Category Religious

Ramazan Apps You Must Have

Ramazan Apps You Must Have, Ramadan, Beliefs, Pillar of Islam, Holy Month

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and it’s considered one of the holiest months for Muslims worldwide. It’s a time of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. Here’s a closer look at what Ramadan signifies: Fasting (sawm): Prayer…

What is Spirituality in Islam?

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Spirituality in Islam? Contrastingly, as we stay in materialistic societies today, there has been a enormous boom in people looking for spirituality. Islam gives the remedy to revel in that spiritual fulfilment. So what is spirituality in Islam? How can…

Surah Rahman 11 Times For Marriage

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Surah Rahman 11 Times For Marriage – Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh To all our Beloved Islamic nuskhe Readers, we’re excited to share Surah Rahman Benefits in this newsletter. Our best recommendation is to examine this entire article nicely and make sure to complete…

Surah Rahman 7 Times Benefits

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Surah Rahman 7 Times Benefits – Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh To all our Beloved Islamic nuskhe Readers, we’re excited to proportion Surah Rahman Benefits in this article. Our excellent advice to you is to study this whole article well and not pass any…