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Acupuncture and Halal Practices: Navigating the Islamic Perspective

Acupuncture and Halal Practices: Navigating the Islamic Perspective, News

Based on the fact that there’s nothing in the literature to prohibit it, Your wife is permitted to undergo acupuncture when it is advised to her.

In answer to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty is an instructor of senior status in the department of Islamic researcher of the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states,

Islam encourages believers to use any beneficial practices that prove efficient or valuable.

The Prophet (peace and blessings on his soul) stated, ” O servants of Allah, take medications and receive proper treatments, for Allah has appointed a cure for every disease.” (Abu Dawud)

This hadith can be interpreted as a call to seek medical attention, provided that the treatment is not associated with practices or beliefs that are incompatible with Islam.

No provision in Islam prohibits Muslims from using alternative treatments or therapies so long as they don’t include beliefs or practices that are in opposition to Islam. Acupuncture is among these practices. It has been a part of traditional medicine in some parts of the world, such as China, and has proven efficient and beneficial in certain situations.

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Certain controlled studies with acupuncture conducted under the supervision of modern medical experts in hospitals have also demonstrated its benefits in specific treatments.

Islam is an ideological religion that promotes the wholeness of life. It is a religion that promotes health and well-being, so it’s not a surprise that Islam urges believers to seek out any of the many beneficial therapies that have proven effective or are believed to be beneficial.

Doing so is not just permissible but suggested and encouraged. It was the Prophet (peace and peace be on his soul) stated, ” O servants of Allah, take medications and receive proper treatments, for Allah has appointed a cure for every disease.” (Abu Dawud)

In light of the preceding and because there’s nothing in the source materials to prevent it, your wife can receive acupuncture when it is advised. However, it is essential to ensure that you receive the therapy only when under the direction and supervision of qualified specialists.

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If, by any chance, a fraudulent practitioner mixes acupuncture treatments with rituals or beliefs, There is no assurance that it will not violate Islamic principles and beliefs, in which case, such practices will be viewed as unacceptable within Islam.

For more details, read this fatwas.

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