Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) – There’s many adjectives beginning by a “v.” The exploration of descriptive words that start with this alphabet is an excellent method to expand your vocabulary.
Find the definitions for amazing words that start in “v,” then review different types of examples to gain a better understanding of their usage in conversation or writing.
Vocabulary Words: English Hindi Dictionary

Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) –
List of adjectives that begin with V
Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) – The following list of adjectives that begin with “v” gives a vast variety of terms that are utilized to define nouns that you’re reviewing in writing or discussing.
- emptyempty however it isn’t empty.
- Vagabond is a term used to describe a person who frequently moves and doesn’t have a home that is permanently
- brave – courageous; brave, heroic
- validates can be used in order to confirm or verify
- variable is expected or likely to change or
- vast large; vast and of enormous importance
- vaulting is too broad and exaggerated.
- vegan is made of no animal products
- extremely having a large amount of energy or enthusiasm and being passionate or enthusiastic.
- silky silky silky and smooth to the sensation
- venerable – honorable; commanding respect
- Wordy Wordy, containing more terms than is necessary
- Green hue. green hue; filled with live green plants
- adaptive is a technology that can be adapted to meet the needs of different users. It can support many different requirements or be utilized in a variety of ways
- Horizontal the vertical positions of up and down
- possibility is among the potentials for growth and flourishing
- violent is a way to retaliate or to express anger
- violent that inflicts harm by force; extremely powerful
- extremely risky virus that has the ability to quickly spread or worsen and is brimming with malicious motives
- visual is viewed in the form of visual pictures. It’s part of the visual world.
- vital – necessary; important
- extremely violent refers to the practice of making threat statements or personal attacks that can be inflamatory
- Volcanic is the word used to describe or the direct result of an active volcano.
- optionalno coercion optional
- is vulnerable to being damaged
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V Adjectives Ending with the suffix -ous
Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) -There’s certain nuances in this set of “v” adjectives that are listed below. It’s evident that a lot of these adjectives begin by using the adjectival suffix “-ous” which signifies “full of” or “having characteristics of.” Keep this in mind as you add more adjectives to your individual listing of words!
- monotonous is devoid of any thoughts or substance
- Vain pride or vanity
- is the courageous one with a lot of courage
- vandalousdestructive and acting as vandal
- Vaporous creating cloud vapour i.e. fog or fog or
- various Different HTML0’s, lots of distinct, each with more than one
- venomous – poisonous; spiteful; malicious
- Venous Similar to veins and similar to veins and
- True, honest, true (not to be read as greedy or eager)
- frustrating and annoying extremely stressful and full of chaos
- vicious – malicious; harmful
- victorious is the phrase used to describe success of an event i.e. an event, a contest or a legal matter
- powerful packed with power and strength, and is durable. Strong
- “The character” is evil, bad and plays the role of the villain
- Villous Anatomical term closely related to villi or Villi’s covered structures.
- wineous – closely resembling or closely resembling wine
- virtue Pure, clean and display moral high-values
- vitreous is an emulsion made of glass that has a resemblance to glass in appearance.
- viscousnot liquid or solid with a sticky, thick consistency
- vivacious – lively; high spirited
- Loud is the practice of speaking loudly, particularly when expressing opinions.
- huge as well as dense and massive.
- Voluptuous Beautiful and full-figured woman
- vomitous – sickening, nauseating, disgusting, gross
- very wild and a massive appetite
Vocabulary Words: Russian English Dictionary
Old-fashioned titbits about words that begin with V
Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) – Fortunately, we’re not stuck within our time in the Middle Ages when the letter “v” was used interchangeably by the letters “u.”
It was common practice that the”v” was used to signify situations where”v” was used to indicate that “v” appeared at the start of a phrase and”u” was used to denote the beginning of a phrase “u” was employed within the word.
For instance, “up” was written “vp” and “have” was written as “haue.” It wasn’t until the year 1500 that”v,” the letter “v” began to be used as a consonant for an individual.
Interesting, right? When you’ve found some adjectives that begin by “v,” it’s time to expand your vocabulary. Since”u” is an adjective in which “u” is on your mind, consider the adjectives beginning with “u. “
It’s possible to go through the list of English Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) -“ to increase your vocabulary.
Your child should be taught the simplest yet widely utilised Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) –“ using the basic examples provided in the previous paragraph. This list is a list of English adjectival expressions beginning by the letters V to be used in the near future.
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Vocabulary Words: Dictionary German English
An overview of the lessons we’ve learned
- Adjectives Beginning with V
- A List of Adjectives Beginning with the letter V
- Adjectives that Start with V
Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) – If you’re not certain about the characteristics that make up Adjectives That Start With V (English Vocabulary) – inform us. Write us an email using the form below, and we’ll get back to you as quickly possible. Thanks for letting us know!

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