Bear The Animal – Bears are mammals that belong to the “Carnivora” category, which also includes wolves, tigers and leopards. Bears are found all over the world, including Antarctica. The scientific name for the bear is Ursidae. Bears are well-known for their intelligence, exceptional memory and great navigation skills. Bears, unlike other mammals, prefer to live alone and are less social than other mammals.
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- There are many bear species in the world, including Polar Bears, Pizzly Bears and Cave Bears.
- Mother Bears care deeply for their cubs and are sensitive.
- The life span of bears can vary depending on the species. Giant pandas can live for up to 20 years, while black bears can live from 30 to 34.
- A female bear would give birth to one to four cubs, and the cubs that survived would stay with their mother for two to four years.
- Bears are often afraid of being attacked by tigers or humans.
- Polar bears have the most warm fur of all bear species, which aids them in fighting cold.
- Bears’ fur and flesh are used to kill them.
- Bears are treated as God in many folk-tales.
- Bears use long straight claws to climb, and they can run faster than humans.
- The majority of bear species are in danger of extinction.
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5 Lines for Bear
- Bear is a wild animal.
- It can be either black or white
- They live in the jungle.
- They are known as cubs.
- They are omnivores.

10 Lines & Sentences for Bear
- Bears are thought to be extremely emotional animals. Cubs can start crying if separated from their mothers bears.
- Bears are very protective of their family members and can even risk their lives to save their cubs from danger.
- Bears hibernate during winter. Hibernation is a state in which bears at higher altitudes experience a reduced heart rate and metabolic rate due to a lack of food.
- Bears communicate with large vocal sounds such as groans and growls.
- Bears are not at risk from any predators, except humans and tigers.
- Hepatitis is a leading cause of death in bears. Their bodies are vulnerable to many parasites, and other pathogens.
- Bears are poached and hunted for their fur and meat, as well as for entertainment.
- The bear is worshipped in some mythologies, such as Korean and Chinese.
- Bears are a popular cartoon character, such as Winnie the Pooh and Yogi Bear.
- The International Union for Conservation of Nature has identified six bear species as the most endangered and vulnerable species.

20 Lines for Bear
- Bears are among the most intelligent and smartest mammals on earth.
- This mammal is from the Ursidae family.
- Depending on the species, bears can live between 25-50 years.
- Bears use their intelligence to conceal and capture their prey.
- Bears are able to run fast, despite being heavy-weighted.
- They hibernate during winter.
- They have a great sense of smell.
- Bears would rather live alone than with their family.
- Polar bears are the largest bear species in terms of weight.
- Bear dancing and performances of bears in circuses is about humans exploiting wild animals to make money.
- A bear refers to an animal that has thick hair covering its entire body.
- There are many bear species that can be found in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
- A common bear has a heavy body, long legs, thick ears, large ears, thick hairs and a short tail.
- The male bear is bigger than the female bear.
- All bears are omnivorous, except for the polar bear which is primarily a carnivore. The giant panda is a herbivore.
- There are six types of bears: Black, Brown (andean), Panda, Sloth and Asiatic, Polar and Sun bears.
- Sun bear, a small bear species that weighs between 25-60kg, is the smallest.
- Bears can stand up and sit on their hind feet.
- To keep warm from the cold, polar bears have an extra layer of fat.
- 20. The threat of extinction for bears is due to a lack in food and habitat.

Bear The Animal – Today’s bears face constant threats to their lives from humans. This is due to two main reasons: illegal trade in body parts such as furs or meats after poaching or hunting, and encroachment on wild habitats. In poor rural areas, bears are increasingly aggressive and often attack and inflict injuries.
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To protect bear habitats, many wildlife conservations laws have been enacted around the world. People have a positive and friendly attitude towards bears. Bears are also symbolic in many cultures. However, there is still much to do to save these beautiful and amazing species.
Bear Exhibit
Bear Problem
Black Bear Tech Series