Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – The an great illustration (to be a follower of) in Abraham and those who were with him who said to their followers: “We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: We have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred– forever– unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone” “(al-Mumtahina 4, 4.)
Following the deluge, a few of Noah’s grandchildren Noah moved to Iraq. They built Babylon as the capital city. Babylon close to the Euphrates river. Euphrates.
People of Babylon disregarded the concept of unity in the course of time , and began to worship the stars. They built one earthly idol for each star that they worshiped on the sky. They believed that these idols would pray to their behalf before the stars. So Babylonians believed that Babylon associated idolatry with star worshipping with an entirely new religion called Sabianism.
Babylonians were under the rule of an uncaring king called Nimrod. 1 He boasted of the wealth and sultanate power he enjoyed and claimed to be an incarnation of God who was able to control his wealth.
Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.) (Abraham), Islamic Children’s Books on the Quran, Islamic book for Children on the Life of Allah’s Messenger Muhammad, Islamic Children’s Books on the Quran, The Short Seerah of Prophet Muhammad, Islamic book for kids and Adults , Islamic Stories for Children and A Concise Guide to the Life of Muhammad
In the time of dry spells, people would appeal to Nimrod and ask for wheat. Nimrod would then ask, “Who is your Lord?” He offered grain to people who replied, “You are.” He refused to give any thing to those who refused to acknowledge him as Lord. Therefore, he controlled the masses. He demanded everyone accept the fact that he was their Lord.
Babylonians Babylon were caught in an extreme disorientation and confusion regarding beliefs. They were in desperate require of an angel that could rescue the people from this false conviction and lead them down the way to follow.
Nimrod was a fan of Astrologers and soothsayers. Nimrod placed a lot of importance on their words and believed all they said. One time, they told Nimrod,
“O Majesty! According to what we understand from the stars, this year a child will be born in your country; he will change the religion of the people. This child will end your sultanate in the future. Therefore, order all of the children to be born this year to be killed.”
Nimrod was scared when he learned of the news. He panicked. He instructed his soldiers to inspect the entire city and then kill all the male babies to be born.

But, nothing can stop the outcome that Allah predicted.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – Nimrod had a sworn official named Azar who he trusted extremely. Azar was an ardent fan of Nimrod. He was a loyal and loving follower of Nimrod. So, Nimrod named him the director of the idol house. This was a high-profile job. Because of his closeness to Nimrod, Azar was a social person who had a lot of influence. He was a reputable person.
When Nimrod directed all the male children executed, the wife of Nimrod was expecting. The problem was that nobody was aware of the pregnancy. After Azar discovered the fact that his wife had become expecting and he began to search for ways to prevent the child he was expecting to have. He was thinking,
“The child that Nimrod fears cannot be my child.” He raised the children of his as idolaters, and taught children to remain committed to Nimrod. In the end, he didn’t want his child to die in the name of Nimrod. He considered taking his wife away from Babylon and then letting his child be born with anyone being aware.
With the help of the influence of his father, Azar recognized what was he thinking about. Azar went to Babylon along with his spouse and went to the village of Kusa in between Basra Kufa and Kufa. They were buried in a cave. Hz. Ibrahim is a child of this cave. According to a legend the cave was inhabited by the cave was inhabited by Hz. Ibrahim is born on the 10th of Muharram or, during day of Ashura. Day of Ashura.
Ibrahim is believed to have been born in caves in the distance from Babylon and stayed there for a couple of years. There was no one other than his mother and father there. But, there was something that was not found in other children. He flourished quickly. It was easy to spot some extraordinary things in his actions.
- Once, he questioned his mother:
- “Mum! Who is my Lord?” His mother replied,
- “I am your Lord.” He wanted to know:
- “Who is your Lord?” His mother asked,
- “Your father is.” He was asked:
- “Mum! Who is my father’s Lord?”
The mother of the child was stunned by these unanticipated inquiries from Ibrahim at this point. She was also terrified. She informed her husband about this and told him, “The child to change the religion of the people is probably your son.” But Azar did not believe it and blamed it to the reality it was because Ibrahim was a young man.
- Another day, Ibrahim asked his father the same questions.
- “Dad! Who is my Lord?” His father asked,
- “Your mother is your Lord.” He was asked:
- “Who is my mother’s Lord?” The father replied,
- “I am her Lord.” He was asked:
- “Dad! Who is your Lord?” His father replied,
- “Nimrod is my Lord?” He said:
- “Who is Nimrod’s Lord?”
The last question caused Azar angry. Azar was afraid for a young child to be thinking about the issues. He warned Ibrahim with a slap: “Keep quiet! Do not think of these things again. ” 2
Ibrahim was against the false views of his nation even though he was young. Because, Allah enlightened his heart through the light of faith and unity. It was evident from the young Ibrahim’s actions and statements that he was the spiritual leader of the holy cause.
At one time Azar told his colleagues,
“I have a son. I kept it as a secret because I was afraid that Nimrod would kill him. If I reveal my son, will Nimrod do anything to him?”
His friends said,
“No, he will not do anything. Reveal that you have a son. Nimrod has already forgotten about it.”
Then, Azar took Ibrahim out from the cave. Azar along with his wife Ibrahim embarked on a journey to Babylon.
This was the very first time Ibrahim left the cave, and He saw things all around him in the world for the very first time. He was captivated by the sights of trees, animals, people and, in a nutshell all he saw attentively. The father asked him questions regarding them, and he got his father’s answers to the questions.
Ibrahim was attentive to what his father had to say extremely attentively. He thought to himself,
“There is definitely a Being who created these beings and who gave them several duties. The extraordinary events cannot take place on their own. ”
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In addition to his duties in the idol-house Azar Ibrahim’s father was an entrepreneur. He created small idols, and had his sons market them in the market.
When Ibrahim became a man of age his father gifted him with some idols and took Ibrahim into the marketplace to buy the idols.
But, Ibrahim had hated idols from the time he was a young child. He didn’t believe they were worthy of worship. So, he sewed the rope around the neck of every idol his father gifted him, and began the process of dragging them. He yelled “Who wants to buy these idols who cannot benefit or harm anybody?”
The people who were informed that Ibrahim Azar’s son was a mockery of idols were furious but did not speak up due to the position of Azar.
In the evening , all of Ibrahim’s brothers went to their homes with the money they made from selling idols, but Ibrahim returned empty handed. This was the same each day. His father couldn’t comprehend it since he did not understand exactly what Ibrahim had been doing.
It continued like this for a few minutes.
In the end, some people informed Azar about the things Ibrahim did.
Azar noticed something. He realized that his son didn’t appreciate idols. He was able to tolerate the things he did in the past, in hopes of changing his strange behavior when he got older. But, he realized that he had made a mistake. He needed to take action urgently.
Azar called Ibrahim to instruct him to be more rational. At the moment, Ibrahim had been assigned the role of prophet by Allah.
The call to Azar offered a chance for. Ibrahim who was made prophetic at a young age. He ran to his father. He sat down with him in a respectful manner. He told him,
“Daddy! Why do you accept non-living beings that do not hear or see and that cannot save themselves from a misfortune that hits them as deities? The real deity sees, hears and saves His slaves from misfortunes. ” 4
Azar was astonished when his son started to say they. What made him get these concepts? He told me,
“Ibrahim Are you conscious of the words you say? And how dare you speak to me like that. Ibrahim explained it to his father in the following manner:
“Daddy! I was assigned the duty of prophethood by Allah. I was given the knowledge that was not given to you. I was ordered to show my nation the true path. Come and obey me. I will tell you about the true religion. ” 5
Hz. Ibrahim did not show disrespect when he spoke to his father. He spoke to his father’s mind and consciousness, pointing on the reality that idol worship was the result of the tricks of Satan therefore worshiping idols could be considered to be worshiping Satan. He further stated that being an associate of Satan will result in hellfire. Hell. 6
But his words did not influence Azar in any way. He did not take his time listening to Azar in the hope to find for the truth. The words spoken by people can have an impact on them if they listen carefully and without bias. Thus, he confronted his son with a harsh tone:
“O Ibrahim! You do not accept my idols. You are not a good child. If you were a good child, you would follow the way of your ancestors. Go away. Do not come to me before you give up those thoughts. ” 7
Hz. Ibrahim was devastated when he received his father’s response. But, he didn’t let go of his faith. He kept urging him to follow the right path in which his life was. He would always ask Allah to guide him. 8 However, Azar did not give his worship of idols until the time he passed away. He was adamant about his incorrect faith. While his father was the prophet, he passed away as a non-believer. Thereupon, Hz. Ibrahim was no longer praying for his father, and he asked forgiveness from his father. 9

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Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – It can be seen that it’s not enough to ensure mankind’s salvation as a father to prophets. Because, the getting out of Hell and the attainment of eternal bliss is only achievable by faith. Faith is a beam of source of light which Allah Almighty places in the soul of an individual who desires it by his own will.10
Being the wife, father or the son of a prophet is irrelevant if the person doesn’t show a desire to be a believer. Every person is in a distinct world. Allah tests each person both individually and in isolation; hence He would like the mighty and the petty souls to differentiate themselves from one other. So, Ibrahim’s father was killed as a non-believer and was sent to Hell to remain there for the rest of his life as he fought to die as a non-believer, in spite of his son’s demands and prayers.
It is said that the Messenger of Allah recounts the events of Azar and his meeting with his child at his Day of Judgment as follows:
The Day of Judgment, Ibrahim meets his father, Azar. Azar’s face is dark and covered with dust. Ibrahim is adamant to his father,
“Did I not tell you, ‘do not disobey me’ in the world and ‘I will show you the right path’?” The father’s response is repentance:
“I will not disobey you today.” Then, Ibrahim says,
“O Lord! You promised me that you would not humiliate and embarrass me until the Day of Judgment. What can be more humiliating and embarrassing for me than this state of my father’s?” Allah replied to him in the following manner:
“O Ibrahim! I made Paradise haram for unbelievers. Your father died as an unbeliever. Therefore, do not feel sorry because of this.”
Following that, Allah Almighty addressed him with the following words:
“O Ibrahim! What is under your feet?”
When Ibrahim was looking at his feet at his feet, he was able to see a bloody hyena. Allah changed Azar into a sexy appearance due to his incredulity.
Ibrahim felt disgusted after Ibrahim saw the shocking scene. Azar was taken to Hell at the ground. It is the finality of the unbelievers and those who doubt.
Hz. Ibrahim began the job of delivering the message talking to his father , but Ibrahim was unable to convince his father.
Following that, it was imperative for him to lead his people back to the real way. Hz. Ibrahim thought of his idea to show the world that stars do not have to be gods at first.
A few days later, as the sun had set and he sat in the sky. A shining star was evident. He pointed to the star and said:
“That is my Lord!” The people who were around him could hear the voice of his Lord.
At dawn the bright star was gone. Thereupon, Hz. Ibrahim delivered the following sentence:
“No, it cannot be my Lord. It disappeared. I am looking for a Lord that will not disappear. I do not love those that set and disappear. “
The reason the reason that. Ibrahim said to”the star “my Lord” was not acknowledging the star as his Lord. In that way the man was saying the wrong idea that is common in the minds of people. He would refute the notion later on.
This technique is crucial in communicating the truth. If used properly it could be more convincing than telling the truth straight.
The following evening The next night, the next evening. Ibrahim began to study the sky once more. At that moment, the brilliant night sky caught Ibrahim’s attention. It was slowly rising, shining brightly into the night. He yelled with excitement:
“This is my Lord. How could I not notice it before? Only this moon, which enlightens the night, can be my Lord.”
The crowd watched in amazement and tried to comprehend what he was saying.
But, the moon vanished in the early morning, as did the star. Thereupon, Hz. Ibrahim stated, “Something that emits light first and disappears after that cannot be my Lord. I was wrong.” Therefore, he delivered the message to those who were around him, that the moon could not be God. 14
Hz. Ibrahim was up before dawn the next day. He was staring at the horizon, and observing the dark disappearance of night. The sun, rising like a globe, and shining brightly attracted his attention. In the hope of proving that it was not the Lord He said,
“This is my Lord. Is it not the sun that sends light to the earth, heats people and enlightens the universe? Besides, it is bigger and brighter than all of the other celestial bodies.”
By making this declaration the author hoped to prepare the minds of people for the notion that, even if the sun cannot be God, then no celestial body can be Lord.
The sun began to set as it sat in the evening. It suddenly became completely dark and without lighting. The time was right for Hz. Ibrahim to declare the unity of Allah. He was required to tell to the people to declare that Allah was the Lord of the worlds. He invited the crowd to gather around him, and addressed them in the following manner:
“O you people in Babylon I have discovered the truth right now. The moon, the stars and the sun are not my Lord.
They are all celestial bodies made by Allah God, the Lord of the worlds. He created you as well as me. He is everywhere. He can see everything and make everything. But, we are unable to be able to see Him or understand the nature of His existence. I will not associate with anyone with Him. “15
Thus, Hz. Ibrahim revealed his true beliefs and thoughts to the people. He proved how unfounded and false their beliefs were.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – The message that Prophet Ibrahim said was something Babylonians Babylon were not aware of or considered prior until that point. They were therefore astonished.
Then after that, it was Hz. Ibrahim began to confront the idols. He tried to show that the idols couldn’t be gods like the stars. He stated,
“O my people! What are the idols that you worship? Are they not pieces of lifeless stone and wood that are not aware that you worship them? Do you think Allah, who is the Lord of the realms, is a lifeless, will-less and spiritless being? Know it very well that this is a big slander. Give up this thought at once. Stop associating these lifeless beings as partners with Allah. ” 16
The inhabitants of Babylon had gotten free of the shock that started them. They became extremely angry after they heard that Hz. Ibrahim was speaking about their gods. They told him:
“We saw our fathers worship these idols. We were brought up like that. We have never thought about these subtle issues. We will not think about them in the future, either. We will imitate and follow our ancestors. We will practice their belief.”
Hz. Ibrahim dispelled the false belief of his people by presenting the evidence he presented, but they did not pay attention to the fact that they were able to emulate their parents. This is why they displayed their fervor. To combat this discrimination To overcome this bigotry, in order to counter this. Ibrahim demanded,
“What will happen if your fathers were wrong? Will you continue their mistakes in the same way?”
The answers to Ibrahim’s query were in the following manner: “Our fathers were cleverer and more intelligent than us. Therefore, we do not think they made any mistakes. ” 17
Hz. Ibrahim was very upset after hearing this stupid answer from his fellow citizens. He continued to present new proofs to convince his people to change their minds and educate them on the negative consequences of their actions. 18
Hz. Ibrahim’s people were very upset by his remarks. They began to search at ways to silence Ibrahim. In the beginning, they wanted scare him. They told him,
“O Ibrahim! If you mock our idols, something bad will happen to you. You will be harmed. Give up this claim before something happens to you.”
Hz. Ibrahim did not take note of their strategies of intimidation or terrorization. He resisted them with a heroic stance.
“How should I fear your idols while you do not fear associating partners with Allah? I will never fear them because they will neither benefit nor harm me. ” 19
The Prophet Ibrahim did not have any influence on them , despite his sermons and the evidence. His people began to mock the Prophet and to despise his name. 20
But, he wasn’t hindered by their actions He began to talk to the world about his mission each time. At the end of the day the man realized that people would not be able to accept his message just through preaching. He decided to demonstrate the weaknesses of idols. He was determined to do something about it as quickly as he could.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – The Babylonians of Babylon were known to sacrifice their animals. They also cooked meals , and placed them in the temple which was where they prayed on holidays. Then they would gather in the square. They would have fun and play games in the square. After the festivities the group would go back to the idol’s house and take a bite of the food they left behind.
It was a day of feasting. After people had finished their meal in the idol-house they began gathering on the square. It was a wonderful chance to meet the Hz. Ibrahim. He made an excuse not to participate in the celebration, and also to destroy the idols in the meantime.
Hz. Ibrahim was able to find an excuse. When he was invited to participate in the festivities, he glanced at the stars that his country always saw and then declared, “I was taken ill. Please go without me. ” 21 Epidemics were frequent during that time. The medical science had not yet advanced. The illness would quickly spread and epidemics would begin to break out. If an individual was sick, people will not wish to spend time around the person who was sick.
In actual fact, Ibrahim was. Ibrahim did not suffer from any physical disease. But, he was extremely sad because of the denial and idolatry of his country. When he stated that the word “ill” was referring to his emotional sadness and pain.
As everyone assembled in the square to celebrate the celebration Then it was Hz. Ibrahim made his way into the idol-house with ease. There were many kinds of foods, fruits, and drinks on the table in between the idols. He looked them in the eyes and began laughing. He mocked them, saying:
“Eat the food in front of you. Do not feel embarrassed. ” 22 Then, he cut all of them with the exception of one with the axe he brought along. He did not smash the most powerful idol, Marduk. He placed the axe over it’s shoulder. 23
After the idolaters had returned from the party they looked at the idols, and were stunned. They were furious and agitated. They began to run about. They yelled wildly:
“Who is this insolent person? He cannot get away with it. Let us find him immediately.”
One of the first people they became concerned about was Hz. Ibrahim. They were aware that he did not like idols. Furthermore, no one else participated in the celebration. There was no doubt the man had succeeded.
They began looking for the frequency of. Ibrahim. They caught him immediately. They decided to interrogate him in front of the general public and then judge him publicly.
The judges asked the. Ibrahim:
“O Ibrahim! Did you do this bad deed to our gods? Did you cause this?”
Hz. Ibrahim offered them an unanticipated answer:
“The most powerful one who carried the axe over his shoulder may have been the one to do this. (*) He could have been upset because you worshipped tiny idols even though they were there.
You can ask the small idols that are lying on the ground. If they were healthy and could talk about it, they’d absolutely identify the culprit to them. “24
After hearing the frequency of. Ibrahim’s speech, they began to think. They were right. As the gods were idols they were required to know who cut the pieces of wood and stone, and to reveal their names to him. Was it wrong to worship these unredeemable pieces of stone and wood who were unable to speak or defend themselves?
In a brief moment their minds and consciences began to see the truth behind the words of the Hz. Ibrahim. The state of affairs was not for long. The thoughts from their souls as well as Satan and their prejudgment were prevailing. It would be difficult for them to abandon the footsteps of their forefathers. Furthermore it would be foolish that they follow the path of a person like Ibrahim.
They told Ibrahim. Ibrahim:
“O Ibrahim! You know that these idols do not move and speak. How could they have done it? You are the culprit definitely. ” 25
Hz. Ibrahim had been waiting on the confession. They had themselves confessed to the truth. He took advantage of this chance and said,
“Then, why do worship the idols that could not protect themselves, that could not speak even one word and that could not benefit and harm anybody? ” 26
It was now obvious that the Hz. Ibrahim had destroyed the idols. They decided to lock him up and then decide on the punishment in the future. While they were at it, Nimrod heard about what was happening within the town. He wanted to visit and speak to the young man who was not a believer in the stars, and was looking to establish a new faith. He pleaded with his men to get the young man from prison and take his to the royal palace.
Nimrod turned in a snide manner at the young man taken to his house. He asked Ibrahim to jokingly:
- “Tell me young man. Who is your Lord? What does He do?”
- The Prophet Ibrahim replied to this question in a solemn manner and with seriousness:
- “My Lord is He Who gives life and death. ” 27
- These words brought Nimrod more joy. He turned to Ibrahim and declared,
- “That is not difficult. I’m able to give you life and death as well.
Then, he issued his men an order. He requested them to bring two persons. Nimrod’s men left returning with two weak men. He turned his attention to the executioner and instructed him to execute one of the two men. He sincerely apologized to the second one and offered him money and property. He released him and presented him off as a wealthy man. He then turned to Ibrahim along with his men. He told them,
“Have you seen? I killed one of them. I revived the other by forgiving him and giving him money and property. Then, I am the deity that Ibrahim mentions. ” 28
Nimrod did not know the significance of what. Ibrahim was referring to by killing and then reviving. He dealt with the matter in a simple manner and even claimed that Ibrahim could also do the exact process. Hz. Ibrahim was determined to instruct Nimrod the lesson of his ignorant and foolish words.
He wanted to demonstrate to Nimrod and his men that one cannot be god by killing someone and then forgiving someone else.
In his head Nimrod was able to say to Nimrod,
“O Nimrod! My Lord, Allah, can make the sun rise in the east. If you are really a god, make it rise in the west. ” 29
Nimrod was stunned by this shocking contest. He was stunned and couldn’t say anything.
He was humiliated by his fellow soldiers. He was shaking with fury. He needed to take his revenge. He was determined to kill him in the manner that was exemplary and would stop others from challenging his authority and refusing to critique him or saying anything negative about him.
He spoke with his men and his advisors about the matter. They determined to burn Ibrahim by throwing him into the burning fire. They decided to select an area large enough and then cover it with wood. They then chose to put him in the center of the fire.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – Nimrod directed people to collect wood. Hz. Ibrahim was to be punished with put in the big fire.
Following this after which the people began collecting wood. They gathered a massive pile of woods within minutes. (*)
The woods were lit.
The fire grew bigger and larger; it started to take on an ugly appearance. The fire could be felt from a long distance. The sky was red. It was difficult to get close to the flame. So, they set up an catapult in a hill near the spot. They were planning to launch the man into the fire using the catapult.
Everyone in the city congregated around the area in which the fire was started to witness the terrible incident. People began to watch with fascination and terror.
Then, they put the Hz. Ibrahim onto the catapult. They waited for the orders from Nimrod to throw the man. In the meantime, all creatures and angels were begining Allah and begging Allah to save the Hz. Ibrahim.
“O Lord! In this nation, there is only one person who knows you and who worships you: that is Ibrahim. Now they are burning him. Allow us to destroy this rebellious nation and save Ibrahim.”
Allah Almighty told them,
“I know his state better than you do. If he asks your help, help him. If he relies on me only and asks for my help, my help is enough for him.” Then, Nimrod gave the expected order. The catapult was then released. Hz. Ibrahim began to fly towards the center of the fire.
He didn’t show any expressions of fear, excitement or anxiety. He uttered the following statements in faith:
“Hasbunallah wa ni’mal-wakil”It is “Allah’s assistance is sufficient for me. He is the only way to get rid of my affairs. I trust him completely.” He didn’t require anyone else to take refuge in.
Allah will certainly not abandon his slave who depended on and believed in Him and was helpless. He did not. The divine command provided him with help when the man was about to fall into the flames:
“O Fire! Be cool, and a means of safety for Ibrahim! Do not burn him! ” 30
On this command it was not able to ignite the Hz. Ibrahim. A cool area was discovered within the middle of the flame. Hz. Ibrahim was able to settle there, without any issues.
The crowd applauded and cheered Nimrod in a rousing manner as they listened to. Ibrahim was dropped into the fire. As Ibrahim was thrown into the flame they were very excited. They began to scream loudly. They were saying,
“Ibrahim was threatening us with fire. Now he is in the fire himself.” Hz. Ibrahim was in the fire during seven consecutive days. Afterward, he stated, “The most enjoyable moments for me in the world were the seven days I remained in the fire.”
Nimrod was very happy that he had gotten the scum of Ibrahim. He announced a feast for seven days throughout the city. People would drink, eat and enjoy themselves. They would be celebrating because they had gotten out of Ibrahim.
The flame continued to grow in massive flames. No one was aware of Hz. Ibrahim was secure and well within the flame as if he were living in a rose-scented garden. They believed he’d go up in flames the moment he fell into the flame.
The flames began to disappear after a week the team was able to see that the frequency was Hz. Ibrahim was secure and secure. They were able to look up. They saw something amazing.
Hz. Ibrahim was worshipping by the flame and praying to Allah. The flame had not hurt Ibrahim in any way.

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Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – Babylon’s inhabitants Babylon were shocked by the fact that Hz Ibrahim did not get burned in the flame and he escaped. They were unsure of how to react or the right words to use. In reality, the fact the fact that the fact that. Ibrahim was not burned in the fire was a clear evidence of his being prophetic.
Anyone who is observant and intelligent could accept this. But Babylonians Babylon didn’t care about logic and justice; they revered idols and the stars blindly. In a spirit of bigotry, they imitated the ways of their predecessors. Actually they quickly discovered a way to describe the way in which they were able to explain how. Ibrahim got saved from burning. They claimed,
“He is a devil. The devil was created out of fire; so, fire will not burn him. Keep away from him. We might catch fire and burn.”
Some people described the miraculous act of not burning in the flame by Ibrahim believing that he was a god, and others with magical powers. They resorted to a variety of bizarre explanations and interpretations to deny the reality. When things are in conflict with the desires and interests of man, he could be able to cover up the truth. He could resort to bizarre arguments to discredit the facts that are hard to disprove. The condition of Babylonians Babylon was a prime example of this. .
The fact that he was not burned in the fire was the biggest miracle of Prophet Ibrahim. There are a number of lessons that can be learned from this event.
In the first place the miracle shows us that nothing in nature can act by itself. Furthermore, it proves that the characteristics of the elements were entrusted their characteristics by Allah.
There are four main elements of the natural world that are air, water soil, and fire. It is evident from the magic of the frequency of. Ibrahim That fire obeyed command by Allah but did not ignite Hz. Ibrahim was astonished when Allah told him, “Do not burn.”
The same is true for other elements. This air was subjected to the Hz. Sulayman’s orders are clear proof of this. The Prophet Sulayman was a wind-rider and flew wherever he desired. He reached the location where he wanted to fly shortly through the air.
The fact that Moses, the prophet Moses (Musa) took water from the area that he struck with his stick, and that divided the sea in two using his stick, proves that elements of water and soil are also influenced by the commandment of Allah.
In the end, there isn’t any natural element that does anything independently. Every element acts according to divine instructions because it is Allah who gave them the attributes they possess.
We notice that the delicate lush green leaves on tress have also been exposed to a small example of the wonder of the frequency of. Ibrahim.
The delicate leaves retain their freshness, greenness and moisture for months even in the summer when temperatures are very hot. The human being is disoriented when he is under the scorching sun for an extended period of time the skin gets burned and darkens in shade. If it gets too hot, a few people are killed. The fact that extreme heat doesn’t cause the trees’ leaves to burn and does not interfere with the freshness of leaves proves that both the cold and heat act according to the guidance of Allah.
The state of the element heat disproves the assertions of the nature worshippers: “And the delicate leaves as fine as cigarette paper repeat the verse “Ya Naru, kuni bardan, wa salaman” (O fire, let peace and coolness) against the burning heat and each one is like the other people of Ibrahim. “31
Another lessonto be learned from this amazing feat is:
When Allah declared that fire should not be burned, He told it to “Be coolness and peace.” If He had stated “be cold”, the fire would have been too cold, and could kill the. Ibrahim. The directive ,” be coolness and peace” was able to stop the occurrence. The temperature fell to a point that did not cause harm to the frequency. Ibrahim and remained at the same level. The word “heat” does not mean hot just. Cold is also a component of heat. Thus, fire can burn in high and low temperature. However, the fire that burns at low temperatures is not known as burning but is instead freezing.
Third lesson to learn from this miracle is it is:
The world that we inhabit is one of wisdom. Allah performs all of His actions in this world on the basis of the wisdom of His people and his reasons.
One of Allah’s wisdoms is using the laws and causes of nature as disguises for His power. This means that Allah’s authority is the one who does however, laws and causes appear to be the one doing the work. The miracles demonstrate Allah’s power by inducing the veil of causes but they don’t completely eliminate the issue.
Thus, fire didn’t cause any harm to the human body Hz. Ibrahim and his shirt around his body. Allah granted his shirt the power of incombustibility. If his shirt had burned but his body hadn’t been burned the shirt, it was in contradiction to the wisdom. His shirt was blessed with an incombustibility property, so that it could not be incompatible with wisdom.
In fact the shirt was handed over from the prophet Ishaq (Isaac) as well as and then to Yaqub (Jacob) in the following years and finally to the son of Yaqub Yusuf (Joseph) later on.
One of the goals of miracles is to inspire mankind to progress in his material progress and create things that are similar to the miracles of those who have been witnessed.
It is well-known that many marvels of the world were revealed to humans through prophets.
When the issue of Ibrahim’s shirt burning is taken into account from this point of from a fire safety perspective, the following conclusion follows The following result is possible: You can discover things that are resistant to fire and non-combustible. In actual fact, substances such as asbestos and amianthus that are not combustible are found in recent times on Earth and were used to create clothing for astronauts and firefighters.
The Babylonians Babylon discovered that they were seeing that Hz. Ibrahim didn’t burn in the fire Only a handful of those who believed in him recognized his prophethood. One of the few was Hz. Ibrahim’s niece Lut (Lot) 32 and the other his cousin Sara who later wed Hz. Ibrahim and later became his wife.
Hz. Ibrahim continued to call his followers to follow the right path for a few more minutes. But the ignorant and bigoted people were not able to believe in his message or believed in it despite his tireless efforts.
In the final analysis at the end. Ibrahim was defeated and advised them in the following manner:
“O my people! You always denied me despite clear evidences. From now on, there is no love, connection, friendship and kinship between you and me. Eternal enmity has occurred between us. This enmity and hatred will continue until you believe in the oneness of Allah.” 33
Following these words after these words. Ibrahim and the followers broke up all of their relationships with their polytheistic friends and relatives.
In the meantime, Allah sent a revelation to Hz. Ibrahim telling him to leave this place in which polytheists resided, and move to a place and elsewhere. Wherever the man would reside and enjoy worship freely with the Christians.
Hz. Ibrahim was the first to inform his nation of it in the following manner:
“I will go to the place where my Lord orders me to go. I hope He will take me to a place where I will realize all of my worldly and otherworldly desires. ” 34
This event shows that if religious individuals are unable to perform their religious obligations in their current location that is not religious, it is essential to relocate to areas with religious people. This is called the hijrah (migration). It is only necessary when it’s not feasible to maintain a strict religious lifestyle in the place. If you are able to demonstrate some patience, complete the requirements of the religion and provide a model for those around the area, it’s better to remain there rather than moving.
As it came time to the migration, Allah Almighty ordered Hz. Ibrahim to go to Damascus. Hz. Ibrahim fled Babylon together with Sara, his wife Sara along with his fellow believers.
Following the migration of the Hz. Ibrahim, Nimrod and his nation, which did not migrate and were bitten by mosquitoes. Many people died due to mosquitoes. The ones who survived had to leave the city as it became extremely difficult to live in the city.
Then, a mosquito began to attack Nimrod. Nimrod whom he claimed was God and took great pride on his riches, was found to be weak after being attacked by the mosquito. The mosquito was with Nimrod wherever it moved. Nimrod was spotted by the mosquito wherever he was. Nimrod was very uncomfortable and uncomfortable. His arrogance and pride diminished and he became a humble man who was wriggling in agony. The tiny mosquito resembled an elephant. His efforts to get rid of the mosquito proved to be futile.
After causing trouble to Nimrod for several days The mosquito entered Nimrod’s nostrils when Nimrod was in a hurry. It landed on Nimrod’s brain and took his life.
The great sultanate of his time ended.
Nimrod who was considered to be one of the cruelest and self-centered kings of the world was defeated by a common mosquito. What could be a better example than this?
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Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – According to some stories that this flimsy mosquito that was blind and lazy was not able to kill Nimrod by itself. It achieved the greatest victory of taking out Nimrod because of its affinity to Allah Almighty and because it was an ally of Allah. Anyone who has a connection with Allah Almighty is able to do anything due to this connection. Even a tiny thing can do far more than its own strength and produce amazing results.
In actual reality, an ant beats an Pharaoh A mosquito beats Nimrod as well as a microbe beats an oppressor because of the power of friendship and faith in Allah Almighty.
A mosquito that relies on Allah and is an official for Allah can feel proud in the name Allah. Allah over Nimrod’s pride which turns into humiliation and shame in the event of death. It is able to show its respect of a relationship with God and diminish Nimrod’s status to nothing. All stem from the concept of the connection to Allah. It is a truth, the fact that a tiny seed as tiny as a chickpea’s carries an enormous pine tree as mountains is derived from the same source. (*)
After departing from Babylon after Babylon. Ibrahim traveled to Damascus along with the believers, and was able to settle in Harran. Harran. In the following years, after living at Harran for a few months, Ibrahim decided to leave Harran. Ibrahim made the decision to move into Egypt together with wife.
In the time of that, Pharaohs ruled Egypt. The Pharaoh of the time was a brutal person. When Hz. Ibrahim arrived in the city The Pharaoh was informed of his arrival. He was told by a gorgeous woman who was with Ibrahim.
The Pharaoh assigned someone to Hz. Ibrahim and inquired about whom she was. Hz. Ibrahim told the Pharaoh’s servants they were his sisters. She then spoke to Sara and told Sara, “I told them that you were my sister. Do not contradict me. I swear by Allah that there is nobody except you and me that believe in Allah here. Therefore, we are regarded as brothers in our religion.”
The Pharaoh’s servants were able to transport Sara on a trip to her palace. As Sara was at her palace at the time, the Pharaoh was pleased to welcome her by sitting. After a few minutes the Pharaoh wanted to hug her. Sara requested for permission of the Pharaoh to create wudu and pray and then began to pray. After the prayer was completed her prayer was as follows:
“O Lord! If I have believed in You and Your Prophet sincerely and protected my chastity, do not allow this unbeliever to touch me.”
In response to this sincere prayer the Pharaoh began to breath heavily then wheezed and strike the floor with his foot. When Sara saw him in that manner She thought to herself,
“O Allah! If this believer dies like that, they will say this woman has killed him.”
On this dreadful day, Allah saved the Pharaoh. When the Pharaoh attempted to confront Sara once more, she began to pray repeatedly. She invoked Allah Almighty the same manner. The Pharaoh began to suffer the same way. Sara was afraid that he might die. Then, Allah saved him again. The Pharaoh realized that he was suffering due to Sara. He summoned his servants into the palace to scold them:
“You brought me a devil, not a human. Take this woman back to Ibrahim.”
Additionally, he gifted the female slave of one, Hagar the name of Hagar Sara as a gift. The Pharaoh gave the present to Sara due to his fear of her. He wanted to protect himself. Sara came back to Ibrahim along with Hagar. She explained to Ibrahim what had happened inside the palace, each one at a. She then said,
“Allah ridiculed the unbeliever and gave this woman to us as a servant. ” 35
Following that, Hagar started to live with them and help them.There’s something that needs to be clarified here. Why did Hz. Ibrahim present his wife Sara as his sister to the Pharaoh? Why is it different between saying that she was his wife and is his sibling? Is it not more rational for him to state that the latter was true? It is highly likely that the Pharaoh might have wanted to get married when the Pharaoh said that they were his sisters. But, if he declared that the woman was actually his spouse the Pharaoh wouldn’t likely want to touch her.
The issue is explained in the words of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi in the most effective way: This savage ruler and his subjects were worshipers of fire. The idea of marrying one’s sister was a popular choice among fire worshippers. This kind of marriage was thought to be as superior. (*)
Thus, Hz. Ibrahim responded to the Pharaoh with a method which was more fitting for his faith and also attempted to safeguard his wife. When he stated this it was to refer to the Islamic friendship between the two. Although the word appears not true however, it is utterly correct in the meaning of the person who he addressed as well as the motive behind it. It is not a problem to the innocence (not committed to sins) of the Hz. Ibrahim.
This argument is argued by the following argument: Zardusht, the founder of the practice of worshiping fire, died after the time of the frequency of. Ibrahim and, therefore it was not a practice prior to the time of the frequency of. Ibrahim. The answer to this objection is in the following manner:
It is clear that every sect and doctrine is based upon certain guidelines and rules which have been around for many years. A lot of sects came about due to the institutionalization of certain beliefs and concepts that were in existence before. It’s extremely difficult for certain ideas that didn’t exist prior to their appearance as religious or sects and be accepted by the masses.
It is normal for Zardusht’s sect on certain beliefs and concepts that were in place prior to. In the meantime, it is common to have certain beliefs that could be considered to be the source of fire worshipping to be present in Egypt during the time that the Hz. Ibrahim lived. In this case the case of the Hz. Ibrahim’s action should be taken as natural. 36
Hz. Ibrahim who was unable to achieve peace in Egypt and set out in the direction of Damascus. When he arrived at the area known as Sabu where he settled, he stayed. He dug a well to supply his needs for water. The water from that well flowed as a fountain , and the people and animals from the region took the water. After that, the residents of Sabu began to disliking Hz. Ibrahim and began to disturb him. Therefore, Hz. Ibrahim relocated to a different location. The location was close to where his brother Lut (Lot).
Hz. Ibrahim along with his wife Sara had no children, even though they had many years following their wedding. So, they were sad.
While they were still at a table, it was Hz. Sara thought of something. She looked at the frequency of. Ibrahim smiled and said,
“O Ibrahim! As you see, we are getting old. I am even older. I do not think that I will ever have a baby. You had better marry our servant Hagar. Maybe Allah will give you a child out of this marriage.”
In the past, it was common for men to be married to several women. There was nothing wrong with it, in terms of tradition, customs and customs. Hz. Ibrahim was shocked when he was shocked to hear his wife. After a few minutes of reflection and then he said:
“No. O Sara! I fear about the end of it. I fear that you will be jealous of Hagar if she has a baby. This may cause unrest and disturb our peace.” However, Hz. Sara was determined. she smiled and said,
“No! I do not think like you. If Hagar has a child, I will be pleased as if I have had a child.”
Hz. Ibrahim was married to Hagar at the sincere desire of Sara. After a few months, Hagar became pregnant.
Months and days passed. Then, it was time to have the baby. Hagar was healthy and had a beautiful baby. He was named by his parents Ismail (Ishmael).
At beginning, Sara was very pleased. But over the course of time she began to feel uneasy. Actually, she was a fan of this wedding. She had even offered her husband the chance to wed Hagar.
Hz. Ibrahim was aware that Sara began to feel in a state of jealousy. So, he took his actions careful. He was careful not to cause her to be jealous. Hagar also behaved very well. She changed into old clothes and put the belt around her waist. She continued to act like an employee even though she was. Ibrahim’s wife. She was trying to reduce Sara’s jealousy.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – the efforts made by Hz. Ibrahim and Hagar did not suffice to squelch Sara’s jealousy. Hz. Sara’s brain told her she was being jealous, but her feelings swayed against her brain. The unrest grew each day. It became difficult for her to remain in the same space in the same place as Hagar along with her husband. The couple were forced to leave the home. Then, she spoke to her husband what she was feeling:
“O Ibrahim! Take Hagar and her son away. You turned out to be right. I am jealous of them. Therefore, I feel unhappy. Either they or I will stay in this house. Think about it and make your decision.” Hz. Ibrahim is in a difficult situation. He couldn’t figure out how to proceed.
Then, Allah sent a revelation to Ibrahim. Ibrahim and instructed him to honor the plea of Sara. He was instructed to transport Hagar as well as her child to a different location and then to help them settle in the new location. A divine being was chosen to lead them through this journey , and also to show the area in which Hagar as well as Ismail would be settled.
Hz. Ibrahim began his journey together with Hagar and Ismail an evening. They traveled to Makkah with the help of the angel. Meanwhile, Hz. Ismail was nearly two years older. He was not yet weaned at the time.
Hz. Ibrahim took them to the tree near the location in the area where Zamzam well is today. He constructed an area in a tent, and then placed them inside the tent. The valley was deserted and peaceful. There was no one in the valley. It didn’t look like an area that could be inhabited. The soil was unsuitable for farming or water. There was also no water.
Hz. Ibrahim left dates and water for his spouse Hagar and son Ismail. Ibrahim was getting prepared to go back to Sara. After he set off the next day, his wife Hagar began crying and followed his steps. She told him,
“O Ibrahim! Where are you going by leaving us in this desolate and quiet valley? What shall we do here alone?”
Hz. Ibrahim did not respond to her, he just continued to walk.
Hagar repeatedly asked the same questions several times. If she was unable to get any response from him, she replied,
“O Ibrahim. Did Allah order you to do so?”
Then, Hz. Ibrahim looked at his wife and said:
“Yes. Allah ordered me to do so.”
Hagar was happy with this response. She replied, “Then, Allah is enough for us. He will protect us.” She decided to stop following the Hz. Ibrahim she returned her baby believing in Allah.
Hz. Ibrahim continued to walk at a slow pace. When he came to the top of a hill, in which his wife and his child were unable to be seen He turned to his direction towards the Kaaba and offered prayers to Allah in the following manner:
“O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord that they may establish regular prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with Fruits: so that they may give thanks. O our Lord! Truly Thou dost know what we conceal and what we reveal: for nothing whatever is hidden from Allah, whether on earth or in heaven” 37
Hz. Ibrahim requested three things of Allah:
In the beginning the first thing he wanted was for Makkah and the surrounding area to be a secure place.
Then, he urged people to visit and settle down there.
The two requests were accepted and accepted by Allah They were then performed.
The third reason was that he only wanted those who believed that Allah and the afterlife to reside in Makkah and around Makkah.
Allah Almighty corrected the third desire of Ibrahim by a correction of. Ibrahim by revelation. He stated that he would provide food and drink not just to believers, but also to those who are not believers and said that the sustenance provided to non-believers will be restricted to the temporal world and that they would endure forever torture in the afterlife.
In the event that Allah Almighty had accepted the last portion of the Hz. Ibrahim’s prayer test-taking’s mystery would be dissolving. In that scenario the conflict between unbelief and belief could have been ended. The test’s mystery, which is the distinction between noble and the meager spirits could not have occurred.
Furthermore that Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) and also known as the Seal of the Prophets, wouldn’t have happened. For, Allah Almighty sent Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) to fulfill the obligation of prophethood those living in Makkah because of their belief in polytheism as well as unbelief. If the prayer had been accepted, the unbelievers wouldn’t be living within and around Makkah and therefore there wouldn’t been a situation that required the presence of the prophet.
Suggested Read: Quran French, The Quran: English Translation, Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – Hz. Hagar continued to live together with son Ismail within the Makkah valley. Makkah.
Hz. Hagar gave her baby milk whenever he was hungry. She also offered him fluids when he became thirsty. He also ate dates her husband had left behind with them.
After a few minutes she had to drink water. Due to the deficiency in water supply, Ismail became dry. Little Ismail began to cry because of thirst and hunger. He began to roll around across the beach. Hagar did not want to be with the touchy situation of Ismail and set out to search for water. The sun was burning hot; the stones and sand were extremely hot. Hagar went to the hill referred to as Safa. She climbed up the hill to see if could find anyone willing to offer her water. She was looking around.
She couldn’t see anyone across the huge desert. She began to climb down the hill in a sad state, but relying in Allah. She began to run, pulling up her long skirt in case she fell over it. She walked to the hill dubbed Marwa in hopes that she would find something. As she reached the summit of the hill, she stood and looked at the surrounding. There was no one around her.
Hagar was able to run between hills Safa as well as Marwa seven times in the hopes of finding someone willing to help her or even give her water.
Sa’y, the worship that is performed during hajj recalls this particular incident. Hajjis stroll in between Safa Marwa and Safa Marwa seven times.
After arriving at Marwa Hill after her last walk and heard something, she thought it was a dream. She thought she had a hallucination hearing something which could not exist. She was very attentive.
The sound was heard at least a couple of times. She realized that it was not a hallucination. The sound was coming from someplace. It could be Allah’s assistance. Hopeing for something positive she said.
“I have heard it. If you know what I need, appear and help me.”
A sudden someone appeared in the direction the sound was emanating from. This was an angel looking as human. It was digging in the ground with its feet , and water was flowing out of the area with an gurgling sound.
Hagar was amazed at the sight of the water. She thought that the water may not be enough and attempted to cover this water by soil in order to create an area. She didn’t want an inch of the water run out. She was filling up her water-skin by hand and yelling “zam, zam, (stop and stop).
“The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated,
“May Allah show mercy on Ismail’s mother! If she had not surrounded Zamzam, it would have been a river that would flow until the Day of Judgment. ” 38
Hz. Hagar took lots of water. She then went to Ismail and gave him a breastfeed. The angel wearing man’s clothes comforted her by telling her,
“Do not fear that you will be destroyed in this desolate place. The Kaaba, the first temple in the world, is here. This boy will build this temple, which has been unknown for a long time, again. Allah will never end his progeny and family; they will exist until the Day of Judgment.”
In these words, the angel told she that. Ismail will have a holy lineage. The angel’s prediction would happen because it was believed that. Muhammad is the supreme master of all things is his ancestors.
Prophet Ibrahim (عليه السلام) – Hagar and Ismail began living happily. The problem of not having enough water was over. An afternoon, the family from Jurhumis was seen near the spot that they were settling.
They saw a bird fly above the spot in which Hagar was.
They considered, “This bird is probably flying over a place where there is water. We thought there was no water here. Let us check it.” They sent two individuals to see if there was water in the area. They discovered they Hagar as well as Ismail had put up a tent close to the spring. They returned and shared with their families what they’d witnessed. The Jurhumis family Jurhumis began to move towards the area. They stopped at their Zamzam water. Hagar was sitting in the water. They were looking for Hagar,
- “Will you allow us to settle here and use this water with you?” Hagar told her,
- “You can settle here and use the water as long as you do not claim to own the well.”
Jurhumis’ family Jurhumis agreed to her conditions. After a long time they discovered a spot that had water in the vast desert.
After an arrival from Jurhumis, Hagar got rid of loneliness and found people with whom she could chat.
Her Prophet described the circumstance in the following manner:
“Ismail’s mother found the friends she really needed when the women of Jurhumis arrived. ” 39
Following arriving Jurhumis and his family, other families also settled in the area. The area close to The Zamzam Well started to get more populated, and eventually became a town.
The town which was founded was named Makkah. Allah acknowledged the prayer of the Hz. Ibrahim and sent Jurhumis there. So, the isolation of the Hz. Hagar with her young son was over and the valley grew into an urbanized town.
Hz. Ibrahim was in Makkah to see his son and his wife after a time. After he noticed the city was now more populated and Hagar and Ismail received respect and honor He was extremely happy.
From that point on the frequency increased. Ibrahim was able to travel to Makkah occasionally and was with his wife and son for a few days; later after returning, he went back.
Years passed. Hz. Ismail developed into a beautiful young man. his personality was nice as his name suggests. He prayed as his father taught him . He also was a pious man. Allah in the same way as the father had taught him.
Hz. Ibrahim visited the group from time to time visited mountains with. Ismail to find wood, and also to search for food. Once, Hz. Ibrahim found himself asleep in Makkah again. He was in bed. He heard a sound that said,
“O Ibrahim! Allah orders you to sacrifice Ismail.”
Hz. Ibrahim awakeed in terror. He wondered if the vision he had seen could be real. He was unable to comprehend whether this dream was coming from Allah or Satan. However, he was in doubt. The day he first saw the dream was on the 8th day of Dhul-Hijjah (two days before Eid al-adha).
Next day (the 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah) He was able to see the identical dream.
He began to think the dream was coming from Allah. The day before the eid al-adha festival and he witnessed the identical dream, he was certain that the dream came by Allah.
This was an excellent test. A genuine friend must sacrifice everything to his friend. Allah chose Hz. Ibrahim as khalil (close friend). He was trying to find out if Ibrahim was worthy of being his close friend. This is why he requested Ibrahim to give up his most loved being his son. It was, however, extremely difficult to honor this request.
Thus, Allah did not give this command to Hz. Ibrahim directly. He was able to show the dream to Ibrahim through his vision for three nights later and then manipulated Ibrahim into doing it.
Then it became the norm to tell someone the bad news or an difficult arrangement in phases.
Hz. Ibrahim’s heart was satiated and he signed the request without hesitation. There was something else that was causing him anxiety. How would his son or wife react if they heard about it? Will they obey or not? Should they have obeyed then there would be no issue. What if they didn’t?
In the end, they will not be able to escape God’s punishment.
So, the directive to give up Ismail was a difficult test for not only Ibrahim but also for. Ibrahim but as well to his entire family. Hz. Ismail was to be expected to give up his life for the sake of Allah. What was expected of Hz Hagar is to demonstrate compassion when her only son was to be sacrificed.
In the morning The next day. Ibrahim instructed his son to go get rope as well as a kitchen knife, and that they would gather wood. This was the way they typically did every early morning. Hz. Ismail was not suspicious of any of it. They left with the rope along with a knife and an the axe. Once they reached Mina at it was at a rate of Hz. Ibrahim began to slowly tell his son what he witnessed. He informed him that they are being examined by Allah.
Hz. Ismail did not display indications of sadness or fear when he learned the story his father had told him.
Is it truly Allah who breathed life and brought death? Allah was the one who created life, would like to have the life He returned. Can there be a more honorable demise as this? Hz. Ismail was completely reliant and obedience as the thought occurred to him. He replied to his father in the following manner:
“O my father! Do as you are commanded; you will find me if Allah so wills one practicing patience and constancy.”
The son’s response was a huge joy for both. Ibrahim and lowered his tears. He was able to look at his son who believed in him and a deep affection. He was proud of his son.
While Hz. Ibrahim was abducting his son to sacrifice his son Ismail the devil of hell was spotted. He was trying to create confusion in. Ibrahim. He tried to convince Hz. Ibrahim by inducing his feelings of paternal love and explaining to his that dream wasn’t an apparition of God. However, Hz. Ibrahim did not believe in the devil’s lies and disregarded the devil. He also hurled the stones he pulled from the ground and threw them at him.
After the devil gave up his hopes of changing Hz. Ibrahim He began to confront the son of his Ismail. He explained to Hz. Ismail to tell his dad that he was not understanding the matter. He stated, “Could Allah order such a thing?” He reminded H.I. Ismail of his mom who was going to be miserable by crying. He did not believe in the demons of the devil. He disregarded the devil, and tossing seven stones at him.
After losing hope of influencing Ismail The devil made his way back to the mother of his Hagar. He informed her of the situation and claimed she was set to commit an act of violence. She assured him that her husband could not act in a way that was against the commandments of Allah and reprimanded him. She then hit him with seven stones.
So, the devil of hell was disregarded and stoned by the entire Hz. Ibrahim, Ismail and Hagar.
Hz. Ibrahim began to prepare to carry out the decree of Allah by placing his son to his left. He blindfolded his son’s face in order to prevent his son to be hurt by looking at the knife. The incident took place in Mina in the area where animals are killed today.
Hz. Ibrahim said “Bismillah” with the intention of cutting his son’s throat. He said, “O Lord! I am fulfilling your command.”
He tried cutting his throat Hz. Ismail using a knife. However, the knife could not cut.
What Allah did not want was the sacrifice of Ismail. Ismail. The purpose was to show the devotion and patience that are the hallmarks of Ibrahim as well as his entire family members to the angels and the people.
It was an exercise in loyality and friendship. Hz. Ibrahim as well as his son demonstrated that they were able to sacrifice their most valuable possessions to Allah and willingly. They displayed their faith without hesitation. They did this test with aplomb.
When Ismail was trying to cut his throat Ismail’s throat was cut, Hz. Ibrahim noticed something:
“O Ibrahim! You have proved how loyal you are. You showed everybody that you were a friend of Allah. Stop. You do not have to sacrifice Ismail. ” 40
Hz. Ibrahim stopped and turned his attention to the sky. He noticed Jibril (Gabriel) falling from the sky, carrying the ram. Jibril was elated by Ibrahim by declaring,
“O Ibrahim! This ram has been fed in Paradise for forty years. Now it has been sent down to the earth to be sacrificed instead of your son Ismail.”
Hz. Ibrahim lifted the blindfold in joy. He removed the ram from Jibril and offered it to God for sacrifice. He expressed his gratitude to Allah for his great mercy.
Since since then since then, every Muslims have killed their animals on the same day each year to commemorate the salvation of Ismail. Ismail and to pay their debts in thanks to Allah. The act of sacrificing animals is considered wajib to all Muslims who are able to afford it.
Hz. Ibrahim frequently went to Makkah to see his young son Ismail as well as his spouse Hagar. He once was required to travel to Makkah by way of the shoreline. He saw the remains of an animal that had died lying on the shore. The waves smashed the carcass, and the fish and sea creatures who were drawn by the waves ate the carcass. As the sea receded, the land animals as well as birds began eating from the carcass. Each animal picked an item from the carcass, and ate it.
This scene caught the attention of. Ibrahim’s attention. He was thinking, “How will Allah Almighty resurrect this animal? How will He bring together its pieces each of which is in the stomach of a different animal? ”
The thought of this inspired him to observe the process of the resurrection with one’s own eyes. He prayed towards Allah and declared,
“O Lord! How do you revive the dead? Show it to me. “
Allah responded to Allah’s answer. Ibrahim’s prayer was as is as follows:
“O Ibrahim! Do you not believe that Allah will resurrect the dead? Do you have any doubts?”
Hz. Ibrahim answered:
“O Lord! I definitely believe that You will resurrect the dead and I have no doubts about it. However, I want to see this extraordinary event and to satisfy my own understanding. ”
Man often wants to see things he believes with the eyes of his personal. It’s quite normal.
Hz. Ibrahim’s prayer was similar to this. He was certain that Allah will raise the dead. He had no doubt about it. He was fascinated by the idea in the form of resurrection. He wanted to witness the scene from a personal perspective.
That Allah asked Hz. Ibrahim, “Did you not believe?” although he was aware that his intent is to provoke thought. Therefore, he allowed the Hz. Ibrahim to express his intent. He stopped others who might learn of it later from thinking negative thoughts about him.
Allah Almighty took his request for looking at the way He would raise the dead, and asked him to do the following:
“Take four birds; tie them (cut them into pieces), then put a portion of them on every hill, and call to them; they will come to thee (flying) with speed. ” 44
Hz. Ibrahim completed this task. He first found the birds and then tamed them. Then, he killed the birds. He plucks their feathers and then divided them into four pieces. He mixed the parts and placed their heads in the components. Then, he placed them on top of four hills. When they were called with their name, he observed that they came up to him through the air.
As he watched this moment when he saw this scene, his heart began beat faster because it was his privilege witnessing the resurrection’s reality in person. He acknowledged Allah for this. His heart was happy and he felt peaceful.
Kaaba is the name given to it. Kaaba was the very first Temple constructed on the earth. The first thing. Adam did when he was brought to earth was to build the holy Kaaba with the assistance of angels. The Kaaba was rebuilt at times and was used until the time of the flood of Noah. Following the deluge, it was destroyed in the midst of floods and no evidence of it. Allah granted the honour of the building of this holy shrine, the qiblah of Muslims to the Hz. Ibrahim and his son Ismail.
Hz. Ibrahim and Hz. Ismail created the Kaaba according to the following:
Once, Hz. Ismail was sitting in an oak tree near Zamzam Well and was busy using his archery. He saw someone walking towards him. This was his father. Hz. Ibrahim. When his father walked up to his son, Ismail stood up and acknowledged his father with reverence. The father and son, who hadn’t seen each other in many years were hugging each other. Hz. Ibrahim kissed Hz. Ismail’s eyes. They felt calm. the Hz. Ibrahim said,
- “O Ismail! Allah ordered me to do something hard.” Ismail said. Ismail declared,
- “Dad! Do whatever your Lord ordered you.” Hz. Ibrahim said,
- “I need your help to do it.” Hz. Ismail was delighted to hear that He said,
- “O Dad! I am ready to help you. It is an honor for me to contribute to the holy task ordered by my Lord.”
Thereupon, Hz. Ibrahim informed his son of the things they were planning to do:
“My son Ismail! Allah ordered us to build a house, a temple here.”
He also pointed to the location at the Kaaba.
Hz. Ibrahim and Ismail began to construct the Kaaba at the spot which was pointed by Hz. Ibrahim. As building the Kaaba was being constructed and the Kaaba was being built, it was Hz. Ismail transported stones towards The Kaaba along with Hz. Ibrahim constructed walls. As the walls grew too high to be able to reach at the floor, the builders began to think of ways to come up with an answer.
Hz. Ismail brought an extended stone as well as Hz. Ibrahim utilized the stone to create an platform. Hz. Ibrahim continued to work by sitting on the stone. The stone upon which the Hz. Ibrahim was seated is known as “Maqam Ibrahim” today. The footprints left by the Hz. Ibrahim remain there. 45
According to Muslims that there is no structure more important as Kaaba. Kaaba around the world. The construction of the Kaaba was commanded by Allah God of the Realms. The order was relayed to Jibril. The plan was also explained by Jibril to the Hz. Ibrahim. The Kaaba was constructed through the efforts of both son two prophets.
Hz. Ibrahim constructed the Kaaba with stones from the five mountains.
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The wall of Kaaba were finished and it was now time to construct the corner in which Hajar al-Aswad is located today to be constructed. Hz. Ibrahim requested his son to locate the stone that would serve as the beginning point to circumambulate the Kaaba.
Hz. Ismail was on the mountain to fulfill the request from his dad. At the same time, Jibril brought a stone to Hz. Ibrahim of Paradise and requested him to place it in the side in the Kaaba.
According to a legend the stone was ruby found in Paradise. The stone was such a brilliant stone that people whom they saw were awestruck. It was used by people to seek for a cure for ailments or misfortunes.
But the radiance of the stone diminished because it began to be soiled by the sinful swaths of the populace and turned to black. The curative power of the stone disappeared. Allah was able to hide its beauty from the sinful. When the stone was turned black It was then named “Hajar al-Aswad (the Black Stone)”.
Based on a story provided by Hz. Aisha The Prophet (pbuh) declared:
“O Aisha! If this stone had not been dirtied with the filth of the Era of Jahiliyya, it would have been possible to ask for a cure for illnesses and misfortunes from Allah; and it would have been in the original form Allah had sent it. Allah Almighty will restore it to its previous form. It was a ruby in Paradise but Allah changed it due to the sins of the bad people and concealed its beauty from oppressors and sinners. For, they do not deserve to look at something sent from Paradise.”
* Other properties that are part of Hajar al-Aswad:
When Allah Almighty questioned the human spirits to the world of spiritto ask “Am I not your Lord? ” All spirits answered,
“Yes, You are our Lord.” According to a narrator that was written, this confession of souls were written down on an oblong piece paper and was then placed into Hajar al-Aswad.
When the day comes for Judgment, Hajar al-Aswad will speak with the help that is Allah and will testify for those who have visited and greeted the shrine; it will also be an evidence of their faith. 46
At the time that Hajar al-Aswad was placed into the wall of the Kaaba The construction of the Kaaba came to an end. Then, Hz. Ibrahim and Ismail prayed Allah as follows:
“Our Lord! Take (this worship) from us, for you are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
Our Lord! We ask You to make out of thee Muslims bowing to You (Will) as well as of our children a Muslim that bows to Thee (Will) and reveal to us where we can go to celebrate (due) ceremonies and to turn our faces towards us (in mercy) because You are the Ever-Returning Most-Merciful” ….
Our Lord! Send among them a Messenger of their own who will teach them the Signs of Your Name and teach them Scripture and Wisdom and cleanse their hearts. “47
It is clear about the prophet who is Hz. Ibrahim and Hz. Ismail was adamant Allah to send Hz. Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh), the Seal of the Prophets. There is no one else but Hz. Muhammad was among the Ismail’s descendants with these characteristics.
In fact it is it is true that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has addressed the issue as a quote from a hadith
“I am the prayer of my father Ibrahim, the glad tiding of my brother Isa (Jesus) and the dream of my mother. “
Hz. Ibrahim constructed Kaaba. Ibrahim built Kaaba Nine cubits (about 7 meters) tall. He constructed the door in the middle while leaving the roof of the door open. The construction was finished as the one shown above. Then, Allah Almighty ordered them to invite people to the hajj. Hz. Ibrahim was ascended to Maqam Ibrahim He declared the hajj was done fard.
Allah Almighty revealed this message to the hearts of all the people who be alive at the time of Judgment. Only those who answer the call to say “Labbayk” will be able to enjoy the privilege of performing hajj in the Kaaba. Following this request, the believers began to travel towards Kaaba in large groups. Kaaba in large numbers. Hz. Ibrahim was the one who taught them each the elements of hajj. They also made hajj together. Ishaq (Isaac) also visited occasionally and did hajj alongside his son.
We have mentioned earlier that Kaaba is the very first religious temple constructed in the entire world. In fact The Prophet (pbuh) declared in a hadith, that the Kaaba is the first of the mosques to be built in the world , and that Masjid al-Aqsa was the second one, and that there was an age difference in forty years the two. 48
There is however some debate about the date of the Kaaba’s construction. Kaaba. Some scholars suggest that the time of construction was Hz. Ibrahim is the first to construct of the Kaaba and others believe the frequency of Hz. Adam Was the first builder of it. It is believed that the Kaaba was built at Hz. Ibrahim constructed Kaaba. Kaaba upon the foundations laid during the time of Adam. Adam.
Hz. Sulayman is regarded as the founder of Masjid al-Aqsa but there are certain scholars who claim that it was constructed at the period of Hz. Adam under the direction of Jibril and was rebuilt numerous times later by a variety of people. This story is more fitting in the context of when the Hadith of Allah the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) previously mentioned is taken into account.
In the event that it is established the fact that Masjid al-Aqsa was first built by Hz. Sulayman the distinction between its construction in the period of the Hz. Ibrahim is 1000 years. This number is not compatible with the term “40 years” in the hadith mentioned earlier. 49
It is more rational and more accurate to believe that both were created during the time of the frequency of. Adam with a time difference between them of 40 years.
In the hajj season, the frequency is Hz. Ibrahim and Sara visited Makkah together and performed hajj. Then, they went back to Damascus. The first time, Sara died when she was one hundred and twenty-seven. old. After her, Hz. Ibrahim passed away at the age of at the age of 200. Hz. Ibrahim was burial place in the town of Habrud close to Jerusalem. The town is referred to as Khalil ar-Rahman today. 50
1. Hz. Ibrahim is often referred to as the prophet’s father.
Hz. Ibrahim holds a prominent place within the communities of Islam, Christianity and Judaism. His name is often mentioned with reverence and prayer. He is among the ulul-azm (the largest five) prophets.
The secret behind The secret behind. Ibrahim’s popularity and respect is it is his birth father to several prophets. The prophets who were granted books by Allah following him are descendants of his. 51
It is mentioned within the Quran that it is said that. Ibrahim is the prophet’s father who followed his. 52
Therefore, Hz. Ibrahim could be referred to as”the father” of Jews, Christians and Muslims. The prophets’ ancestors from these religions were children of Ibrahim. Ibrahim.
2 – Being Khalilullah (Friend of Allah):
Hz. Ibrahim is also known as Khalilullah or a friend of Allah. Allah Almighty’s decision to accept Ibrahim as a friend could be symbolic of the fact that he is aware of sacred secrets just like a friend.
There are many reasons the reason why this name was assigned to him. The most accurate explanation is This is because he deserved the name because of his love for Allah and for his charitable acts and good deeds that allow him to gain Allah’s love and approval.
The following story is directly from Ibn Abi Hatim:
“When Hz. Ibrahim met Azrail, he asked Azrail why his Lord accepted him as his friend. Azrail said, ‘You do people favors but you do not ask anything from them in return for your favors.'”
In fact in fact, when Hasan al-Basri was asked why the Basra people Basra appreciated him so much the Basra people, he replied, “They benefit from my knowledge but I do not ask anything from them.”
That’s why the only way to become popular with people and influence others with one’s words and advice is to influence people is to behave as if. The ones who are willing to sacrifice themselves to help others, assist them spiritually and materially, but don’t expect cash or reward from them will always be adored by the people around them and Allah can be clearly evident from the example of Ibrahim. Ibrahim.
The effect that the blessings and charity domes without any expectation of return can be hugely beneficial to people. In fact every prophet and guides they followed favored this method. It is written in the Quran that prophets have addressed their people in the following manner: “We do not ask any reward from you for our spiritual guidance and assistance; our reward is only from Allah.” Therefore, they attempted to prove they were prophets of the true.
3- His Hospitality:
It is noted in the Ibn Sa’d’s work known as Tabaqat that the name of Hz. Ibrahim was “Abul-Adyaf” (Father of Guests).
Hz. Ibrahim’s home was located on an extremely busy road. So, he hosted lots of guests. He would always entertain guests in the most enjoyable way. If he didn’t receive any guests for a couple of weeks, he’d head out and search for visitors.
4- In the Quran, Hz. Ibrahim is described using a number of attributes:”Awwah (Imploring), Halim (Gentle), Munib (penitent), Hanif (Monotheist), Qanit (Obedient), Shakir (Thankful )”
5The first one to be dressed for day of judgment will be Hz. Ibrahim. Day of Judgment will be Hz. Ibrahim.
According to a narrative from Ibn Abbas, the Messenger of Allah declared, “The first prophet to be clothed on the Day of Judgment will be my ancestor Ibrahim. ” (*)
6 – Hz. Ibrahim’s Circumcision:
Ibrahim got circumcised at the age of Qaddum close to Damascus at the age of eighteen. Because of the circumcision of the Hz. Ibrahim This procedure was deemed to be an act of worship to his children. The decree also had validity in the Torah which was handed down at all the Children of Israel. The decree remained in force until the time of Jesus. However, a small group of Christians abrogated the decree afterward.
This practice is still prevalent within the faith of Islam. As per Imam Shafii the practice of circumcision is called considered to be wajib. Many scholars consider circumcision as sunnah. But, the procedure known as circumcision which was considered to be sunnah when the child is 7 years old is wizb when the boy is the puberty age (age of 15). 53
7 – Hz. Ibrahim’s Being Made an Imam:
Allah Almighty gave the following message to the prophet Ibrahim. Ibrahim beforehand:
“O Ibrahim! I will make you an Imam to the nations. (That is, I will make you their material and spiritual leader.) I will put you at the front and make everybody obey you.”
Thereupon, Hz. Ibrahim stated, “O Lord! Make imams from my offspring, too. Do not make this grace of Yours confined to me.” Allah Almighty took the prayer of Ibrahim, but the prayer was limited as follows: “My promise is not within the reach of evil-doers from your offspring.”
By the words of this verse, Allah Almighty stated that the imams who are the descendants of Hz. Ibrahim will not be wicked, and that those who commit evil will be exempted from this responsibility and that only the righteous will be given the responsibility of being an imam.
In fact the prayer of the Hz. Ibrahim received acceptance. The responsibility of an imam was handed over to Children of Israel through Hz. Ishaq along with Yaqub for a long period and as they lost their way, the Children of Israel lost their way the duty was transferred to the descendants of the Hz. Ismail and then to Hz. Muhammad.
Allah Almighty gave five great gifts to Allah Almighty to. Ibrahim:
1. 1. Children… The children are one of the best bounties as they keep one’s family together and assist parents and the family greatly.
2. His children and he are righteous. If a person of religion with taqwa is blessed with children with taqwa it’s one of the most lucrative benefits for the person.
3. Being Imams for people. It’s a high rank and a reward to achieve perfection and be chosen to help others achieve perfection and also to help them achieve it.
4. A revelation about the most powerful types of worship such as salah (prayer) and the zakah (almsgiving) to Him. It is certain that the most effective types of worship have huge rewards.
5 – Increasing the intensity of worshiping constantly and maintaining these levels.
A fire-worshipper was interested in being the guests of Ibrahim. Ibrahim told the man, “I will entertain you when you become a Muslim. Then, the man went away. Then, Allah Almighty sent him the following message:
“Why did you not entertain him? Why did you lay it as a condition for him to change his religion? Do you not look at me? I have given him sustenance for 70 years though he does not recognize me. It would have been better for you if you had entertained him.”
When Hz. Ibrahim was given this divine message and he ran out to search for the worshipper who was a fire-worshipper, and entertained the worshipper. The fire-worshipper told him,
“What do you mean by this you did not wish to entertain me before. Then, you ran into my house to amuse my. Ibrahim told him about the incident. The fire worshipper was touched and inspired to tears by the words. He stated,
“Did Allah treat you like that? Did He warn you because of me? Then, teach me your religion. I want to be a Muslim.” 54
Abu’d-Darda recounts the following: When Ibrahim began to offer a prayer and a pious act, his heart beating could be heard from one mile away. 55
According to a story that was told, after Ibrahim was taken to the fire that was Nimrod, Jibril came and declared,
“Do you need anything?” Ibrahim had said previously, “Allah is enough for me. He’s such an excellent security guard.” He continued to act in line with his words and stated,
“I do not want anything from you.” Then, Allah said, “Ibrahim fulfilled his engagements.” (anNajm 37,) 56
According to a famous story, Ibrahim asked the angel of death, who appeared to claim his soul “Have you ever seen a friend killing his friend?” Allah revealed at him that read: “Have you ever heard someone’s opinion about making a reunion with the person he hated? That’s when Ibrahim declared, “Claim my life now.” 57
According to a story, Ibrahim said to Azrail,
“Will you appear to me in the same form as you appear to sinners when you claim their lives?” Azrail stated,
- “You cannot put up with it.”
- However, Ibrahim said,
- “I can.” On his request, Azrail said,
“Turn round.” Hz. Ibrahim turned round. As he looked at Azrail He was black, smelly with black clothing horrible hair and beard and the fire escaping from his nostrils and mouth. Hz. Ibrahim was unable to bear with the horrible sight and fell unconscious. When he got up the next day, he noticed Azrail in his former form and told him,
“It is enough as punishment for a sinner to see your terrible form.” 58
At one point, Ibrahim said to Azrail,
“Will you appear to me in the same form as you appear to believers when you claim their lives?” Azrail declared,
“It is all right. Turn round.” Hz. Ibrahim turned round. When he turned his attention to Azrail and saw a handsome and well-groomed young man. He then said to Azrail,
“It is enough as reward for a believer to see you like that to eliminate his troubles. ” 59
Ibrahim said,
- “O Lord! How long more will I pursue the world?” Allah revealed to him
- “To want to live does not mean to pursue the world.” 60
- Allah has said to Ibrahim,
- “O Ibrahim! Do you know why I chose you as a friend? ” He asked,
- “O Lord! I do not know.”
Allah Almighty said,
“Because you like to give; you do not like to take. ” “61
When Ibrahim was instructed to circumcise himself, he couldn’ not locate a razor, thus, he circumcised himself with a chisel fashioned from the tinderbox.
When asked “Would it not have been better if you had waited until you found a razor?” He replied,
“I would have been insolent if I had delayed the divine command.” 62
Once The prophet (pbuh) told Aisha, Hz. Aisha,
“I understand whether you are angry with me or not.” Hz. Aisha told her,
“How do you understand it?” “How do you understand it?” Messenger of Allah responded,
“When you are not angry, you say, ‘For the sake of Muhammad’s Lord! ‘; when you are angry, you say, ‘For the sake of Ibrahim’s Lord! ‘”
Hz. Aisha told her,
“You are right! However, I mention your name through my heart even if I do not say it through my tongue. ” 63
According to a story by Ibn Abbas,
“The Prophet (pbuh) read the following prayer to his beloved grandsons, Hasan and Husayn and said to them, ‘Your grandfather, Ibrahim, also read the following prayer’:”
“O Allah! I am awestruck by Your healing words to escape the evil of jinn as well as Satan as well as poisonous insects, and wicked eyes.” 64
Suggested Read:
Prophet Ibrahim and the Little Bird Activity Book
- Publisher : The Islamic Foundation (March 31, 2020)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 16 pages
- ISBN-10 : 0860377407
- ISBN-13 : 978-0860377405
- Reading age : 2 – 5 years
- Item Weight : 2.08 ounces
- Dimensions : 7.3 x 0.4 x 9.8 inches

- 1 Balazuri, Mu’jamu’l-Buldan, Chapter of Babylon.
- 2 Tha’labi, Qisasu’l-Anbiya, 74,
- 3 ibid.
- 4 Maryam, 42.
- 5 Maryam, 43.
- 6 Maryam, 44-45.
- 7 Maryam, 46.
- 8 Maryam, 47.
- 9 at-Tawbah, 114.
- 10 see Isaratu’l-i’caz, 44.
- 11. Tajrid Trnslt. IX 107-89.
- 12 al-Anam, 76.
- 13. See M. Vehbi, ibid. IV, 1463-1484.
- 14 al-Anam, 77.
- 15 al-Anam, 78-79.
- 16 ash-Shuara, 70.
- 17 ash-Shuara, 79.
- 18. refer to al-Ankabut 16-17.
- 19 al-Anam, 80-81.
- 20 See al-Anbiya 52-57.
21 as-Saffat, 88-90. Will Durant states the following in his book titled “the Story of Civilization”: “Babylonians studied the stars to discover more about the future fate of the human race, not creating maps to discover the route of ships and caravans. The effort made to discover the future by studying the movement of the stars seems to be among the pleasures enjoyed by Babylonians.
- 22 as-Saffat, 91-92.
- 23 al-Anbiya. 58.
(*) Hz. Ibrahim’s claim, “The big idol smashed the small ones” is not an exaggeration. In fact, Ibrahim attributed the smashing by the big idol to the language of the little ones. He was referring to the following in his words: “If they could speak, they would say that the big ones had smashed them.” It was implied by him that the bigger one didn’t and would not have been able to do it because the idols did not speak. This statement also admits to having crushed the idols.
- 24 al-Anbiya, 62-63.
- 25 al-Anbiya, 65.
- 26 al-Anbiya, 66.
- 27 al-Baqara, 258.
- 28 Baydawi, I, 177.
29 al-Baqara. 258. It is significant that Ibrahim was able to address the issue of sunset and sunrise right away when Nimrod did not comprehend the evidence of reviving or killing, and he argued in a nonsensical manner about how he could accomplish it. He then moved away from the evidence of killing and reviving in part to the proof of universal reviving as well as killing. (Mektubat, 247)
Through bringing attention to the sun’s rising and setting by pointing out the sunrise and sunset, Hz. Ibrahim presented to Nimrod the largest circle of proofs of killing and reviving; he explained to Nimrod that what he intended by killing and reviving isn’t as simple or limited as he thought and, in fact he was trying to inform Nimrod that a creature who can’t cause the sun to set and rise every day that is a type of reviving and killing could not revive or kill a tiny creature.
If Nimrod could have been revived and killed, as the legend claimed, he might be a mighty force for universally revitalizing and killing. Because, killing and reviving are two laws applicable across the entire universe.
A law is the chain. Deeds are linked to the chain. The same atom that formed an atom also made the solar system. Because the same law applies to both. Both killing and reviving are legal in the same manner. A being that can revive or kill an animal could also revive or destroy all the world, including the earth and everything else in the universe.
Thus, Hz. Ibrahim was silent and shocked Nimrod by giving him evidence of universal revival and killing.
(*) Based on a narrative (*) According to a narration, the size of the wood piles was 30 ells while their dimensions were 20 ells wide. One ell equals 68 centimeters.
- 30 al-Anbiya, 69.
- 31 see Sozler, 7,
(*) So, Hell, which contains all kinds of fire, which is also heat, includes cold fire called Zamharir. (see Sozler, 271-272).
(*) The following statement is made in the verse 71 of the chapter Maryam: “Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished” Jabir bin Abdillah clarifies the meaning of “wurud” as follows reporting from the Messenger of Allah:
“The word wurud in the verse is utilized in reference to entering, that means that everyone, regardless of whether they are a believer or not will be able to enter Hell. The fire, however, becomes cooler and safer for those who believe; the flame may even shimmer because of their coolness “But We shall save those who guarded against evil, and We shall leave the wrongdoers therein, (humbled) to their knees.” (Maryam 72) (Ibn Kathir IV, 476.)
32 al-Ankabut, 26.
33 al-Mumtahina, 4. Through this story believers learn an unchangeable, timeless criterion about brotherhood and friendship. The believer does not base his bond of love on race or lineage, citizenship, or the concept of kinship alone. The root of friendship and love for a Christian is his belief. He is adamant about those who believe in Allah and accepts that He is the only one, and does not consider individuals with Him as a friend or brother. In contrast the person who doesn’t believe in Allah and rejects Him in the name of an unbeliever, even in the case of a neighbor and a relative.
The motive behind the revealed verse: Prior to the conquer of Makkah, Hatib bin Abi Balta’a who was one of the Companions sent a letter to the polytheists from Quraysh to inform them that the Muslims will march towards Makkah. He claimed that he wrote the letter to ensure that the polytheists could protect his family, which was without protection in Makkah. The verses which were recited stated that it was not permitted for believers to make friendship with nonbelievers. The verses also mentioned the name of Hz. Ibrahim as an illustration.
(see H. B. Cantay’s chapter in al-Mumtahina, III/1031 note 4.).
34 as-Saffat, 99.
(*) To learn the secrets of the initiation process, refer to Lem’alar 302, 302; Sualar 21-22; Mesnevi, 74.
35 Tajrid trnslt. VI, 518-519
(*) For a more full explanation of how the old Persian as well as Egyptian Law systems had the identical decree regarding marriage between brothers and sisters, refer to M. Es’ad Tarih-iilm-i Hukuk page. 45 173, 173 175.
- 36 Tajrid Trnslt. VI 521.
- 37 Ibrahim, 37-38.
- 38 Tajrid trnslt. IX, 122.
- 39 Tajrid trnslt. VI, 15.
- 40 refer to as-Saffat 99-112.
- 41 M. Vehbi, Hulasatu’l-Beyan.
- 42 al-Baqara, 260.
- 43 al-Baqara, 260.
- 44 al-Baqara, 260.
45 Ibnu’l-Athir, al-Kamil fi’t-Tarikh, l. 46. Ibn Abbas says: This stone was referred to as “Maqam Ibrahim” (Station of Ibrahim) as early as the time of. Ibrahim was seated on it as he working on the construction of the Kaaba. Then, the stone was placed under protection by a guardian and still remains. Based on a hadith Maqam Ibrahim was a rock that comes from Paradise. The Quran refers to the stone with praise. Allah Almighty states the following when he praises the stone:
“In it are signs manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham” (Aal-i Imran 97,). Another feature that is unique to Maqam Ibrahim is that the place is a place where footprints are left on the ground. In the present, Maqam Ibrahim is both an ideal place to go to and also a place to pray for hajjis. (For specific information, please refer to al-Azraqi’s ibid. 317-324.)
- 46 al-Azraqi, ibid., 257-264.
- 47 al-Baqara, 127.
- 48 Tajrid trnslt. 21, VI.
- 49 ibid, VI, 22,
50 Tajrid trnslt. IX, 108. According to the information made in the history books the place in which Hz. Ibrahim was born and was a slave with Nimrod and was later thrown into flames in the battle against Nimrod can be described as the city Babylon and its surrounding areas within Lower Mesopotamia.
It is believed that it is believed within Turkish residents that this event was a part of the ancient Urfa city. Urfa. The catapult’s legs as well as the location that was the home of Khalil Ibrahim have been visited for quite a while. It’s not clear if Urfa is the location in which the Hz. Ibrahim was fighting against Nimrod however it is possible to assert that Urfa is not in any way connected to Hz. Ibrahim.
Because, it is historical confirmed that the Hz. Ibrahim was in Harran following his departure from Babylon. Thus, it could be stated that Urfa is among the locations which Ibrahim visited. Ibrahim visited. Hz. Ibrahim visited these places and stayed in the places for a time. The time spent there made the places holy and led to them to be visited by many because they were the home of the Hz. Ibrahim.
In actual truth, Badiuuzzaman Said Nursi states that Urfa is a speed of the frequency of. Ibrahim. (Emirdag Lahikasi, II, 156).
- 51 Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya, I, 167.
- 52 refer to al-Anam 84-86.
- (*)Tajrid trnslt., IX/105-106.
53 Ibid. IX/112… Circumcision provides numerous benefits for health. The foreskin covering the penis’s tip and is removed when circumcision occurs is known as “ghulfah”. Inside the ghulfah lined with tiny red sebaceous glands. These glands release ghulfah oils. The oil has a distinct scent. The oil is rotten quickly , just like other oils. The smell becomes more unpleasant. Additionally, it stigmatizes skin and can cause balanitis (inflammation of the penis’s head). Ghulfah removal through circumcision can prevent these risks. The circumcision process has many benefits.
American expert in oncology, Wynder says that the remnants of oil settling on the top of the penis and beneath the ghulfah can cause the uterine cancer of women. Studies show that women who are married to circumcised men develop less cancer than women who are who are married to non-circumcised males. The risk of prostate cancer is lower in circumcised males.
Prostate cancer is detected 10 times more frequently in non-circumcised males than circumcised.
The benefits of circumcision became apparent, Christians also started to circumcise. For example, in the USA babies undergo circumcision in hospitals prior to when they are allowed to go to their homes. (For more details, refer to Alparslan Ozyazici, Zafer Magazine issue 17; Sizinti Issue 64).
- 54 Ihya trnsl., 28.
- 55 Ihya, 339.
- 56 Ihya, 440.
- 57 Ihya, 936.
- 58 Ihya, 89.
- 59 Ihya, 830.
- 60 Mawardi, 164.
- 61 ibid., 251.
- 62 Tanbihu’l-Mughtarrin, 164.
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