Write a opion’s imams about istighathah Part ii?
![Write a opion’s imams about istighathah Part ii? Part ii, Abū Bakr asSiddīq, who was Ibrāhīm, blessing words and quranmualim. Learn Quran, Quran translation, Quran mp3,quran explorer, Quran download, Quran translation in Urdu English to Arabic, almualim, quranmualim, Islam pictures, Islam symbol, Shia Islam, Sunni Islam, Islam facts],Islam beliefs and practices Islam religion history, Islam guide, prophet Muhammad quotes, prophet Muhammad biography, Prophet Muhammad family tree.](https://www.quranmualim.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Write-a-opion’s-imams-about-istighathah-Part-iiA.jpg)
Imām Ālūsī: Commenting on the earlier verses of sūrah an-Nāzi‘āt, he explains in these words the justification of reliance on Allāh’s favourites and seeking help and support from them: (In the introductory sentences of this sūrah,) the separation of the…