is beautifully illuminated in the evening. Even at night, scores of pilgrims are making their way around the temple.
The sound of the Koranic verses they’re reciting cover me like waves of ocean. There is a faint scent of a soap which was used to wash the marble floor in the courtyard. The courtyard is spotless.
I concentrate on the Kaaba and imagine the scene it took place in when it was being constructed. I try to visualize the Prophet Abraham at the time an old man as well as his son Ishmael standing together, building the structure. Koran says is “The The First House (of the worship) that God has ordained for humanity.”
Hajj, which is a annual pilgrimage Muslims have to make at least once in their lives when they are able to and is a trip to the place that Muslims consider to be the first holy place of worship.
The site that Abraham stood to begin building the Kaaba is identified by a tiny structure dubbed “the “Station of Abraham.” While they were building the wall of the Kaaba as the Koran declares that both the prophets and their sons were praying: “My Lord, make this the City of Peace.”
Many people who are who are familiar with Islam might recognize the hajj as being one of its five pillars, however they might not be aware of the primary connection between it and Abraham. Many of the rituals associated with hajj, such as the running through the mountains of Safa and Marwa and being just a few hundred yards away from the Kaaba as well as the stoning of three pillars, which symbolize the devil are also connected to Abraham.
I thought of my fellow pilgrims who walked among the two mountains of the once desert in a reenactment of an agonizing search for water that was made by Ishmael’s mother Hagar.
I was thinking about us stoneing the pillars to symbolize to ward off evil, and mimicking Abraham’s stoning the devil at each of the three times that the devil attempted to hinder Abraham from performing his obligation to God.
When I was thinking about it, I remembered the significance that is Eid al-Adha, “the festival of sacrifice” on the day that ends the month of the hajj. The festival commemorates Abraham’s decision to give up his most precious belonging, his son according to God’s direction.
Abraham’s willingness to give up everything to God is revered across all the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The idea of connecting the three religions to form part of the Abrahamic tradition is echoed throughout the Koran.
Jews along with Christians are often referred to in the context of “People of the book.” In many instances the following verse is found within the Koran: “Verily they who believe in God and belong to Jews, Christians . . .
Anyone who is a believer that in God as well as believes in the Last Day, and do the right thing will be rewarded from their God. The fear of God will not befall them, nor will be grieved.”
Prophet Muhammad was adamant for Muslims to be reminded constantly of this connection to Abraham. His companions inquired about what they could do to pray for the favors of God on Muhammad.
He said, “(First) Say; The blessings of God be on Muhammad and his descendants” Then he said “May God’s blessings and the grace of God be on Abraham and his offspring.” This prayer is part of Muslims prayer every day.
The time I have spent looking on the steps of Kaaba has strengthened my conviction that it is vital that those who are “progeny of Abraham” to be aware of their shared heritage.
The appreciation that is based on this Abrahamic tradition can bring together Jews, Christians and Muslims to achieve a goal that of peace and harmony.
Muslims get reminded about this when they perform hajj as well as during every day prayers. As I sat at the foot of the Kaaba I was repeating Abraham by praying Lord, grant peace to the world.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram