Can I Chew Gum During Ramadan? Is Chewing Gum Permitted During The Observance Of Fasting During The Month Of Ramadan? Every Muslim around the world practices daily fasting as spiritual dedication during the holy month of Ramadan.
However, The questions almost arise regarding what activities are permissible during fasting. One common question is chewing gum and its potential impact on the fast. In this article, we will delve into the Islamic guidelines regarding chewing gum while fasting in the Holy Ramadan.
Chewing Gum While Fasting Ramadan
Chewing gum is a popular product typically made from a gum base, sweeteners, flavorings, color, taste and often includes additives like softeners and preservatives. It’s chewed for pleasure, breath freshening, habits or to alleviate boredom, worries or stress.
Can You Chew Gum While Fasting Ramadan?
Can I Chew Gum During Ramadan? No, you cannot chew gum during fasting hours in The Holy Month of Ramadan. Islamic scholars have provided insights into the permissibility of chewing gum while The fasting, and the prevailing opinion is that if any part of the gum dissolves and reaches the stomach, the fast is unequivocally invalidated. This ruling stems from the premise that ingesting nutrients, even inadvertently, disrupts the fasting state.
The damage made by chewing gum to a fasting individual can occur because others may think it resembles eating. People should exhibit caution because any doubts about their fast should be avoided.
Categories: PRAYER (Salat), ALMS (Zakat), SAWN (Fasting) HAJJ (Pilgrimage) & DUA (Supplications), Hadith and Tafseer, The Holy Quran, Quran Jaz 1- 114
In Islam, fasting during The Holy Month of Ramadan is a spiritual, religious practice aimed at cultivating self-discipline, religious, empathy, and piety. The Holy Quran explicitly outlines the obligation to sawm during The Month of Ramazan:
“Believers must perform the fasting obligation since God instituted it for prior believers to reach spiritual righteousness. (Quran 2:183).
Reported Hazrat Abu Hurayrah The Messenger of Allah declared
that people should clean their teeth before every prayer if possible but he did not issue this requirement due to its challenge for followers. Since suspending the tooth-sticks at prayer would create problems for my followers I direct them to utilize tooth-sticks at each prayer time. Sahih/Authentic.
In conclusion, while chewing gum may seem harmless, its potential impact on the validity of fasting in The Holy month of Ramadan is significant. Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of adhering to fasting guidelines, which include abstaining from actions that could compromise the fast.
Muslims should abstain from using gum during their fasting period while they should consider acceptable alternatives like Miswak and mouth rinse.
By observing these guidelines, individuals can uphold the spiritual significance of fasting and deepen their connection with Allah Almighty during the Holy Month of Ramazan.
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