Ashura Meaning – As we begin the start of the new Islamic year, we must think about ourselves and ways we can improve this year than the one before. A great ways to kick off the year with a new start is to fast on during the month of Ashura. Ashura literally translates to “the 10th’.
It is that 10th day in Muharram which is the month that begins of the Islamic calendar year. It is the day on which our Prophet Muhammad observed a fast and also urged us to do the same. He said that the fasting of the day can forgive our transgressions from earlier in the year! Is there a better method to begin the new year with a clean slate?
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Ashura Meaning – The Prophet was never averse to the fasting date of Ashura. We’re told that “There were four aspects that the Prophet did not abandon that included Fasting Ashura as well as fasting during the ten days of Dhul Hijjah], fasting three days in each month and praying for two at rak’at prior to an al-ghadah[i.e., Fajr].” The Prophet never gave up on his faith. Sunan al-Nasa’i #24162416].
As fasting on Ashura was so crucial for the Prophet , you might be interested in why this day is important. A lot of people have been told that the Prophet began eating a meal on the day of Ashura upon his arrival in Madinah and observed the Jews who were fasting that day as it was the day of Passover. Ibn Abbas (rA) narrated that:
“When the Prophet arrived at Madinah in the city of Madinah, the Jews were fasting on Ashura and said “This was the day that Moses was victorious over Pharaoh. At that time day, the Prophet spoke to his fellow prophets “You (Muslims) are more entitled to celebrate the rights to rejoice in Moses victory than the other people are, so keep the day of fasting.'” [Sahih Al-Bukhari #4680]
The significance of the day of Ashura However, the significance of Ashura’s day is traced to a earlier date. Indeed, the Arabs who were part of the Quraysh tribe were known to fast the day prior to Islam. Aisha (rA) as an instance, tells us:
“During the pre-lslamic Era Ignorance (Jahiliyya) The Quraysh practiced an observance of fasting during the month of Ashura and even the Prophet himself used to observe fasting as well. However, when he arrived at Madinah the Prophet (continued) to fast throughout all day long and directed the Muslims to observe the same fast.
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Ashura Meaning – After (the the requirement of fasting) Ramadan was revealed, the requirement to fast in Ramadan was made a requirement, and the fasting of Ashura was allowed to be voluntary. Anyone who wanted to observe it chose to, but those who didn’t want to observe it did not fast.”
In the case of Sunni majority, The day is observed by fasting and prayers in mosques. In the case of Shia Muslims, it marks the anniversary of the murder of the grandson of Prophet Muhammad Hussein in Karbala’s Battle of Karbala which is why it is an occasion for mourning.
Shia Rituals for the day feature lively performances which recreate the events of the war and the faithful taking the character in the role of Hussein as well as his army while taking on Umayyad forces loyal to Caliph Yazid I.
The battle was fought in 680 CE . Although it was one of the reasons for the division in the region between Shia as well as Sunni Muslims, it happened years before the religious divide among Sunni as well as Shia factions had become apparent.
For instance, Sunnis also revere Hussein and also have an anti-Yazid view. Yazid who is frequently accused of being immoral.
Although certain Sunni Muslims do take part in funeral ceremonies to honor Hussein and his family, particularly followers of Sufi tradition, these events are not as intense as their Shia counterparts.
One of the controversial aspects of this Shia grieving for Hussein can be found in the ritual of certain groups of self-flagellations, also known as the tatbir. A number of prominent Shia Islamic religious jurists among them Khomeini, the former Iranian chief Ayatollah Khomeini have either opposed the practice or claimed that it’s unnecessary in our modern times however, a small number of religious leaders still insist on its significance, typically with the condition that there is no harm to those who take part in the ceremony.

Ashura Meaning – Middle East Eye offers a deeper look at the day and the way it is commemorated by Muslims.
What exactly is Ashura?
To Muslims, Ashura marks the day on which God gave the Israelites who were led by The Prophet Musa (Moses) and freed them from the oppression of Egypt’s Pharaoh through the division of the Red Sea, thus allowing the Israelites to safely cross.
The day is marked by fasting and religious rituals, such as sermons and meals shared by the Sunni communities.
In the case of Shia Muslims, the significance of this day comes because it is commemorating the date of death for Hussein who is regarded for his status as the Imam or the legitimate chief of the Muslim community.
Twelver Shias, as their name implies, are the 12 descendants of the prophet Muhammad who descend from him by his daughter Fatima and his cousin and son-in-law Ali who is the Imam’s first.
Hussein was the 3rd successor in the line of succession. Battle of Karbala marks the culmination of his efforts to take over the control of his Muslim minority from the Umayyads, under Yazid.
In a bloody fight in the vicinity of the river Euphrates in the present Iraq, Hussein and most of his supporters were killed.
For Shias Hussein’s martyrdom, it is the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of justice and righteousness He is still mourned at His shrine at Karbala and during mourning services across in the Muslim world.
The Imam line will continue to follow Hussein’s son who survived him who was also known as Ali. For the Twelvers The line is cut off at the twelfth Imam, Muhammad al-Mahdi, who in Shia tradition , disappeared into occultation only to reappearance to trigger his Day of Judgement.
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What is Ashura?
Ashura is celebrated on the 10th day of Muharram which is the month that begins that falls on the Islamic lunar calendar. It is widely thought to as one of the most sacred months of Islam.
Ashura occurs on either 17 or 18 August on the Gregorian calendar, based upon the procedure of moon-sighting employed to determine the date of Muharram.
Why is it named Ashura?
“Ashura” originates from the Arabic word that means 10, as does the term Muharram originates in”the” Arabic term haram that means prohibited.
According to Islamic custom according to Islamic tradition, the Muharram month Muharram was considered to be one of the most sacred months on the calendar. During this month, combat was not permitted.
What is the significance of the religion?
Muslims who fast on the day that is Ashura are of the belief that God will be able to forgive them for their sins of the previous year.
In in the Quran, God then commanded Moses to hit on the water with his staff and the sea was divided.
Moses began his fasting during the month of Ashura as a way of worship and a way to express gratitude to God for rescuing him as well as his fellow followers.
The Prophet Muhammad was adamant for Muslims to observe fasting on the ninth day of Muharram and the tenth day, to try to distinguish Muslims from other religions. While fasting is not compulsory however, most Muslims opt to observe it.
How does it get marked in the eyes of Shia Muslims?
Shia preachers will give sermons and discuss the events of the Battle of Karbala. They will also read poetry that relates to Hussain’s life. Hussain in a way that highlights his virtues.
In many areas in Iraq and Iran there are large public performances parades, procession and marches are staged in front of thousands of spectators who attend to commemorate and mourn the occasion.
“The “passion dramas” are designed to draw attention to the importance of Hussein’s sacrifice, and to evoke the emotion required to fight for justice.
Ashura Meaning – Certain people participate in the tatbir that is illegal in certain counties, but occurs during Ashura. Blades chains, blades and other objects to beat oneself symbolizes the struggle and sacrifice.

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Ashura Meaning – As mentioned previously this practice is looked on by a lot of clergy and many worshippers opt to honor their deceased in other methods, for example, by giving blood.
In the month during the month of Muharram, Shia worshippers will often wear black , as an expression of grief and sorrow. Many see this time for a chance to draw the lessons of Hussein’s life.
Ashura Presentation
Fasting on Ashura
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