Tides of confrontation & inquisitiveness emanated from her beady eyes as she unflinchingly stared toward me with war of words & distaste.
My auntie become obviously now not a hundred% satisfied with the idea of Muslim women working towards segregation from their brothers-in-regulation. I emphatically stressed that a Muslim girl need to strive her first-rate to exercise segregation from her brother-in-regulation, even if they live in the equal domestic or even if he’s years more youthful than her and although the sister-in-regulation sees him like her brother or son.
Baffled and confused, she hesitated at the beginning then spoke with willpower (glaringly no longer agreeing with what I said), ‘I suppose that’s too severe; a brother in law is like a brother!!?’
I determined to answer with words which outweigh the phrases I might have spoken out of my own accord, due to the fact they’re the phrases of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him). I said ‘The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) stated that,
“The brother-in-law is Death.”
Although honestly bowled over and baffled through listening to this hadeeth, her face still showed signs and symptoms of disagreement. This amazed me, as Allah [azza wa jall] has said in the Qur’aan, as regards to the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him),
- Nor does He communicate of (his personal) preference.
- It is Only an Inspiration that is stimulated.
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Just as she changed into going to have her round two, my husband known as me, because it became getting late and it turned into time to move domestic.
I puzzled whether having to go home was a blessing for me…
‘Uqba bin ‘Amir [RadhiAllahu a’nhu] narrated that the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) stated,
“Beware of getting into upon the ladies.”
A guy from the Ansaar said, “Allah’s Apostle! What about Al-Hamuw?” The Prophet responded, “The Hamuw is dying.”
In Arabic, the ‘Hamuw’ refers to ‘the husband’s brother or his family; for instance, his paternal uncle’s son or his maternal uncle’s son.’[4] It can also talk over with the sister’s husband.[5] Let’s quick re-cap…
Hamuw way:
- The Husband’s brother & male family.
- The Sister’s Husband
Therefore, ‘Hamuw’ in Arabic has extra of a widespread which means than in English. In English the ‘brother-in-regulation’ refers especially to the husband’s brother and does now not consist of his spouse and children, which include his cousins or the youngsters of his cousins.
In English the phrase ‘brother-in-regulation’ handiest refers to the husband’s brother or the spouse’s sister. It is essential to maintain in mind that in Arabic the time period Hamuw refers additionally to the husband’s and spouse’s cousins.
In Islaam the ‘Dhu Mahaarim (sing: Mahram)’ had been really described; A Mahram is a female’s husband or a person with whom that lady can’t marry in any respect according to Islaamic Jurisprudence. This can be due to blood dating (which include father, son, brother, paternal uncle and so forth) or due to a foster relationship.
For no other Non-Mahram has the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) used such clean and express wording of caution as he has for the brother-in-law. Even if our culture and traditions allow the integration of a sister-in-regulation along with her brother-in-law overtly as though were her actual brother, in Shari’ah (Islamic Law) the Hamuw isn’t taken into consideration a buddy or like a buddy. Therefore, the delivered ‘in-law’ in ‘brother–in–law’ isn’t always regarding the Islaamic law.
Why the Similitude of ‘Death’?
From the phrases of the students (and some of my personal contemplations) we analyze a number of the reasons as to why the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) noted the brother-in-regulation as ‘loss of life’:
Just as a female might run away from loss of life, she need to run away from mixing spending time and being in the presence of her brother-in regulation, as an awful lot as she probable can.
Just as demise is inevitable, it is also inevitable that at instances, because of the brother-in-legal guidelines robust relationship with the husband, a female may be installed a situation with him in which seldom might she must face with all of us else.
His (i.e. The brother in law) coming close to the wife of his brother resembles death in repulsiveness and mafsadah (cause of corruption & evil).
Such as the brother-in-law might also resemble her husband in looks and character or the sister-in-regulation can also locate her brother-in-law attractive, or vice verse. Such instances could be a motive of exquisite issues springing up; ensuing in:
- The marriage coming to an end, just as demise brings an stop to lifestyles.
- Results within the demise of her modesty and religiosity.
- Resulting in her dying metaphorically, whilst her husband’s defensive jealousy (gheerah) leads him to divorcing her.
By her being stoned to demise if she commits adultery with him.
- She ought to have caution with the Hamuw as you’ll have warning from death.
- Just as someone flees from dying, it’s far incumbent that the husband flees from allowing entrance of his household upon his spouse and his circle of relatives which aren’t mahram to her.
We come to see how short, concise and eloquent the phrases of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) are. Every believing lady’s heart need to fill with warning and she or he have to take heed to this.
Let’s upload power to what has been stated with the aid of diving into the reasons of this Hadeeth given by using a number of our leading extremely good pupils of Islaam.

Statements Of The Scholars
Imaam Al Qurtubi
Imaam al Qurtubi said regarding the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) declaration, ‘the brother-in-regulation is demise’:
“In different words: his coming into upon the wife of his brother resembles dying in repulsiveness and mafsadah (cause of corruption & evil). Therefore, he (the Prophet, prayers and peace be upon him) has prohibited (it with a) clean prohibition. He (the Prophet [prayers and peace be upon him]) has emphasized the warning from that.
He (described it as) death, due to the indulgence of human beings in it (openly) from (each) the husband’s and spouse’s aspect, as it has grow to be the norm…the Hamuw getting into upon the girls necessitates towards the death of her deen (faith), or to her demise by using her (husband) divorcing her, while he will become jealous, or by her being stoned if she commits adultery with him.”
Imaam Al Baghawee
“Al Hamuw: its plural is ‘Al Ahmaa’ and they’re the brothers-in-law (together with his cousins and so forth) from the husbands facet, and the sister-in-laws (consisting of her cousins etc) from the wife’s facet… the Arabs say this phrase (i.E. Some thing is loss of life)… Like they say, ‘the Sultan is hearth’.
The wording of this (hadeeth) way: surely solitude with the Hamuw with her (the spouse) is more extreme than her solitude with another stranger…it additionally way: have warning with the Hamuw as you’ll have caution from demise.”[7]Imaam An-Nawawi
“Layth bin Sa’d stated: Al-Hamuw is the husband’s brother and whoever resembles him (the-brother-in-regulation) from the loved ones of the husband, like his paternal uncles son and so on. The Scholars of Language have unanimously agreed that Al-Ahmaa (trans.
This is the plural of Al-Hamuw) are the household of a lady’s husband, like his father, his paternal uncle, his brother, the son of his brother, the son of his paternal uncle and their like. Also, the Akhthaan: the family of a person’s spouse and the Ashaar: husband of ones sister. So it occurs for each types.
As for the Prophet’s (prayers and peace be upon him) statement ‘the brother-in-regulation is loss of life’ then it manner that apprehension from him is greater than from other than him. And the evil which happens from him and the fitnah (trial/temptation/discord) is more because of him being able to attain the girl and be by myself along with her,- without disapproval [being levied] upon him-, in contrast to the ajnabee (stranger)…
Ibn Arabee stated that it’s miles a phraseology used in Arabic, like they are saying, ‘the lion is loss of life’ i.e. Meeting him is like death. And Qaadhi said it approach that seclusion with the Ahmaa’ (trans. This is the plural of Al-Hamuw) results in fitnah and destruction in deen (religion), that’s why he noted it as just like the destruction of loss of life. Therefore the phraseology shows weight (i.E. The weightiness of the problem at hand).”Imaam As-Suyooti
“’The Brother-in-Law is demise’ way: clearly fear from him is extra than from others and the evil which occurs from him in privateness is more, because of his being capable of advantage get right of entry to to the lady and be on my own with her with out it being disapproved of him, not like the ajnabee (stranger). Even though, he is greater deserving of being prohibited (from get right of entry to) than the stranger!”Imaam Ibn Hajar Al Asqalaani
“Seclusion with the Hamuw clearly brings approximately destruction of the deen (of someone) if a sin happens or death if a evil occurs, (wherein case) stoning turns into waajib (incumbent) [trans.
Here Ibn Hajr is referring to if they commit adultery together], or (it brings approximately) the destruction of a female by using being separated from her husband, when his shielding jealousy [gheerah] leads him to divorcing her.”Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen
“‘The Brother-in regulation is loss of life’ are the gravest phrases of caution. It way, just as a person flees from demise, it’s far incumbent that he (the husband) flees from (permitting) entrance of his spouse and children upon his spouse and his circle of relatives which aren’t mahram (to her).
This shows the intense reprimand of (permitting) loved ones of the husband to go into the residence of the husband, (that’s extra) critical than the doorway of strangers, because those human beings input with the popularity that they’re loved ones, so no-one disapproves. And while they arrive to the door, seeking permission to go into, no-one denies them.
That is why it’s far haraam on someone that he gives his brother a hazard to be by myself with his wife. Some humans take this count lightly; you’ll locate him (the husband) along with his wife and he has a brother who has reached the age of puberty and he (the husband) goes to paintings, leaving his wife and his brother inside the home on my own. This is haraam (prohibited), due to the fact devil runs in the son of Adam just like the walking of blood.
(The question arises): how will we separate them whilst the house is one (i.E. If they’re living inside the same house)? (The solution:) It is waajib (incumbent) to vicinity a locked door between the quarter of the person (brother-in-law) and the region of the female.
The husband (must) take the important thing with him (of the door). Then he (ought to) say to his brother, ‘This is your region.’ and to his spouse, ‘This is your location.’ and he (should) say to his own family, ‘This is your location.’.
It isn’t allowed that the door be left opened, because he (the brother-in-law) might also input upon her and the devil may additionally deceive him and he may additionally rape her and maybe he’s going to delude her to harmony, then it will likely be like she is his (the brother-in-regulation’s) spouse, getting into upon her (like a husband might) and leaving and he doesn’t (even) care. We ask Allah to forgive…”Shaykh Atiyyah Muhammad As-Saalim “Al Hamuw: the husband’s brother.
It (i.E. This hadeeth) method: his entering (upon his brother’s spouse) inside the absence of his brother. The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) clarified that he’s the most severest of risks this is why he stated, ‘The brother in law is death’, because the ajnabee (stranger) does no longer dare to enter and if he does enter he unearths warning. As for the husband’s brother, then he enters th e residence of his brother and there’s a no care, so there is what resembles dying.

Therefore, in this hadeeth the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) makes clean for us that it is upon the person (i.e. Brother in regulation) to (exercise) caution from the woman (brother’s spouse), and likewise for the lady (to exercise caution from her brother in law).”
Muhammad Al-Ameen Ash-Shanqeetee
This first rate Scholar wrote in his tafseer, concerning the rationale of the Hadeeth, ‘the brother in law is dying’ proving that segregation & partitioning should be hooked up between the-brother-in-law and his sister-in-regulation:
“…certainly that his (the Prophet’s, prayers, benefits and peace be upon) phrasing is the gravest phrasing of caution, due to the fact dying is the maximum horrid event which stumble upon someone within the international. Just as the poet said,
And Death is the greatest of occasions
Of which (involves) bypass upon his introduction. Therefore, the Prophet’s (prayers and peace be upon him): 1/ Gravest phrasing of caution regarding the getting into of guys upon the women (non-mahrams) and 2/ His expressing the relative entering upon a wife by way of calling it ‘death’ is authentic prophetic proof that the declaration of Allah,
… ask them from in the back of a screen…
is wellknown for all ladies, as you saw (i.E. In its tafseer which preceded). If its hukm (ruling) became specific for His other halves (i.E the Prophet’s (prayers and peace be upon him) wives), then why did He (the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) ) caution the guys (with) this popular (and now not specific) phrasing of grave caution of getting into upon ladies (and no longer just the Prophet’s wives)?
Also, from the plain meaning of the Hadeeth is that the warning is from getting into upon them despite the fact that seclusion does no longer arise among the 2. And it’s so; for this reason, coming into upon them and seclusion with them are both haraam (prohibited) with a excessive prohibition …
Imaam Muslim (may additionally Allah have mercy on him) quoted this hadeeth in his bankruptcy on the prohibition of solitude with strangers and (their) getting into upon her (i.E. The woman). This suggests each are haram…
the ‘iyyaakum’ (within the hadeeth)… way be anxious/cautionary (ittaqoo) and implies the that means ‘save yourselves [ittaqoo] from coming into upon women, and women coming into upon you’.
In the narration of Ibn Wahb (of this hadeeth, comes) with the wording, “Do no longer enter upon women” and consists of the prohibition of coming into (aswell because the) prohibition of seclusion together with her by the first manner (i.e. Through entering upon her).”