Fruit in Mandarin – I hear about frame positive, saving the earth, and being vegan everywhere I pass… Not a lot in China, but even here, the well being enterprise is getting larger by means of the day.
Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet and is loved by people all over the world. In Mandarin, fruit is called “shuǐguǒ” (水果). Mandarin Chinese has a rich vocabulary for different types of fruits, reflecting the diverse range of fruits enjoyed in Chinese cuisine.
Fruits come in various colors, shapes, and sizes. Some common fruits in Mandarin include “píngguǒ” (苹果) – apple, “xiāngjiāo” (香蕉) – banana, “chéngzi” (橙子) – orange, “cǎoméi” (草莓) – strawberry, and “pútáo” (葡萄) – grape. These fruits are widely available and enjoyed by people of all ages.
In addition to these familiar fruits, there are also tropical fruits that thrive in warm climates. Examples of tropical fruits in Mandarin include “mángguǒ” (芒果) – mango, “bōluó” (菠萝) – pineapple, “yēzi” (椰子) – coconut, and “xiāngjiāo” (香蕉) – banana. These fruits often have unique flavors and textures that add a tropical twist to culinary creations.
Whether it’s the juicy sweetness of a watermelon in summer or the refreshing tang of a citrus fruit in winter, fruits provide not only delicious flavors but also a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. They are an excellent choice for snacks, desserts, and as ingredients in various dishes.
In Mandarin-speaking regions, fruits are commonly given as gifts and are also used symbolically in traditional customs and celebrations. They are considered auspicious and represent abundance, prosperity, and good health.
Exploring the world of fruits in Mandarin not only expands your vocabulary but also deepens your understanding of Chinese culture and culinary traditions.
So next time you encounter a fruit, try to learn its Mandarin name and embrace the delightful flavors and cultural significance it brings.
Fruit in Mandarin – If you’re into all of this stuff (and you’re gaining knowledge of Mandarin) then check out this whopping listing of end result and vegetable vocabulary!
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All Names of Fruit in Mandarin
Fruit in Mandarin – Here are the names of various fruits in Mandarin Chinese, along with their English translations:
- Apple (苹果 – píngguǒ)
- Banana (香蕉 – xiāngjiāo)
- Orange (橙子 – chéngzi)
- Strawberry (草莓 – cǎoméi)
- Grape (葡萄 – pútáo)
- Watermelon (西瓜 – xīguā)
- Pineapple (菠萝 – bōluó)
- Mango (芒果 – mángguǒ)
- Coconut (椰子 – yēzi)
- Peach (桃子 – táozi)
- Pear (梨 – lí)
- Kiwi (猕猴桃 – míhóutáo)
- Plum (李子 – lǐzi)
- Cherry (樱桃 – yīngtáo)
- Lemon (柠檬 – níngméng)
- Blueberry (蓝莓 – lánméi)
- Raspberry (覆盆子 – fùpénzi)
- Papaya (木瓜 – mùguā)
- Avocado (鳄梨 – èlí)
- Dragon fruit (火龙果 – huǒlóngguǒ)
These are just a few examples of the many fruits in Mandarin Chinese. Mandarin has a rich vocabulary for different types of fruits, including both local and imported varieties.
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Fruit – 水果 (shuĭ guŏ)
Fruit is anywhere in China and Taiwan – in supermarkets, in market stalls, and in shops with younger men outdoor shouting approximately the modern deals.
You’ll be able to locate nearly all of the commonplace end result offered in your own home united states in this a part of the sector.
However, you’ll additionally get to sample a number of end result which are precise to certain regions of China and Taiwan, too.
English, Pinyin
- Apple
- píngguǒ
- Apricot
- xìng
- Avocado
- niúyóuguǒ
- Banana
- xiāngjiāo
- Fingered citron (“Bhudda’s hand”)
- fóshǒuguā
- Blackberry
- hēiméi
- Blackcurrant
- hēicùlì
- Blueberry
- lánméi
- Breadfruit
- miànbāoguǒ
- Cantaloupe
- hāmìguā
- Cherry
- yīngtáo
- Coconut
- yēzi
- Cranberry
- xiǎohóngméi
- Date
- zǎo
- Dragonfruit
- huǒ lóng guǒ
- Durian
- liú lián
- Elderberry
- jiēgǔmù
- Goji berry
- gǒu qǐ zi
- Gooseberry
- cù lì
- Grape
- pútao
- Grapefruit
- yòuzi
- Green plum
- qīngméi
- Guava
- fān shí liu
- Honeydue melon
- báilánguā
- Jackfruit
- bō luó mì
- Juniper berry
- dùsōngzǐ
- Kabosu
- chòu chéng
- Kiwifruit
- mí hóu táo
- Kumquat
- jīnjú
- Lemon
- níng méng
- Lime
- suān chéng
- Loquat
- pí pá
- Longan
- lóng yǎn
- Lychee
- lìzhī
- Mango
- mángguǒ
- Mangosteen
- shānzhú
- Melon
- guā
- Mulberry
- sāngshèn
- Muskmelon
- tiánguā
- Nectarine
- yóutáo
- Orange
- chéngzi
- Papaya
- mùguā
- Passion Fruit
- bǎixiāng guǒ
- Peach
- táo
- Pear
- lí
- Pineapple
- bōluó
- Plum
- lǐzǐ
- Pomegranate
- shíliu
- Pomelo
- yòu
- Prune
- gàn méizi
- Raisins
- pútaogān
- Rambutan
- hóngmáodān
- Raspberry
- shùméi
- Star fruit
- yángtáo
- Strawberry
- cǎoméi
- Tangerine
- júzi
- Ugli fruit (Jamaican tangelo)
- wū gé lì jú chéng
- Watermelon
- xīguā
Lucky end result in China
There are some end result in Chinese which are given as gifts on unique activities. Kumquats, oranges, pomelo, and tangerines are stated to deliver desirable fortune!
- kumquat
- jīnjú
- orange
- chéngzi
- pomelo
- yòu
- tangerine
- júzi

Which fruits grow in China? Fruit in Mandarin
Loads of culmination that aren’t local to China now develop there, however the end result underneath are the most common.
Pineapples – 菠萝 (bōluó) – Around 50 – 60% of the pineapples in China are grown in Guangdong province within the south.
Jackfruit – 菠萝蜜 (bōluómì) – Grown in tropical southern areas with many jackfruit farms on Hainan island.
Lychee – 荔枝 (lìzhī) – A large quantity of Lychees are planted in Guangdong province every 12 months, with a heavy presence in Fujian as nicely. Lychee season is generally in June and July.
Kumquat – 金橘 (jīn jú) – China produces the most kumquats out of everywhere inside the global, maximum of which can be grown in Jiangxi province.
Pomelo – 柚 (yòu) – Produced predominantly in Fujian and Guangdong province.
Bhudda’s Hand Fruit – 佛手柑 (fóshǒuguā) – The beginning of this fruit is north-east India and south-west China.
Passion fruit – 百香果 (bǎixiāngguǒ) – Planted in particular in Hainan, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi province.
Dragon fruit – 火龙果 (huǒlóngguǒ) – Nanning, the capital of Guangxi province, is one of the foremost manufacturing regions for dragon fruit in China.
Goji berries – 枸杞子 (gǒuqǐzǐ) – Goji berries develop by and large within the valleys of Ningxia province.
Kabosu – 臭橙 (chòu chéng) – Although Kabosu is now basically produced in Japan, it originated in China, even though the particular region is unknown.
Kiwi fruit– 猕猴桃 (míhóutáo) – A metropolis known as Shiping in Yunnan province is an crucial manufacturing vicinity of kiwi fruit.
Bananas – 香蕉 (xiāngjiāo) – Grown in lots of southern provinces inclusive of Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Fujian, and Yunnan.
Mangoes – 芒果 (mángguǒ) – The 0.33 largest mango generating united states inside the global, maximum southern provinces in China have mango farms.
Durian 榴莲 (liúlián) – More than 1/2 one million tonnes of durian are offered in China each year, and maximum of those durians come from Hainan island.
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Vegetables – 蔬菜 (shū cài)
Not allow’s check a few vegetables in Chinese. Because there are so many greens in lifestyles, I’ve determined to divide them into classes.
Leafy Greens
English, Chinese and Pinyin
- Arugula/rocket
- 芝麻菜
- zhīma cài
- Chard (silverbeet)
- 牛皮菜
- niúpícài
- Collard greens
- 绿叶甘蓝
- lǜyè gānlán
- Kale
- 羽衣甘蓝
- yǔyī gānlán
- Lettuce
- 生菜
- shēngcài
- Spinach
- 菠菜
- bōcài
- Watercress
- 西洋菜
- xīyángcài
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Broccoli
- 西兰花
- xīlánhuā
- Brussel sprouts
- 孢子甘蓝
- bào zǐ gānlán
- Cabbage
- 卷心菜
- juǎnxīncài
- Cauliflower
- 菜花
- càihuā
- Horseradish
- 辣根
- là gēn
- Radish
- 萝卜
- luóbo
- Turnip
- 芜菁
- wújīng
Marrow Vegetables
- Butternut squash
- 冬南瓜
- dōng nánguā
- Cucumber
- 黄瓜
- huángguā
- Pumpkin
- 南瓜
- nánguā
Root Vegetables
- Asparagus
- 芦笋
- lúsǔn
- Beets
- 甜菜
- tiáncài
- Carrot
- 胡萝卜
- húluóbo
- Celery
- 芹菜
- qíncài
- Parsnip
- 欧洲防风
- Ōuzhōu fángfēng
- Potato
- 土豆
- tǔdòu
- Sweet potato
- 红薯
- hóngshǔ
- Yams
- 山药
- shānyao
Allium Vegetables
- Chives
- 韭菜
- jiǔcài
- Garlic
- 大蒜
- dàsuàn
- Leek
- 大西蒜
- dàxī suàn
- Onion
- 洋葱
- yángcōng
- Shallot
- 小葱
- xiǎocōng
- Scallion
- 青葱
- qīngcōng
Legumes – 豆制品
Legumes are a category of vegetables that include peas, lentils, and beans.
Soy merchandise
- Edamame
- 毛豆
- máodòu
- Miso
- 味噌
- wèicēng
- Soybean
- 黄豆
- huángdòu
- Tempeh
- 天呗
- tiānbèi
- Tofu
- 豆腐
- dòufu
Legume Flour
- Chickpea flour
- 鹰嘴豆粉
- yīng zuǐ dòu fěn
- Fava bean flour
- 蚕豆粉
- cándòu fěn
- Garfava flour
- 加法瓦粉
- jiāfǎ wǎ miànfěn
- Lentil flour
- 扁豆粉
- biǎndòu fěn
- Soy flour
- 大豆粉
- dàdòu fěn
Dried Beans And Peas
- Black Eyed Peas
- 眉豆
- méi dòu
- Borlotti Beans
- 花豆
- huā dòu
- Chickpeas
- 鹰嘴豆
- yīngzuǐdòu
- Haricot Beans
- 菜豆/扁豆
- càidòu/biǎndòu
- Red Kidney Beans
- 红芸豆
- hóng yúndòu
- Beluga lentils
- 白鲸扁豆
- bái jīng biǎndòu
- Brown lentils
- 棕色扁豆
- zōngsè biǎndòu
- Green lentils
- 绿扁豆
- lǜ biǎndòu
- Puy lentils
- 普伊扁豆
- pǔ yī biǎndòu
- Red lentils
- 红扁豆
- hóng biǎndòu
- Yellow lentils
- 黄扁豆
- huáng biǎndòu
Fresh Beans And Peas
- Black beans
- 黑豆
- hēidòu
- Broad beans
- 蚕豆
- cándòu
- Butter beans
- 棉豆
- mián dòu
- Green beans
- 豆角
- dòujiǎo
- Green peas
- 青豆
- qīngdòu
- Snow peas
- 荷兰豆
- hélándòu

Botanical fruit… Culinary vegetable
By now you’re probably questioning that there are one or ‘biggie’ culmination and greens that I’ve overlooked. Fear not. I’m so specific, I’ve determined to make a phase for those ‘is it a fruit or a vegetable?’ styles of matters!
- Avocado
- 牛油果
- niúyóuguǒ
- Bell pepper
- 甜椒
- tián jiāo
- Chili peppers
- 辣椒
- làjiāo
- Cucumber
- 黄瓜
- huángguā
- Eggplant/aubergine
- 茄子
- qiézi
- Green peas
- 青豆
- qīngdòu
- Olives
- 橄榄
- gǎnlǎn
- Sweetcorn
- 玉米
- yùmǐ
- Tomato
- 番茄
- fānqié
- Zucchini/courgette
- 西葫芦
- xīhúlu
Chinese Vegetables
If you discover yourself consuming conventional Chinese food, you may come upon pretty a whole lot of unknown or unrecognisable vegetables.
Here are quite some of them, however definitely now not they all…
Amaranth (aka Chinese spinach)
- 莧菜
- xiàncài
- Bok Choy
- 小白菜
- xiǎo báicài
- Chinese broccoli
- 芥蓝
- jiè lán
- Chinese celery
- 芹菜
- qíncài
- Chinese mustard vegetables
- 芥菜
- jiècài
- Choy sum
- 菜心
- cài xīn
- Edible clover
- 草头
- cǎo tóu
- Edible Chrysanthemum
- 茼蒿
- tónghāo
- Ji mao cai
- 鸡毛菜
- jīmáo cài
- Ma lan tou
- 马兰头
- mǎlán tóu
- Napa cabbage
- 大白菜
- dàbái cài
- Shepherd’s purse
- 荠菜
- Jìcài
- Snow pea leaf
- 豌豆苗
- wāndòu miáo
- Sweet potato leaves
- 红薯叶
- hóngshǔ yè
- Tat soi
- 塌棵菜
- tā kē cài
- Watercress
- 西洋菜
- xīyáng cài
- Water spinach
- 空心菜
- kōng xīn cài
- Wosun vegetables (Chinese Lettuce leaves)
- 莴笋叶
- wōsǔn yè
- Yam leaves
- 地瓜苗
- dì guā miáo
- Youmai
- 油麦尖
- yóu mài jiān
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Questions & Answers about Fruit in Mandarin
Question: 苹果是什么水果?
Answer: 苹果是一种水果。
Question: 你知道哪些常见的水果?
Answer: 常见的水果包括苹果、香蕉、橙子、草莓、葡萄等。
Question: 橙子的中文名是什么?
Answer: 橙子的中文名是橙。
Question: 葡萄有几种颜色?
Answer: 葡萄有紫色和绿色两种常见的颜色。
Question: 柠檬可以直接食用吗?
Answer: 柠檬通常不会直接食用,因为它的味道非常酸。一般会将柠檬用于调味料或制作饮料。
Question: 你能告诉我几种热带水果吗?
Answer: 热带水果包括芒果、菠萝、椰子、香蕉等。
Question: 西瓜是夏季常见的水果吗?
Answer: 是的,西瓜是夏季最常见的水果之一。
Question: 桃子的中文名是什么?
Answer: 桃子的中文名就是桃子。
Question: 你喜欢吃什么水果?
Answer: 作为一个人工智能,我没有口味和喜好,所以我不能告诉你我喜欢吃什么水果。
Question: 你知道榴莲吗?它是什么样的水果?
Answer: 是的,我知道榴莲。榴莲是一种热带水果,外表有刺,内部有浓郁的香味和奶油状的果肉。榴莲的味道因人而异,有些人喜欢它的味道,但也有人觉得它的气味很浓烈。
Conclusion about Fruit in Mandarin
Fruit in Mandarin – In conclusion, fruits hold a significant place in Mandarin culture, language, and cuisine. The Mandarin language has a wide array of names for different fruits, reflecting the diversity and popularity of fruits in Chinese society.
From the crisp and juicy apples to the tropical sweetness of mangoes, fruits provide not only delicious flavors but also important nutritional benefits.
In Mandarin-speaking regions, fruits are highly valued for their symbolism and auspicious meanings. They are often exchanged as gifts, particularly during festive occasions, and are associated with abundance, prosperity, and good health. Fruits are also used in various traditional customs and celebrations, adding a touch of cultural significance to their consumption.
Moreover, fruits play a vital role in Mandarin cuisine. They are used in a variety of dishes, desserts, juices, and teas, adding natural sweetness, vibrant colors, and refreshing flavors.
Mandarin culinary traditions embrace the use of fruits in both savory and sweet preparations, showcasing the versatility and creative potential of these natural treasures.
Learning about fruits in Mandarin not only expands your language skills but also deepens your understanding of Chinese culture, customs, and culinary heritage. Exploring the names, flavors, and cultural significance of fruits in Mandarin adds a layer of richness to your overall knowledge and appreciation of this fascinating language.
So, whether you’re savoring a juicy apple or enjoying a tropical mango, incorporating fruits into your Mandarin learning journey will enhance your language proficiency while also immersing you in the cultural tapestry of Mandarin-speaking regions.
Embrace the world of fruits in Mandarin, and let their flavors and cultural significance inspire your language exploration.