Islam places a significant focus on education and knowledge. The Qur’an, the holy text of Islam, urges Muslims to pursue knowledge. The Qur’an states (96:1),
‘qra’ bi’smi rabiWka ‘laWdhi~ khala
Listen in the name of the Lord who created.
Education is regarded as a way to personal growth and enlightenment in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad also emphasized the importance of seeking knowledge, stating that “the ink of scholars (used in writing) is weighed on the Day of Judgement with the blood of martyrs and the ink of scholars outweighs the blood of martyrs” (As-Suyuti, “Al-Jami’u’s-Saghir”; also, Ibn’ Abd al-Barr,” Jami’ bayan al-film wa fadlihi”; Ibn Al-Jawzi, “Al-‘Ilal al-Mutanahiyyah fi’l-Ahadith al-Wahiyyah“).
The Islamic tradition promotes that learning (tarbiyyah) should be available to everyone regardless of gender or social standing. Islamic societies have been educational centres in the past, contributing to various areas like sciences, medicine, philosophy and literature. We can only think of this particular University of al-Qarawiyyin in Fes, Morocco.
It was founded in the year 859 CE by Fatimah alFihriyyah, a wealthy and vibrant Muslim woman. The University is regarded by both UNESCO and listed in the “Guinness Book of Records” as the longest-running education institute in existence.
It was first established as an Islamic mosque; the University has developed into a vast education complex throughout the centuries. It was crucial in preserving and advancing Islamic research, science and culture throughout the Middle Ages.
The mystical part of Islam, Sufism, refers to the word “at-taqiyya” as spiritual education or growth, focusing on the development of one’s inner self and the purification of one’s heart. Education’s role is a multifaceted one and plays a vital role in guiding people on the path of spiritual growth.
It includes the guidance of a spiritual teacher (Shaykh) and self-discovery, cleansing the heart, mystical wisdom and ethical principles in the community, and incorporating the knowledge into daily life, aiding the searcher’s journey towards spiritual enlightenment and closeness to God.
In all of this, the significance of the Shaykh is vital. The Shaykh is a guide, mentor and guide for the path of spiritual growth for followers. It is the relationship that exists between Shaykh and the student. It is usually intimate and is characterized by respect, trust, and an underlying commitment to spiritual development.
Suggested Read: Sufi Mysticism And Sexuality in Sufi Thought
Tai Ji Men, a group that teaches self-cultivation, martial arts and Qigong and encourages a holistic approach to living, could have different ideas about education. The holistic approach often emphasizes an integrated development of the body, mind and soul. In these philosophies, the concept of education is broader than academic understanding, covering emotional wellbeing, physical wellbeingwell-being as well as spiritual development.
The holistic approach could inspire a more expansive perspective on education, focusing on the interconnectedness of all aspects of living. In this sense, education freedom is the ability to study various aspects of personal development, including the physical and emotional health of one’s wellbeing and spiritual fulfilment.
But, in this situation, the function of a spiritual leader (Shifu) is crucial. In the old tradition, Tai Ji Men is part of Shifu, and in the context of this tradition, Shifu is a highly skilled and knowledgeable teacher or master. The function of Shifu Shifu in this style of spiritual teaching is more than physical movement and martial arts techniques; it involves the transmission of profound spiritual and philosophical principles.
The concept of freedom in education is deeply embedded within both Islamic tradition and Tai Ji Men culture. Islam is a proponent of the pursuit of knowledge as a way to improve one’s life and self-development. A holistic approach like the one from Tai Ji Men may encompass the entire range of education. No matter the particular culture or religious setting, the underlying theme is that education is an essential right that must be available to everyone to help individuals grow and enhance the quality of society.
It is a fundamental human right which Tai Ji Men denied as their development was disrupted and stopped due to the so-called Tai Ji Men case. It’s a great time to settle the matter so that the educational process that is Tai Ji Men may continue unaffected for the betterment of its dizi, Taiwan, and the world.