Does Inhaler Break Your Fast?

In this Article We will learn about Does Inhaler Break Your Fast?

Types of asthma medication

  • Does inhaler break your fast?
  • Does oxygen break your fast?
  • Do vaporizers break the fast?
  • Do capsules break your fast?

Types of asthma medication 

There are many kinds of medication for asthma, some of which break the fast and some do not break the Fast. The well-known of these medicines are puffers , oxygen, vaporizers and capsules etc. 

Does inhaler break your fast?

The puffer compressed gas through the tracheal path until it reaches the lungs to increase their size. The acceptor substance for the device is something different from all food categories and drinks as well as from all liquids.

The scholars said that the fast is not broken by using this kind of medicine. This is also the ruling of Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymin.

Does oxygen break your fast?

With regard to oxygen , it is not a food nor drink. Based on this, oxygen may be used when fasting with no problems. 

Do vaporizers break the fast?

A vaporizer functions as a device to convert medication carried in sodium base from liquid form into gas along with tiny particles. The medical container contains the medication that quickly turns into vapor when the device activates high-speed air streams to produce inhalable gas for the patient through either a face mask coverage or mouth tube insertion.

A small amount of water drops and salt will inevitably pass through this device to reach the patient’s stomach while he cannot stop it from happening. When using this method for fasting he should break his fast while also making up for the day at a later time.

Do capsules break your fast?

Capsules is a fine powder. The special device includes capsules that will be crushed to release the medicine into fine particles which patients can inhale through their mouths. This practice renders the fast invalid because parts of the powder blend with saliva before entering the stomach.

Shaykh al-Salih al-‘Uthaymin was asked: 

Some people have asthma problem and need to use puffers when he has fasting. What is the ruling on that? 

He replied:

Asthma leads to breathing constriction as one of its effects which affects some individuals. We ask Allah to preserve us and those who suffer from asthma. The system administers two types of medicine with the second one being identified as capsules.

This fasting method disrupts the fast since the powder-made substance can penetrate the stomach. Someone observing fasts must avoid using it during Ramadan unless facing an actual necessity.

A person can break their fast of Ramadan through necessity by using this medication but must eat and drink until sunset while also compensating his fasting with an additional day.

A person dealing with an extended sickness must perform charitable acts to substitute fasting during each day he is unable to maintain his fast. However, feeding one poor person mitigates the requirement to fast due to his ongoing sickness.

The use of asthma inhaler is permissible , based on the verse: {… He disclosed to you everything that is forbidden except for the necessities you must follow. …} (Al-Anam 6:119)

It is also permissible because it does not resemble food or drink; it is similar to undergoing a blood test or taking non-nutritional injections.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said: 

Users can safely use the puffer during their fasting period because its evaporation prevents stomach absorption thus not breaking the fast.

The scholars said: 

The asthma medication that the patient uses by inhaling it reaches the lungs via the trachea and does not reach the stomach, so it is not food or drink, liquid or anything … So it seems that the fast is not broken by using this medicine. 

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