Surah Ahzab – Gaza in Light of Surah Ahzab | Isha Khatira | Imam Nadim Bashir at EPIC Masjid, Texas.
The word “‘Ahzab'” (as mentioned throughout the Sura and the name for which Sura has been called) refers to the plural form of”Hizb,” which is a reference to a group or”party.” In the 5th year of the migration, the non-believers from Makkah and several other tribes in the vicinity surrounded Madina from every direction to attack the city of God.
Due to the many groups that came together against the Muslims, the battle was also known as the Fight of Al Ahzab’ or ‘the Battle of the Confederates.’ To defend the city and protect the Muslims who resided in Madina, The Prophet (S.A) (with his companions) created an area around the holy city so the enemy could not escape. This is why the battle is called the Battle of Khandaq or ‘the Battle of the Trench.’
The Sura begins with these verses:
- O Prophet (Muhammad)! Be afraid of Allah and do not follow the unbelievers or the hypocrites. Verily! Allah is Ever All-Knower, All-Wise.
- Follow the guidance that is communicated to you by your Lord. Indeed, Allah is Well-Acquainted with the things you do.
- Put your faith in Allah, and the Sufficient is Allah as Wakil (Disposer of events) ).
In the very first verse, The Prophet (S.A) was told to be affianced of Allah and should not be worried by the opposition of non-believers and hypocrites. He must adhere to the guidance he communicated and put his complete faith in Allah for the success he desires in his work.
In a discussion of these verses, a few commentators, including the legendary partner Abdullah bin Abbas (R.A), have said that certain polytheists, such as Waleed Bin Mughirah as well as Shaibah bin Rab’i from Makka, visited Makka to meet with the Prophet (S.A) at Madina and offered an offering to him.
They informed them that they would offer him a portion of their wealth if he chose to surrender his mission. They also warned that the Jews and hypocrites from Madinah were also threatening to execute The Prophet (S.A) should he not abandon his message. In this context, the verses mentioned above were made public. (Tafseer Ruhul Ma’ani vol.2 part 21 pg. 143)
In response to these threats and offerings of an answer, the Prophet (S.A.) was told to obey Allah by adhering to Him and observing His instructions. He was also required to fulfill the rights Allah granted him and avoid doing anything prohibited. (Tafseer Ibn Jareer vol.21 pg. 134)
Certain commentators have suggested that the warning for the Prophet (S.A) that he should be fearful of Allah is a requirement that he be consistent in the message that he is required to communicate and increase his enthusiasm on it. (Tafseer Ruhul Ma’ani vol.2 part 21 pg. 143; Safwatut Tafseer vol.12 pg. 46)
A. The Prophet (S.A) was then instructed that he must not be a follower of the unbelievers or the hypocrites they refer to him and that he shouldn’t believe in their statements.
He should not listen to their opinions and seek advice from them. It is emphasized that Allah is aware of the conduct of servants and the things they keep in their hearts. He is informed of the threats and corruption offered by those who are not believers and allows the occurrence of these for the Prophet S.A. (the Prophet S.A.) to become more steadfast in his mission.
This could motivate him to pursue his work with more enthusiasm and faith in Allah regardless of the repercussions. Instead of focusing on what those who are not believers said, The Prophet (S.A) was instructed to obey Allah in verse 2 of the Quran to adhere to and practice the revelation that his Lord had sent him through the teachings of the Shariah as well as the faith of Islam and to remain faithful with his faith in the Holy Quran which has been presented to him.
It is essential to know that Allah is entirely aware of his actions. Allah is aware of the threats made by hypocrites and Jews and also recognizes how the Prophet acted (S.A). So, He will reward us for what we have committed.
The Prophet (S.A) was subsequently urged to put his complete faith and trust in Allah as Allah is the only protector and defender. In analyzing these verses, certain commentators have said that, even though the verse is addressed to the Prophet (S.A), the intention is to inform the Muslim population in general.
For him, it was said that Allah guarded him from any sin and infractions to the rules of Islam. Therefore, there was no possibility that he would have violated the Divine instructions from him. This law applies to the entire Muslim community. (Ma’ariful Quran vol.7 pg. 88)
in his commentaries, explaining the meaning behind Taqwa or fear of Allah’ (as it appears in verse 1), Hafiz Ibn Katheer has quoted from Talq bin Habeeb in which it is stated, “Taqwa (the terror of Allah) is the practice of the faith to Allah in illumination (that means, it is based on the guidance of light) that comes from Allah and awaiting His rewards. Furthermore, (it is) you avoid defiance of Allah by relying on an illumination that is from Allah in fear of His punishment’. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer vol.3 pg. 465)
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram