Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – The Prophet Idris named some scholars of religion from his tribe to guide the people who followed his death. They did their best to help people in the various areas within the Arabian Peninsula and to show them the correct way to live. The people soon liked them because of their ethics great preaching, and good tips. They enjoyed talking with or listening to and they benefited from them.
As the scholars perished in succession, the people felt extremely sad. They wanted to always keep them in their memory and remember them. They contemplated what to do.
Then, they decided to build their statues in squares around towns and then hang their images in the rooms of their homes. They began to gather around the statues during certain time intervals. They would share the words and the advice of the scholars known as Wadd, Suwa, Yaghus, Yauq, Nasr.
This act, that was initiated with a noble plan, then began to deviate from the purpose. Generations that aspired to the way they were taught by their parents forgot the purpose behind why the statues were placed in squares, and the photos were displayed on walls. The statues and images stopped to be merely a means, but began to become a means. Instead of being a method to worship Allah the images and statues were considered gods to be revered.
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The practice of worshipping idols without remembering Allah began to be practiced in this world in the very first place. [1]
When the people began to turn off from the worship of Allah and began to believe in idols Allah All-Wordly sent. Nuh (Noah) in the role of a prophet for the people.
Hz. Nuh was a baby in an extended family who adhered to the faith that was taught by the prophet Idris. When he was appointed the prophet of Allah’s Almighty the age was 40. [2]
TOP SELLER BOOK: Prophet Nuh and the Great Ark Activity Book , NOAH) STORY: THE QURANIC STORY OF PROPHET NUH, The Adventures of Nuh’s Ark, MIRACLES OF PROPHETS Nuh Salih Dawood Sulaiman Moosa Mohammed EESA Yusuf Ismail Youness Ibrahim, The Story of Prophet Nuh, The story of Prophet Nuh (Noah) and his Ark, The Flood and the Ark, The Tale of Prophet Nuh, The Great Ark and The Disaster Flood The Story of Prophet Nuh AS, ARK OF PROPHET NUH A.S, Prophet Nuh: Islamic Workbook With Step-By-Step Activities Book, Prophet Stories for Kids, Prophet Stories from the Quran, Prophet Stories For Kids, The Story of Prophet Hazrat Nuh (AS), The Watchman: Seer and Prophet Like and Share Thanks to All Friends
Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – The Prophet Nuh at first preferred to work in secret in his fight against the worship of idols. He encouraged his family members and acquaintances to believe in the unity to Allah as well as to praise Him each one at a time. On the instruction of Allah he began to speak to people in public. He announced it to all. The people with pure hearts and high ethical values were willing to accept his message. They listened to the Hz. Nuh. The majority of them were people who were in poverty.
The opulent, self-centered rude, unkind and cruel people insistently worshipped idols. They put their fingers in the ear canals and covered their faces in their clothes so that they could not look at the face of Nuh. [3]Their intent was to demoralize Nuh and to cause him to despair, and to force him to quit his cause. They would sometimes speak remarks that would be offensive to Nuh.
However, the amount of people who believed in him grew every day. This angered and irritated the worshippers. They began to look for solutions to stop the cult from taking over.
Then, they made fun of the followers who listened to his example. They attempted to make fun of them in the eyes of others. They did not succeed. Hz. Nuh was patient with their sexist treatment.
He continued to do his duties and then told them,
“I am a prophet that warns you about the wrath of Allah. Do not worship anybody except Allah. Otherwise, I fear that you will undergo a painful torture. ” “[44
The famous idolaters offered the following argument to oppose the Hz. Nuh:
“O Nuh! You say you are a prophet. How can a person like us be a prophet? Those who follow you are poor and miserable people. If your cause were true, clever and rich people like us would follow you. You ask us to follow you but do you have any superiority over us. ” “[5Five
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Hz. Nuh replied with the following:
“O you people! My name is Jesus Christ. I’m a man, just like all the prophets who have come before me. Because only an individual like me can serve as an inspiration to human beings. My Lord appointed me to be prophet to you, and granted me some miraculous signs to prove my claim. I offer these miracles to you as proof to prove my point. If you shut your eyes and ears to truth, and forget it, you won’t harm me. Because, I am unable to convince you to accept my message. [6]
The fact that people who trust me are not poor doesn’t obscure the reality of my cause. Allah doesn’t look at people’s lineage, ancestry or wealth, but rather their poverty and wealth. He is interested in their faith and their fear of Allah within their hearts. “ [7]
The gods who judged things through power and matter were unable to comprehend these words from Nuh’s. Some even claimed that Nuh was a. Nuh’s goal was to wrest the wealth of the wealthy. The Prophet Nuh replied to the claim in the following manner:
“You have wrong thoughts about me. I do not want any material things in return for my duty. My reward is only from Allah. Know it very well that all of my efforts are for your happiness in the world and the hereafter. Give up refuting me by acting upon groundless worries and bad thoughts. ” “[88.
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When the cult-like tribe of Nuh discovered that all their efforts were unsuccessful, they began to look for more sly strategies. They believed they had found one. They told Nuh,
“O Nuh! Dismiss all of the poor and miserable people around you. We find them contemptible and feel it beneath us to be together with them. If you dismiss them, we will believe in you.”
Their motive was crystal clear. They were expecting Nuh to accept the offer. Therefore, he would be thrown out of the faith. They would also take him out easily.
However, Hz. Nuh was not pleased with them. He reacted to their subversive request in the following manner:
“I will never dismiss them. They are people who believe in Allah and the hereafter. The fame of those who believe in Allah is high. Their Lord prepared so many bounties for them in Paradise. However, you think superiority lies in transient and ephemeral property and positions. You are unaware of the richness of the bounties waiting for believers in the hereafter. ” 9.
In the event that this plan was unsuccessful the idolatrous tribe had one goal to do: use oppression and pressure on the faith-based.
When they tried this method, Allah Almighty sent them the wrath of Allah Almighty. He stopped raining on them for forty years. Through this time the animals and their possessions were destroyed. The orchards and gardens of their farms deteriorated. Women could not bear children. The generations that came before them stopped. Everyone was focused on their own issues. They were unable to compete the Hz. Nuh and the other believers who adhered to his.
Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – The drought and famine which struck the people of Nuh was a great way to call them back to the path of truth.
Hz. Nuh tried to make use of this opportunity and address his tribe in the following manner:
“O my tribe! These misfortunes that hit you are due to the sins you committed. They are due to oppressing the believers and worshipping idols. You attracted Allah’s wrath. Your rain was stopped as a punishment. Your animals were destroyed. However, do not lose hope. Your Lord is merciful and forgiving. If you beg Him and ask for forgiveness, He will send rain to you in abundance. ” 10″
He also explained to them the power that is Allah. [11] He also explained to them the negative consequences of joining partners with Allah through worshipping idols. The final part of his speech was with the following words: “O my tribe! You will one day be buried and die. Then, Allah will raise you once more. They will be punished you and honor you for the things you’ve done to the world.
Believe in Allah. Eliminate idol worship. Find refuge in Allah from the dreadful hell that awaits you. “ [12]
But, the people of Noah did not pay attention to what Noah said. They resisted him and became extremely angry. They declared,
“O Nuh! You went too far and prolonged the dispute with us. You have been threatening us since you started this. That is enough. If you are telling the truth, bring that torture. ” 1314]
The people of Nuh didn’t consider themselves to be believers in Allah and, therefore, believed that the torture described by Nuh was feasible. They thought that what he had said was a mere unsubstantiated threat. Hz. Nuh provided the following argument to reconsider their decision:
“O my tribe! Allah, who is the Creator of the earth and the sky, will bring torture on you. What do you rely on when His wrath hits you? Do you have any place to take refuge in? Everywhere belongs to Allah. If He has decided to send you His wrath, you will not be able to escape it. No force can stop His wrath. ” 14″
Hz. Nuh had led his people to the right path since the very first day in his prophethood. He spoke of his cause in a steadfast way. But they refused to accept him. They also mocked the man. Sometimes they would use force. The state lasted for more than 950 decades. [15] In this time, the frequency was Hz. Nuh did his best. He tried all the techniques of direction. His tribe’s insistence to worship idols and tell himto “bring this wrath” despite the best efforts of all was beyond the endurance of.
He moved his hands, and began to pray to Allah:
“O Lord! Provide the assistance You promised against this brutal tribe. They’ve always defied me. They insist on worshiping idols, but refused to acknowledge worshipping the Lord. They’ve never walked the path of truth.
O Lord! Grant an end to all criminals, but not to those who are straying. Do not let anyone die in the midst of idolaters and unbelievers in the world. “ [16]
Allah Almighty has given every prophet the right of prayer that was to be recognized. Hz. Nuh made use of this right through the prayer. He prayed for Allah to wipe out all the idolaters and non-believers on earth, and to not let any alive.
Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – Allah has accepted the prayer of Allah. Nuh. He instructed Nuh how to proceed, as follows:
“O Nuh! Build an ark as We reveal you. When the earth and the sky intermingle and oppressors are destroyed, do not ask anything from me by pitying them. They have indeed deserved this wrath. ” 17:17
Hz. Nuh began to build an ark of immense size with the aid of Allah. Jibril himself detailed how to construct an Ark. [18] Hz. Nuh and the followers took note of his words.
The Nuh tribe Nuh came by him and threw a smirk at the man. [19] They told Nuh. Nuh:
“O Nuh! Have you started carpentry by giving up prophethood? Is carpentry more profitable?”
The months and days went by like the ones that followed. It was finished at the final. It is reported that it took two or four days. [20] It is also reported that the ark has three floor. [21] There are evidences found in the Quran that the ark was equipped with an oven and steam boiler. [22] If that is the scenario, it could be claimed nuh’s Ark was an steamship. [23]
Allah informed Hz. Nuh that a massive flood was expected to begin once the building of the ark had finished. He instructed Nuh to take believers together with their families as well as two pairs (male as well as female) of each species of animal. [24]
Then he stated: “Embark ye on the Ark in the name of Allah, whether it move or be at rest! For my Lord is, be sure, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful!” As the ark was getting ready to be finished and all sorts of preparations were made. The animals and people who were to be able to ride on the ark, gathered around the Ark. When the divine command came to embark the animals first. Then the believers sailed off the ark, saying “Bismilah”. [2525
This was on the 10th day of the month known as Rajab. A total of 80 families from the believers sailed on the vessel. This was the total amount of people who believed in Nuh in his prophetic era which lasted for hundreds of years. [26]
But, Nuh knew that his obligation was to communicate the message. The outcome was the responsibility of Allah. He was not accountable for the rejection of his appeal by his people. He did not feel guilty and never asked, “Why did very few people believe in me?” He was content as he had done his job perfectly.
Hz. The wife of Nuh called Wahila she did not believe in his. She was not convinced that the wrath he spoke of would be delivered. So, she didn’t take the boat even although all those who believed sailed along together with families. She was opposed to Nuh.
Wahila was blessed with a variety of benefits as she was the spouse of prophets. But, she didn’t enjoy the benefits. She was able to deny the prophetic vocation of her husband, instead of being supportive and helping him. Alongside her denial, she vowed to divulge his secrets to idolaters. She went overboard and declared her husband “mad”. [2727. She drowned during the torrential rain as a punishment for arrogance and denial7.
The wife of Nuh was not the only one in his family to reject Nuh’s request. The son he was calling Kanan insists on worshipping idols as his mother did. Nuh lost all hopes for his wife, but He remained hopeful the son of his would be convinced.
Thus, Hz. Nuh battled with the pious people in the outside world as well as his son and wife at home for many years. This caused him more trouble and suffering.
Everyone is aware that a lack of peace and conflict at home can wear on a more men than those who are outside.
However, Hz. Nuh displayed great patience, which makes him a prophet in the face of the entire group.
Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – Hz. Nuh and those whom he believed sailed the vessel and began to be patiently waiting for the deluge.
They didn’t have to wait for long. The sky was immediately overshadowed by dark clouds. It began to pour. Additionally, water began to pour out from the ground. The ground began to flood slowly. The powerful wind created massive waves that were as large as mountains.
They were all in fear. Many of them drowned the moment the torrent of water began. The survivors began to climb mountains and hills.
One time, Kanan, Nuh’s idolatrous son, caught Nuh’s attention. He was climbing an mountain. He was sad on his child. His son was addressed like this:
-“O my son I implore you to believe in Allah. Join us and not among the unbelievers! notice that water rises constantly. It is impossible to avoid this. ” [28]
Kanan did not display any sign of regret despite the rain. He was angry with his father. He resisted his kindly call. He stated,
“I prefer going to the top of some mountain to embarking your ship. ” [2929.
Hz. Nuh attempted to help save his son. He told me,
“O my son! There is no salvation for anyone except believers today. Do not be obstinate. Come with me. ” [30]
However, just before the Hz. Nuh was done speaking the big wave broke between them and carried the boy away.
The Nuh’s Ark is floating in huge waves. There was peace and safety aboard the vessel. The believers watched the divine act of justice of the tawakkul (reliance in Allah). They spent their time praising and praising Allah along with Nuh. They waited impatiently for the rain to end.
When Hz. Nuh was commissioned to build the ship, he also instructed to take on the followers along with their wives and a couple (one female and one male) of animals of various species, so that they wouldn’t become extinct.
The reason he decided to bring his son Kanan when he was embarking others was due to this command and the permission of Allah. Hz. Nuh did not comprehend the logic behind it at first and then prayed to Allah Almighty in the manner the following:
“O my Lord! Surely my son is of my family! And You promised me that my family would be saved. You never break your promise. “ [31]
Allah responded to him as follows:
“He said: “O Nuh! Be aware that he’s not from your family, for his behavior is not righteous. Therefore, do not ask me anything about which you do not know! ” [32]
After hearing this warning from Allah Almighty, He Hz. Nuh recognized the request of his was no longer a good idea. The bond of kinship in and of itself alone was not worth anything before Allah. It was also essential in order for kinship as an instrument of intercession.
Once Hz. Nuh discovered that his suggestion was unsuitable Nuh said that he was not appropriate.
“O my Lord! I do seek refuge with Thee from asking Thee for that of which I have no knowledge. And unless Thou forgive me and have Mercy on me, I should indeed be lost! “ [3333 He took the refuge of Allah’s Almighty, and was granted forgiveness and mercy from Allah Almighty.
The floodwater that began to rise on the 10th day of the month Rajab over the entire land shortly thereafter. Even the tallest mountains were buried in the water and were obliterated. The believers escaped the deluge on the ship , but none of the idolaters survived. This is why the wish of Nuh. Nuh came true.
The deluge lasted for six months. The rain was stopped after Allah spoke, “O earth! Swallow up thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)! ” [3434 The torrent of water pouring forth from the earth ended. The storm calmed and the rain was stopped. The water began to diminish. Noah’s Ark settled on a mountain known as Judi. [35]When the land was dry and was suitable to live in, Allah Almighty sent the following message:
“O Nuh! Come down (from the Ark) with Peace from Us, and Blessings on thee and on some of the Peoples (who will spring) from those with thee: but (there will be other) Peoples to whom We shall grant their pleasures (for a time), but in the end will a grievous Penalty reach them from Us. “ [3636.
Hz. Nuh along with the other believers disembarked on 10-th day in the month of Muharram. [37] They fasted on the 10th day to pay an act of gratitude. They collected all the drinks and food remaining. They prepared a dish known as Ashura (Noah’s dessert).
The tradition continues to be observed. All believers commemorate the salvation of the Hz. Nuh and the believers who are with him by the act of fasting and eating ashura on The 10th of each month’s day. Muharram. [38]
They will be reminded of the flood again and learn from this incident.
Following the flood the world was reborn for humanity.
According to the opinion of the majority of scholars The deluge took place within the Arabian Peninsula and the area surrounding it. Human beings were in only that region in the period. Thus, the deluge was universal, meaning that it covered all humans around the globe, but it was local to the entire world because it was only affecting the area in which these people resided. [39] But, there are certain scholars who believe that the deluge was a global phenomenon that covered the entire globe.
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Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – Hz. Nuh is also known as”the Second Father” of Humanity as well as the Second Adam as his actions made the number of humans to increase. [40]
Hz. Nuh was a man with outstanding character in terms of perseverance, endurance and determination. He always prayed to Allah without a cover He never let his heart devoid of Allah. He would say Bismillah at the start of each deed, and then Alhamdulillah at the conclusion of every act. He never complained about his circumstance. His name was described as being the most thankful in the Quran because he thanked Allah often. [41]
After Hz. Nuh was ordained prophet in the year 40 years old, Nuh performed the prophetic duty for 950 years with aplomb and in constant. Then, he was witness to the deluge , and according to some credible accounts the prophet died sixty years after the flood. [42]Thus his entire life spans 1050 years.
Following the flood, humans reproduced from the children of Nuh. Nuh and the followers who were there with his. According to a narrator that Nuh’s children were among them, SHEM was the mother of Arabs, Persians and Byzantines, HAM is the father of the Sudanese and JAPHETH is the father of Turks.
Nations of this world don’t comprise only of the mentioned nations It is certain that other nations are also a part of the believers who were saved from the deluge along in Noah. [43]
Ismail Hami Danismend gives the following details about Noah’s Ark in his book titled Historical Truths:
“According to the findings obtained from the research and excavations of modern science the deluge actually occurred. According to the Prophet Nuh is the historical protagonist for the flood. However, through the excavations conducted by Stephen Langdon, an Assyriology professor from Cambridge University, in 1929 it was determined that the deluge began in the Sumerian area of South Iraq and moved to the north. Even the place at which Noah embarked his ship was pinpointed.
Another question is What was Noah’s Ark be?
In the Torah this location can be described as Mt Ararat (Agri); in accordance with verse 44 of chapter Hud of the Quran the place can be described as Mt Judi. Judi mountains are situated about 40 km to the north-east of Diyarbakir. Its highest point is 4 thousand metres. [44]
The following details are provided in the periodicals known as Bilim ve Teknik (Science and Technology):
“It is a part in the legends and mythology of virtually every culture on earth, with a few variations. It is believed that a all-encompassing flood was a common occurrence as recorded in holy texts. People like those of the Hopi Indians living far away from the ocean in the south-east region of America have stories of the terrible flood which covered their entire territory and climbed to the top of their mountains, and destroyed nearly all life on the earth.
There is evidence to show that the deluge did indeed occur. This incredible result is the result of two distinct disciplines that are totally independent of one another: geologists examined their shells to determine the existence of a tiny sea creature which was alive 11.600 years ago. Archeologists studied the writings of an individual who lived about 8000 years ago, and translated these writings.
Let us first discuss the archeologists’ role. It began in the ruins of Nineveh one of the cities that served as the capital of the Assyrians. As per the information contained in the Holy Book, it was an area of shame and the sexiness of. There was an ancient city located in Mesopotamia located situated in Iraq currently.
Sumerians who are considered as the first civilization of humans by archeologists, lived close to Nineveh and lived there 5.500 year ago. In 1850 the amateur English archeologist named Sir Henry Layard succeeded in finding many clay tablets. The tablets were then sent for the British Museum in London. An untold number of researchers who committed their life to the mission were able to unravel the mysterious script written in cuneiform on the clay tablets.
Additionally, an individual named George Smith, who was fascinated by Assyriology. He was actually a note engraving artist. He would visit the museum in the evening and look at the exhibits that were not different from evidence of birds in the mud, which was a good choice for the uninitiated.
In the evening, he took an old tablet that was cleaned in the course of the day, and began reading the story of a flooding that occurred in the Assyrian language with increasing awe. The story he was reading was the Babylonian version of the Deluge that was included as part of “the Epic of Gilgamesh”. It also mentioned a person named Utnapishtim along with his wife. it said that they had built an boat and they are the sole survivors of the deluge that swept across the globe.
The similarity to the account of Noah was remarkable and it was virtually impossible to make it an accident. Because Babylonian people, as well as a variety of other stories are mentioned inside the Holy Book, the scientists discovered that both events stemmed from the same floods in the local area possibly due to the flooding from Tigris and Euphrates. Euphrates and Tigris which travelled through Mesopotamia and then flowed through the Persian Gulf.
Five years after that. The year was 1877. Pennsylvania University (USA) chose to fund the excavation of Mesopotamia. 50.000 tablets had been removed from earth in the excavations that took place in an ancient Sumerian city Nippur. Another tale of the flood that was recorded by the author of The Epic of Gilgamesh was discovered on a tablet of that was 3700 years old. tablets.
Then Sir Leonard Woolley, an English archeologist, began excavations across the desert in that ran between Baghdad along the Persian Gulf in 1922. The crumbling tower of a stunning temple pointed to the location for the ancient city Ur which was one of the major cities of the Sumerians. Woolley’s men made an amazing discovery when they dug through the sand.
They discovered the burial grounds of the rulers of Ur. They discovered many legendary artworks in the burial ground, where Sumerian nobles and kings were buried: helmets knives, music instruments as well as other artifacts composed of silver, gold or precious stones. Other things were found also: historic recordings that were made on clay tablets using extraordinary skill and skill and high tech.
Before Woolley began his excavations scholars were able to find the list of Sumerian Kings and a map of the history of Sumerian Kingdom. But they didn’t trust it too much. It began with the kings who existed prior to the deluge, and the dominance of the eight kings spanned 241.000 years. This was followed by the addition of other King’s. The chronology seemed a bit illogical.
Woolley discovered writings with identical names on the list of King’s names in Ur and even names of those who were the person who founded the first dynasty in Ur. Prior to the discovery of Woolley this Dynasty was believed as mythological. Following his discovery, it was made historical. According to the lists of kings, first dynasty was established following the flood. As a result the majority of Sumerian rulers lived several times longer than the normal life span of a man.
Woolley believed the graveyard was built prior to the beginning of the Ur dynasty. Woolley believes that there was a advanced civilization existed prior to even the first Dynasty. But, no evidence of physical nature aside from the list of Kings who mention the dynasty prior to the flood was available to prove that Sumerians were not able to emerge as the seeds explode following an ordinary rain.
After carefully examining the evidence, Woolley decided to continue digging under the cemetery. The excavation crew dug around one meter below the bricks that were muddy and began breaking the pans and pots. Woolley wrote in the following manner: “Then, everything suddenly stopped. There were no pots, pans or clay, only clean mud brought by water.”
The Arab workers drilling claimed it was impossible and they wanted to go somewhere and then. But, Woolley was a very determined man. He told them to continue to dig. After digging a smooth layers of clay two and a quarter meters The workers were confronted the tools made of stones made of emery and pottery.
Woolley went down and reached the lowest point. He made notes and called two individuals in his crew. He asked them if they could clarify the situation or not. They were unable to explain anything. Woolley requested his wife to answer the identical question. She looked around and replied, “It is definitely flood.” Woolley confirmed her statement, “That is the right answer.”
An analysis of microscopic detail revealed an extensive layer of pure clay had been left behind by an enormous flood that was enough to wipe out the Sumerian civilization. The evidence that was ideologically proof of a large flood that was in sync to the history books and was too real to be doubted was evident. According to the scientists the flood recorded in the holy texts became apparent. It happened in Ur which is in the town where the Hz. Ibrahim (Abraham) began his journey.
Thus, Hz. Ibrahim carried the tale of the deluge to locations that he went to. It was the Epic of Gilgamesh and the tale of Noah are merged into a single source which was found within the Mesopotamia Desert. The deluge story continued to be told for around 40 years. The 1960s ended and in the early 1970s two Americans removed some deposits from beneath the Gulf of Mexico through long cylindrical, thin containers.
There were tiny, unicellular planktonic organisms known as foraminifera that were found in the sediments. While these organisms were living at in the ocean’s surface, they stored their chemical “records” of the temperature and salinity of water in their shells. At the time of reproduction the shells were removed and dropped to the bottom of the ocean. One part of the ground, which was later shaped into the sediment, held the records of climates dating back one hundred million years. Every inch of sediment that was in the shape of a cylinder exhibited more than 100 years worth of past that the Earth has had.
The sediments were examined by two teams: Cesare Emiliani of Miami University and James Kennett of Rhode Island University and Nicholas Shackleton of Cambridge University. The drastic change in the sediments was observed through both analyses. It was a massive fresh (unsalted) flood of water that flooded the Gulf of Mexico. Jerry Stipp, a geochemist at Miami University, determined that the flood occurred around 11.600 years ago using the radiocarbon dating.
This ice age occurred around 30.000 years ago, and it reached its peak 18.000 decades ago. At the period, Canada and North America were covered by a much thicker layers of ice that one that is covering that of the South Pole today. A less thick layer of ice was covered Northern Europe and Siberia.
The ice covers as well as the glaciers at the top of the mountains were able to drain the water from earth and absorbed it into the frozen mass. The sea’s surface were about 100m less than the present and the first colonies of immigrants that were appearing on land were couple of fathoms below the sea at the time.
Emiliani declared, “11.600 years ago, the North American glacier suddenly broke and started to melt; these enormous masses of water consisting of melting ice started to flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Thus, they caused the sea level to rise. It spread to the whole world with the speed of a tidal wave. That is, it covered the globe in 24 hours. People had to escape inland; this universal migration brought about the memory of a universal deluge.”
The image above depicts the horror of a catastrophe. Massive walls of ice break into pieces as the layers of ice move forward and down the River Mississippi and then to the Gulf of Mexico. The temperature that begins to warm up causes glaciers to melt, and as a result huge amounts of water flow into the Atlantic as well as the Pacific. According to Emiliani the majority of the water flowed through the Mississippi to in the Gulf of Mexico.
But certain scientists don’t think that these findings prove the flood described in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Holy Book. Some geologists don’t accept Emiliani’s theory that melting glaciers poured into the Gulf of Mexico through the Mississippi. Others claim that they did not flow to the Gulf of Mexico and that the majority of the melting water went to the Atlantic through the St. Lawrence or that they were stored in “proglacial lakes”.
According to Emiliani the arguments and questions have no relevance because it is the fact that massive quantities of melting water from glaciers were pumped through the Gulf of Mexico. We know this because oxygen isotopes in foraminifera shells caused a brief reduction in the salinity of the waters that flows into the Gulf of Mexico. This is a clear indication that the primary time duration of the deluge was in the range of 12.000 to 11.600 centuries ago. It is clear that a deluge happened in this area and is an universal deluge.
The results of Emiliani are substantiated by the geoscientists Kennett and Shackleton and they discovered that the melting water of huge glaciers poured into the Gulf of Mexico through the River Mississippi and its tributaries. When the flow was at its highest this water and the time of its salinity reduction, the salinity of surface water was definitely reduced by around 10 percent.
Naturally the flow of fresh salted, untreated waters into the Gulf of Mexico is not the only proof of the existence of floodwaters. Emiliani declares, “Some South Pole (Antarctica) glaciers must also have melted to provide extra water. The ice sheet covering West Antarctica can do it; it can be shown as evidence that the ice sheet covering West Antarctica is not very stable.
It happened before and it can happen again. The studies we made in the Gulf of Mexico show what can happen when an ice sheet breaks off, how fast the process takes place and how fast the sea level rises.” According to his estimate that it’s about 32 centimeters per year, and enough to create a huge impact on the slightly incline coasts of Gulf of Mexico.
There is no reference to the exact date of the deluge found in the Holy Book. It just declares that the deluge occurred. The shells of these tiny dead creatures as well as the first recordings of human beings recorded on baking clay tablets confirm that the earth was submerged all over the world. [45]
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications)

1. Humanity is at liberty to decide on the path of faith and direction.
Prophet Nuh (عليه السلام) – There are many lessons to be learned from the nuh’s wife and son were not believers in him and perished in a state of unbelief despite the efforts by Nuh. Allah doesn’t place faith in the minds of people who do not believe according to their own desires. He will not take away the faith of a person through force without a reason. If someone loses their worthiness for believing due to the actions and actions of his own, Allah will extinguish the glow of faith within his heart. He will then leave the one in the shadows of doubt.
Yes, the impact from the surroundings on an individual can’t be ignored. It is widely known that those who are in a favorable environment are more likely to become successful and those living in poor environments usually end up being poor people. However, the quality of being either good or bad is just one reason. In actual fact it is not uncommon for something to be the opposite occurs. The case of Nuh his wife,
Nuh and his son is an excellent illustration of this. They were in the home of a prophet, and were in an environment that was good, but they didn’t believe because they acted in a negative manner. What is important is a person’s personal choice of believing or not believing according to his own choice. To attain belief the person must ask for it, put in the work in the pursuit of it, work hard and strive for it initially. Allah will give it to him based on these actions. Therefore, one is a faith-based person.
Sa’d Taftazani explains faith as follows: “It is a light placed into the heart of a person by Allah Almighty after that person uses his freewill. “ [4646
Noah’s family and wife became believers and opposed to Noah and in the favor of those who were not believers played a major factor in the struggles Noah faced in his mission of prophethood, which lasted for more than 950 years. It was also evident in his words, “O Lord! I am one overcome. “
The wife of Noah, Wahila, and his son, Kanan, had helped and aided Noah as Hz. Khadijah assisted Noah and the Messenger of Allah with strength and determination suffering, the agonies and troubles that Noah endured Noah would have been less.
The home-based unrest is more destructive and effective than the chaos outside for the man. The outside turmoil remains after you shut the door. If peace and calm within the house and there is a sense of harmony and love between the members of the family the man’s sadness suffering, pain and agony diminish. He gains strength and determination to fulfill his duties. But, if the struggles and agonies at home, the suffering and pain will increase.
2. The religion protects those who are weak and poor It fills the vast gap between classes:
According to Marxism that is the fundamental tenet that underlies communism, every religion support the oppressive and brutal administration and aristocratic groups’ exclusion of the commoner as well as the continued regime of oppression. Thus it is believed that religion is the primary source of popular opium in the eyes of communism. Religion has always aided those who oppressed the ruling class and helped them achieve their imperialist objectives.
The idea of Marxism on all religions, even Islam is an erroneous and unjust notion. It may be valid for Christianity which was deformed following Jesus and was used as a method to oppress the masses by the clergy, however it’s not true for the real religions, particularly Islam. The true religions did not stand for the oppression of others and turned their eyes towards the abuse of the poor by the minorities of the unreligious upper class of the wealthy and the nobles.
The rise of true religions is intended to create the system of justice and rights in order to replace the wrong system.
They are aiming to close the gap between wealthy and the poor as well as between the administrators and the people of the nobles as well as the ordinary people in order to make them legal equal and join them into the family of Islam.
Prophets from all times fought injustice, wrongdoing and oppression, in order to achieve justice. This is apparent in the tales of the prophets as told by the Quran. The upper classes were always in a state of panic when they discovered people who were poor or marginalized had faith in prophets at first and they used various tricks and secret strategies to stop this gathering of the prophets: making fun of and slandering, insulting, the use of torture, pressure as well as attempts to murder. One of these plans is the one that Noah made to Noah. Noah: “Dismiss all of the poor and miserable people around you. Then, we will believe in you” The prophets were apprehensive.
3.Shirk (polytheism) is an enormous act of oppression and murder that makes the earth and sky to be enraged.
Another significant lesson Another important lesson. Nuh’s tale teaches us that polytheism as well as unbelief is a huge crime which enrages not just Allah Almighty, but also the sky and earth. [48] Because, polytheism and unbelief is a grave breach of God’s rights as well as the creatures. It is a way of accusing the creatures of being meaningless and to see the universe as wandering in its own way, unfocused and apathetic. It’s the greatest offense to the universe as well as all the creatures that inhabit it.
In the wake of this murder and the sins of men and his disrespect for the creatures, the heavens and the earth often erupted and punished those who were not believers and polytheists by demolishing their homes with the blessing of Allah. In fact, the entire nation of Noah was destroyed by the flood that resulted of the rising waters and the continuous rain.
According to a narrator according to a narration, according to a story. Umar was crying for an extended time after he learned of the death of the Messenger of Allah and then he wrote an elegy in which he referred to the distinguished characteristics that were his Messenger of Allah that were not granted to prophets before. The elegy is like this:
“May my father and mother be sacrificed to you Oh Prophet of Allah!
Nuh requested the following prayers to his nation:
‘O my Lord! Don’t leave of the unbelievers any single one in the world.’ (Nuh, 26)
If you had believed in that, no one would be alive today. They cut your cheeks and damaged your teeth. And let them not even think about cursing them. you prayed the following:
‘O Allah! Give my nation forgiveness because they don’t know.’
May my father and mother be sacrificed in your honor O Prophet of Allah! Despite your brief life and the fact that you had few friends more people than Noah’s people were following you.”
According to a narrator, Jibril said to Nuh:
“O the Prophet with the longest life! How did you find the world?” Noah replied:
“It is like an inn with two doors; I entered into one of them and exited through the other.”
When Noah was in his final days Noah summoned two his children and addressed them with the following words:
“O my boys I command that you do two things and ban your doing 2 things. What I’m preventing you from is POLYTHEISM as well as CONCEITDNESS. The first thing I require you to do is to say “LA ILAHA ILLALLAH (There is no god except Allah)”. Because, if the sky, earth and all the creatures within their midst were put in one scale of balance and kalima-at-tawhid were to be placed on the other scale, kalima-at-tawhid would outweigh.
If the sky, earth and all the creatures that reside in them were gathered together and kalima at-tawhid was placed upon the top of them, then they will collaps and break. I also suggest that you pray “SUBHANALLAHI WA BIHAMDIHI (Glory be to Allah and Praise Him)” as this is the prayer that covers everything. Everything is their food because of it.”
Mujahid tells the story: “When Allah drowned the nation of Nuh by a flood The mountains were conceited and were elevated. But Mt Judi was modest. Because, the other mountains were tall, but Mt Judi was not as in the heights. Allah elevated it since it showed modesty and put Noah’s Ark upon it.
When he explains the hadith “The most severe misfortunes hit prophets and after them saints” in his book Ihya, Ghazzali writes:
“Do not assume that the condition Ayyub experienced was just an illness that affects the body. A misfortune hits both the body as well as the spirit. For example, the greatest calamity for Nuh was the nation’s opposition to his message and refusing the truth of his appeal that lasted hundreds of years. So after Ayyub the Messenger of Allah was angry at the opinions of a few people, he stated,
“May Allah show mercy to my brother Moses; he was harassed a lot but he put up with them and showed patience.”
Prophets were constantly snubbed and tested by those who opposed them as well as scholars and saints are frequently targeted and examined by people who are ignorant. So the saints and scholars of Allah were tested constantly by various difficulties, including being exiled, receiving information against, being questioned by the fact that they were not believers and being declared that they were not believers; only a few were able to escape these problems.
Abu Hurayra reports form Hz. Prophets: “On the Day of Judgment the prophet Nuh and his ilmah will be first called. It is at Hz. Nuh will be asked:
“Did you fulfill the duties you were ordered? Did you convey the message to the people?” Nuh will reply,
“Yes, I did. O Lord!”
Then, the nation will be asked to:
“Did Nuh convey the message of Allah to you?
The people of Nuh will be saying,
“No. If you had sent us a prophet, we would have obeyed your verses and become believers. He did not convey us what You told him”.
In the next step, Nuh will be asked,
“They claim that you did not convey them the message of Allah. Do you have a witness that you did?” He’ll reply,
“Yes, I do.” You will ask him
“Who?” Hz. Nuh will reply,
“The ummah of Muhammad.”
Then, the Ummah of Muhammad will be referred to as. It will then be determined if Nuh performed his duty of delivering Allah’s message. Allah. They will respond,
“Yes he did. We witness that he conveyed the message of Allah to his nation.”
Then, the people of Nuh will declare,
“How can you witness? We lived before you. You lived after us.”
A Muslim’s ummah Muhammad will answer these questions as follows:
“We witness because Allah sent us a messenger. He sent down a book to that messenger. He narrated us your story in that book”
Abu Hurayra said,
“We are the last ummah that arrived but we will be the first ummah on the Day of Judgment.”
This interpretation is confirmed by the next verse:
“Thus have We made of you an Ummah justly balanced That ye might be witnesses over the nations and the Messenger a witness over yourselves.” (al-Baqara 1443)
- 1 M. Vehbi, Hulasatu’l-Beyan, XV, 6168.
- 2 ibid, X, 4176.
- 3 Nuh, 7.
- 4 Nuh, 9.
- 5 Hud, 28-29.
- 6. This clearly states that there is no obligation in religion.
- 7 Hud, 28-29; ash-Shuara, 112-113.
- 8 ash-Shuara, 109.
- 9 ash-Shuara, 111, 112, 115.
- 10 Nuh, 11-12.
- 11 Nuh, 13-16.
- 12 Nuh, 17-18.
- 13 Hud, 32.
- 14 Hud, 33-34.
- 15 al-Ankabut, 14.
- 16 al-Qamar, 10; Nuh, 21, 24, 27, 28.
- 17 Hud, 37.
- 18 M. Vehbi, ibid, VI, 2338.
- 19 Hud, 38.
- 20 M. Vehbi, ibid, IV, 1660.
- 21 M. Vehbi, ibid, VI, 2338.
- 22 Hud, 40.
- 23 Hak Dini Kur’an Dili, IV, 2780-81.
- 24 M. Vehbi, ibid, VI, 2342.
- 25 Hud, 41.
- 26 M. Vehbi, ibid, VI, 2341.
- 27 Hak Dini Kur’an Dili, VI, 5131.
- 28 Hud, 42.
- 29 Hud, 43.
- 30 Hud, 43.
- 31 Hud, 45.
- 32 Hud, 46.
- 33 Hud, 47.
- 34 Hud, 44.
- 35 M. Vehbi; ibid, VI., 2348-2354.
- 36 Hud, 48.
- 37 Hak Dini Kur’an Dili, IV, 2786.
Fasting during the month of Ashura (10th of Muharram) was considered to be the Sunnah for all the prophets. Both Jews as well as Arabs who worshipped idols practiced an observance of fasting during the days of Ashura.
The Prophet was an observance of fasting during the days of Ashura and commanded his Companions to fast during the days of Ashura till the 2nd year of Migration which was the year when fasting during Ramadan was considered fard. If fasting during Ramadan was declared fard, the Prophet’s Ummah was free to choose whether or not to keep a fast during the days of Ashura.
If you want to fast on the 10th day of Muharram must observe fasting between the 9th and 10th days or on the 11th and 10th day of Muharram. It is a must to observe only fasting on the 10th day of Muharram as Jews observed a fast only on the 10th day of Muharram. It is considered a good deed to fast before or following the date 10th day of Muharram also so as not to look like Jews. (see Tahiru’l-Mevlevi, Muslumanlikta Ibadet Tarihi, 103-112).
- 39 M. H. Yazir, ibid, IV, 2784.
- 40 M. Vehbi, ibid, VI, 2354.
- 41 al-Isra, 3; ibid, VIII, 2942.
- 42 ibid, X, 4176.
- 43 M. H. Yazir, IV, 2758.
- 44 Tarihi Hakikatler, 2, 396-398.
- 45 Bilim ve Teknik, Nuh, Tufan ve Gercekler,’den, issue 121.
- 46 Isaratu’I-i’caz, 41.
47 This devious offer was offered by all the prophets. In actual fact, the prominent Makkan polytheists made the exact proposition to Prophet. The reason for which verse 52 in the chapter al-Anam was handed down is in the tafsir texts:
Some of the famous members of the Quraysh walked by Muhammad, who was the Messenger of Allah and saw some of his Companions who were poor like Suhayb ar-Rumi Ammar B. Yasir, Bilal al-Khabashi, Khabbab and Salman were together. The Qurayshis declared, “O Muhammad! Do you like being with these people instead of departing from your tribe? Do you wish to follow them? If you reject them, we’ll talk with you and follow you.”
The verse was proclaimed at this time.
The following verse is mentioned in another account that reads: In another account, the Messenger of Allah did not accept to remove them. Then, they replied, “At least, send them away when we come to you. When we leave, you can call them again.
We cannot imagine our people seeing us sitting with these slaves.” The Messenger of Allah took it up on the request by Hz.Umar. Polytheists asked to have him write this on the parchment. This was when the Messenger of Allah demanded Hz. Ali to bring the paper. At that point this verse came down: spelled down:
“Send to those that seek their Lord in the morning and at night in search of His face. You are not accountable on their behalf, but in nothing are they accountable to you for turning them awayand become (one) among the wicked.”
(Tabari, Jamiu’l-Bayan, VII, 200-201; al-Wahidi, Asbabu’n-Nuzul, s. 124; Alusi Ruhu’l-Maani, VII, 160; Hak Dini Kur’an Dili, III, 1941).
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