In this Article We will learn about Can We Touch Private Parts during Fasting.
- Masturbation by husband’s hand in Ramadan
- Kissing wife while fasting
- Control your sexual desire
Masturbation by husband’s hand in Ramadan
The husband cannot masturbate his wife during menstruation because it would involve touching the impurity until he uses a barrier to separate the impurity from his hand. If the husband is safe from touching the impurity, then there is nothing wrong with it.
Kissing wife while fasting
There is nothing wrong with the husband kissing his wife , touching her while Fasting, without having intercourse, or Sex when he is fasting. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to kiss his wife when he was fasting and he used to touch, Kiss his wife when he was fasting.
The fast of Ramadan permits a husband to have sexual activities with his wife while fasting only if he avoids both penetration and ejaculation.
Control your sexual Wishes
According to my interpretation you must postpone such encounters until the evening hours considering that the control abilities of newlywed young men are limited thus indicating the high risk of forbidden behavior.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to kiss and touch when he was fasting, but he was the most able of you to control his desire or wishes.
An-Nawawi said:
Ash-Shafi`i and his companions said:
The Islamic teachings say a fasting man can kiss his wife when fasting if he does not risk losing control of his desires but such actions remain preferable to abstain. But it cannot be said that it is makruh for him; rather they said that it is contrary to that which is preferable in his case, even though it is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) used to do that, because in his case (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) there was certainty that he would not go beyond the limit of kissing, whereas in the case of others there is the fear that he will go beyond that limit, as `Aishah said: “but he was the most able of you to control his desire.”
Sahih (296) by al-Bukhari reports `Aishah saying (may Allah be pleased with her) that during menstruation when the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) wished to be intimate he instructed her to place a waist-wrapped garment before proceeding. She added that no one possesses self-control like the Prophet whose conduct remains exemplary to date.
In fact a number of scholars are of the view about Kissing that it is haram to be intimate with a menstruating woman involving the area between the navel and the knee, except from above the waist wrapper. This is the well-known view narrated from Malik, Abu Hanifah and ash-Shafi`i.” (Fath al-Bari by Ibn Rajab (2/27 ff)
And Allah knows best.
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