In ancient times, there were some of the best scientists in the world. On the Famous Scientists page, we have an alphabetical list of the most famous scientists from ancient times.
Anaximander lived between 610 and 546 BC. A historical scientific revolution: the first person to understand that we live on a planet that is free in space and does not require us to sit on anything.
Archimedes lived between 287 and 212 BC. Invented countless innovative mechanical devices, founded the disciplines of mechanics and hydrostatics, computed pi correctly, discovered the rule of exponents, created new geometrical proofs, and more.
Aristarchus (c. 310 BC – c. 230 BC) was a Greek philosopher who lived from c. 310 BC to c. 230 BC.
Eighteen centuries before Nicolaus Copernicus revived the notion, he promoted the theory that the earth orbits the sun in a circular orbit.
Aristotle lived from 384 BC until 322 BC. A philosopher whose theories are still taught, yet his contributions to physics slowed development for about two millennia.
Brahmagupta lived from AD 597 to 668. Zero was created as a number with mathematical qualities specified, and the method for solving quadratic equations was established.
Democritus (c. 460–c. 370 BC) devised an atomic theory based on tiny particles constantly in motion colliding; advocated for a universe containing an infinity of diverse inhabited worlds governed by natural, mechanistic laws rather than gods; deduced that the Milky Way’s appearance is explained by the light of stars; discovered that a cone’s volume is one-third that of a cylinder with the same base and height.
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Diophantus lived between the years 210 and 295 AD.The father of algebra, he solved hundreds of algebraic problems in his monumental book Arithmetica, and was the first to employ algebraic notation and symbols.
Empedocles lived between 490 and 430 BC. Natural selection theory, mass conservation, and the four elements, all of which are frequently misattributed to Aristotle.
Eratosthenes lived between 276 and 194 BC. Over 2,200 years ago, he computed the size of the Earth accurately, developed the study of geography, and devised the renowned prime number sieve.
Euclid lived between 325 and 270 BC.
Authored the Elements, the most renowned and widely distributed mathematical work in history; another important work, Optics, described light’s behaviour using geometrical concepts – the foundation of artistic perspective, astronomical systems, and navigation methods for over two thousand years.
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Eudoxus lived between 400 and 347 BC.
Developed the method of exhaustion and used it to prove the formulas for cone and pyramid volumes. Founded mathematical astronomy by creating the first mathematical model of the universe; produced the first rigorous definition of real numbers; invented the method of exhaustion and used it to prove the formulas for cone and pyramid volumes.
Galen lived from AD 129 to c. 216.He began his career as a gladiator’s physician and discovered a relationship between nutrition and health. For 1,500 years, Galen’s erroneous ideology dominated Western and Arab medicine.
Hipparchus lived between 190 and 120 BC. One of the greatest scientists of classical antiquity, he developed the mathematical discipline of trigonometry, precisely calculated the earth-moon distance, discovered the precession of the equinoxes, and catalogued the locations and magnitudes of over 850 stars. Until 1870, his work in combinatory was unrivalled.

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Hippocrates (460 BC – 370 BC) was a Greek physician who lived from 460 BC to 370 BC.
The father of Western medicine: he systematised medical treatments, detaching them from religion and superstitions; he educated physicians; and he wrote a huge number of medical textbooks.The renowned Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to uphold high ethical standards.