Algebra 1 End of Course Exam PDF Download . EOC assessments are computer-based exams that are built around criteria that determine whether you are meeting requirements of the Florida Standards (FS) or the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for specific courses, as stated in the descriptions of courses.
In the year 2011, Algebra 1 (NGSSS) was the first course that was taken under the process of creating the state-wide EOC assessment. In the following few years , the course was followed in the following years by Biology 1, Geometry, U.S. History, and Civics and all are aligned with NGSSS.
In 2014-15, tests that were aligned to the Florida Standards replaced assessments aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in mathematics and English language arts (formerly reading and writing).
The assessments were referred to as”the NGSSS Algebra 1 and geometry exams replaced by Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) in these subjects. The NGSSS Geometry Retake test was given for the final test in summer 2017. Students who took Algebra 1 or Geometry courses between 2014-15 and later must pass an FSA evaluation at the conclusion of the Course.
The science and social studies aligned with NGSSS EOC assessments (Biology 1. Civics, as well as U.S. History) will continue to be offered for students that have successfully completed the appropriate subjects.
What’s on the Assessments – Algebra 1 End of Course Exam
For more information on subjects and the content for EOC assessments, review the specifications for the area (NGSSS as well as FS) and also the descriptions of the courses where they will be studying for this EOC assessment is required along with the specifications for test items.
EOC assessments assess the students’ achievement in the standards set by Florida as specified in the course descriptions. The descriptions of the courses and standards establish the standard for the education of students in Florida and serve as the foundation of the information that is evaluated on every Florida EOC assessment. Specifications for the test items include information about the format and content of the examinations.
- Content Focus Reports
- Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
- Florida Standards
- Test Item Specifications
What can I do to get ready?
must be used: The students must pass the Algebra 1 EOC practice test prior to taking the FSA EOC test. The practice test will assist students in becoming familiar with the different types of questions they will be asked and the test features.
Quranmualim has designed a practice guide to guide you through the exam. This guide was developed to provide an easy explanation of the different types of equipment, tools and functions in this exam. FSA Algebra 1 EOC.
- Algebra 1 Practice Test Guide
- Access Algebra 1 Practice Test
- Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Answer Key for Practice Test
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Algebra EOC Practice Test Key
Algebra EOC Practice Test
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