Ramadan Day 8 Prayers: Cultivating Humility and Peace – With the give up of Ramadan comes the start of nostalgia. We matter down the times until subsequent Ramadan, and frequently sense at a loss.
While Ramadan is a unique time, there are approaches to comprise the benefits of fasting on everyday basis. The Prophet, peace be upon him, might rapid, no longer continuously, but periodically, during the year. Fasting is another act of worship, and its praise is one promised by Allah – which will simplest start to imagine the value of blessings.
Day 8 Ramadan dua and meaning
Allahumar zukani fihi rahmatal aytami waitamata amiwa ifshaa asalami wasuhbatalkira mibitau lika yamal jal amilina
Meaning: Allah in this day, permit me have mercy on the orphans, and feed the hungry, and spread peace, and preserve company with the noble-minded, O the refuge of the hopeful.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

Some vital occasions of Ramadan and Shawwal
21st Ramadan, forty AH
Urs of Ameer-ul-Mu’mineen Sayyiduna Ali Al-Murtada رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ
(For extra statistics, seek advice from the Ramadan 1438 to 1441 AH editions of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the booklet of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Miraculous Wonders of Sayyiduna Ali رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُ’).
Ramadan 50 AH
Daily Dua – Urs of Umm-ul-Mu’mineen Sayyidatuna Safiyyah Bint-e-Huyayy رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهَا
(For extra statistics, talk over with the Safar 1439 AH edition of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the e-book of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Faizan-e-Ummahat-ul-Mu’mineen’).
27th Ramadan
The Night of Power (Layla-tul-Qadr): The night time extra superior than 1000 months.
(For extra records, seek advice from the Ramadan 1438 and 1439 AH versions of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the book of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Blessings of Ramadan’).
10th Shawwal, 1272 AH
The day that Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه became born.
(For greater statistics, seek advice from the Shawwal 1438 AH, Safar 1439 to 1441 AH variations of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the special Safar 1440 AH edition, ‘Faizan-e-Imam-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat’).
11th Shawwal, 569 AH
Urs of Sultan Noor-ud-Deen Mahmood Bin Mahmood Zangi رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه.
(For greater facts, talk to the Shawwal 1438 and 1439 AH versions of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah).
15th Shawwal, 3rd AH
Urs of Sayyiduna Hamzah and the martyrs of Uhud رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُم
(For more statistics, refer to the Shawwal-ul-Mukarram 1438 and 1439 AH variations of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the ebook of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Seerat-e-Mustafa’).
Shawwal eightth AH
Urs of the martyrs of the Battle of Hunayn
(For extra statistics, discuss with the Shawwal 1439 AH edition of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the e-book of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Seerat-e-Mustafa’).
Shawwal 54 AH
Urs of Umm-ul-Mu’mineen Sayyidatuna Sawdah رَضِیَ الـلّٰـهُ عَنْهَا
Ramadan Day 8 – (For extra statistics, consult with the Shawwal 1438 AH edition of the Monthly Magazine Faizan-e-Madinah, and the ebook of Maktaba-tul-Madinah, ‘Faizan-e-Ummahat-ul-Mu’mineen’).
May Allah Almighty have mercy upon them and forgive us with out accountability for their sake.
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