Here is the complete list of top 1000 most commonly used Chinese words. It includes English, Pinyin, Chinese and two examples sentences. This list is perfect if you’re looking to create your own flashcard deck (Anki), or simply check them out through a spreadsheet. All sentences were originally created by Tutor mandarin. They are not licensed for commercial use, but you can still enjoy them.
Suggested Read: The Silk Roads , History of the World, World War I, The Islamic World by Ladan Akbarnia, Nahj al-Balagha, Lost Islamic History, Stranger The History, Realizing Islam, Prophet Muhammad

Improve Your Vocabulary
Congratulations! Now that you have learned 101 of the most important Chinese words, you are able to understand approximately half of all Chinese words. You just have to go out and start speaking! You can learn these words by speaking with native Chinese speakers.
Also, you could improve your Chinese language skills by learning basic Chinese grammar rules and basic sentences and phrases.
There are many ways to learn Chinese. Once you have the most commonly used words, you can start to apply them. Start learning vocabulary words relevant to your daily speech. Don’t forget about our Chinese Learning Channel for beginners . There are tons of resources available!
Suggested Read: The Afghanistan File , Islam in Saudi Arabia, Top Seller: Islamic Art by Luca Mozzati, Jewish Morocco, Kingdoms of Faith and Islamic History For Kids: Story of Uhud
If You want to read all Alphabet So, Please Click on it
- Alif – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ba – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ta – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Tha- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Jeem – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Hha – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Kha – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Daal – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Thaal – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ra – Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Za- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Seen- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Saad- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Daad- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Toh- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Thoh- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ghayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Ayn- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Faa- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Kaf- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim
- Qaf- Arabic Alphabets in English – QuranMualim

Common Chinese words
Most Common Chinese Characters
Characters List-By Radical Traditional