The Spiritual – Due care must be given to the things Allah (SWT) gives in His unbounded Bounty’. From what Allah (swt) provides, the person cannot afford to be uncooperative, nor should they be in a position to show off, as it is stated in the Holy Verses:
“Those who are stingy and instruct people to be stingy and cover up the riches God has blessed them with from His blessings, we have arranged for the unbelievers an unjust penalty’ (4:37). The ones who are stingy strive to save the most they can to themselves.
They ask others to do the same and attempt to conceal any they have received from Allah (SWT), who has gifted them. Allah (SWT) has made a shambolic punishment for this group of people. They are not living an ideal life since they ignore their obligations to society.
They do not often realize that everything given to them is an issue of trust, and they make fun of the things they’re entrusted with. The opposite of people who aren’t, they continue to be the ones who boast about the wealth Allah (SWT) has blessed them with.
They are also slammed by God, as reflected by the Holy Verse that follows the one above: “And the people who make their money to be noticed by the masses and do not believe in God or the Second Day.
If anyone is a Christian and has Satan as a partner, who is his evil friend is he? (4:38) For those who make a lot of money to make an appearance, don’t trust that Allah (SWT) or later, Satan becomes their companion.
What a horrible partner he is in leading people away from the truth. It is apparent by a careful study of the Holy Scriptures mentioned above that extremes of attitudes are judged with an opposing view.
It is better to strike an equilibrist attitude. It is also that Allah (swt) offers the need to be mindful of spending money without trying to make a show out of it.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114