Discover the Transformative Role Your Zakat Plays in Providing Hope, Shelter, and Opportunities for Refugees Worldwide” Zakat is a word that in Arabic refers to growth, purification and blessing. It is an obligatory religious requirement for Muslims and is one of the five foundations of Islam.
As per the Qur’an (9:60) There are eight kinds of people who are eligible to receive Zakah Refugees and people who are forced to leave their homes because of persecution or war can be considered eligible.
“The last two years have been extremely difficult,” says Ibrahim, who is a Syrian refugee who is now in Lebanon with his family. “We aren’t able to find jobs, and it’s very difficult to deal with when a child suffers from illness.”
With Zakat providing assistance, Ibrahim and his family receive cash aid – he can now ensure his family’s safety and healthy.
This Ramadan thousands of refugees will be in the midst of conflict and hardship. Your donation of Zakah can make a significant difference in the holy month of Ramadan.
1. What’s The Zakat Fund for Refugees?
In order to aid in Zakah donation, UNHCR established the Zakah Fund for Refugees in the year 2019. It is a Zakah Fund for Refugees is fully compliant and is backed by 16 fatwas of more than ten top academics and institutions around the world. The the UNHCR’s Zakah donations are channeled through in-kind and cash aid programs that are provided to those who are most in need and families that have been internally displaced, including the most difficult-to-reach regions like Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Mauritania, Nigeria and Bangladesh.
2. Do I have to pay Zakah to aid refugees?
It is legal to donate Zakah to USA to the UNHCR to distribute to families and refugees who are displaced by persecution and war. The entire amount of Zakah can be given to the approved recipients, including refugees and those affected by war or persecution. None of Zakah is used to pay for costs or wages and salaries. 100 percentage of Zakah is distributed to recipients who have been approved.
3. How can zakat aid refugees?
Zakat donation will benefit the cash assistance program of UNHCR – it’s a unique and clear method to ensure that 100 percentage of Zakah contributions are given to refugee families in need. UNHCR utilizes ATMs, IRIS scan, mobile wallets and other tools to ensure that money is distributed to the most the most eligible recipients. Each $920 of ZakahZakah funds raised allows a vulnerable family to pay for the basic necessities for a whole year. This includes shelter, food water, medicine and food.
Cash assistance is one of the most efficient ways to assist refugees or displaced families meet their basic necessities and to live with respectability. The majority of cash assistance goes to refugees on food, rent as well as healthcare, and debt repayments, among other things.
Cash assistance programs have prevented families from being evicted as well as addressed health issues and made sure that families could go to their school, and also pay their debts.
4. How do I calculate my zakat?
Muslims with wealth of or above the amount (the Nisab) are called to contribute a proportion of their wealth, which is typically 2.5 percent for those who qualify. Zakat is derived from specific sources of wealth like stocks, savings and other investments.
You can utilize USA to access the UNHCR’s Zakah Calculator to estimate the amount of your Zakahcontribution. Find out more about the significance of the gift of Zakat and who is qualified to receive it, and how you can give the gift of Zakah for this season
- Zakah | Zakat al Mal | Zakat – Learn Islam
- Zakat ul Fitr | Muslim Charity – Learn Islam
- Beneficiaries of Zakat | Islamic Relief Worldwide
- Importance and The Significance of Zakat in Islam
- Zakah Facts | Importance of Zakat | Benefits of Zakat
- Zakat al Fitr: The Obligatory Eid Gift to Be Made Before The End of Ramadan
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
Topics: Ushr and Zakat, Hijab, Arabic Corner, Faith, Islamic History, Biography, Sirat ul Nabi PBUH, Islamic Studies, Halal & Haram