Here are five Ramadan prayers I selected from Imam an-Nawawi’s book Adhkaar.I only chose authentic narrations, which are those with a grade of Hassan or higher.You will find below the Arabic, transliteration, translation and, if necessary, some comments.
Dua: A Direct Connection to the Divine
In the realm of Islam, dua holds immense significance, serving as a powerful bridge between the hearts of believers and the boundless mercy of Allah (SWT). It transcends the realm of mere supplication, evolving into a deeply personal conversation, an intimate outpouring of emotions, and a fervent expression of one’s hopes and desires laid bare before the Divine.
The Essence of Dua:
- Invocation and Supplication: Dua embodies the very act of calling upon Allah (SWT),懇求 His intervention, guidance, and blessings in all aspects of life. It’s aช่องทางแห่งการสื่อสาร, a direct line established through искренность и смирение, where vulnerabilities are acknowledged, and yearnings are laid bare.
- A Universal Language: Dua transcends the limitations of language and cultural barriers. It’s a language of the soul, understood by the Creator who resides within each heart. Whether expressed in eloquent Arabic or whispered in the quiet murmur of one’s native tongue, dua carries the weight of one’s искренность and yearning.
- More Than Just Asking: Dua is not merely a list of requests presented to a celestial vending machine. It’s a dialogue, a journey of self-discovery where one surrenders to the will of Allah (SWT) while simultaneously expressing one’s deepest desires and aspirations.
The Power of Dua:
- A Source of Comfort and Strength: Dua serves as a منبع لا ينضب of comfort and strength, particularly during challenging times. By pouring out one’s heart to Allah (SWT), seeking His solace and guidance, Dua empowers individuals to navigate life’s trials with renewed hope and resilience.
- Manifestation of Faith: The very act of making dua is a testament to one’s faith and reliance on Allah (SWT). It’s an acknowledgement of His power and mercy, a belief that He is ever-present and ever-listening.
- An Instrument of Change: While dua doesn’t guarantee the fulfillment of every desire, it has the power to transform hearts, shape destinies, and pave the way for positive change. Through sincere dua, one can attract Allah’s (SWT) blessings,开启new doors of opportunity, and witness the unfolding of His divine plan.
Making Dua:
- Sincerity is Key: The most essential ingredient in dua is sincerity. When dua is made with a pure heart and genuine conviction, it pierces the heavens and reaches the very throne of Allah (SWT).
- No Specific Format: There are no rigid prescriptions or protocols for making dua. It can be expressed in one’s own words, spoken silently or aloud, during prayer or at any time of the day.
- Examples from the Quran and Sunnah: The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) provide numerous examples of beautiful and profound duas that can serve as guides and inspiration.
Suggested Read: The Clear Quran, El Coran and The Essential Book of Quranic Words

When you first see the crescent, what should you say?
اللَّهمَّ أَهلَّهُ علينَا بالأمنِ والإيمانِ والسَّلامةِ والإسلامِ ربِّي وربُّكَ اللَّهُ
Transliteration: Allahumma ahillahu alayna bil-amni wal-iman was-salaamati wal-islam. Rabbi wa rabbuka Allah
Translation: Oh Allah make this a new beginning full of faith and peace, safety, and Islam. My Lord and Your Lord is Allah
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Commentary: Note how this supplication pairs peace and faith like they’re twins. They sound similar in Arabic (Amn and Emaan), because they are derived from each other.
The same reasoning was used to pair peace with Islam (Silm, and Islam), because both are derived from each other. The two most important concepts of our religion, Islam and Eman, are both derived by the Arabic words Amn and Silm, which mean peace. We pray to Allah that this Ramadan be filled with peace.
What to say at sunset when you break your fast every day
ذهبالظمأ وابتلت العروق وثبت الأجر إن شاء الله
Transliteration : Dhahaba adh Dhama’ wabtallatil urooq and thabatal ajr Inshaa Allah
Translation: The thirst is gone, the veins have become wet and the reward has been confirmed by God
Commentary: Keep in mind that the du’as are most likely to be answered at the time when the fast is broken. You can use any du’a you like to accompany this Prophetic Du’a.
What to say when someone insults you while you are fasting
إني صائمٌ ، إني صائمٌ
Transliteration: Innee saa’im, innee saa’im
Translation of I’m Fasting: I’m Fasting
Commentary: Imam Nawawi says that either this should be loudly said so the aggressor hears and hopefully stops, or in silence to remind yourself. The first opinion is more powerful.
What to say when breaking the fast with a large group
أفطر عندكم الصائمون ، وأكل طعامكم الأبرار ، وصلت عليكم الملائكة
Transliteration: aftara indakum as-saa’imoon, wa akala ta’aamakum al-abraar, wa sallat alaikum al-malaa’ikah
Translation : May fasting people come to your home, may the pious dine on your food and may angels pray for your good health
What to say when you come across the Night of al-Qadr
اللَّهمَّإنَّكعفُوٌّ تُحبُّ العفوَ فاعْفُ عنِّي
Transliteration: Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbu al-afwa fa’fu anni
Translation: You are a forgiving Allah, you love forgiveness. Please forgive me

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The Prophet (SAW), taught us that the best deeds, no matter how small they may be, are done consistently. Support MuslimMatters by making a $2 monthly donation.
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