GREEK HISTORY – Archimedes was possibly the greatest scientist in the world, and certainly the finest scientist of the classical era. He was an engineer, inventor, and weapons designer, as well as a mathematician, physicist, and astronomer. He was a man who was both of his time and far ahead of his time, as we’ll discover.
Archimedes as seen through the eyes of artists.We have no idea what he looked like in real life.In the year 287 BC, Archimedes was born in the Greek city-state of Syracuse on the island of Sicily.Phidias, his father, was an astronomer. Hiero II, King of Syracuse, may have been linked to Archimedes.
Archimedes’ Greatest Achievements
- Archimedes, in the third century BC, said:
- Invented mechanics and hydrostatics as sciences.
- deduced the rules of levers and pulleys, allowing us to move heavy items with modest forces.
- Invented the notion of the centre of gravity, which is one of the most fundamental principles in physics.
- figured out pi to the most exact number.
- The fraction 227 was his top limit for pi.
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GREEK HISTORY This value remained in use until the late twentieth century, when electronic calculators finally put an end to it.
• Formulas for the volume and surface area of a sphere were discovered and mathematically proven. It demonstrated how exponents may be used to write larger numbers than previously considered possible.
It demonstrated that exponents should be combined together when multiplying numbers written as exponents.
He developed battle equipment like a highly accurate catapult that prevented the Romans from taking Syracuse for years.
He could have been able to accomplish so by grasping projectile trajectory mathematics. He became well-known throughout the ancient world for his bright intellect – so well-known, in fact, that we can’t be certain that what he is alleged to have done is accurate.
The Archimedean screw, often known as the cochlias, is an example of this.
It inspired legends such as the use of a mirror system to use the sun’s rays to burn enemy ships, and rushing from his bath and racing naked through the streets of Syracuse yelling ‘Eureka,’ meaning ‘I’ve discovered it,’ after figuring out how to prove whether the king’s gold crown included silver.
The Beginnings of Greek Culture
GREEK HISTORY – The ancient Greeks were the first to practise true science and to acknowledge science as a field worth studying for its own sake.Other societies have made scientific discoveries, but they were for very practical purposes, such as how to construct stronger temples or forecast when the heavens would be ideal for sowing crops or marrying.
They wanted to learn more about the world, so they went out and explored it. They were interested in geometry because of its logic and beauty. Democritus believed that all matter was made up of microscopic particles called atoms that could not be broken into smaller particles and were constantly moving and interacting with one another with no practical purpose in mind. He presented logical reasons in support of his viewpoint. Archimedes was born into a scientific culture in Greece.
His father was an astronomer, according to his novel The Sand Reckoner. Archimedes lived in Syracuse for the majority of his life.He spent time as a young man in Alexandria, Egypt, where Alexander the Great’s successor, Ptolemy Lagides, had constructed the world’s finest library.
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Archimedes’ Secrets
Seven treatises by Archimedes were included in the book, including The Method, which had been lost for centuries. The Method was written by Archimedes to show how he conducted mathematics. He entrusted it to Eratosthenes for safekeeping at the Alexandrian Library.
The Greek philosopher Archimedes wrote:
“I assume that some current and future generations will be able to apply The Method to uncover theorems that we have yet to discover.”
As a result, twentieth-century mathematicians learnt how far ahead of his time Archimedes was and the approaches he employed to solve problems by reading The Method.
He added up series and used his physics findings – such as the law of the lever and how to detect gravity centers – to establish new theorems in pure mathematics.