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Write a Detail Note About God Help and Istighathah?

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God Help- The etymological composition of the word istighāthah is based on the three letters: ghayn, waw and thā (ghawth), which means help. Istighāthah means “to seek help”. Imām Rāghib Asfahānī explains its meaning in these words: Ghawth means help and ghayth means rain, and istighāthah means to call someone for help or to request (Allāh) for rain.

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

 The word istighāthah has been used in the holy Qur’ān in various context s. During the battle of Badr the Companions beseeched Allāh’s help which is explicitly referred to in sūrah al-Anfāl: When you were beseeching your Lord (for help).

 A follower of Mūsā asked him for help and the help he extended to him is also explained in the holy Qur’ān in conjunction with the word istighāthah. Allāh says in sūrah al-Qasas: So the person who was of his very community sought his help against another person who was from among his foes. 

The lexicologist s believe (God Help) that the words istighāthah and isti‘ānat both mean “to seek help”. Imām Rāghib Asfahānī says: The meaning of ist i‘ānat is to seek help. 

The word isti‘ānat is also used in the holy Qur’ān in a similar sense, that is, to seek help. In sūrah al-Fātihah, the Qur’ān declares while grooming the followers in the etiquette of supplication: We seek help only from You.

[1] .          Rāghib Asfahānī, Mufradāt alfāz al-Qur’ān (p.617).

[2] .         Qur’ān (al-Anfāl, Spoils of war) 8:9.

There are 10 Signs and Principles for God Help and Guidance

Rule 1: Have a sincere, fait, intention. Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said, “every one will be rewarded for what he intended” (Sahi Muslim). 

Rule 2: Work purely for Allah, without any partners . Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him  said: “worship only Allah as though you see Him (Allah), but if you do not see Him.  He sees you” (Sahi Muslim).

Rule 3: Align one’s desires with the guidelines and rulings of the Shari`ah . Be patient in times of difficulties and bad time, when struggling with personal desires, and in avoiding sinful acts and happiness.

Rule 4: Base one’s actions on following , and not on innovation.

Rule 5: Have most high ambitions, and do not procrastinate. It is said: “do not leave today’s work until tomorrow,” 

Rule 6: Be aware of one’s incapability. This is not referring to laziness in worship or lack of work.

Rule 7: Have fear and hope, and do not be sure that your good deeds are accepted until you have witnessed this .

Rule 8: Be consistent in one’s wird, for the one without a wird does not have additional source of support from Allah.

Rule 9: Be constantly observant of your actions and do not stray away from the remembrance of Allah even the blink of an eye.

Rule 10: Know what one should be occupied with, both internally and externally for whoever thinks that he is not in need of obeying  is a broke man who is in opposition to Allah’s words:

“…Say ‘If you love to God, then follow me, Allah will love you’ ” ( Quran 3:31)


God’s help is a divine help granted to believers in times of need. Istighathah refers to seeking God’s assistance , particularly during worries. God’s help  and Istighathah emphasizes turning to Allah Almighty with sincerity, faith, devotion and humility for deliverance .

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