HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – Hz. Musa was stunned by the name from his Lord. He was filled with joy for a long time. Allah continued to speak to him:
“O Musa! What is that in your right hand?”
Hz. Musa replied to this request of his Lord with exuberance:
“It is my rod. I lean on it when I am tired. I herd my sheep with it and beat down fodder for my flocks. And I find other uses in it.”
- Hazrat Musa: Part I
- Hazrat Musa: Part II
- Hazrat Musa (A.S.)
- Kitabon Ki Kehkashan
- Hazrat Musa (AS) Paperback
- Hazrat Musa Alehissalam
Hz. Musa would like to say more in order to enjoy the joy of the divine greeting, but Musa could not think of anything other to say about his rod. When he replied, Allah Almighty said,
“O Musa! Throw it!” When Hz. Musa let go of the rod, it changed into a snake moving. Hz. Musa was terrified as he turned away. He was preparing to flee. The snake was horribly ugly. The Divine voice was heard over and over again:
“O Musa! Turn to it and do not fear. Seize it and pick it up. You are under our safety. We shall return it at once to its former condition.” So, Allah said to him that his fear was unfounded. Thereupon, Hz. Musa’s fear vanished. He took the snake in his hands. When he was able to touch the snake the snake returned back to its former condition. It was transformed into a rod. Allah Almighty addressed Hz. Musa once more:
“Now put your hand close to your chest; it will come forth white without harm or stain as another miracle.”
Hz. Musa did as he was told; the man put his hands near his chest, then took it off. His hand turned white and shined in the dark. This is known as the”miracle of white hands.
From that point from that point on, from that point on. Musa believed in his faith and faith. Following that, Allah Almighty told him what to do:
O Musa! Both the wonders from the hand of the rod as well as the one with the white have given you the signs we have given you. The next step is to go to the Pharaoh using these two signs and lead him down the path of truth. He broke all boundaries. We’ll help you through another miracle should it be needed.” 44
The talks between Hz. Musa with Allah the Almighty, and the signs he received were part of a prophethood agreement.
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HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – However, Hz. Musa had some reservations. In the first place, there was the possibility of being arrested and punished for his previous offense after his return to Egypt. In this case it was extremely challenging for him approach the Pharaoh and ask him to be a believer in Allah.
The tongue slapping as the age of a child was also a source of concern for him. He was afraid that he’d not be able to speak easily and communicate messages to Pharaoh. Then, he thought of the name of his younger older brother Harun (Aaron) from Egypt.
Harun was an extremely sweet and proficient speaker. He was able to communicate with the Pharaoh effortlessly with the help by his older brother. Additionally being able to confront the response from the Pharaoh more quickly with the help of two people. With this idea in his mind, he sat down and began to plead with Allah:
“O My Lord! Open my breasts and grant me perseverance. God, ease my work for me. Take away the obstruction in my speech so they will be able to comprehend what I am saying. Also, give me an ordained minister from my extended family. Harun and my younger brother since he is better at speaking than I do and will be able to be able to explain our cause more clearly. I fear they will not believe me and I’ll not be able answer their questions. Additionally that, I killed one of them accidentally. I’m afraid they’ll attempt to get revenge on me if I take a trip there on my own.
O Lord! Give My Brother Harun for a role as prophet as well. Bring my strength to him , so that we could be able to sing your praises without pause and be more devoted to you.
O Lord! You know and guard us more than we do.” 45
Hz. Musa was in the right place in his worry and concern. Because he was about to confront one whom he claimed was a god and direct him to follow the right way. He was going to show that the Pharaoh’s method was not right. In addition, Haman, who was the minister and advisor to the Pharaoh and extremely knowledgeable, was going to oppose him. He was likely to fight against Haman and defeat Haman.
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – On these concerns of Hz. Musa, Allah Almighty stated that He was able to save him from previous struggles and hardships and that He would keep him from future problems. 47
Allah gave him instructions on how to be treated by the Pharaoh as well as Harun, his brother. Harun in the following way:
“O Musa! Go with your brother with My Signs, which show the trueness of your cause. Do not slacken while conveying my revelation, which includes orders and prohibitions, to the Pharaoh. Go both of you to the Pharaoh for he has indeed transgressed all bounds. His situation should not activate your feelings and make you treat him harshly. Speak to him mildly. Do not make him angry; he may listen to you. Do not lose hope that he will believe in Allah when you mention him your evidence and the wrath of Allah. If you do not have any hope that he will believe, you will not be able to be successful in your duty of conveying My message.” 48
By those words Allah Almighty attracted the attention of the listeners of. Musa Harun and Hz. Musa Harun to two crucial questions in guiding people on the right way:
a. One of the most crucial guidelines for directing people on the right way and in guiding them to follow it is to not get angry or agitated, but to show rage. Because, a phone call accompanied by anger and fury can incite the indignation of the recipient and make him more hostile. This kind of call is more harmful than helpful.
b. However, even if the person who messages from Allah is communicated is a cruel and savage person such as the Pharaoh the message must be able to make sure that you address him without losing faith. If someone conveys the message to a person despite the purpose to get rid of the responsibility of delivering messages, they won’t have any impact.
It is essential to be sincere, and to perform the act for the benefit of Allah. It is important to think positive thoughts about the recipient and transmit the message in a positive and with care.
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Hz. Musa was able to enjoy the most enjoyable times of his existence in his conversations to Allah Almighty. Then Musa was a prophet chosen by Allah. He was ordered to go to Egypt immediately and begin his mission. He was back home to his family as soon as he could. He left to Egypt with them , not wasting any time. In the meantime his brother Harun was also blessed and was assigned the task of prophethood. He was given instructions on what to do about the brother Musa.
When Hz. Musa came to Egypt He saw Harun, his younger brother. Harun first. They began to await the day of their lives, in which they will meet the Pharaoh. They were unable to eliminate the anxieties they felt because of the inhumanity and brutality that was the Pharaoh. So, they begged Allah Almighty for help in the following manner:
“Our Lord! We fear that the Pharaoh will hasten with insolence against us or he will transgress all bounds by talking insolently about You or kill us before we finish our talk and show our miracles. What shall we do then?” 49
Allah Almighty reacted to the sincere slaves of His in the following manner:
“O my prophets! Do not Fear at all! For I am with you. Go both of you to him without worrying and say, `Verily we are messengers sent by your Lord. Stop oppressing Children of Israel. Let them go to the holy land, their hometown. We have come from your Lord with a sign. Peace to all who follow guidance. We were told by your Lord that the divine wrath that is bound to come will hit those who deny the prophets and do not accept their call.” 50
Thus, Hz. Musa and Hz. Harun discovered what they needed they were supposed to do through the revelation. Then they entered the palace to be in an audience with the Pharaoh.
When the Pharaoh saw Hz. Musa as well as his son after all these decades, the Pharaoh was astonished. He did not expect such an encounter. He asked them questions,
“Why did you come here?” Hz. Musa began to tell his Pharaoh the reason for why they were here:
“We are messengers of Allah God of all the worlds. Allah sent us to lead you to the right way.
Stop ostracizing Children of Israel. They must go to Jerusalem, the Holy Land.”
The Pharaoh was sitting on his throne, and listened to the frequency. Musa was speaking to him with awe. Was the person speaking to him the same as Musa who was raised to his palace? What could he possibly say to him these things? He couldn’t comprehend the meaning behind it. When Hz. Musa had finished his remarks when he was done speaking, the Pharaoh began to shout:
“O Musa! What happened to you? Did we not cherish you as a child among us? Did you not stay with us for many years, eat our bread and drink our water? Do you remember you also committed a crime and ran away? Now you deny what we did for you and deny our bounties. ” 51
In announcing that he had was able to bring up Musa at the palace In saying that he brought up Musa in the palace, the Pharaoh was determined to demonstrate his resentment and render his words meaningless. Thereupon, Hz. Musa declared,
“O Pharaoh! I did it by mistake. I feared that I would be killed before I could prove my innocence. Therefore, I escaped from Egypt when they started to look for me. Then, my Lord invested me with judgment and wisdom and appointed me as one of the messengers. My duty is only to convey the message of my Lord. It is up to you to accept it or not. As for my bringing up, which you reproach me is because of killing the sons of Children of Israel. Otherwise, I would not have stayed in your palace. My mother and father could have brought me up. Would they have allowed me to be brought up in your palace by putting me on the Nile if they had not feared your oppression?” 52
Based on this explanation of the frequency of. Musa The Pharaoh was unable to speak. Hz. Musa was not a character who was able to be silenced easily.
In order to strengthen the debate In order to deepen the debate, the Pharaoh used the expression “the Lord of the Realms” in the declaration of the Hz. Musa Harun and Hz. Musa Harun: “We are the messengers of Allah, who is the Lord of the Realms.” The Pharaoh stated,
“O Musa! And what is the `Lord of the Worlds?’ Who is He?” 53
When he asked that question, the man hoped to place Hz. Musa into a difficult position. Hz Musa answered this question by changing the direction the question in the manner of wisdom:
“If you seek to be convinced with certainty, you will understand that the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all between.” 54
The Pharaoh could not comment regarding this question. He was determined to use demagogy to reduce the negative impact of his answer on the people around him. He turned his back to the crowd and mocked them.
“Do you not listen to what he says? I am asking something but he is giving me a different answer.” 55
Hz. Musa was shrewd and refused to let the Pharaoh to resort to demagogy for any longer. He stated,
“Your Lord and the Lord of your fathers from the beginning.” 56
With this statement, the Hz. Musa declared his belief that Pharaoh was a human being just like everyone other human being, that he had a mother as well as a father who was a drinker and eater like them and was likely to die. So, he wanted to erase the notion from the minds of populace that he was a unique being.
When the Pharaoh recognized the demagogy of his son was no benefit, he began to defame and ridicule. Actually every oppressor who is defeated by truth turn to slander, insult or violence. The Pharaoh told all the people in the vicinity,
“Truly your messenger who has been sent to you is a veritable madman. You see that he does not answer my question and mentions something else. ” 57 Therefore, he was trying to confuse people’s minds.
The query was addressed in the most efficient method. The existence, power , and the will of Allah were addressed and it was said that man was His creation and that he must follow His rules. That was the most important thing for man. Man was unable to comprehend more.
What could a man who’s knowledge, understanding etc. is limited, and weak, see the persona of Allah who is completely free from all sorts of physical conditions and is completely free of the confines of time or space? It’s similar to expecting the entire ocean to be in a cup of coffee.
When Hz. Musa observed his Pharaoh found himself in a precarious position He re-expanded the matter. He stated:
“Oh Pharaoh! Yes, He is the Lord of the east and the west, and all between.” 58
In this way, he declared that the universe and all that is in it was the property of Allah Almighty. This proved his followers that Pharaoh was just an insignificant creature. In the ensuing debate, the Pharaoh was furious. He then said,
“I swear that if you put forward any god other than me, I will certainly put you in prison.” 59
Hz. Musa continued to talk without listening to the threats by the Pharaoh:
“Would you put me in prison even if I showed you something clear and convincing?” 60
The Pharaoh had refused to accept this proposal, he’d have been in a predicament as if he had accepted defeat prior to. Thus, he spoke according to the following, because he was not convinced that the Hz. Musa could accomplish what he claimed:
“Show it then if you tell the truth.”
Thereupon, Hz. Musa put his rod on the ground. The rod then changed into an incredibly serpent. 61 Then it began to move. The Pharaoh and all the people surrounding him were terrified. They were stunned. Then the Hz. Musa held his hand in his body, and then drew out his hand in a second miraculous event. His hand was white, and then began to shine. illuminate. 62 In attempt to free the Pharaoh from his plight His men said,
“My God! He became a great magician. He studied magic for years abroad in order to grab our sultanate. He learnt it well. Shall we kill these two magicians or shall we give them a different punishment?”
At the time, Egypt was a center of wonder.
The Pharaoh was unsure of the best way to handle it. He asked his people “What is your opinion about the issue?” They replied,
“Killing them or any other punishment will be of no use. If we do so, people will think that we are defeated and that we are weak. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a competition and humiliate them. We must despise them in the eye of the public. Dispatch to the cities heralds to collect our best magicians. They will show their talents. We will see whether Musa and Harun can resist them. If we act differently, it will be against us.” 64
The Pharaoh felt relief. He was impressed by this concept.
He was one of the greatest magicians and sorcerers around the world. It was possible for them to defeat Musa. With this in his mind, he spoke to Musa. Musa:
“Do you want to replace us and overthrow us with your sorcery? We have talented sorcerers. This cause will not be over and you will not be regarded to have defeated us until my sorcerers show their magic. Decide an appropriate place and time so that we will come together. Everybody will show their skills there.” 64
Hz. Musa was very happy to accept this offer.
Moses expressed gratitude and praise to Allah Almighty, who gave Moses the chance to speak and participate. They chose the early morning of the festival day for the competition , and also the place that everyone was gathered in as the location. 65
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HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – The Pharaoh summoned the best magicians in his country to his palace. He was certain that they could defeat Hz. Musa and, therefore he invited crowd to visit the site of the contest at the time he specified so that he could regain his fame and strengthen the faith of his people in his. The sorcerers of Pharaoh offered the Pharaoh promise to provide them with great rewards if they beat Musa. 66
The day before the the festival there was a huge crowd of people gathered at the spot that was determined. The magicians boasted that they were confident that they could definitely succeed. The time to enter the contest arrived.
The sorcerers turned their attention to the frequency of. Musa and demanded,
“Are you going to start? Or shall we start?” Hz. Musa stated,
“You start.”
They then put their ropes on the ground and rods, and they displayed their talents to the fullest. The square was flooded with centipedes and snakes all at once.
The magical equipment that was dropped on the ground appeared like snakes that were moving left and right to Musa and everyone else in the square. Everyone was in fear and exuberance. When the sorcerers viewed this scene they began to utter cheers of triumph and say,
“We swear by the magnificence of the Pharaoh that we will overcome Musa. ” 67
Hz. Musa was worried when the group did what they did. 68 However Allah Almighty was able to comfort and strengthen the man through the revelation:
“O Musa! Do not fear! You are superior to them. You are going to overcome them. They are sorcerers but you are My prophet. What you have in right hand is a miracle granted to you by Me. Throw the rod in your right hand bravely. It will quickly swallow up the magic of the sorcerers. What they have faked is but a magician’s trick. There is no salvation for the magicians and their magic. Their tricks will be revealed and the will be embarrassed soon.” 69
The divine consolation boosted the frequency. Musa’s strength was increased when he threw his rod. When it hit the floor, it changed into terrifying dragon, moving extremely quick; it ate every trick that the magicians had devised. 70 When the dragon ate all of them and there was nothing left, it hacked.
Musa was able to hold the terrifying dragon in his hands. At once, the dragon turned into the rod. The sorcerers were amazed. They employed all of their tricks and magic , but they were beaten by the hz. Musa. Then, Hz. Musa would not have been an artist, but rather a prophet. What the prophet did was an act of God. The sorcerers certainly believed in that. 71 They were kneeling and prostrated in admiration. Then they declared their faith to be Harun as the Lord of all Worlds and Harun, the Lord of Musa and Harun. “72
All of them took place in the presence of the people. The sorcerers believed that Allah it became evident that Allah was the supreme power. Musa was the righteous and superior. The Pharaoh was disgraced. So, the statement of the sorcerers’ angered him. He began to threaten themwith:
“How can you believe in him before I give you permission? Surely he is your leader, who has taught you sorcery! I will show you soon. I will cut off your hands and your feet on opposite sides, and I will cause you all to die on the cross. I will show you what it means to be against me and to support Musa.” 73
It is evident that the Pharaoh believed that the sorcerers were believing in the truth of the words Musa declared and their belief in his words as follows. Musa was the actual chief in the group of sorcerers. The contest was set up prior to the event. This was nothing more than an excuse fabricated by his mind and Satan in order to not admit the truth.
They believed that Allah did not take note of these threats from the Pharaoh’s . They said,
“O Pharaoh! We definitely believed in the honesty of Hz. Musa and the existence of our Lord, who created us out of nothing. Now it has become clear that you are a liar. Do whatever you want. You can only take our life in this world. The eternal life and bliss in the hereafter is enough for us. We hope that our Lord will forgive us our faults. We are proud of becoming foremost among the believers. ” “74
The answer angered The Pharaoh more. The Pharaoh ordered his troops to capture the sorcerers and put them in prison.
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – The time that the prophet Musa was able to defeat his Pharaoh, Children of Israel were completely convinced of his existence. They embraced him as their “savior”, whom they had waited for for a long time and who would bring them to the Holy Land.
The Pharaoh was terrified when they believed.
He stepped up his brutality and brutality towards Children of Israel.
The condition that was faced by Children of Israel was piteous. They would sometimes not be able to bear the suffering and complained to Musa. Musa said,
“O Musa! We suffered before your prophethood and we are still suffering. What is the difference?”
Hertz, Musa told them to remain patient and not lose faith. He also gave them the positive news that their troubles will soon end. 75
He would often tell his followers that they should journey on a journey to the Promised Land that is the ancestral homeland of their ancestors who lived in Jordan, Palestine and Damascus in hopes of easing their suffering, and providing them with optimism and enthusiasm. Hz. Musa was not content with the plight for the Children from Israel and began to plead Allah Almighty for help in the following manner:
“Our Lord! You have indeed bestowed on the Pharaoh and his Chiefs splendor and wealth in the life of the world. Deface the features of their wealth, and send hardness to their hearts, so they will not believe until they see the grievous penalty.” The penalty is 76
Hz. Harun used the word “amin” for this prayer. 77 Allah Almighty said:
“Your prayer has been accepted. So stand straight and do not follow the path of those who are ignorant.” 78
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – Following the Pharaoh was defeated by the frequency. Musa Some of the native Egyptians left their belief in the Pharaoh who believed in the frequency of Hz. Musa However, some were hesitant to believe in the belief because of being afraid of the Pharaoh or other motives. According to the explanations of the tafsir scholars, one among them is Sam’an the cousin of the Pharaoh, whom the Pharaoh was fond of and revered.
1979 After he had believed in the Hz. Musa was able to offer some suggestions to the Pharaoh but did not reveal his faith. He convinced the Pharaoh to put an end to some of the actions against Hz. Musa. In the end, he couldn’t accept the oppression and cruelty of the Pharaoh for long and began to talk to the Pharaoh in a public manner.
He stood up for Hz. Musa as best possible. He informed to the Pharaoh that the explanation for Hz. Musa was real and that he would do in no way a threat towards the Pharaoh. But the Pharaoh was not averse to his views and declared that he was the one who guided his country with honesty.
The son of the Pharaoh informed him that the way he acted was similar to the method followed by prior nations that were destroyed , and that he was afraid that the same disaster could befall him. He also stated that the suffering in the future would be more severe than the suffering in the present world. Then, he spoke about the power and the magnificence of Allah His existence and the unity of His existence and supreme over all things and was the sole owner of wisdom and knowledge. 80 The Pharaoh was furious with the words he spoke of and told his Haman, his minister. Haman,
“O Haman! Build me a tower of observation so that I may observe the skies and that I may mount up to the God of Moses; however, as far as I am concerned, I think Musa is a liar!” 81
When his cousin stated that they believed in Hz. Musa was the Pharaoh noticed a change in the behavior and attitude of his wife. He began to oppress and force her.
Hz. Asiya was aware that Musa was likely to be a significant individual when he became young; hence she looked after his safety and cared for him like he was their own child. When he learned that Hz. Musa declared his prophetic vocation that she believed in the prophet. Furthermore, she was hoping for to hear something similar from him.
She was unable to hide her conviction for a long time , much like the cousin of Pharaoh. She stood up for Hz. Musa courageously before the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh demanded that she quit believing in the frequency of Hz. Musa repeated the request several times, but Hz. Asiya did not obey him. The Pharaoh tried to torture her but she refused to surrender. After the Pharaoh was brutally torturing her the previous time, she began to pray to Allah Almighty as following:
“O my Lord! Build for me a mansion in Paradise and save me from the Pharaoh and this oppressing nation.” 82
Allah Almighty accepted her prayer. When she died due to the cruel treatment she received she looked up to her spot within Paradise smiling. She died happily. 83
Hz. Asiya was a role model for females to follow in heroic acts of. Her husband’s status as the Pharaoh did not stop her from being a believer in Allah and remaining firm in her faith. Therefore, if someone’s parents, husband or father is not a religious person this does not stop the person from having faith in Allah and living an Islamic lifestyle; however, it should not be a reason to deny faith.
Based on what is written the book of Tabari. According to what the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) stated, “The best of women are the following four women: The first one is Imran’s daughter, Maryam; the second one is Khuwaylid’s daughter Khadija; the third one is Hasan and Husayn’s mother Fatima and the fourth one is Muzahim’s daughter Asiya.”
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HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – Qarun was an affluent person from Hz. Musa’s country, Children of Israel. 84First He believed in the Hz. Musa but when requested to assist those in need and the poor He resisted Hz. Musa and others who believed in his beliefs. He added to his wealth by accumulating items and properties. He was so wealthy that keys to his riches could only be carried by a large number of persons.
Qarun believed that his success was due to his intellect and knowledge as well as his personal effort and hard work Qarun was extremely arrogant and arrogant. He regarded himself as superior to anyone in his own nation. He was cruel and harsh. He was a member of his nation Hz. Musa however, he partnered with the Pharaoh in secret. In this way, he increased his fortune.
Alongside along with Pharaoh and his wicked minister Haman, He was also a. Musa was forced to fight Qarun which was an incredibly savage munafiq from his own country. The children of Israel knew about the circumstances. They had said to Qarun,
“O Qarun! Do not feel conceited due to your wealth. Allah does not love those who feel conceited due to their wealth. Seek with the wealth which Allah has bestowed on you, the home of the hereafter, by doing charity; do not forget your portion in this world, which is only a piece of shroud. You are not permanent in this world; you cannot take your wealth with you when you pass away. Then, give from your wealth to the slaves of Allah as Allah granted them to you. Do not seek mischief in the land; for, Allah does not love those who do mischief.” 86
Qarun was not willing to believe the fact that his wealth was granted to him through Allah to serve as a method of test and that he was likely to be asked about how he earned and spent his money. In fact, he believed that he had earned the wealth he had accumulated through his own efforts and knowledge. He also boasted of his expertise and achievements.
So, he responded to those who had warned him, in the following manner:
“This wealth has been given to me because of a certain knowledge which I have. They all belong to me. 87 Why should I give from it to others? They have no right in it.”
Qarun didn’t realize that many nations , like Ad as well as Thamud were more powerful and wealthy than he was. However, due to their rebellion against Allah and the devil, they couldn’t escape divine wrath and were destroyed along by their riches.
Qarun was a man who, despite his best efforts to follow the instructions and warnings that were given to him, walked in a manner of adoration and pomp which increased the jealousy of the masses. People who were ignorant of the beautiful pleasures and riches of this world to the heavenly riches looked up to him and said in the following manner:
“We wish we were given the like of what Qarun has; for, he is truly a lord of mighty good fortune.” 88
People who have been blessed with real knowledge and wisdom, and who recognized the truth they addressed them as follows:
“Alas for you! Look at those temporary things that you envy wisely. You are bound to die and they are bound to perish. The reward of Allah in the hereafter is best for those who believe and work righteousness. It can only be attained by those who steadfastly persevere in good deeds and worship and show patience when they are hit by a misfortune.” 89
The Quran states it was Qarun was swallowed up by the Earth as well as his palace, wealth and treasures as a result of his insanity and his transgression that resulted from believing that he had accumulated the entirety of his wealth due to his abilities. 90 The details of this event are recounted in the following tafsir works:
When Hz. Musa was directed by Allah to pay zakah to the wealthy and wealthy, he demanded that Qarun pay Zakah. Qarun didn’t give any money and advised the other wealthy members of the Children of Israel not to pay Zakah. In addition, he once gave to a prostitute money and demanded she discredit that she had. Musa was a convicted adultererer. On a festival day and a day of celebration. Musa was preaching to his nation in which he spoke of adultery and referred to Allah’s decree on adultery. Then, Qarun said,
“Is it valid for you too?” Hz. Musa stated,
“Yes, it is.” Qarun was determined to make the most of this opportunity and denigrated Hz. Musa. Qarun requested the prostitute to speak as witnesses. But the woman believed in Allah and spoke the truth. So, it was evident it was clear that Hz. Musa was innocent. After that, Hz. Musa prostrated and pleaded with Allah Almighty to take away Qarun as well as his riches. The majority of Children of Israel were present to pray with him.
Qarun was swallowed by the Earth due to an enormous earthquake, along with his wealth. The story was told by people to serve as an example for several years. 91No one was left from his family following his death. The entirety of his property were devastated. 92 Those who admired Qarun’s grandeur and wealth one day began to speak in the manner of after the destruction of his property:
“Ah! It is indeed Allah Who enlarges the provision or restricts it to any of His servants He pleases. We cannot know the wisdom behind it. If Allah had not been gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up. Ah! Those who reject Allah will assuredly never prosper.” 93
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – The Pharaoh and all those who were his followers refused to be convinced, Allah Almighty sent drought to Egypt in order to convince the people to accept. 94 Instead of recognizing their error and identifying the right way instead, the Egyptians believed that the blessings were due to them, and that the mishaps that happened were the result of the people who believed in. Musa or those who were a believer in his. 95
Hz. Musa encouraged them to believe in the belief that their hearts may have changed due to the drought , but it wasn’t the case. The Egyptians insist on their faith. They said to him:
“We will never believe in whatever signs you bring to us. Do not struggle with us in vain.” The 96 They did not comprehend the fact that the misfortune which struck their lives was an ominous message. Due to their stubbornness the misfortunes began to appear one after the other.
* The Nile Floods:
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) – In the beginning, heavy rains led to the Nile to overflow and Egypt was submerged in water. 97 Not having any idea what to do next, the Egyptians visited Hz. Musa to get approval from Pharaoh and requesting him to clear the flood. They stated that they would trust in Allah should it be removed. Then, Musa became hopeful and was able to pray Allah Almighty to remove the flood. Following prayers, waters began to receding. So, the misfortune came to an end.
But it is true that the Egyptians as well as the Pharaoh didn’t have faith in Allah. They broke their promises. In addition, they began to smear Children of Israel and the believers once more.
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* Locust Invasion:
Then, Allah Almighty sent locusts to Egyptians in order to warn the inhabitants from Egypt. 98 The locusts infested every area. They devoured all the crop. A massive lack of food was experienced.
The inhabitants of Egypt were miserable. They pleaded with the Hz. Musa again. They stated that they believed in Allah in the event that they could get rid of this bad luck. Hz. Musa was hopeful that the nation that has never fulfilled their promises to improve, would be better and was praying. The locust famine was wiped out from the earth by Allah Almighty. However, the unforgiving and stubborn Egyptians didn’t keep their word.
* Louse Invasion:
After that, Egypt was invaded by lice and other insects. 99 The insects damaged the crops of orchards and vineyards, just as did the insects, which are known as locusts. In addition, the lice covered the bodies of Copts. They couldn’t eliminate the lice. They were on the verge of going insane. Then, they tried the frequency of. Musa again. The prophet in need of Musa, who was Hz. Musa made a prayer similarly and was saved from the same fate. But the Egyptians were insistent on their insolence.
* Frog Invasion:
Then, they were struck by a more severe unfortunate circumstance. This was an invading Frogs. 100 These were frogs that invaded all their homes, streets, bedrooms and barns. They were a nuisance to Egyptians throughout the day and at night. They terrorized the Egyptians in such a way that every time they were unable to sleep or open their mouths in order to speak, Frogs would crawl into their mouths and leap to get into their mouths. The Egyptians began to feel miserable and they applied to the Hz. Musa again. They begged him to rescue them from this calamity and promised to trust in Allah.
Hz. Musa still had some hope. He asked Allah Almighty to pray again hoping for a better outcome this time. Allah Almighty listened to his prayer and ended the frogs’ ravaging but they remained stubborn in disbelieving Allah and refused to follow the prophet of compassion whom they were shown the path to happiness. They continued to oppress Children of Israel. They were truly unreceptive.
* The Water Turns to Blood:
HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام) -Then, all the waters in Egypt including the Nile, the river Nile changed to blood. 101 The Egyptians couldn’t find an ounce of drinking water. This tragedy was the worst one. The Egyptians of Egypt were scorched by the sun and suffering from thirst. Then, they became fragile and miserable. As soon as it became impossible to bear it for long, they were forced apply to the frequency. Musa again. The application was approved just as they had done in the past. 102
As the misfortunes, disasters, and misfortunes followed one after the other and the Pharaoh was caught by the winds and whose reputation was damaged, tried a variety of ways and tried his best to stop people from being awed by the power of. Musa. He blindfolded almost all the Egyptians of Egypt. Thus, the Egyptians were not willing to be a part of Allah.
Children from Israel weren’t affected by these mishaps and catastrophes. They only affected people who are Egyptians. 103 The Egyptians could see this through their own eyes, however they didn’t believe in the truth. If they were struck by a mishap they went to the Hz. Musa and informed him that they believed in Allah in the event that the curse was removed , but didn’t believe in Allah when it was taken away. They also did not permit Hz. Musa to go to Egypt together with Children of Israel.
Then, a plague epidemic in the year 104 was discovered in Egypt. The inhabitants of Egypt were severely affected and were afflicted by the frequency of Hz. Musa in despair, and asked for prayers to Allah to end this deadly disease. They said that they would certainly be believers in Allah and let the Hz. Musa and the Children of Israel to leave Egypt. 105 The plague lasted for a time before it was lifted. 106
Hz. Musa believed there was nothing that one could do with Egypt as well. This was something that an Egyptian could not be believed. The misfortunes that erupted each time and the most recent plague outbreak weakened Pharaoh as well as the Egyptians. They were unable to hinder the Children of Israel from leaving Egypt.
It was a wonderful chance for the Hz. Musa and Children of Israel. They began making preparations. Hz. Musa declared to his nation that they’d set out to the holy country. Allah Almighty ordered Hz. Musa to be taken by the Children of Israel as well as then leave Egypt in the midnight. He also informed Musa that Pharaoh will be following the children and follow them, and that the Pharaoh was not likely to succeed and that they shouldn’t be afraid of. 108
Together with six hundred million of people who are Children of Israel 109,Hz. Musa left Egypt in the late at night. They left their possessions such as gold, jewelry, and gold that they could transport along. When the Pharaoh discovered the following day that Children of Israel quit Egypt in the morning, they summoned their soldiers who were in poor condition due to the disasters and mishaps that had occurred, and left early at dawn to go with the steps of. Musa and all those who believed in his. 110
The children of Israel did not have the speed to move since they had families and possessions with them. The Pharaoh was swift with his troops and was set to catch the pace of the children of Israel. 111 When Hz. Musa and the Children of Israel reached the coast of the Red Sea 112 and the Pharaoh was able to approach the group. They were surrounded by the Pharaoh’s army. Pharaoh was armed, but the army of the Pharaoh had no arms. Musa as well as Children of Israel had no arms. The moment the Children of Israel noticed that Pharaoh with his armies was approaching the area, they panicked they lost their hope and declared,
“We are sure to be overtaken. We have no hope of surviving. ” 113
The situation appeared unsurvivable. The sea was ahead of them, and the army of the enemy in the background.
Because of this that they felt, they began to attack Hz. Musa:
“Why did you do that? We would have lived comfortably in Egypt.”
Hz. Musa was amazed by the lack of respect and indifference of his people. They spoke as if were not asking for his help to save them from the oppression of Pharaoh. Fear of death prompted them to talk as if they had an idyllic lifestyle in Egypt.
Hz. Musa used to speak as follows to encourage them to have the courage to face the challenges:
“By no means! The situation is not like you think. Our Lord is with us! He will hopefully guide me.” 114
As the Children of Israel were moving towards to the Red Sea step by step The separation between them from Pharaoh reduced.
Hz. The uncle of Musa was a firm faith-based person, but he also spoke in a hopeless manner:
“O Musa! Where are we going to go? How are we going to be saved? There is the sea in front of us and the enemy army behind us.” In the end, Hz. Musa begged Allah with a sigh of despair:
“O Lord! All kinds of praise and thanks belong to You. You are the last resort and the only shelter for the hopeless. We take refuge in You from all kinds of enemies. Power and strength belong to You.”
The Pharaoh and his army surrounded them. The Pharaoh and his soldiers approached them. Allah Almighty ordered Hz. Musa to hit the sea using his rod. In response to this command, the speed was Hz. Musa struck the sea by using his rod. In a flash, the sea split in two like steep mountains gave way to make way for There were twelve wide, dry roads ahead and behind them. 117
Hz. Musa began to cross the sea , and all the tribes that comprised Children of Israel followed the roads that were in front of them. As the Pharaoh and his troops reached the coast, a few Children of Israel had already reached the other end of the sea’s coast, and were right in the middle of the ocean.
They were terrified by what witnessed. After waiting for a while before moving forward, the Pharaoh began to move forward on his horse, and then his troops began to walk along these roads. After all Children of Israel landed on the other side of sea shore, all the soldiers of Pharaoh were walking along these roads that were in the middle of the ocean. At that point, the divine command came to aid the faith-based. The waters covered the roads. The Pharaoh and his entire army with no exception were swallowed by the ocean. 118
As the Pharaoh was close to dying and was about to die, the veil before his eyes was lifted and he was able to see his place in the next world in a frightening manner. He saw the terrible ending that he was expecting. He began to cry:
“I believed in the Lord, except whom there is no deity and in whom Children of Israel believed; and I surrendered to Him.”
But, Allah did not except this notion of the conceited and cruel Pharaoh’s, when he was about to die. He spoke to the Pharaoh in the following manner through Jibril:
“Ah now! Did you realize it now? A little while before, you were in rebellion. Your life was full of oppression and rebellion. You did mischief on earth. Believing at this moment is of no use. However, this day we shall save you in your body so that you may be a sign to those who come after you but verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our signs.” 119
It is mentioned in the verses 91 and 92 in the book of Yunus that the faith of Pharaoh as the time came for his death and when he saw that his poor ending, was not taken seriously as a result of Allah Almighty and that his body was saved in order that it could be an example and a symbol for those who live in the future.
A huge miracle is hidden in this report from the Quran. It is mentioned within the Book of Exodus of the Torah holy book of the Jews in which the Pharaoh was drowned . However, it’s not stated that his body will be rescued.
Professor. Muhammad Hamidullah states in his book, titled “the Prophet of Islam” that the miraculous power in the Quran was made clear when the tombs of King’s tombs were opened and explored in Egypt in 1881. 120
The Quran said that the corpse of Pharaoh will be saved from being drowned, and will not be lost in the ocean like the corpses of his soldiers because they were eaten by fish or decomposing However, it also stated that his body would be kept to serve as a warning and a sign to those who lived later on. In actual fact, the corpse of Pharaoh was discovered at the Valley of Kings discovered in 1881.
Muhammad Hamidullah writes that the Pharaoh who drowned at sea, is Ramses II while Maurice Bucaille says in his book “La Bible le Coran et la Scienne” that the Pharaoh who drowned in the ocean was Mineptah who was who was the child of Ramses II. Both bodies were discovered in the same year. (Maurice Bucaille, Kitab-i Mukaddes, Kur’an ve Bilim, 351-352)
According to another theory that the corpse that was of the Pharaoh who lost in the Red Sea is the body which is displayed within the British Museum now. The body was discovered in the same year at the same spot where the remains of Pharaohs were discovered at the bottom of the Red Sea. The body was transported from the British research team and then to the British Museum. The body of the dead is not mummified, however all of organs are inside the body. (Zafer Magazine issue 77)
It is not important if the body of the deceased is his or not. The most important thing is that the body that died wasn’t lost at sea. ocean and was discovered in good health and safety according to what the Quran declares as a lesson and indication for those who will be buried later, whether mummified or otherwise.
Fakhruddin ar-Razi offers the following information in his book titled Tafsir al-Kabir about the body of the Pharaoh to be recovered secure and sound:
“Fa’l-yawme nunajjika bi-badanika litakuna liman khalfaka ayah.” (This day, we will save you in your body so that thou can be a sign to those who follow you.) (Yunus, 92)
“There are many facets to this verse:
A. “We shall save you in your body” In other words, we’ll lift you to a higher level by taking you out of the ocean.
b. We will remove you from the ocean and protect from conditions such as getting lost or being eaten by fish, and then dying and then disappearing. But this salvation will only be for your body following drowning and not for the soul.
C. Certain Quranic scholars say nunajjikaas nunahhika. It means that we will throw you along the shore. This is throwing after having drowned.
The expression Bi-badanika (in the body)has various aspects:
- We will save the body of the dead without soul.
- We will help to keep the body in a safe and sound manner.
- We will keep the body of the deceased in its naked state, with no clothes.
For the expression “litakuna liman khalfaka ayah” (that might be a sign for all who follow you):
a. There were some who believed that the Pharaoh drowned since they didn’t observe his demise with their own eyes, and believed that such a person could not be dead. In the end, Allah removed him from the water and revealed his actual condition. Therefore, those who saw the body of the dead from the Pharaoh thought that it was proof that he was dead.
B. Allah drowned the Pharaoh and his people in the sea. He then removed the dead remains of the Pharaoh only from the sea and tossed it onto the shore. This is how He proved His power. for His power as well as the authenticity in the prophecy of the Hz. Musa.” (see Fakhruddin ar-Razi, Tafsir al-Kabir)
Badiuzzaman Said Nursi provides the following explanation that is significant about his body and that of Pharaoh being preserved as follows:
In saying to Pharaoh who is drowning:”Today I will help your body, which is about to drown” It is an expression of a death-tainted and exemplary policy of the Pharaohs lives. This was a result of the concept of metempsychosis and mummifying their bodies, all the pharaohs and removing their bodies away from their pasts and then send them to be seen by the generations to come.
In the present century, a corpse was discovered that was the body of Pharaoh who was thrown to the beach in which he drowned. The verse also reveals an amazing signification of the unknown and unimaginable, that the body was to be carried by the waves of the past and tossed into the ocean of time to the shores of this century.” (see Said Nursi, Sozler (Words), 373)
He explains the subject in a different book:
“When the Pharaoh, who struggled against Hz. Musa, was about to be drowned, he believed in Allah. In fact, the belief at the time of death is not accepted but Allah Almighty states that He will save his dead body as a reward for the nature of belief of that unaccepted belief.
For, according to the reincarnation belief of the Pharaohs, instead of the bliss in the hereafter, they want their mummies and sculptures to live in the future as an indication of love of fame; they think that those sculptures and mummies will find souls; by giving a reward for the apparent but unaccepted belief of the Pharaoh, Allah indicates the rules of mummification based on their principles of reincarnation. As a miracle of this verse, the dead body of the Pharaoh that was drowned was found safe and sound. It is stored and displayed in a museum in London and it is visited and seen by tourists.”

When they crossed the Red Sea, Children of Israel were rescued from the oppression of Pharaoh and became free. Hz. Musa was able to remind them that he was about to lead him to his holy place. There were tribes and other nations were also in the holy place. They were well-built and strong people.
He also advised them that they would be able to regain the land they had inherited only by defeating them. Therefore, Hz. Musa was requesting the Children of Israel to choose one representative from each tribe, and then promise that they would work together and would not create any conflict. A contract was get signed by these representatives, and the agreement was to be acknowledged to the entire Children of Israel. 121
There were three cities in this holy region at the time: Ariha, Nablus and Quds. 122 After the long and exhausting travel, Children of Israel settled near Ariha, the capital city. Ariha.
Hz. Musa was able to gather his people and reminded them of the bounty given by Allah Almighty. He reminded them of how they were saved from the oppression of Pharaoh and how they walked across the sea , and how they were blessed with a prophet to them, who was the best reward. 123 He also offered them the wonderful news that they will receive numerous bounties in the near future. Therefore, he stated that it was imperative to express gratitude to Allah for these blessings. The conversation continued in the following manner:
“O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah has assigned unto you bravely. Do not turn back ignominiously by fearing the nations living there temporarily. There is no other land apart from the holy land for you. This is your homeland. We left Egypt behind. There is only one thing to do: proceed. This desert cannot be homeland for you or others.” 124
The children of Israel did not manage to rid themselves of the anxiety and fear that they experienced from the moment they were under the pressure of oppression and pressure right at the time. They also enjoyed living in the world a lot. Even though it was more beneficial to die than endure, they would prefer living in humbleness to dying with honor as they accepted the power that was the Pharaoh without arguing with the Pharaoh.
Now Hz. Musa offered them a deal that could see them give up their lives. This was too much to accept for Children of Israel, who were extremely savage about their lives in the world and were afraid of death often.
The excitement of making it to Holy Land, also known as the homeland of prophets and the joy of experiencing eternal bliss being a martyr would make them want to take action. So, they resisted the frequency of Hz. Musa:
“O Musa! In this land, there is a nation of exceeding strength; they are much stronger than us. We will not enter the holy land unless they leave it.” 125
This was a clear indication that they did not want to take on.
Hz. Musa tried to comfort the people. He assured the people that Allah was with them and that all they were required to do was follow his commands and restrictions. He also said that the people living there wasn’t scary and they could defeat them with the assistance of Allah. He also stated that the ones they picked could travel to the holy land to study and learn more about the enemies. The twelve representatives of 12 tribes of 126 traveled to Ariha. Hz. Musa said to them that if they observed something wrong there and they were not to tell the story to anyone else except for him after they returned. 127
The following information is found in several tafsir-based books on the vanguards at Hz. Musa was sent his holy land to be blessed:
As the twelve arrived in Ariha Then, a member of Ariha’s people Ariha was able to grab them. He placed the bags in and brought them to the king, along and the fruits he picked in his apple orchard. He declared,
“O my king! Is it not strange that these people want to fight us?” The king replied to them,
“Return and tell your leader what you saw here.” Then, he let go his 12 Children of Israel.
The above story may appear to be overblown, however it is clear that they didn’t find anything positive that was happening. 128
Yusha Bin Nun as well as Caleb among the 12 people tried to convince the other 10 representatives not to inform anyone else but Hz. Musa regarding what they witnessed. Others seemed in agreement, but upon returning, they told people about their experiences by exaggerating their experiences.
In contrast to the other representatives, Yusha Bin Nun as well as Caleb Caleb declared it easy to take on that nation, and they said that should they attack the castle’s gate quickly, they could invade and seize the city. They stated that what they, as Christians should do was rely on Allah. 130 Therefore, they attempted to motivate their followers.
The positive actions by Yusha Bin Nun and Caleb weren’t much use in comparison to the bleak news reported by the other representatives. These ten individuals have demoralized and discouraged Children of Israel who were already terrified of fighting. Children of Israel revolted against Hz. Musa and told him,
“O Musa! We will never enter there while those strong people remain there. We do not want to die in vain. If you want to fight so much, go with your Lord and fight them. We will not move even one step forward from here. ” 130 This level of rebellion and ingratitude was unprecedented before. When Hz. Musa was informed of this by his people, he began to prayer to Allah to ward off them. He declared:
“O my Lord! I have power only over myself, my brother and very few people. So separate us from this rebellious people and give us and them what we and they deserve.” 132
In response to this prayer, Hz. Musa Allah Almighty has made the holy land inaccessible for forty years to children of Israel. In this time they wandered across the Tih Desert without ever having any settlement. 133 Only those children of the rebellious tribe could establish themselves in this holy place.
Hz. Musa did not leave the Children of Israel when he asked Allah Almighty to punish the children. The goal he had in mind was help them discover the truth and improve. As they failed to follow his suggestions and he was forced to make them to be a victim in order to discover the path to follow.
In fact, thirst, hunger and scorching heat made Children of Israel apply to the frequency of. Musa. They said they would be loyal to his orders. Thereupon, Hz. Musa was able to cool off. He sincerely thanked the people. The rock was struck with his rod (staff). Twelve springs each per tribe flowed out of the rock. They enjoyed their drink with joy. 134
A large cloud began to shade the Children of Israel against the scorching sun. Allah Almighty regularly sent down Quals and manna to nourish them. 135 Hz. Musa instructed the Children of Israel to eat everything that was sent to them and not keep any food items. They stored food on Friday so that they would have something to eat on the Saturday because nothing was delivered on Saturday. 136
In spite of these benefits, which weren’t granted to any other nation, Children of Israel committed another ingratitude act:
When the Children from Israel quit Egypt and began to travel across into the Tih desert, they noticed the tribe of Amaliqas revered an image of the calf. 1337 As we’ve said earlier, this wrong belief was ingrained in them because of their many years with Egyptians who were worshippers of the Apis Bull, as well as its images or monuments. 138
When they were in Egypt however, they didn’t adhere to this belief since they resented the Egyptians because of their oppression. When they gained the freedom and peace they sought the belief that was in their hearts was rekindled They desired for a god of calf as that of the inhabitants of Amaliqa. When they informed the Hz. Musa about it, he was extremely angry and reminded them of the blessings Allah Almighty’s grant the people. 139 Then he told them,
“How can you ask such a stupid and polytheistic thing from me by forgetting about your Lord, who granted you so many bounties?” He advised the people not to cause harm for disobeying the commands by Allah Almighty and not to receive divine punishment. He also advised his followers that he would be going on a trip to Mount Sinai soon and that the Torah was to be revealed as a source of direction. Because, Allah Almighty revealed to Hz. Musa beforehand that He was going to send down an esoteric book, the Torah that would include instructions and warnings.
Then, Children of Israel started to wait for Torah.
Following the revelation of God that God had given, at Hz. Musa began his journey to Mount Sinai in order to be able to receive the Torah. He designated Harun, his younger brother Hz. Harun as his successor when the latter quit. He instructed Harun to speak for his country all the time and not show any the utmost respect to oppressors and to follow their ways. 140 For the frequency of. Musa recognized that his nation was unrewarding and was worried about the country. He was concerned that something negative could occur after his departure.
When the Children from Israel left Egypt and returned to Egypt, they brought their silver and gold jewelry with their belongings. 141 When Hz. Musa was on his way into Mount Sina, a munafiq known as Samiri began to deviate from Children of Israel, who had no strong belief system. He was a talented jeweler. He created an melting pot and instructed Children of Israel that they should throw all their jewelry,
which were of no useful in the desert and into the pot. He employed his expertise and created a statue the calf that made sounds that resembled animal sounds when the wind blows. 142 Children of Israel were enthralled by Samiri for the statue. Samiri said to them that this animal was their god, that it was Hz. Musa traveled up to Mount Sinai by mistake and was going to return. 143 Then Samiri began to praise the animal. The majority of Children of Israel began to worship the calf as like they were expecting something similar to that.
Children of Israel who lived among Egyptians for a long time, were aware about the tradition to worship the bull. Samiri was aware of their weakness and resorted to deviating them easily.
One of the arguments used by Children from Israel in worshiping the calves was that Hz Musa didn’t return when the promise was made. Hz. Musa stated to them “If Allah destroys the Pharaoh, I will bring you a book from Allah.” Allah Almighty directed Musa to fast for 30 days to fulfill this desire. Hz.
Musa informed his people that he would travel up to Mount Sinai and receive the book that would come to him within thirty days. But, Allah Almighty added ten additional days to the 30-day time frame and also Hz. Musa’s stay on Mount Sinai was increased to forty days. The children of Israel began to pray to the calf during this additional 10-day time. 144
The following statements of Samiri that Samiri used this delay to fool the Children of Israel who appeared to be seeking reasons to worship the calves: “This is your god and Musa’s god. He’s forgotten about it. He’s trying to find it, but he is unable to find it.” 145
Hz. Harun was present when Samiri first began to deviate from Children of Israel and told the children to be examined by this animal. Harun also explained to them that a dead metal object without spirit can’t be a god, and that the only god was Allah who made and raised all things. He also urged them to obey his commands and warned them that they could be struck by unfortunate circumstance if they did not. 146 However, Children of Israel did not follow the commandments of Hz. Harun and declared,
“O Harun! We will not abandon worshipping this calf until Musa returns to us.” The calf was 147 Hz. Harun realized that insisting on higher frequencies could be of no benefit and he preferred waiting until the frequency of. Musa.
Hz. Musa spent his entire time in Mount Sinai worshipping, fasting and praying to Allah. He had to wait for many days and nights in order to communicate with Allah Almighty and to receive the Torah. When the 40-day time period was over and he was able to receive the blessing of speaking to Allah Almighty and offering his requirements to Him.
Allah Almighty asked him why the Prophet had come prior to settling the nation’s affairs. Hz Musa answered:
“O Lord! They are on my way. I hastened to you because of my love toward you, my enthusiasm to hear your speech and attaining your consent.” 150
Allah Almighty has told him that mischief was afoot among Children of Israel and that Samiri was a liar. 149
If Allah Almighty talked to Hz. Musa and he grew happy and enthusiastic and he grew in determination and pleaded with Allah to let him be able to see His divine character. 150 Allah Almighty addressed him like this:
“By no means can you see Me directly. You cannot do it. However, look upon the mountain over there. If it remains in its place, you can see Me.”
Thereupon, Hz. Musa was looking over the mountain. He observed that the mountain shattered into pieces, revealing the power of the splendor of Allah All-powerful. Musa was thrown down in an elation. As he came back to his senses slowly he noticed that the tablets he carried with him with numerous writings. He then pleaded with Allah Almighty in the fear of requesting something that was not appropriate for as a slave:
“O Lord! Glory be to you! To you I turn in repentance and ask my forgiveness. I am the first to believe.” 150
On this repentance, and prayer offered by Hz. Musa, Allah Almighty told him that He had elevated him above others by choosing him as a prophet. He commanded him to not seek for anything from Him beyond what He given him and asked him to acknowledge Him regardless of what his circumstance was. 152 He advised his Hz. Musa to read his tablets from the Torah consisting of instructions and advice for the Children of Israel with a serious mind and to pass them on to his people in the most effective manner. 153
40 days after 40 days later Then 40 days later, 154. Musa was back to his people and brought the Torah. As he watched them worship their calf, Musa was deeply regretful. He severely criticized them. 55 He became extremely angry.
He then threw down the tablets, grabbed his brother with the hair on his head and pulled him back and forward, and demanded to know why he did not prevent his people from worshiping the calf. Hz. Musa kept his brother in an insecure position and was harming his brother. Children from Israel are watching. Hz. Harun was angry and shamed of being treated as this before his family and friends. Harun said that
“O son of my mother! Do not get angry with me. I tried to prevent your nation when they attempted to do that bad deed but they did not obey me. They even wanted to kill me. Do not disgrace me in front of the enemy. Do not treat me in the same way as you treat this oppressing nation.” 156 Hz. Musa cooled off when the brother listened to his excuse. His brother had a negative effect on him by talking about his mother, whom he adored greatly. (*) He was angry at his unkind attitude towards Harun, his brother. Harun and began to pray to Allah according to the following:
“O my Lord! Forgive me and my brother! Admit us to Your mercy! For, You are the most merciful of those who show mercy! ” 157
Then, he looked to his people and inquired about why they worshipped the calves. They informed him of the story of what happened. They claimed that Samiri was deceiving them, that he had created an animal and then deceived them by declaring, “This is your god and the god of Musa but has forgotten it; he is looking for it but cannot find it.”
Then Hz. Musa looked at Samiri and demanded to explain why he was deviating from the group. 158 His goal was to get Samiri admit that he had done incorrect. Samiri confessed in the following manner:
“I saw what your nation did not see and knew what they did not know; so, I took a handful of dust from the footprint of the Messenger and kept it. When you went to Mount Sinai, I wanted to be the leader of Children of Israel. I threw the dust into the calf that I made from the ornaments and jewelry, forming a wonderful statue. My soul showed making this statue as something good to me. ” “159
The Messenger Samiri said was Jibril. Samiri was aware of Jibril when he was guiding the Hz. Musa or while crossing either the Red Sea or while going to Mount Sinai. He collected some soil from the area that Jibril had stepped on, and kept it. Then, he threw it in the statue of the calf. so, he shook off the Children of Israel with this bizarre sculpture. 160 Hz. Musa was shaken when he realized the circumstances of Samiri who had become an afiq, despite receiving these benefits. He told Samiri,
“Get out! Your punishment in your life will be to say, `Do not touch me.’ For, the penalty for your crime is to live alone and to be away from the pleasure of being together with people. Besides, you will suffer a punishment in the hereafter promised by Allah to the people like you. Now, I will break the statue you made into pieces and throw the pieces into the sea.” Then the statue was taken and broke it in chunks. 161 After this it was the Hz. Musa turned to Children of Israel and addressed them with the following words:
“Your Lord and Savior is Allah and there is no god except Him. His wisdom has been abounding over everything.
Oh my fellow citizens! You’ve certainly sinned by worshipping the calf, so come to repentance before your Lord and be slain by your unruly hearts.” 162
Then, Children of Israel started to follow an extremely strict diet. They ate nothing for several days. This eliminated their troublesome souls and rehabilitated them. 163 As for Samiri who was a lonely man, he remained and away from the world until his death. No one came near him, and nobody spoke about him. He lived an unhappy life and died from the ultimate penalty in the future.
One time, a crime was committed by Children of Israel. The family members of the deceased person made a huge fuss and demanded the person responsible be located. They began to investigate and accuse each other. 164 There was a huge commotion. Unforgettable fights were set to begin among the Children of Israel. It was 165. They went to the frequency. Musa and requested him to resolve the matter. 166 Hz. Musa was praying to Allah Almighty and begged Him to help him find the solution. Allah Almighty commanded the children of Israel to give up one cow. Hz. Musa informed his people about the decree from Allah. 167
Children from Israel were shocked by this decision. They couldn’t find a link between the man who was killed by sacrificing an animal.
In actual fact, Allah Almighty did not require a cow sacrificed to end the conflict caused by a crime, however this incident was used as an excuse to fulfill an order. The main purpose behind the command is to kill a cow in order to cease the reverence and affection towards cows shown in the eyes of Children of Israel and to cause them to believe in the notion of unity. 168
Children from Israel were astonished by this act of sacrifice one cow, according to Hz. Musa:
“O Musa! Are you making fun of us?” 169Thus they expressed their worry and hesitation in a sarcastic manner. When Hz. Musa was surprised by this response He said,
“I take refuge in Allah to be among the ignorant people who make fun of others.” 170 Then, Children of Israel realized the importance of the matter. However, they were unsure. They were unsure about whether they should sacrifice an animal to God or not. They even requested Musa. Musa some questions in to make the situation more difficult. They replied,
“O Musa! Pray your Lord for us. Ask him to explain its properties to us.” Hz. Musa told him, “Allah Almighty says, “It is an actual cow. It is not too old or too young, but is of moderate age. Now do as you’re commanded!” 171
Children of Israel didn’t think this description was sufficient and asked him to repeat it but their goal was dissuade Musa:
“Ask your Lord to make plain to us its color.” He added, “Allah Almighty says it is a yellow cow. It is pure and rich in tone, the admiration of beholders.” 172
As the Children of Israel asked more questions, things began to get more complicated. Instead of cancelling the command of sacrifice a cow Allah Almighty laid even more harsh conditions. But, they did ask certain questions:
“O Musa! Pray your Lord to make plain to us what kind of a cow it is. We could not understand its type. As we ask about its properties, some properties that are difficult to understand are declared. If it is described clearly, we will find a way of sacrificing it inshaallah. ” 173
Then, Hz. Musa told me,
“Allah says the cow is not trained to till the soil or water the fields; it is sound and without blemish.”
The cow was clearly described. There was nothing else to inquire about the cow. Thus, they asked the. Musa,
“Now you have brought the truth.” “Now you have brought the truth.”
According to a narrator that a Saint of Allah had one child and an animal that resembled the one mentioned by Allah. He released it into the forest and declared, “O Lord! I pledge this child’s care to your care until my son is old enough.” Then the boy returned to his home. After a time the man died. With time the calf turned into an animal and the young man turned into a young man. Children from Israel discovered the animal and paid a reasonable cost for it. They then sacrificed the animal. 175
It was now time to locate the killer. Allah Almighty revealed the following to Musa. Musa: “Strike.” The moment Hz. Musa hit the body of the deceased by a piece of cow, the body was revived by the blessings of Allah and told the story of the murder. It was evident that the murder was carried out by people who were trying to create trouble because the person who committed the crime was not discovered to claim the inheritance. After they were exposed and the case was resolved. 176
Thanks to that sacrifice made by the cow the murder was averted and it was pointed out that a cow is not the only holy creature to be revered, and the goal was to remove the desire and feeling of worshiping the cow within heart of Children of Israel. Additionally the example of reviving dead people was revealed through Allah the Almighty Children of Israel as a miracle of Hz. Musa.177
When Hz. Musa was on Mount Sinai for the first time, he pleaded with Allah Almighty for a second meeting and was granted the request. After settling the problems that befell his people, Hz. Musa went off to set off once more. He took this time seventy of his people along with him, in order to seek mercy from Allah. 178 Everyone were ghusl-ed, fasted and changed their clothes prior to setting off.
When they reached Mount Sinai, they saw the mountain covered in the thick cloud. Hz. Musa went into the cloud, and vanished in 179 after which, before he left he commanded his fellow believers to pray to Allah and to bow. They took a prostration. While they were prostrating and humming. Musa was talking with Allah Almighty and received His instructions. The moment his discussion with Allah was over He listened to Allah Almighty. Musa returned. Children from Israel addressed him in the following manner:
“O Musa! We will never believe you unless we see Allah openly.”
The demand was born out of being impatient and not realizing that you are a weak creation of Allah. Even those who didn’t believe in Allah did not request the Hz. Musa to reveal Allah in order to be convinced in Him This request made by Children of Israel did not have anything to do with faith in Allah or the fact that they were His slaves. Thus, as soon as they spoke this word to Musa, they were unable to believe in Allah. Musa A terrifying lightning and a powerful earthquake struck them. They shivered and worried too much that their joints were moved and their backs were almost broken. 180
When Hz. Musa observed their miserable situation, he cried and prayed to Allah according to the following:
“O Lord! If You choose to take them down, you’ll destroy them in one go. What will I tell my people upon my return Do you want to you destroy innocent citizens because of the crimes committed by the stupid people in our society?
O Lord! This mess is nothing more than Your testing. You’ll deviate the people You want and lead people You choose to it. You are our Lord and Helper. You are in charge of everything we do. Please forgive the sins of our hearts and acknowledge that we have repented, and be merciful to us. You are the absolute best of all those who forgive. 181
O Lord! Please include us among those who’s good deeds and rewards are documented in the world and afterward. We are sorry and plead with you. We are here to apologize for our transgressions.”
On this prayer sincere of Hz. Musa, Allah Almighty said,
“With My punishment I visit whom I will because the land belongs to me and I do as I wish there. However, My mercy extends to all things. I shall ordain that mercy for those who do right and practice regular charity and those who believe in Our signs.” 182
These statements show that Allah Almighty mentioned the people who He promised to grant more. The statement stated that those who were granted these grants were those who believed in Allah often, followed His commands completely and paid zakah. They believed in Allah’s words with complete faith.
There was no one as like those that were described by Allah among the Children of Israel at that time. Therefore, Hz. Musa was contemplating who these people were. Because they were spoken at the frequency of. Musa’s prayer. Allah Almighty stated the following to give a response to the prayer. Musa’s thoughts:
“O Musa! These people to whom I will grant my grace and mercy in abundance are those who are believers in the final Prophet who I will grant to show mercy in all places and whose belief and calling are universal. The ones who are a believer to the Torah will discover the name and the attributes of this Prophet in the Torah. 183 This prophet will instruct his people what is right and prohibit them from doing what is harmful. He will permit some positive and pure things which are considered illegal for your country due to their oppression to be lawful. Decrees will be drafted in their books regarding the matter that are clean and pure will be legal for them and they won’t be punished for it.
The prophet will make carrion pork, blood wine, and other similar impurities , as well as gambling, usury, bribery and seizures by violence, and other spiritual sins unlawful in his ummah. He will abolish some harsh orders like killing souls with hunger to repent and removing the part of their clothing that were filthy 184 and the prophet will present an shari’ah packed with easy rules.
O Musa! All those who belong to any nation and adhere to the Messenger and who stand up for his cause against his enemies and who accept this as a rule of thumb to be a part of spreading praise to Allah and who follow My divine orders those who do their best to follow the guidance of the Quran provided by him along with his sunnah are likely to be able to attain the mercy you desire to record for your family, your friends, and your goodwill in the world as well as the afterlife and will be free of all sorts of anxiety. The salvation and mercy you seek are recorded and recorded for general mercy to those who are in need.” 185
According to this, Allah Almighty gave him an abundance of good news regarding the future, and they took place.
Because of the prayers and begging of Hz. Musa The seventy individuals around him were spared from the wrath of death, in order to see the truth and be grateful. 186 When the seventy came back after their journey to Mount Sinai, they told Children of Israel what happened there in great detail. Everyone were captivated by what the seventy of them told them with delight and amazement.
Due to the impact from this incident children of Israel were able to follow the commands from Allah over a lengthy period of time but, over their time its effects began to diminish. They began to forget what was happening in the past and began to act contrary to the laws from the Torah. They began to assert that the laws from the Torah were extremely hard and strict , and that they were not able to follow the Torah’s rules. This meant that they were rebelling against Allah. Because, these decrees had been issued by Allah. In response to this arrogance that was displayed by the Children of Israel, Allah Almighty directed Jibril to elevate Mount Sinai above Children of Israel.
It is difficult to imagine an entity that maintains the moon and sun, the innumerable stars, and the entire universe in the sky, without support , and then makes them move through space to lift Mount Sinai and keep it over Children of Israel like a cloud?
When the Children of Israel saw Mount Sinai over them, and in a place that appeared to be falling over the 187 and they were terrified. They fell on their left eyebrows, and began to confess and plead for forgiveness. While they were prostrating they looked up at the mountain through their right eye and determined whether it fell on them or not.
In light of the incident, now Jews are prone to prostrate their left eyebrows, and then look at their eyes with their right. Based on their beliefs this act of prostration saved them from the wrath of God. 188
How Many Rakats For Fajr Prayer?
How Many Rakats For Zuhr Prayer?
How Many Rakats For Asr Prayer?
How Many Rakats For Maghrib Prayer?
How Many Rakats For Isha Prayer?
When Children from Israel were shivering beneath Mount Sinai, which was poised to fall on the children, Allah Almighty got a promise from them via Hz. Musa that they would to follow ten rules. The orders, called the The Ten Commandments are as in the following order:
1: You are not to worship anyone else but Allah.
2 2. You should respect your mother and father and treat them with respect.
3 –You should treat your relatives with the same respect as the way your grandparents treated you.
4. You must show kindness for orphans.
5. You must give favors to the weak and those in need.
6. You should be able to speak with people in a professional manner.
7 — Then you will keep praying firmly.
8 — You shall give zakah.
9. You must shed blood among yourselves.
10. You must not let your own people out of your home. 189 After these instructions were communicated to the Children of Israel, Allah Almighty gave the following commandments to them:
“Hold the truth to what we have given you , and follow the requirements with a seriousness. Keep these decrees in mind and contemplate the profound significance of them, so that you can be spared from the wrath of God and enjoy happiness both here and in the future. 190
The children of Israel said they would follow the ten commandments that were given to them. In addition, they were required to swear by them because Mount Sinai was standing above them like it was falling on them. When the danger ended, the men stated, “We listened to (obeyed) it with our ears but we disobeyed with our hearts.” 191
As we’ve mentioned previously, Children of Israel were frequently snatched manna and quail in the sky to show their gratitude. Hz. Musa instructed that they should eat them, and not store the food items. But they were a very affluent nation that coveted worldly goods more than other nations. although enough food was brought daily but they were not content and threw away portions of their food items. Food stored in their storage began to smell and then disappear after a few days.
Muhammad (pbuh) was the Prophet. Muhammad (pbuh) declared as a hadith in the following:
“If it had not been for Children of Israel, food would not go off and meat would not stink.” 192
Children of Israel became tired of wandering through the desert for so long. The Israelites forgot the suffering, suffering and oppression they endured in Egypt and started saying, “We wish we had never left Egypt. ” 193
Additionally, they were exhausted of eating quail and manna every day. They gave up thanksgiving to Allah Almighty for sending them this nutritious food. They finally contacted their Hz. Musa and told him,
“O Musa! We cannot endure the same food every day; we are tired of eating manna and quail. Pray your Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth grows: vegetables like zucchini, cucumbers, garlic and onions.”
Hz. Musa replied to their question in the following manner:
“You mean you want to replace nutritious food like manna and quail, which are sent from the sky, with food like onion and garlic, which grow from the ground. Then, go to such and such city. You can find anything you seek there.” 194
* * *
Children from Israel perturbed the Hz. Musa constantly with similar incidents and scolded the prophet. In spite of what they did the great prophet displayed patience. His people wanted to draw various interpretations from the fact the prophet covered his body in clothing due to the requirement of his Shari’ah. They began to claim that Musa was suffering from a disease sought to hide from them by covering his body.
This will show just how dishonest and worthless a country they are. There was no nation that has ever was able to gossip about and denigrate their leader or their prophet as they did.
Once, Hz. Musa was bathing when the stone was put on his clothing began to roll towards the stream, along with his clothing. Hz. Musa chased the naked men to capture the fugitives. Children from Israel were shocked to see him as he was and knew that there was not a single disease in his body. They stopped gossiping about him. 195
The suffering and hardship that was inflicted upon Hz. Musa by his unregenerous nation is portrayed in the following hadith:
According to a story of Ibn Mas’ud, the Prophet Muhammad handed out the money following the war of Hunayn. A munafiq or bedouin who believed that the portion the Prophet Muhammad was given was too small to be believed,
“This distribution was not made based on the consent of Allah.” Abdullah bin Mas’ud told that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) of what the man had said. The moment The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) was informed the news, he was so furious that he showed signs of anger visible upon his visage. Then The Messenger of Allah stated,
“May Allah show mercy on Musa! He was more afflicted than I did for his ummah, but he displayed compassion.” 196
Hz. Harun was Hz. Musa’s elder brother. 1907 He passed away at the close of the forty-year time period. Allah Almighty declared the Children from Israel to be buried in the Tih Desert because of their ingratitude. He died only a few years earlier than Hz. Musa. He was burial in a cave on Mount Murran near Mount Sina. His grave is well-known to the present day. The story goes that his death occurred at 120 years old. 198
Children of Israel that didn’t appreciate his life when he was alive were deeply sad after his death and mourned his loss.
Hz. Musa has been appointed bring Children of Israel from Egypt to the holy land. But, due to the ingratitude of the Children of Israel, it occurred forty years later. After 40 years, a brand new, active generation was born. Hz. Musa began to plan preparations in the desert to prepare to enter the holy place. After the death of Hz. Harun, Hz. Musa selected Yusha who was become a prophet in the future and serve as his advisor.
After forty years and the Children of Israel were prepared to fight against the enemy. Hz. Musa carried his nation towards the southern part of the Dead Sea. He then defeated the king who was in the crosshairs of war Uj bin Unuq. He was at the banks of River Shari’ah. He was able to climb a mountain to devise a plan for attacking Ariha, the capital city. Ariha in the which was one of three largest cities in Holy Land. 199 Just after, Azrail (the angel of death) came to the scene.
Hz. Azrail said to Hz. Musa that he was coming to end his life in order to take his life. He also said that it was imperative to accept the call by his Lord.
Hz. Musa got very angry. Was this the right time to be dying right now? He was set to travel to the holy country. He was also obligated to perform.
He was angry when he learned the words of an angel from death who was sent to take away his prophetic duties was saying. In fury, he slapped the angel. The slap blinded one eyes of angel.
The angel then entered Allah’s presence. Allah Almighty and complained about the frequency of Hz. Musa:
“O Lord! You sent me to a slave who did not want to die. He blinded one of my eyes.”
Allah Almighty has healed the eye of an angel and then said to him:
“Go to my slave and say to him, ‘Do you want life? If you want life, put your hand on a bull and you will live as many years as the number of the hairs your hand covers. ‘”
When Hz. Musa received this message of the angels, he questioned,
“O Lord! What will happen after that?” Allah Almighty said,
“You will die after that.”
When Hz. Musa believed that the end was near and that it was possible to avoid the wrath of death, he said in faith to Allah:
“Then, let death come now.”200
He decided to select Yusha as his replacement. He asked Allah in the following manner:
“O Lord! Make me die in a place as near as throwing a stone to the holy land.”
Angel of Death took the frequency of Hz. Musa’s spirit and placed it in the spot that he desired.
Hz. Musa passed away three years after Harun, his younger brother Hz. Harun. After telling the incident over his Messenger of Allah (pbuh) declared:
“By Allah, if I were near Musa now, I would show you his grave near a red sand hill by the road.” 2001
Four hundred years have passed between the time of. Yusuf’s arrival to Egypt and Musa’s departure to Egypt and his country. Hz. The ancestors of Musa’s descendents go all the way to Hz. Ibrahim.202
The nine most well-known marvels of Hz. Musa. The following are the rules: 203
1. His rod turning into the form of a dragon.
2. His hand turns white and shining with an intense lighting (White Hand).
3. The invading of the locusts.
4. The invading of lice.
Five — the invading of Frogs.
6. Water changing to blood.
Seven springs are gushing forth as the frequency is. Musa struck on the rock with his rod during Tih Desert. Tih Desert.
8. 8 — The Red Sea being torn into two, and Children of Israel crossing the Red Sea.
9 -9 – Mount Sinai being raised above Children of Israel. 204.4
Hz. Musa’s miracles did not limit to the above miracles. There were other miracles as well. But, the ones mentioned in the above list are by far the most well-known ones.
Western historians break down the world’s time into a specific era, but Islam has a distinction of its own. According to Islamic history, the time span is between the Hz. Adam and Hz. Musa becoming prophetic and the Pharaoh being drowned is known as”the First Age (Qurun al-Ula). The time between. Musa and Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) are known as”the Middle Age (Qurun al-Wusta) and the time between the Hz. Muhammad and the close of the era is known as”the Last Age (Qurun al-Ukhra). 205
Allah Almighty asked Hz. Musa,
“O Musa! Have you done any deeds for my sake?”
Musa claimed,
“Yes, my Lord! I performed prayers, fasted and gave sadaqah for your sake.” Allah Almighty said,
“O Musa! They are for yourself. Did you accept a person as a friend for me and an enemy as an enemy for me?”
Then after that, after that. Musa was aware how to cherish someone to Allah and to hate someone because of Allah is among the greatest forms of worshipping. 206
Once, Hz. Musa was out praying for rain. He was praying for three days, but it was not to rain. When he demanded Allah Almighty why it had not rained, he replied,
“O Musa! There is a talebearer among you. I will not accept your prayer as long as he is among you.”
Hz. Musa told him,
“O Lord! Tell me his name so that I will send him away.”
Allah Almighty said,
“O Musa! I prohibit you from being a talebearer. Do you want me to be a talebearer now?”
Thereupon, Hz. Musa made a speech to the nation in the following manner:
“O my nation! Repent Allah for the sin of bearing tales.” They repented Allah to the fullest extent. And then, Allah Almighty accepted their prayer and sent the rain in abundance. 207
It is reported that it was. Musa declared the following when praying to Allah the other day:
“O LORD! What is the most loved one to you?
Allah said,
“O Musa! The most beloved person among My slaves is the one who feels as if a thorn has pricked his own foot when a thorn pricks the foot of his believing brother.” 208
Once Hz. Musa was able to see an individual whose abdomen was cut in the wild by animals. Musa recognized him. He sat by the man and demanded Allah,
“O Lord! He is an obedient servant of you. What is the wisdom behind this terrible situation?”
Allah replied to him in the following manner:
“O Musa! This servant asked from me a degree that he cannot reach through his deeds and worshipping. I gave him this trouble to make him attain the degree he asked.” 20
Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Musa:
“O Musa! I got angry with my slaves due to four things. I granted many things to them and when I asked them to lend me something, they refused. When I ordered them to avoid Satan, they did not keep away from him. I invited them to Paradise but they did not come. I warned them about Hell but they committed things that would lead them to Hell.” 210
Ibn Abbas narrated:
Allah revealed this to the Prophet Muhammad. Musa:
“O Musa! The person that I hate the most among my slaves is the one who has conceitedness in his heart, severity in his tongue, stinginess in his hand and harmfulness in his nature.” 211
“The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made the following:
“Hz. Musa’s webpages were filled with lessons as well as examples. He added,
“How can someone with a belief in Hell smile? How can someone who knows that the world’s changing constantly trust in the world? How can someone who believes in the death of a person act in a way that is spoiled? How is it possible for a person who believes the death penalty will be met as a lazy and inconsiderate person? ‘”212
Hz. Musa was sitting in an audience. Satan was near and said hello to him. Hz. Musa was asking him,
“Who are you?” He replied,
“I am Satan.” Hz. Musa said,
“Why have you come?” He replied,
“I know your high rank in the eye of Allah. Therefore, I have come to greet you.”
Hz. Musa said,
“Tell me such a sin that when man commits it, you overcome him.”
Satan said,
“When man likes himself, when he thinks he has served and worshipped a lot and when he forgets about his sins, I overcome him. ” 213
Hz. Musa was asking Khidr,
“In return for what deed did Allah give you the secret knowledge?” Khidr said,
“I showed patience for Allah to avoid sins. ” “214
Hz. Musa told Allah,
“My thanking you is a bounty given to me by you, which necessitates a separate thanking.” Allah has revealed to Musa in the following manner:
“When you know this, you will have thanked me.”
In a second story He also said “When you know that all bounties come from me, I will accept this knowledge of yours as thanking.” 215
Ka’bu’l-Ahbar recounts: “Allah said to Musa,
“O Musa! When you see that poverty comes toward you, greet it by saying, ‘Welcome! O sign of righteous people! ‘” 216
Ata al-Khurasani tells:
Once, Hz. Musa was at the beach. He saw a fisherman fishing. The man yelled “Bismillah” (in Allah’s name) Allah) and then threw his fishing line in the ocean, but he didn’t take any catch. He saw another person just a little further away from him. He called out “Bismishshaytan’ (in his name) (in reference to Satan) and tossing his fishing line into the ocean. He has caught so many fish. Hz. Musa was astonished and was shocked and Allah,
“O Lord! How come they happen despite Your power?”
Allah tells the angels
“Show this prophet the ranks of these people in My eye.” When Hz. Musa observed the position of the man who was unable to catch any fish, he said:
“O Lord! That is enough. I am pleased with it. ” 217
The worldly accomplishments of sinners and nonbelievers don’t mean they are worthy before the eyes of Allah. Also, the faithlessness of believers doesn’t necessarily mean they are not worthless before the eyes of Allah. It’s a test. Spiritually, sinners and unbelievers descend because of their indiscretion and debauchery , while believers ascend due to their perseverance.
Musa sought his Lord’s help,
“O Lord! Who are the ones that You love among your slaves? Tell me about them so that I will love them too.” Allah answered,
“Every poor person. Every poor person.”
The second poor could be used to confirm the previous one or to indicate a lower. 218 Besides being a possibility, one who feels the feeling of weakness and lack of self-esteem towards Allah is a reference to the word.
Hz. Musa made a prayer for his nation. Allah told Musa that uninformed people were chosen as the leaders in his own nation. Hz. Musa stated,
“O Lord! I asked you to send Your wrath quickly.” Allah Almighty said
“O Musa! Is there a wrath quicker and more painful than this one? ” 219
Based on a narrative, according to a narration. Musa was looking at one man who was suffering the worst misfortune of his life and asked Allah:
“O Allah! Show mercy on this man!” Allah said,
“Can there be a bigger mercy than this one?” This mishap has caused me to take away his sins and increase his standing every day.” 220
If man could be able to realize the spiritual rewards he’d be able to enjoy due to the mishaps he endured and suffered, he would not complain about the misfortune, and think of it as the best blessing; he would pleading to continue the misfortune, and not its disappearance.
Allah has revealed to Allah to. Musa in the following manner:
“Remember that you will enter the grave; this will prevent you from many lustful desires. ” 221
Allah revealed to His son. Musa in the following manner: “The last person to get into Paradise must be one that repents and ceases backbiting. The first to enter Hell will be those who persist in talking about themselves.” 222
Allah (pbuh) said, “The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) declared:
“Musa asked Allah”‘O Lord! Who is the most valuable person in Your eyes?’ Allah said: A one who is forgiven when they can get revenge. ‘”223
According to a story the Hz. Musa observed a man sitting under the shade of the Throne (Arsh). He was impressed by the man. He thought to himself “This man is a good man in the eye of Allah.” Then, he questioned Allah: “O Lord! Who is this man? What is his name?” Allah did not say his name. He stated, “He reached this high rank through three deeds: He was not jealous of anybody. He did not disobey his parents. He did not bear tales among people. ” “
Safiyya Our mother spoke to God’s Messenger Allah (pbuh) of an incident prior to her marriage him in the following way:
My uncle and my dad met you. When they got back at home, my father enquired of my uncle
“What is your opinion about this man?” My uncle told me,
“He is the prophet mentioned by Musa.” My father told me,
“What will be our attitude toward him?” My uncle asked,
“Enmity until death!”
An excellent story of how jealousy can keep a person from being honest.” 225
Allah told He said to. Musa, “O Musa! Do not be drawn to the world, and don’t commit your heart to it since you can’t enter My presence with more sins than.” 226
The time Allah He sent Musa as well as Harun before the Pharaoh He told them:
“Do not let the pomposity, magnificence and worldly possessions of the Pharaoh surprise you. His life is in My powerful hand. He can talk, open and close his eyes, breathe in and out only with my permission. His wealth consists of worldly ornaments. If I willed, I would give you more ornaments and jewels than him. However, I forbid you from temporary worldly ornaments. I protect you from worldly possessions like a shepherd protects his sheep.” 227
Based on a narration According to a narration, Hz. Musa requested Allah,
“Which one of Your slaves is your most wealthy? Allah said,
“The one who is the most content with what I have given. ” 228
Hz. Musa demanded Allah,
“O Lord! Show me the ranks of Muhammad (pbuh) and some of his ummah in Paradise.”
Allah said,
“O Musa! You cannot realize all of that rank. I will show you only one part of it. I made him superior to all creatures with that part.”
A door then appeared to the spirit realm. When Hz. Musa noticed the brightness of the magnitude of Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) was so enthralled by his proximity to Allah He almost fell to the ground. He asked Allah Almighty,
“O Lord! With what did you elevate him to this rank?” Allah answered,
“Thanks to a high characteristic I gave him.” Hz. Musa was asked,
“What is that characteristic?” Allah answered.
“It is altruism (caring about the needs of other people more than your own). If anyone comes to me with this characteristic, I will feel ashamed of accounting him; I will settle him anywhere he wishes in Paradise. ” 229
* * *
Hz. Musa told the Pharaoh,
“Believe in Allah and I will allow you to keep your property and sovereignty.” The Pharaoh declared,
“I will talk to Haman first.”
Haman stated,
“How can you be a slave that will worship a Lord while you are a Lord that is worshipped?” So, he dissuaded Pharaoh from becoming a slave of Allah and an adherent to Musa. 230
When the Prophet arrived in Madinah the Prophet began with fasting on 13th, 14th, and 15th of each month. He instructed the Muslims to observe this practice. He stated, “It is like fasting the whole year.”
When he noticed that the Jews observed a fast in the days of Ashura He asked “What is this?” They answered, “It is a good day. It is the day when Allah saved Children of Israel from their enemies and when Musa fasted to thank Him.” In response The Prophet (pbuh) stated, “I am closer to Musa than you are.” He then fasted on that day, Ashura. He also commanded his companions to observe a fast. (Bukhari, II, 251).
1 Bilmen, I/46.
2 Yazir, I/347.
3. The following statement is made within a Hadith “The River Nile is one of the four rivers that originated from Paradise.” (Muslim trnsl. III/365-366.) The expression “originating from Paradise” in the hadith suggests this: it is believed that the River Nile is sacred, and that its waters are plentiful and valuable, and transforms large portions of the desert which is hot and dry as Hell to Paradise for the people. (For more details, refer to Sozler (Words) 223-233; and Sualar (Rays) and 1997).
4 Sozler (Words), 229.
5 See ibid., 373.
6 M.H.Yazir, I, 346; M. Vehbi, I,122.
7 A.C. Pasa, ibid, I, 28.
8 ibid, I, 29; M. Vehbi, ibid, V, 1719.
9 Bilmen, I, 51.
10 Bilmen, I, 51; al-Baqara, 49. “They slaughtered your sons and let your women-folk live.” Through an incident in the reign of the time of Pharaoh that saw the murder by the children of Children of Israel and the exempting their daughters and women The text outlines the many murders are the Jewish nation has endured over the course of its year, as well as the part their girls and women played in a dissolute human existence.” (Sozler (Words) 373-374)
11 Bilmen, ibid.
12. It is believed it is believed that Musa is an amalgamation of mu and the word sa. In the old Egyptian spoken language, mu is water and sa refers to a tree. It is also said that it originates from mus, which translates to children in Egyptian language.
13 al-Qasas, 7.
14 Taha, 39.
15 al-Qasas, 8.
16 al-Qasas, 9.
17 al-Qasas, 12.
18 al-Qasas, 13.
19 Bilmen, IV, 2067.
20 al-Qasas, 14; M. Vehbi, IX/4075-4076.
21 There are many stories that claim this person was Samiri who was about in order to make Children of Israel to worship an animal in the near future. (M. Vehbi, X, 4077)
22 al-Qasas, 15.
23 al-Qasas, 16.
24 al-Qasas, 18-19; M. Vehbi, X, 4082.
25 Cantay, II, 842, note:49.
26 al-Qasas, 21.
(*)Madyan is a place located at the northern end of Aqaba Bay.
27 al-Qasas, 22.
28 M. Vehbi, X, 4087.
29 al-Qasas, 23.
30 al-Qasas, 24; Cantay, II, 692, note: 32.
31 al-Qasas, 25.
32 al-Qasas, 25.
33 al-Qasas, 26; M. Vehbi, X, 4090.
34 al-Qasas, 27.
35 al-Qasas, 28.
36 M. Vehbi, X/4092.
37 Tajrid trnsl. IX/146.
38 al-Qasas, 29.
39 Cantay, II/565, note: 6.
40 Taha, 10; al-Qasas, 29.
41 Taha, 12; al-Qasas, 30.
42 Taha, 13.
43 Taha, 14-16.
44 Taha, 17-24; al-Qasas, 31-32.
45 Taha, 25-35; ash-Shuara, 12-14; al-Qasas, 33-34.
46 Taha, 37-40.
47 Taha, 36.
48 Taha, 44; al-Qasas, 35.
49 Taha, 45.
50 Taha, 46-48; ash-Shuara, 16-17.
51 ash-Shuara, 18-19.
52 ash-Shuara, 20-22.
53 ash-Shuara, 23.
Answering a question in an approach that demonstrates the unsubstantiality of the question as well as the valuelessness of the answer for the person asking the question, considering that it isn’t understandable by changing directions of the query, and providing the answer in a manner that is understood by the person asking the question is known as the style of wisdom.
As it is observed in the above example, the Pharaoh demanded the question. Musa about the character and characteristics of the Lord of the Realms. But, it was difficult for any creature to comprehend and appreciate the persona of the creator. Therefore, Hz. Musa employed the method of wisdom and began to talk to him about the actions and characteristics that the Lord of the Realms had done. This was essential and beneficial to man.
- 54 ash-Shuara, 24.
- 55 ash-Shuara, 25.
- 56 ash-Shuara, 26.
- 57 ash-Shuara, 27.
- 58 ash-Shuara, 28.
- 59 ash-Shuara, 29.
- 60 ash-Shuara, 30.
- 61 al-Araf, 106-107; ash-Shuara, 31-32.
- 62 al-Araf, 108; ash-Shuara, 33.
- 63 ash-Shuara, 34-37.
- 64 Taha, 57-58.
- 65 Taha, 59.
- 66 al-Araf, 113-114; ash-Shuara, 38-42.
- 67 ash-Shuara, 43-44
- 68 Taha, 67.
- 69 Taha, 68-69.
- 70 ash-Shuara, 45.
- 71 Kisas-i Enbiya, I, 29.
- 72 al-Araf, 120-122; Taha, 70; ash-Shuara, 46-48.
- 73 ash-Shuara, 49; al-A’raf, 124; Taha, 71.
- 74 ash-Shuara, 50-51; al-A’raf, 125-126; Taha, 72.
- 75 al-Araf, 128.
- 76 Yunus, 88.
- 77 Cantay, I/321.
- 78 Yunus, 89.
- 79 Cantay, II, 942; note: 49.
- 80 al-Mu’min, 28-35.
- 81 al-Qasas, 38; al-Mu’min, 36-37.
- 82 at-Tahrim, 11.
- 83 Tajrid Trnsl., IX/149; Muhammed Hamdi Yazir, ibid, IV/5132; M. Vehbi, XIV/6008.
- 84 al-Qasas, 76.
- 85 M. Vehbi, X/4141-4142
- 86 al-Qasas, 77.
- 87 al-Qasas, 78.
- 88 al-Qasas, 79.
- 89 al-Qasas, 80.
- 90 al-Qasas, 81.
- 91 M. Vehbi, X/4150-4151.
- 92 al-Qasas, 81.
- 93 al-Qasas, 82.
- 94 al-Araf, 130.
- 95 al-Araf, 131.
- 96 al-Araf, 132.
- 97 al-Araf, 133; M. Vehbi, V/1736.
- 98 al-Araf, 133.
- 99 al-Araf, 133.
- 100 al-Araf, 133.
- 101 al-Araf, 133.
101 For these disasters check out: M. Vehbi, V/1736-1737; Bilmen II/1078, Muhammed Hamdi Yazir, III/2266 – 68.
- 103 Bilmen, II/1078.
- 104 Cantay, I/235, note:37.
- 105 al-Araf, 134.
- 106 al-Araf, 135.
- 107 ash-Shuara, 52.
- 108 Taha, 77.
- 109 M. Vehbi, VII/2585; Bilmen, IV/2091.
- 110 ash-Shuara, 53-60; Yunus, 90.
- 111 Taha, 78.
- 112 Kisas-i Enbiya, I/30.
- 113 ash-Shuara, 61.
- 114 ash-Shuara, 62.
- 115 ash-Shuara, 64.
- 116 ash-Shuara, 63.
- 117 Cantay, III/660, not: 32.
- 118 ash-Shuara, 65-66.
119 Yunus, 91-92. The old Egyptian papyri, it’s said that the Red Sea was separated into two due to the miracle of Hz. Musa in addition to the fact that the Pharaoh was drowned by the ocean. (For more details, refer to Adnan Oktay, Yeni Nesil Newspaper, “Arkeoloji Ilmi Kur’an’i dogruluyor”, 1.12.1980, page 8.)
- 120 Islam Peygamberi (Prophet of Islam), I, 393.
- 121 Bilmen, IV/2091.
- 122 Kisas-i Enbiya, I/31.
- 123 al-Maida, 20.
- 124 al-Maida, 21.
- 125 al-Maida, 22.
- 126 al-Maida, 12.
- 127 Bilmen, II/741-742.
- 128 Muhammed Hamdi Yazir, II/1643-1644.
- 129 Muhammed Hamdi Yazir, II/1643-1644.
- 130 al-Maida, 23.
- 131 al-Maida, 24. The words convey the negative characteristic of Jews in the best possible way. They seek to be Hz. Musa the prophet of Allah to combat the people of the holy land on their own with the assistance from Allah and to remove them and to inform them that “I have expelled the enemy; come and settle in the holy land.” The Quran recounts the event in detail to draw focus on this particular character and inability to comprehend, preventing believers from acting similar to them.
- 132 al-Maida, 25.
- 133 al-Maida, 26.
134 al-Baqara, 60. As stated in this verse one of the most significant wonders of Hz. Musa was to get water from stone by striking the stones by his rod. There are a number of lessons to be learned by people who are living today from this miraculous feat. (For specific information on this subject, read: Sozler (Words), 237 and 238).
- 135 al-Baqara, 57; el-A’raf, 160.
- 136 M. Vehbi, I/132.
- 137 al-Araf, 138; Cantay, I/137; Kisas-i Enbiya, I/30.
- 138 al-Baqara, 93.
- 139 al-Araf, 137-141.
- 140 al-Araf, 142.
- 141 Taha, 87; Kisas-i Enbiya I/31.
- 142 al-Araf, 148.
- 143 Taha, 88; Kisas-i Enbiya, I/31; M.Vehbi, I/126.
- 144 Cantay, I/237, note:64.
- 145 Taha, 88.
- 146 Taha, 90.
- 147 Taha, 91.
- 148 Taha, 83.
- 149 Taha, 84-85.
- 150 al-Araf, 143
- 151 al-A’raf, 143.
- 152 al-Araf, 144.
- 153 al-Araf, 145.
- 154 al-Araf, 146.
- 155 Taha, 86.
- 156 al-Araf, 150; Taha, 92-93-94.
(*)That Hz. Harun was addressed to Hz. Musa in the form of “O my mother’s son!” was a key part in calming the rage of Hz. Musa. Mother symbolizes compassion, love, and love. Hz Harun was aiming to calm the anger of Hz. Musa through reminding of his mother.
- 157 al-Araf, 151.
- 158 Taha, 95.
- 159 Taha, 96.
- 160 Bilmen, II/2101; M. Vehbi, I/126.
- 161 Taha, 97
- 162 al-Baqara, 54
- 163 Cantay, I/22; note: 29
- 164 Bilmen, I/70
- 165 al-Baqara, 72
- 166 M. Vehbi, I/47
- 167 al-Baqara, 67.
- 168 Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, Sozler (Words), 255-256.
- 169 al-Baqara, 67
- 170 al-Baqara, 68
- 171 al-Baqara, 68
- 172 al-Baqara, 69
- 173 al-Baqara, 70
al-Baqara, 70… The children of Israel were required to give up an average cow. However, instead of executing the request immediately they asked for the decision to be cancelled because of their love for cows in their heart; consequently, they asked numerous questions. The result proved to be in opposition to them. Each time they asked a question an animal that could not be easily located was described. When they had no other questions they were required to locate the cow they had described and then sacrifice the animal. The Quran employed the expression “they scarcely did” to describe their hesitant behavior that led to problems.
- 175 Bilmen, I/69; M. Vehbi, I/151.
- 176 M. Vehbi, I/152-153
- 177 al-Baqara, 73
- 178 al-A’raf, 155
- 179 Bilmen, I/55
- 180 al-A’raf, 155; al-Baqara, 55.
- 181 al-A’raf, 155.
- 182 al-A’raf, 156.
183 For the verses that refer to the frequency of Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) is the prophet of the last generation of the Torah read Mektubat (letters) 150-155.
- 184 al-An’am. There are several of these hard decrees in 146.
- 185 al-Araf, 156-157
- 186 al-Baqara, 56.
- 187 al-Baqara, 63.
- 188 M. Vehbi, I/145.
- 189 al-Baqara, 83-84
- 190 al-Baqara, 63
- 191 al-Baqara, 93
- 192 Bukhari, IV/103.
- 193 Kisas-i Enbiya, I/34; M. Vehbi, I/40.
- 194 al-Baqara, 61
- 195 Tajrid TTRNSL. IX/147.
- 196 Tajrid trnsl. IX/147-148; Cantay, II/756, note:117.
- 1997 Tajrid Trnsl. IX/144
- 198 Bilmen, IV/2031.
- 199 Kisas-i Enbiya, I/32.
- 200 Muslim Trnsl., VII, 256.
- ibid.For specific information on Hz Musa’s assault on Azrail read Badiuzzaman Nursi, Mektubat (Letters) 360-362.
- 202 Muhammed Hamdi Yazir, I/351; Kisas-i Enbiya, I/36.
- 203 al-Isra, 101
- 204 Bilmen, IV/1323-24; Cantay, II/530, note:93
- 205 Tajrid Trnsl. IX/144.
- 206 Tanbihul-Mughtarrin, 53-54.
- 207 ibid, 89-90.
- 208 ibid, 152.
- 209 ibid, 235.
- 210 ibid, 179.
- 211 ibid, 321.
- 212 Mawardi, 121.
- 213 Tanbihu’l-Ghafilin, 656.
- 214 Ihya Trnsl., IV, 97.
- 215 ibid, IV, 163
- 216 ibid, IV, 361
- 217 ibid, IV, 361
- 218 ibid, IV, 362
- 219 Mawardi, 477
- 220 Ihya, IV, 522.
- 221 Ihya, III, 208
- 222 Ihya, III, 319
- 223 Ihya, III, 408
- 224 Ihya, III, 428
- 225 Ihya, III, 428
- 226 Ihya, III, 466
- 227 Ihya, III, 477
- 228 Ihya, III, 529
- 229 Ihya, III, 570-571.
- 230 Ihya, III, 744
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Story of The HAZRAT Musa (عليه السلام)