It was reported that Thawban had said: “The Messenger of Allah stated: “Nothing can extend the life of a person except righteousness, nothing can stop the Divine Decree without supplication and nothing robs a person of his rightful responsibilities except the sin is committed by him. (Ibn Majah 90)
The issue is constantly asked by Muslims. What is the reason to make a the dua if Allah is the one who knows what my destiny will be.
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My will has been written, what’s the purpose of it?
It is not a good idea and could rob the worship of Allah (SWT) and is among the most beneficial practices one can make. In Ibn Majah hadith , it informs that by making dua, we have the power to alter our divine will.
But doesn’t Allah be aware that I wouldn’t or shouldn’t?
Indeed, Allah knows everything. But that doesn’t detract our worship. We must continue to do the right thing that will benefit us. Allah knows what is to come but we don’t know what the future holds for us.
“Is rewarding for doing doing something good or anything else good?”(55:60)
in the Sahih hadiths of Tirmidhi 2572 Anas bin Malik told his belief that
Therefore, it is recommended to know the dua’s that provide protection against Jahannam (hellfire). The dua’s reference is Sunan Abu Dawud 5079.

The allahumma dua ajirni is written Arabic is written as follows:
Here’s a list of transliterations commonly used to aid pronunciation:
Allahumma ajirni minan nar
Allahumma ajirni min al-nar
Allahumma ajirni minan naar
Allahumma ajirni minnaar
The most accurate transliteration is, allahumma ajirni minan naar.
The meaning of allahumma-ajirni minal-nar can be described as “O Allah, protect me from Hell” or could be translated as “ya Allah, protect me from Hell”.
Al-Harith was b. Muslim al-Tamimi quoted his father Muslim al-Tamimi. al-Harith al’Tamimi, who said”The Messenger to Allah () said to him in secret:
After the prayer at sunset, you should repeat: “O Allah I pray to Allah to protect my soul against Hell” Seven times. since if you say it and then die then the protection it grants you would be recorded for you.
After which, when you have completed the morning prayer, repeat the same thing in the same manner, so that should you die on the next day, the protection you receive from it will remain with you. Abu Sa’id told me that al-Harith wrote: The Allah’s Messenger Allah () has revealed that to us in secret therefore we keep the message to our fellow believers. Reference: Sunan Abi Dawud 5079
In relation to this hadith:
This hadith is classified as d’aif, which means low authenticity. Therefore, with regard to the notion that you should recite seven times will not be beneficial, as suggested in. However, from the older Sahih hadith Tirmidhi 2572 we are aware that it is a mustahabb (favored practice) for the Muslim to pray to Allah for Jannah and also to seek security from the hell.
Therefore, there is no limitation regarding what time, where, or how many times we need to be reciting this dua. It’s a brief dua and the benefits of reciting it is obvious.
Keep in mind that in the Qur’an it states, “Is the rewards for good [anything] but good”. There is nothing negative or harmful about doing positive actions, whether through your words or through your actions. Do your best to do every day the best you can and in the course of time you’ll accumulate many positive actions.

7 Ways To Save Yourself
Be kind to other people. A Muslim person who’s generous is a decent person, and is kind to other people, Hellfire is forbidden to him. Hadith – Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2488
Anyone who gives 4 Rakat prior to Dhuhr salah and another 4 after that, Allah makes him prohibited from the fire. Hadith – Sunan At-Tirmidhi 428.
The practice of fasting is to observe a fast all through the year, but particularly on Thursdays and Mondays. If anyone fasts for a day to the will of Allah and Allah, then Allah will remove his eyes away from Hellfire by seventy years. Hadith – Sahih al-Bukhari 2840.
Anyone who believes it is true that God is none other than Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger, Allah forbids the Fire from touching him. Hadith – Al-Bukhari and Muslim
Weeping before Allah (SWT). One who weeps in fear of Allah is not allowed to be allowed to enter into the Fire as long as the milk has returned into the cow’s udder. Hadith – Jami’ at-Tirmidhi 1633
Charity is one of the most effective ways to rid yourself of the issues that plague everyday life is to give charities. It doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money. Even the smallest amount can be considered before Allah (SWT). Be sure to do charitable deeds in secret. Don’t expose the act or showcase it. Hadith – Sahih Bukhari 1417 and Sahih Muslim 1016
Create a Dua to protect yourself from Hellfire and give Jannah. Recite often the Dua Allahumma minan naar in ajirni to get protection from Jahannam as well as Allahumma aluka inni al jannah to enter the administration of Jannah. Hadith – Sunan At-Tirmidhi 2572.
Allah knows best, may Allah guide us to the right track, help us remain humble and safeguard us as well as our loved ones from hellfire.

Benefits of Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar
Hell is the hell which we are unable to imagine. All we know about it comes from the Hadith Sharif, which we learn through our prophet Hazrat Mohammad ().
Let’s get a glimpse of the Hadith that explain the current situation in Hell and the reasons why it is imperative to always seek the protection of Hell by saying Allahumma Ajirni Minan Naar.
Protection from Hellfire
Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) told of how The Prophet Hazrat Mohammad () declared that the fire that you see is the 70th component of Hell, in comparison to the flame of Hell.
Someone asked Ya Rasoolallah () even the flames of the world was sufficient, The Prophet () declared that fire did more than 69 times the damage to the world’s flame. (Sahih Bukhari: 3265)
Protection from Persecution
(2) Rasoolallah () claimed that the distance between shoulders of an Kafir (disbeliever) is three days for person who walks quickly. (Sahih Bukhari: 6551)
This implies that in Hell when the unbeliever will be scourged for his transgressions His body will be large and fatty that it would take three days to move across the shoulder from one to the next.
Security From Tears and Zakhum
(3) Rasoolallah () stated the following “Hellbrewed (Jahannami) will cry so much in Hell that if you ran ship onto their tears then the ship will run, and undoubtedly instead of the tears of water, it will be the tears of blood”.
The same way the food they consume will be composed of Zakhum, zakhum is a thing that , if it’s just a tiny piece of food thrown onto the planet and everything turns bitter. In addition, they will drink boiling water that cuts off the intestines.
Protection from hazardous Scorpions
(4) The simplest punishment for Hellbreds punishment is that they wear fire shoes and their brains will boil as if bones are boiling, causing his brain will melt the mouth and nose.
So, it is expected that there will be inconceivable scorpions or snakes that are poisonous and, according to the Hadith the scorpion’s teeth or the sting (dunk) will be similar to the date tree that they will hurt the Hellbrewed.
Protection from immortal oppression
Hazrat Ibne Abdulbas (RA) has said that the prophet Hazrat Mohammad () is a teacher of the Holy Quran to His companions and the Prophet () taught the dua to guard against Hell.
In Hell In Hell, the person will be immortalized, and the punishment will be so severe that the person will want to die, but there will be no death in this life.
In Hadith It is said that If Hell is opened with just the nib of a needle, everyone living on earth will be killed by the scorching heat.
If you’re curious, there is a second dua, however this one is taken from the Quran Surah Imran seeking Allah’s protection from hell.

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