Allah is The Best Planner: Quran Verses – The events that have occurred in our lives could not seem to make sense…for right now. We did our best and believed in Allah, but our prayers did not yield the desired answer from Allah. The worshippers are split into various groups when they fail to receive what they want:
- A few people began to doubt their faith.
- Certain people began to lose weight on their own – they started drinking, gambling or using drugs, particularly when they were mixed with bad people;
- Many will make compromises to Islam to get their goals, even though it could cost them a lot in the end in the event that they don’t repent.
- A few started accusing Allah;
- Some people would be in awe and remain steadfast.
- A small percentage of people would grow in faith, increase their worship , and get rewarded for their perseverance.
Suggested Read: Allah Says in the Quran : And they Planned and Allah also planned and Allah Is The Best Of Planners, Best Seller : Allah Is The Best Planner ,Allah is the best of planners: Islamic journal note book

John Archambault, illustrated and published by Simon & Schuster, 1989. The book contains anthropomorphized letters , and is charted on The New York Times Top Sellers List for C
Allah is The Best Planner: Quran Verses – The Qur’an includes numerous instances that provide a guideline for those who are able to comprehend of Allah’s Plan:
“There was definitely in their tales an instruction for those with knowledge. The Qur’an is the creation of a narrative and it is a confirmation of what was previously known and a comprehensive explanation of everything and advice and mercy for person who believes. [Quran, Chapter 12, Verse 111]
- Ibrahim (AS) Ibrahim (AS) was commanded by Allah to divorce the house of his spouse Hajjar as well as the son Ismail to the middle of the desert.
- The story from the maternal side of Musa (AS) (AS) – 28:7-13
- Three examples from Al Khidr’s book in Surah al Kahf (18) verses 65- 82
- The story of a person who was gifted gardens and riches within surah al Kahf. There was a person who was not given anything. 18: 32 – 43
- Musa (AS) accidentally killed man , and was subsequently driven from Egypt to Madyan 28:15 – 32 . Good du’a in 28: 24
- The Story of Yusuf (AS) Surah 12
- Story of Yunus (AS) Yunus (AS) – was eaten by a whale, but Yunus was the sole nation that was saved by Allah. 10: 98
- The sacrifice offered to those who have performed the Hijrah People from the cave or the Muhajiroon etc.
- Treaty of Hudaybiyah
- Umm Salamah (radiallahu anha) believed that there was no better than Abu Salamah (radiallahu anhu)
Suggested Read: Le Sens DES Versets Du Saint Qouran and The Quran: English Language

Allah is The Best Planner: Quran Verses – “Umm Salamah (May Allah be pleased with her) said, “I have heard an utterance by the Messenger from Allah (Allah be with him, and give him peace) declaring “When someone is suffering from an affliction and says”Inna lillahi wa Ilaihi Rajiun. Allahumma ujurni musibati the wakhluf Li Khairan Minha (We are a part of Allah, And to Him we will return. O Allah! Help me through my pain Repay my loss, and offer me something better to compensate for it) Then Allah will surely reward him with a reward or a more suitable substitute.” Umm Salamah (ra) stated, “When Abu Salamah (ra) died and I offered the same prayer that Allah the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) had directed me (to perform) in order that Allah granted me a more suitable substitute for him (Muslim ].
Quran Verses: Allah is The Best Planner: Quran Verses
All believers should be able to believe in Allah and believe Allah is the only God. Allah is the most perfect of planners. A few quotes to remind us that Allah is the greatest of planners are :
Allah is said in the Quran, “They plan, and Allah is the one who plans. It is certain that Allah is the greatest in the field of planning.” Quran 8:30].
Allah affirms in the Quran: “And Allah is the best of planners.” Quran 3:54].
“Allah has plans. A plan that is far more extensive than you could ever imagine. Stop worrying, stop stressing and put your faith in him!”
” Faith is believing in Allah no matter if you aren’t sure of His plans. Also, Allah is the greatest in the field of planning.”
“My life is as Allah has planned, but not the ways I’ve thought of. I am sure Allah is the greatest of planners. Thank you for Allah to Allah for all things.”
“Ya Allah, you are the best of planners, so forgive me when I think that my plans are better than yours.”
“They invest to defame Islam but end up reverting to Islam. surely Allah is the best of planners.”
“Sometimes what you think you want might not be what’s best for you. Allah is the most perfect of planners. So, trust His judgement, remain patient and Say Alhamdulillah.”
“Allah is the greatest of planners. He is more knowledgeable about what to provide us with and at what time. We must therefore remain patient and trust Allah.”
“Allah’s plans are more powerful than our hopes. Therefore, we must follow Allah and remain prepared to accept the plans from Allah.”
“O Allah, you are the best of planners so please guide us believers and give us strength to trust in your plans.”
“Life might not be going as you had envisioned however; it is running exactly as Allah had intended it to go. It is certain that Allah is the Greatest of Planners so stay perseverant and continue to pray.”
“Never get discouraged because of the disappointed moments, Allah is the most efficient of planners. Never lose hope.”
“….. While you’re planning, Allah is also planning for you. Allah is the most effective planer… All the plans we make be guided by Quran as well as sunnah and be attainable.”
“Don’t worry, I plan, you plan an also Allah plans for us but Allah is the best planer.”
“When someone hurts you leave them to Allah He (Allah) is the best of planners.”
“Sometimes what you’d like to do may not be the best choice for you. Allah is the greatest of planners. So trust His decisions, wait and pray Alhamdulillah.”
“We are occupied making plans for our future, to the point to the point that we overlook that our future is designed through Allah’s SWT. He is the most perfect in planning.”
“If you are a believer then don’t be dissatisfied with your situation because Allah is the best of Planners.”
“Allah places persons in your life to serve a purpose and then removes them from your life for a more compelling reason. Trust in Allah. Allah (Allah) has the most efficient in the field of planning.”
“If something doesn’t turn out the way you planned, remember that Allah is the best of planners and He knows what’s best for you.”
“Pain and hardship taught me, what pleasure never could, but I have faith in whatever Allah has planned for me, for He [Allah] is the best of planners.”
“Allah cannot fail those who are sincerely devoted to Allah. Even when you think that He isn’t answering your questions He has plans to work in your favor. In fact, Allah is the best of planners.”
“When you are in love with someone, you’ll be there for them.. But when you have a love for Allah will care for you. Alhamdulillah Allah is the best of planners, so there is no reason to worry.”
“Put your faith to Allah and seek advice from Allah. In fact, Allah is the greatest planer.”
“If things are happening according to your wish, you are lucky, but if they are not, you are very lucky, because they are happening according to Allah’s wish… Alhamdulillah’s Indeed Allah is the best of planners.”
“Just that the answer didn’t say “yes” does not mean that Allah did not answer the prayer…Trust in Allah his plan, it is superior to ours. We make plans, but Allah is the one who plans. It is certain that Allah is the best in planners.”
“Allah is the one who makes beautiful everything at the perfect location, at the perfect time, for the right reason. Allah is the most perfect of planners.”

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