Unraveling the Celestial Realm: Exploring the Role, Nature, and Significance of Angels in Islamic Belief” The Arabic word for angel is malak. Malaa ikah is its plural. Allah created the angels.
Allah Almighty created all the Angels just as He created man ,Earth, Sun, Moon and everything . They are made of day and Nights. We cannot see the Angels, but we know that they are in the World and Heavens!
This is because Allah’s Messenger told us so. The angels are Allah’s servants. They obey Him all the time. They carry out His commands. They have no power to disobey Allah.
Allah wanted man to obey Him, so He sent Angel Jibreer to Prophet Muhammad. Anger Jibreel told the Prophet what AUah wanted man to do. Jibreel brought the Qur’an to the Prophet at the command of Allah. This was
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Jibreel’s duty.
Allah sent Angel Jibreel to many Prophets before Prophet Muhammad There are many angels. Different angels do different duties. Angel Jibreel is one of them. Every one of us has two angels who remain with him all the time.
They never leave him, and they write down everything he does or says! They write down his good actions and bad actions. Mikaa’eel , lsraafeel , Ridhwan and Jibreel are also some of the angels. A Muslim believes in the creature of Angles
These are the Famous Angels and their duties.
1. Jibril
Jibril (AS) , is known for delivering revelation. This Angel brought revelation to several Prophets, including: ‘Isaa (Jesus), Musa, Dawud and Muhammad.
2. Mikail
Mikail (AS) is said to be responsible for directing rain and wind.
3. Israfil
The trumpet holder and blower is Angel Israfil (AS) . He will blow the trumpet twice, on which the next day (Day of Judgment) will begin.
4. Malik Al-Mawt
The responsible for taking the soul. He is known as Malikul Mawt (AS). Malik Al-Mawt Also known as the Angel of death.
5. Harut and Marut
The two angels, Harut and Marut (AS), are known as the teachers of magic. They were sent in this world for the human being test. The two Angels (Harut and Marut) warned the people not to learn black magic from them, but the people refused and learn continuously black Magic.
6. Maalik
Hell has several Angels guarding it. The head of those gatekeepers is Angel Maalik (AS). “Maalik will be the Door Guard of the Hellfire.” [Sahih Bukhari 1386]
7. Munkar and Nakir
The two Angels Munkar (AS) and Nakir are responsible for the interrogation in the tomb. They will ask the people about three things: Who is your Lord? What is your religion and who is your Prophet? “The interrogators of the grave are Munkar and Nakir (AS) .” [Sunan Tirmidhi 1071]
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Hijab, Arabic Corner, Islamic History, Biography, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram