Anxiety and Dua
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – We’re all vulnerable to panic attacks and sadness, but we’re all different. Our status as Muslims suggests that our faith is embedded within us. It doesn’t mean we’re immune to challenges of this type.
The fact that one is sad isn’t a evidence that one doesn’t trust the existence of Allah as well as His supreme will.
Best on AMAZON : The Dua book to treat depression and anxiety
It could also make an Iman less strong.
Even with mental illness, the fact that someone who still relies on Allah shows how firm their faith. We can take an holistic strategy to manage depression and anxiety.
Alongside praying, it is essential to take the appropriate actions for a healthy mind, like getting medical treatment from a professional, so that we can manage the mental state of our patients.
An approach that is ritualistic to dealing with sadness and anxiety isn’t the only method to manage these issues. Anyone suffering from mental health problems should get medical attention and support.
Suggested Read: Quran French, The Quran: English Translation, Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts

Within the Quran, Allah s.w.t. is a reminder to us:
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – When we require help and assistance, we always think of Allah and ask Allah for help. To help you manage sadness and depression To help you cope with sadness and anxiety, here are some duasto help you cope:
Stress is part of our lives. Stress is anything that triggers physical, mental or emotional tension. It is impossible to escape from it. It’s all about how you manage it. This article doesn’t deal with the causes of anxiety, stress and depression and is not a medical advice.
If you’re feeling depressed you’re not by yourself. It is estimated that 75-90 percent of appointments to primary care doctors in America are related to stress. This is why it’s recommended to see a physician when you experience physical signs of stress. Here are some Dua for stress and anxiety which can be helpful from a spiritual point of view.
Torture. Beatings. The loss of property. The loss of loved loved ones. These were but a few of the huge challenges that the Muslims of Makkah were faced with during the seventh century after the acceptance of Islam in the fiercely polytheistic and tribal Makkah.
Detention. Harassment. Beatings. Discrimination. Loss of Job. Profiling. Hate Crimes. Constant media attention. Surveillance. These are only a few of the problems Muslims in America are facing today, after the attacks of 9/11. Similar to our predecessors from Makkah We have now begun to feel a lot of anxiety, stress and pressure more than we have ever before in the past few years on this continent.
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Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – However, Muslims who came to the United States as slaves had to face more than what we can imagine.
1. Ask Him. He Listens: DU`A
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – Change every worry, every worry and fear into an Dua to alleviate stress (supplication) and anxiety (supplication) and stress. Think of it as another motive to be a slave to God and engage engaged in Sajdah (prostration) in which you’re closest to Allah. God is attentive and knows what’s going on inside your soul, but He would like you to ask Him what you would like.
The Prophet Muhammad said: Allah is angry with those who do not seek Him to do anything (Tirmidhi).
The Prophet once told us that during prayer and meditation, he could find peace and peace (Nasai). He would also frequently request forgiveness from God and sit in a the prayer position, praising God (Tasbeeh) as well as asking God’s mercy (Bukhari).
Allah will require that you be precise. The Prophet suggested that we seek Allah specifically what we desire instead of creating vague Duas. Dua is the basis of worship (the Prophet’s words in Tirmidhi).
“Call on your Lord with humility and in private: for Allah loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds. Do not make mischief on the earth, after it hath been set in order, but call on Him with fear. And longing (in your hearts): for the mercy of Allah is (always) near to those who do good” (Quran 7:55-56).
2. Tie your Camel: DO YOUR PART
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – One day, Prophet Muhammad blessed with peace and peace to him observed an Bedouin abandoning his camel, without tieing it. It was asked by him Bedouin, “Why don’t you tie down your camel?” The Bedouin replied, “I put my trust in Allah.” The Prophet then said “Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah” (Tirmidhi).
Muslims should not be swayed by the fatalistic. While we are aware that Allah is in charge and has made all things His but we each have a responsibility to make the right decisions and acting the way that is right throughout our lives. We need to act (link to articles for planning regarding SV). We have to do our best to ease the burdens that our families, us as well as our communities, face.
You should ask yourself these questions if you’re concerned about the situation in the world: Are you a part in the movement for peace? Are you a member of the peace movement? Masjid is part in the movement for peace? Are you part of an interfaith organization that has a mission of justice and peace? Are you part of an organization fighting discrimination? If not then it’s time you set aside your time and funds to find solutions to the challenges that you have to face.
“Verily Allah does not change men’s condition unless they change their inner selves” (Quran 13:11).
Make every worry the Dua and every Dua in to an action. This will demonstrate your commitment to your needs and direct your attention towards the right direction.
3. Human responsibility is limited.
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – As we perform our duties with the best effort of our ability be aware that you aren’t in control of the outcome of any event. Even the prophets could not have control over the results of their actions. There were some who were successful and while others weren’t. After you’ve completed your job and left the outcome to Allah. No matter the outcome of your work you will be rewarded for the role you performed.
However, never underestimate your abilities. Learn about the idea that is Barakah (blessings of Allah) and keep in mind that Allah will and Insha Allah will increase them as long as you’re putting in your energy to pursue the right direction.
4. Let the world go Five times a day
Make use of your five prayer a day to make yourself more focused on the future and less tied to the world of this moment. Get rid of yourself from the moment you are able to hear Adhan which is the name given to pray. When you do Wudu continue to repeat Shahada which is the affirmation of faith, as the water drops fall across your hands, face hair, arms, and face. If you are standing in prayer, contemplate how to let go of the world and all its stress and worries to be left behind.
Sure, Shaytan will try to distract you during your prayer. However, if you encounter this, return and think of Allah. The more you come back and remember Allah, and the greater Allah will bless you for it. Also, ensure that the Sajdas (prostrations) include a conversational Sajdas where you really connect to God and asking for His Mercy, thanking Him and asking His forgiveness. (link the Sajda article…ramadan webpage)
5. Get help from SABR
Seek assistance through Sabr as well as Salat (Quran 2.45).
This guidance from Allah offers us two crucial tools that can alleviate our stress and anxiety. Prayer and patience are two commonly overlooked stress-busters. Sabr is usually described as patience, but it’s more than it. It requires self-control, persistence and endurance, as well as the determination to accomplish your goals. Contrary to patience, which is a sign of surrender, the notion of Sabr is to be steadfast in achieving your goals regardless of the obstacles.
Being patient allows us to take the ability to control situations in which we believe we have no or any control. “We can’t influence what happens to us , however we can manage our reactions to our situation This is the premise of many contemporary self-help guides. It is important to keep our thoughts and attitudes toward our challenges in the right place.
6. Excuse Me! You’re not running the World He is.
It is essential to keep in mind that we can’t control all the variables that exist in the world. God does. He is the Wise, the All-Knowing. Our limited human abilities aren’t in a position to grasp His understanding of what is happening to us or to other people however, being aware that God is in charge and that as human beings ,
we accept His will, improves our humanity and increases our respect (Uboodiah which is in Arabic) toward him. Explore the story of Moses’ encounter with Moses and the complexities behind God’s choice (Quran 18:60-82). Get familiar with God’s 99 Names. They are also referred to by the name of His attributes. It’s a powerful method to know Him.
“God-there is no deity save Him, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent Fount of All being. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. Who is there that could intercede with Him, unless it be by His leave?
He knows all that lies open before men and all that is hidden from them, whereas they cannot attain to aught of His knowledge save that which He wills them to attain. His eternal power overspreads the heavens and the earth, and their upholding wearies Him not. And He alone is truly exalted, tremendous.” (Quran 2:255).
The Prophet suggested the reading of this verse, also known in the form of Ayat al kursi after each prayer. May God’s peace and blessings be on him. Once Ali was in a state of distress, may Allah be content with him, came to the Prophet at a very difficult moment and found his Prophet sitting in Sajda and he continued saying “Ya Hayy Ya Qayyum” the words that are in this verse.
7. Birds don’t carry their food
Allah is al Razzaq (the Provider).
“How many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah Who feeds them and you, for He hears and knows all things (Quran 29:60).”
If you remember that He is the one who provides and that He is the Provider, you will be reminded of finding a job or providing your family with food in these politically and economically challenging times, in which Muslims are usually the last to be employed and the first ones to be dismissed and reprimanded, is in God’s hands and not yours. According to Allah declares within the Quran:
“And Allah will provide for him through (sources) that he could never imagine. If anyone places his faith in Allah He will provide (Allah) in his favor. Because Allah is sure to fulfill His goal. In everything has Allah set a proper proportion (Quran 65:3).
8. God is the one who controls Death and Life.
If you’re worried about your security and safety be aware that only Allah is the one who gives life and also can take it back, and that He has set the right time to do it. No one can harm you except if Allah wills. In the Quran:
“Wherever you are, death will find you out, even if you are in towers built up strong and high!” (Quran 4:78).
9. Keep in mind that life isn’t long
We can easily get lost in our own anxiety and stress. But, if we realize that life is brief and temporary, and the eternal life awaits us in the Afterlife it will make our worries more manageable.
This belief in the transient nature of life in this world reminds us of the fact that whatever trials, struggles or grief that we experience in this life will be, Insha Allah we’ll only be experiencing for a short time. More importantly when we face these trials with a sense of humour, Allah will reward us for our efforts.
10. Do Zikr, Allah, Allah!
“Without doubt in the memory (Zikr) of Allah can hearts be at peace” (Quran 13:28).
In case you are commuting, you can use your time on Zikr. Choose any Tasbeeh and use it rather than listening to radio, or reading the paper. You could split the time between Zikr and making plans. Personally, I repeat the Tasbeeh “Subhana Allahe wa be hamdihi, subhan Allahil Azeem” 100 times every time I drive. Our Prophet taught us two simple phrases, which are simple to say, but are heavily on our list of deeds that are good in the afterlife.
If your heart is heavy from grief or stress and sadness, think of Allah and be surrounded by His Zikr. Zikr refers to all types of remembrance to Allah that includes Salat, Tasbeeh, Tahmeed, Tahleel, making supplication (Dua) and also the reading of Quran.
“And the Lord says to you”Call Me and I will be there to answer the call. (prayer )…” (Quran 40:60)
When we remember Allah by the way We have been taught, we will more likely to receive recognition of the prayers we offer and mercy in times of trouble. We are speaking to Allah, the only one who does not just listen and knows everything, but also Who is able to alter our circumstances and give us the courage to cope with our problems.
“Remember Me, and I shall remember you; be grateful to Me, and deny Me not” (Quran 2:152).
11. Relying on Allah: Tawakkul
When you wake at dawn, be grateful to Allah for having given you the chance to live after that brief death known as sleep. As you leave your house, say “in Your Name Allah I place my faith in Allah and there is no force or power that can be a threat to Allah’ (Bismillahi Tawakal to Allah wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah Allah Wa la Hawla la quwwwata illa Billah). When you go to bed, keep in mind Allah and sing the praises of Allah in your mouth.
When you’ve created the plan you will implement to deal an problem or issue in your life, place your trust in the intelligent and knowledgeable.
“When you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah” (Quran 3: 163).
Trust in Allah by always remembrance His name throughout your day. When you
When you are ready to go to bed before you go to bed, be aware that sleeping is the death of a person. This is the reason one of the most commonly used supplications before bedtime can be “with Your (Allah’s) Name I die and become alive”.
12. Meet humans
You’re not alone. Muslims aren’t alone. We’re not living in silence. We have millions of people who aren’t Muslim with gorgeous souls and beautiful minds. These are the people who have fought for us in a collective and individual way, following the events of 9-11 by monitoring us and making sure that we are secure. These are the people and organizations who have come out for the rights of Muslims during the time of the harassment and discrimination.
It is important to think about them, speak to them, make connections with them and ask for their prayers. By connecting with them, we’ll stop the cycle of loneliness that causes anxiety and depression.
13. Check out your table and those who do not have as much as you do.
A Prophet once said that: If you look at someone more than you in terms of wealth appearance, or face it is best to be looking at someone less than you in these aspects (so that you can be grateful to Allah to Allah for the blessings He has bestowed) (Bukhari, Muslim).
The next time you take a seat to eat be sure to look over the table. Look at the choices of food items, the quality, taste as well as the quantity. And take a moment to think about the millions of people who have less than as many. The Prophet’s Hadith speaks to us about this to help us be grateful and thankful to God for all we have.
Remember it is the case that Prophet Muhammad only advised us to look at ourselves in comparison to other people in two ways that is, in terms of the depth of our Islamic knowledge and in our faith of God (Deen). In both of these areas, we need to look at ourselves in comparison to people who are more knowledgeable than we have.
14. Say it Loud: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar: Takbirat & Adhan
Find a spot on an open lake, walk in the wild or stand on the lawn of your home and make the Adhan by your heart. While driving, instead being glued to news story over and over, chant Allahu Akbar as loud as you can, or in the way would like, depending on your mood.
One year ago, I recall calling Adhan on an Lake Michigan shore in Chicago at sunset, as the water gushed over my knees. I called it for myself. I was the only one to who could accept the waves of water in their harmony. It was a relaxing and meaningful experience. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.
15. Pray with the congregation (Jamat)
Prayer with other people instead of praying alone. If you aren’t able to pray the five prayers in a the congregation, try to find two or three prayers that you can share with other people. If you’re away and you are not able to attend, create Jamat within your own family. In the time of the Prophet even as the Muslims were subjected to a lot of punishment and physical punishment they often gathered at the top of a valley or mountain and would pray with one another. This was a wonderful morale boost.
16. How do you rate the Imam’s Dua?
Do the Imams at your mosque in town perform the Dua in silence or loudly? Inquire him to offer a suppliation to all the congregation. Make suggestions for Duas you can prepare. Invite him to create Dua for others.
17. Work for the Unity of Muslims
The act of bringing Muslims in a common cause will not just assist the Muslims and their families, but it can help you focus your efforts on something positive rather than constantly worrying about the difficulties that you’re facing.
Invite Muslims from different ethnic groups to attend your events. Visit mosques that are not yours in your area. If you meet someone who is a Muslim leader After thanking the leader for his work and efforts, ask him about what he’s doing for Muslim unity. Request Imams to create a Dua to support this. These are just a few of the ways you can assist your self as well as the Muslim community.
18. Sleep like the Prophet sleeps
Start your day with a positive outlook. Create Wudu before you think about your day. Be grateful to Allah for all the wonderful actions you have accomplished, such as Zikr as well as Salat. Think about what you did to bring people together and how you can assist Muslims to become better human beings.
In everything that is positive, you can use the words Alhamdu al-lah (Praise and praise be given to Allah). In the event of anything negative, you can say Astaghfirullah wa atoobo Ilayk (I ask Allah’s forgiveness and turn to You (Allah)). Recite the two chapters that are left of the Quran while thinking and praying when you sit to the right with your palm under the right cheek in the way the Prophet used lay down. Close your day by putting the prayer of Allah on your tongue. Insha Allah, you’ll enjoy a restful, peaceful night.
19. Begin the Day on a Positive Note
Make sure you get up early. Wake up and thank God for having given the gift of another day. Alhamdu lillahil lazi ahyana gooda ma amatana Illaihin Nushoor (Praise to Allah who gave us life after death and to Him will come the reward).
Get an audiotape with an alarm clock that can be upbeat to the beat that is the Quran. You can also let Dawud’s uplifting music put you in a great mood. You can sing along if you want. Make a list of things to do for the day in case you didn’t complete it before bed. Start by naming Allah and His name, for whom no thing in the heavens or the earth will harm you. He is the Highest and the Greatest.
(Bismillahillazi La yazurru Maa ihihi shaiun fil arze wa fis samae, wahuwal Alee Azeem).The Prophet was known to repeat this verse following each Fajr or Maghrib prayers.
20. Beware of Media Overexposure: Change between News to Books
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – Don’t waste time consuming the news on TV, radio, or on the online. Spend more time reading journals and books. When you hear the constant stream of negative news, particularly those that concern Muslims these days, you are not only depressed but also powerless.
Reduce the amount of time you spend on media to lessen anxiety and stress. It’s essential to be aware of the current situation but not so much that it affects your day and your overall mood. (similarly when you’re feeling sad avoid wallowing or listening to sad music)
21. Pray for Others to Heal Yourself.
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress -His concern was never a lack of for the other persons, Muslims and non-Muslims, and would frequently pray for those who were not Muslims. Prayer for others helps you connect with them and helps recognize their pain. It also has the potential to heal. The Prophet claimed prayer for someone that isn’t present can increase love.
22. You can make the Quran your companion
Listening to and reading the Quran can help us recharge our hearts and minds. Sing it loudly or with a low tone. You can listen to it in the car. While you’re doing Nafl or any other prayers, grab it and utilize it to recite sections of the Quran that you’re not well-versed in. The act of connecting to the Quran is a way of connecting with God. This is a method to relieve your heart from anxiety and stress. Consider investing in various versions of The Quran along with their respective translations.
“O humanity! There has come to you a direction from your Lord and a cure for all [the ills] in men’s hearts – and for those who believe, a Guidance and a Mercy” (Quran 10:57).
23. Give thanks to Allah
“If you are grateful, I will give you more” (Quran 14:7).
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress -Recognizing our blessings can help us not only to be grateful for what we have but also helps us remember that we’re better than the majority of people regardless of whether it’s in terms of family’s health, finances, or financial status, or any different aspects of our lives. And being thankful for everything we have can help us keep an optimistic mindset even in the face of stress and problems we face every day.
24. Ideals: ONE STEP AT A TIME
Ideals are great things to work towards. However, do it slowly. Consider, prioritize, plan and then proceed. Step by step.
25. EFFORTS not Results Count in the Eyes of Allah
Our success is contingent on our determination to the very best of our ability. It is the grace of Allah that He doesn’t expect outcomes, Alhamdu lillah. He is pleased if He sees us putting in the best effort. Thank you Allah!
Suggested Read: Is Cutting Your Hair A Sin? , Black Stone Kaaba (Hajr-e-Aswad), Allahumma Innaka Afuwwun Hadith

Suggested Read: The Clear Quran, El Coran and The Essential Book of Quranic Words
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – We can declare that Allah wills what He likes..It is possible to experience instant peace by putting any of our past actions on Allah’s authority.
The noise goes out.
Dua For Anxiety | Dua For Stress – Also, we must be aware of the devil’s hints, who is determined to keep us in a state of anxiety, causing us to lose patience, tawakkal and gratitude, which means less faith.
We are often told throughout the Quran that Satan attempts to make us miserable. We ignore the influence of demonic forces and are more positive as we seek the protection of Allah against Satan.

The Holy Quran | El Coran |
Mushaf al-Madinah | Quran French |
The Clear Quran | Tajweed Rules |
Quran Kareem | The Study Quran |
The 99 Names of Allah | Laylat-ul-Qadr |
Dua for Anxiety Worry and Distress

Mar sha,Allah