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Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting in Islam?

Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting in Islam? Beliefs, Holy Month, Pillar of Islam, Prayer, Ramadan

In this Article We will learn about Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting in Islam? Brushing the teeth during fasting is allowed and an established practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him).

Hazrat Rabi’ah states, “I seen the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) on many Timess, brushing his teeth with the Siwaak (tooth stick), while he was in the state of fasting” (Tirmidhi)

According to Abd Al Rahman Ibn Ghanam Muadh Ibn Jabal received his question about tooth brushing during fast periods along with his answer which was positive. I asked him when brushing teeth was allowed during fast days but he said it should be done at any moment of the day.

My response was that people dislike daytime toothbrushing and they mention the Prophet Muhammad saying “The scent from a fasting person’s mouth pleases Allah better than musk fragrance.”

Muadh Ibn Jabal declared with astonishment “Glory be to God” as the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) ordered mouth cleaning yet leaving the mouth unclean and dry was never part of his teachings. All elements in that practice lack worthiness because evil prevails within it. (Tabraani, Talkhees)

Brushing With Tooth Paste

Brushing teeth using toothpaste becomes acceptable only if toothpaste and its residue are prevented from entering the stomach through swallowing. Contemporary scholars classify toothpaste brushing as a disliked religious practice because the leftover taste remains difficult to eliminate after cleaning.

A fast becomes invalid when toothpaste enters the stomach or its taste encounters the inner stomach walls during times of fasting. The fast becomes invalid if anything passes into the internal stomach cavity according to Ibn Abbas (ra) and Ikramah (ra) as reported in Bukhari.

Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114

My Humble Suggestions about Can You Brush Your Teeth While Fasting in Islam?

You should brush your teeth while using tooth paste at dawn just before starting your fast after eating suhoor. One should use a sunnah siwaak without toothpaste as a cleaning tool throughout the day. The tooth brushing process should take place in the daytime with minimally applied toothpaste on the brush. After rinsing the mouth carefully you should discard any remaining toothpaste substances or taste.

During his time Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) indicated in a saying that he would command miswaak usage at all times if community practice did not pose too much difficulty. The source of this information is Bukhari and Muslim.

And Allah knows best.

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