Elevate Your Fasting (Dua) Experience with this Spiritual Dua for Strength, Reflection, and Gratitude” The following dua (prayers) are repeated at the beginning and end of the fast to signify and affirm the intent to keep the fast.
Someone who fasts intends to get nearer to God.
The reason we make an intention before each act is to remind ourselves of our inner self and to affirm through our words that we want to experience the joy of God in all our actions.
See Also: After Eat Dua (Dua After Eating)
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 1
وَبِصَوْمِ غَدٍ نَّوَيْتُ مِنْ شَهْرِ رَمَضَانَ
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan
I will continue the fast until tomorrow’s date in Ramadan. Ramadan
Also, you could repeat this:
Dua (Prayer) at the Beginning of the Fast 2
نـَوَيْتُ صَوْمَ غـَدٍ عَـنْ اَدَاءِ فـَرْضِ شـَهْرِ رَمـَضَانَ هـَذِهِ السَّـنـَةِ لِلـّهِ تـَعَالىَ
Nawaitu sauma ghadin anadai fardu shahri ramadhana hazihissanati lillahitaala
I plan to observe a mandatory fast on the month of Ramadan this year due to Allah
Dua (Prayer) at the End of the Fast
llaWhumaW iniWlaka Sumtu wabika mntu tawakWltu wa the al rizqika ofTartu
Allahumma inni laka sumtu wa bika aamantu wa alayka tawakkaltu wa ala rizq-ika-aftartu
O Allah! I was fasting to You, and I trust in You, and I place my faith in You and break my fast using Your nourishment
See Also: Allahumma Bismika Amutu Wa Ahya Meaning Arabic & English
Hadith of Intention
Umar Ibn Al-Khattab recounts that he heard the Messenger of God Sl Llh lyh, w Slm declare: “Actions are but by intention, and everyone will be only what was his intention. So he who migrated was to Allah as well as His Messenger, his journey was in the name of Allah along with His messenger, and he who migrated to obtain some benefit or to marry a woman for marriage, his movement was to achieve the purpose to achieve that for which he went.” Adapted to Bukhari and Muslim
This is a huge and wealthy Hadith from the prophet Slllhlyh with Slm, which reveals the essence Fasting Dua: Nourishing the Soul with a Prayerful Heart, Imam Bukhari selected the first Hadith, ‘Innamal a’malu binniyat’ of Sahih Bukhari, as a preface to the entire collection to demonstrate the sincerity of the writer’s intent. It reminds the reader of noble and noble acts of deeds taught by the Hadith found in the book are fruitful only if they are sincerely associated with their goals and will be useless when the motivation isn’t genuine.
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- Day 27 of Ramadan (Supplications)
- Day 28 of Ramadan (Supplications)
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