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Give Zakat al Fitr: Cash or Food—What’s Better?

Give Zakat al Fitr: Cash or Food—What’s Better? Eid al Fitr, Beliefs, Faith, Islam, Eid Prayer, Eid Celebration

Give Zakat al Fitr: Cash or Food—What’s Better?  Zakat al Fitr is a charitable donation of food, grain, Food or cash that must be given before Eid ul Fitr prayer, before the end of the month of The Holy Ramadan, for the love of Allah. Zakat al Fitr is compulsory upon every self-supporting adult Muslim or needy person who has food in excess of their needs, on behalf of themselves and their dependents.

How much is Fitrana (Give Zakat al Fitr:) as per person?

At the time of the Prophet (PBUH) Fitrana (Give Zakat al Fitr) would be given as 1 saa’. Therefore, the quantity is described by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) as 1 saa’ of food (1 saa’ is equivalent to 4 madd). A madd is the amount of Zakat ul Fitr that can be scooped up when one puts their hands together.

We are asked ‘how much is Eid fitrana (Give Zakat al Fitr)?’. If we translate this into a monetary value based on the current price of a staple food, grain or Price such as flour or rice, it is approximately $5. Although, the amount due for per person is $5 only.

What is Eid Fitrana?

Fitrana, sometimes referred to as Eid fitrana or sadaqatul fitr, is a charitable donation, giving that must be given before the Eid al Fitr prayer. So that, it compulsory be given before the end of the month of The Holy Ramadan.

What is Sadaqatul Fitr?

Sadaqatul Fitr is another name for Fitrana or Zakat al Fitr.

Is zakat al-fitr compulsory?

The correct view is that it is fard , because Ibn ‘Umar said: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made Zakat al-Fitr compulsory,” and because of the consensus of the Islamic scholars  that it is fard. (Al-Mughni, part 2, Baab Sadaqat al-Fitr)

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting)HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Calculation of Zakat al-Fitr

Formula for Zakat ul Fitr:

To calculate Zakat al-Fitr amount for any number of family members:

 Zakat al-Fitr = 4 × (Cost of one main food item)

For Example:

In this Imagine a family have four members: , their spouse, Self, and two children.

The cost of one main food item (such as rice) is $2 per KG.


Zakat al-Fitr is equal to four times the cost of one main food item.

In this example, the cost of one kilogram of rice is $2 only.

So that, Zakat al-Fitr for each member of the household would be:

$2 × 4 = $8 per person

Who is it obligatory on to pay fitrana ?

Any Muslim who has food in excess of their needs must pay zakat al Fitr . Unlike zakat, it is a duty on every person in your household. So that, the head of the household, or parents and guardians, can pay on behalf of other members of the family.

Types of Things May be Given as Zakat al-Fitr

Zakat al-Fitr is given as food, Grain that is consumed by humans, typically the staple food of the region.

Here’s a breakdown of what can be given:

Food Items Mentioned in Zakat al-Fitr Hadith Shareef

Dates: One saa’ of dates is permissible.

Barley: One saa’ of barley was commonly given during the Prophet’s Period.

Other Foods Consumed Locally:

Staple Foods Accepted

Locally Staple Foods are the following :

Who Can Receive Zakat al-Fitr?

In this Sense, Zakat al-Fitr goes to poor, needy Muslims who can receive payments from multiple givers. You cannot give Zakat al-Fitr to someone you’re already responsible for, such as a wife, child or parent. 

Different Islamic schools of thought recognize either the poor-as-the-only-beneficiaries for Zakat al-Fitr or permit distribution to individuals within the eight categories of zakat recipients.:


Money given for Zakat al-Fitr must come before the beginning of Eid prayer so needy communities can access its benefits. Every Islamic donation possesses separate functions which become evident through the clear differentiation between Zakat al-Mal and Zakat al-Fitr.

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