It is believed that the Quran and Hadith is a manual that is a source of teaching Muslims ethical values and morals to follow. It provides a comprehensive guide for living a moral and satisfying life. In this article the necessity of greeting others with a smile.
The Quran informs us that the very first interaction we make with someone is extremely important. It is only possible to create an impression at a time. That’s what the Quran says in Surah An Nisa says:
The importance of replying in the same manner or in a way that is more. This means that if someone tells you:
Assalamualaikum or SalaamReply: Wa alaykumu as-salam
If they say instead, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Reply: Wa alaykumu as-salam Warahmatullah
If they greet them with Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Reply: Wa alaykumu as-salam Warahmatullah Wabarakaatu
According to Surah Noor ayat the 61st chapter In Surah Noor ayat 61 “There is no fault on the people who take your meals together or separately. However, when you enter houses and greet each other, you should offer peace greetings to each other. This is the greeting of Allah happy and blessed. So does Allah give you the words [of ordinanceto help you be able to comprehend.”
Suggested Read : How Many Chapters in Quran? ,la ilaha illa anta subhanaka, Has The Quran Been Changed?, How Many Pages in Quran? , Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar, Allahu Mahdina, Allahu Alam , Allah Yashfeek , Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala

The meaning of waalaikumsalam can be described as “And unto you peace”. The slightly more extensive version of the word, Wa alaykumus salam rahmatullah could mean “May the peace and mercy of Allah be with you too”. In the end, Wa alaykumu salam wa rahmatullahi w barakatuh is likely to translate to “May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you too”.
It is always recommended to answer by stating the full version of the question, since you’re now aware of the purpose of the question your self, so why not?
This is a reminder that the tone you use to use these words can be a major factor. What would be boring to simply give lip service and say the words with a boring voice. Try to be enthusiastic and joyful and observe how other people react. Take a look at their faces, they’ll either be surprised or shocked. Naturally, you’ll be more relaxed and sociable. see how they’ll take advantage of you and become more energized.
Suggested Read: Travel Dua, Morning and Evening Duas, Ghusl Dua , Entering House Dua and Dua For Wake Up

Here’s a short YouTube video that demonstrates how to pronounce correctly.
Wa ‘alaykum al-salaam:
w`lykm lslm
Wa alaykumu s-salam wa rahmatullah:
w`lykm lslm wrHm@ llh
Wa alaykumu s-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh:
w`lykm lslm wrHm@ llh wbrkth
What is the reason it’s being referred to as Salam Alaikum?
In all religions the word dua is one that is used to greet or leaving. In Islam salaam alaikum is a phrase that Muslims use to one another. The loved prophet (peace and peace from Allaah be upon his soul) instructed to propagate peace. It is also mentioned within Qur’an in addition to Ahadith. We have discussed it in the following paragraphs. Asalamalakim Prayers are words. Also, he gets his reward.

Quranic verses concerning peace
The Qur’an doesn’t mention salaam since if it was stated, then salaam would become mandatory. Yes it is true that it is true that the Qur’an refers to Salam in several places. Salam is to be said at occasions in Paradise. The greetings will also be spoken when the departure. So, the word salaam is not only mentioned in the Quran however it is not explicitly commanded.
Ahaadeeth on Salam
Additionally, there are ahaadeeth that refer to Allah’s Messenger Allaah (peace and the blessings from Allaah be on him) concerning salaam, which states: (1) Whoever first Salam you are free of arrogance. (2) It is said in a different location. Spread the Salam
Asalamalakim in English
As we have mentioned, Salam is a prayer. It is “be safe.” May peace and blessings from Allah be with you. “Therefore it is the sole definition of peace and that’s prayer to Allah for another and peace. Salam alaikum is to be secure, to be protected and secure. The word alaikum is a word of conscience, which signifies peace be upon you.
Assalamualaikum Reply
The response for Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh will be say walaikum adalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh since when somebody prays on your behalf, you must also pray for you in return. So, the response should consist to “walaikum assalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ” and “walaikum assalam Warahmatullahi.
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