Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – The Prophet ended the unjust practices that were prevalent in that Era of Jahiliyya (Ignorance) one by one and revealed the proper way to conduct themselves. So, the unjust and unlawful practices were replaced with justice.
One of the untrue practices of that Era of Jahiliyya was that slaves and freed slaves were considered to be “lower class”. In reality, Islam regarded all people as equal and said that superiority can only be achieved through the taqwa “Verily the most respected among you,
in the eyes by Allah are (he that is) the most righteous among you.”[1In this case this untruthful custom had to be eradicated also. So, the Prophet urged Zaynab’s noble family Zaynab, her mother’s daughter Umayma the b. Abdulmuttalib, to marry her off to the freed slave Zayd.
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Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – Zaynab’s brothers and mother didn’t want to marry but they couldn’t deny God’s prophet (pbuh). They accepted his request. The Prophet then got married. Hz. Zaynab off to Hz. Zayd. [2]
So, a shady custom from that Era of Jahiliyya was thrown out and the concept of equality was implemented.
But, there wasn’t an absolute harmony between the frequencies. Zayd and Zaynab. Marital discord occurred. Zaynab began to cause Zayd to break his heart. One time, Zayd went to the Prophet and told him “O Prophet of Allah! I’m seeking to divorce my wife. She is abusive to her.” It was the Prophet (pbuh) was not wish to have a family was his request to be created to split into. He told Zayd, “Keep your spouse and do keep her from divorce! Fear Allah.”[3]
In the end, Zayd divorced Hz. Zaynab due to marital disagreement. Their marriage lasted just one year.
The Prophet was very upset after Zayd and Zaynab separated because he requested that they marry. It was imperative to resolve the matter and also be apprehensive of Hz. Zaynab as well as her entire family.
In actual fact when the Prophet told the Prophet Hz. Zayd, “Keep your spouse; do not divorce her” He knew that Zayd will definitely divorce Zaynab and she would marry him after her Iddah (waiting period) was over. God Almighty had informed him about the matter. [4] Besides, Hz. Zaynab had the qualities to be the wife of the Prophet.
However, the Prophet did not ask Hz. Zaynab who had divorcing by Zayd who’s iddah had ended with him, to be married because he was concerned that hypocrites (munafiqs) would talk about the marriage. According to the customs of the Arabs it was not acceptable for a person to not marry the spouse of his adoption son’s bride. But, it was important to end this incorrect custom of Jahiliyya as well as other customs. Because, an adopted son wasn’t considered to be a biological child.
Actually in the period at the time that Prophet Aisha was close to Hz. Aisha and he was near Hz. Aisha, he received an insight. God Almighty revealed the following:
“Behold! Thou said to someone who was blessed by the blessings of Allah and the blessings of Allah to remarry (in wedlock) your wife, and be fearful of Allah.’ But thou hid within your heart the things that Allah was planning to reveal and thou was afraid of the people, but it’s more appropriate to revere Allah.
After Zaid dissolved (his marriage) with her, and with the required (formality) we married her to you to ensure to ensure that (in the future) there is no problem for believers in (the subject of) wedding with women of adopted boys after they have disintegrated by the required (formality) (their wedding) with them. Allah’s commands must be followed.
There should be no problem for the Prophet to fulfill the matter of what Allah has revealed to him as an duty.”[55
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Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – The moment the revelation state was complete and the prophet (pbuh) was smiling and declared: “Who will tell Zaynab the good news that Allah has joined her in marriage to me?” Then He set the Hz. Zayd to inquire Zaynab to wed the Prophet.
Hz. Zayd was taken to Zaynab happy and brought her the joyous news that God Almighty has arranged for her to be married in marriage to Prophet. Hz. Zaynab was very happy when she heard the sound and sat in a posture of gratitude. She presented the jewel the jewel was on to. Zayd as a thank you gift to this wonderful news.
Thus, Hz. Zaynab got married to Prophet Muhammad during the fifth year of Migration at the age of aged 35. There was nothing she received to be mahr, since her marriage was ordained by Allah.
The Prophet was always the one to host the wedding meal when the occasion came up and even ordered Muslims to make it happen. It is therefore the sunnah to have the wedding meal.
The Prophet hosted an event for the wedding of Zaynab as well. However, a miracle performed by the Prophet was witnessed during the wedding feast, which was not like other weddings.
Anas is b. Malik narrates: “My mother, Umm Sulaym, said to me “O Anas! Messenger of Allah is getting married today. I’m sure they’re not having much food. Bring me the leather bag full of oil. I brought the bag to my mom. They mixed Madinah dates with oil, which would suffice to feed to feed the Messenger of Allah and his wife. She then gave her gift to me, and she told me, ‘O Anas! Bring your present to Messenger from Allah. Tell him that my mother gave it to me as she greets you and says that this is a small token of appreciation to her.’
“I gave this to the Messenger of Allah and told him about what my mother had said to me. Allah’s Messenger Allah told me, “Put it in here.’ He then told me to “Invite Abu Bakr Umar, Uthman and Ali. He also gave the names of other Companions. I was stunned by my Messenger of Allah’s command to invite many people to some food. But, I couldn’t be averse to his instructions. I invited them all. Then I was told that I was told by the Messenger of Allah told me: “Look, and invite anyone who is within the mosque.
‘ The mosque was my destination, and I said to every person that was praying there that I came across”Come at this feast of the Messenger of Allah’s wedding celebration.’ They were there. Finally, the table was crowded. He said to me: ‘Is there anyone still in mosque I asked, ‘Is there anyone left in the mosque?’ I replied”No.’ He then told me”Look around and invite anyone there is in this road.’ I obliged. He said”OK! Take the bowl.’ He placed his hands onto the bowl and prayed for abundance using the words Allah would have him say.
Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – Then he instructed the people to form circles of ten, and then consume food in side of each.’ The first ten guests were invited to join in. They ate until satisfied. I was looking at the food inside the bowl. The amount was rising like spring-water. After everyone had eaten I asked him, “O, Anas! Take it away.” I didn’t be aware of the amount of food left when I brought the bowl or removed it. After I returned back home, I explained to my mother about the incident. My mother told me, “There is no reason to be shocked! If Allah would have wanted all the inhabitants of Madinah to eat it, they’d all have eaten it and be satisfied. ‘”[6]
As we’ve mentioned previously that during the Era of Jahiliyya the adopted son was not considered as a biological child, therefore, it was considered as haram to marry the woman who was divorced by their adopted son. Because the Prophet was married to the wife who had been divorced by the adopted son Zayd and the hypocrites resorted to this as a method to gossip. They claimed “Muhammad forbade marrying the wife of one’s son but he himself married his son Zayd’s wife, whom he divorced.” The gossip began to upset the Prophet as well as the Muslims. [7]
Then, verses 4 and 5 , of Chapter al-Ahzab were revealed. The verses said:
“Allah has not given anyone two hearts in His (one) body. Nor did He make your wives, whom you divorced through Zihar your mothers. Neither did He make your adopted sons your children. This are (only) what you can say in your (manner of) speaking with your mouths. However, Allah will reveal to (you) the truth and He demonstrates the (right) method.
Name them with (the the names) from their fathers. This is right in the sight of Allah however, if you do that they do not have their father’s (names you can name them) as your brothers in faith as well as your Mawlas. There is no fault on you if you do fail to do so: (what counts is) the intent of your heart as well as the intention of your hearts. Allah is always returning, most Kind.”
Badiuzzaman Said, an interpreter from the past century, interprets this verse above in the form of a summary:

Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – Additionally, rulers who look to their subjects, and prophets looking towards their communities and speaking to them in a fatherly way result from the purpose of prophethood. A great ruler observes their subjects in paternal affection. If the ruler is spiritual, with both inward and outward rule, because his compassion is 100 times more than the father’s the people he governs look at him as their fathers as if they were his sons in real life.
In order to dispel any doubts this Quran states: “On account of Divine mercy, the Prophet has compassion for you. He treats you in a fatherly manner and claims under the guise of prophethood, you are his children. But with regard to his personality, he’s not your father and therefore it would be unsuitable for him to choose one of you as a wife! And if he refers to you as “Son,” in respect of the rules from the Shari’a, then you can’t be his children. [8]
It can then be said that this wedding took place on the orders of Allah God Almighty. He found the Hz. Zaynab to be suitable for the Prophet and he married the couple. Therefore, the decree to ensure that an adoptee should not hinder marriage as one’s biological child was made and it was later discovered that the decree, which was regarded as forbidden (forbidden) is actually considered to be halal (permissible).
Hz. Zaynab was a holy and righteous individual. She observed prayer and fasting regularly. One time the Prophet was in the mosque. He noticed a rope that was tied in between poles. He inquired, “What is this rope for?” They replied that it was Zaynab’s. They added, “Zaynab held that rope when she felt tired while performing prayers.” Then the Prophet declared,
“No This kind of difficulty is not recommended in worship. Untie the rope. Pray for as long as you’re strong.”[9[9
Zaynab was extremely kind and obedient She did not attach importance to the things that matter to us. She donated the earnings she made through weaving and sewing to the less fortunate and helpless people to help Allah’s cause.
At one point, Hz.Umar sent her the annual amount he had allocated to her. When Hz. Zaynab noticed the amount of money, she told her maid “May Allah forgive Umar! Do I have shares of my siblings and brothers there?” When she found out that the money was hers she covered it up with her scarf, saying “Subhanallah!” She said to her maid:
“Put your hand in the money and take one handful of money to such and such a person and another handful to such and such a person.”
So, the maid handed over the money that she had received from. Umar was sending in the manner that Zaynab wanted. There was nothing left to put under the scarf the maid whispered to”Hz. Zaynab, “O mother of faith-based believers! May Allah forgive you! It is my belief in Allah that we can receive an amount.” Zaynab commanded her to collect what was left from the scarf. Five dirhams were remaining. The lady took the dirhams. Hz. Zaynab was not able to get one dirham out of it. She then lifted her hands and prayed in the following manner:
“O Allah! Don’t force me to get Umar’s blessing again. The worldly possessions are mischief.”[1010

Zaynab Bint Khuzayma – God Almighty granted her plea. Hz. Zaynab passed away before she was able to receive the next year’s allocation. Hers was the first of the wives of Prophet Muhammad to be reunited with the Prophet following his death.
This is how another miraculous act of the Prophet was performed. He once said, “The one among you who will rejoin me first is the one who had the longest arm.” The wives of the Prophet could not know what he meant and began to count their arms. When Hz. Zaynab was first to die following him and they realized that he meant generosity through using his lengthy arm. Because, none could ever match Zaynab with regard to generosity. [11]
Hz. Aisha who was always in awe of her Hz. Zaynab she said her kindness as follows:
“I have never seen a woman better than Zaynab in religion, fearing Allah more than her, more honest than her, caring for her relatives more than her and giving away money (sadaqah) to attain the consent of Allah more than her.”
Hz. Zaynab passed away at the age of 20 in the Migration at the age of aged 53. The janazah prayer she offered was led by Umar. Umar.
May Allah be satisfied with them!
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