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A Treasury of Virtues by al-Qadi al-Qudai

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TreasuryThe Treasure of Virtues is an assortment of quotes as well as sermons and other teachings which are believed to be the work of ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (d. 40/661) who was the son and cousin of Prophet Muhammad The first Shia Imam and Fourth Sunni Caliph.

A renowned master of Arabic language and a master of Islamic wisdom Ali was famous for his poetic wit: his phrases were collected and quoted and studied throughout the ages and extensively anthologized translated, and excerpted.

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The many compilations of the words of ‘Ali, A Treasury of Virtues is the one written by Fatimid Shafi’i judge al-Quda’i is perhaps the most comprehensive of genres as well as the broadest range of topics.

 It includes aphorisms, sermons, proverbs, speeches and homilies, prayers, letters or letters, as well as dialogues and poetry that all provide instructions on how to become morally upright and decent human beings. The shorter version of the compilation, One Hundred Proverbs is believed to be the work of the famous poet al-Jahiz (d. 257/869). This volume provides the very first English edition of both these significant collection.

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A bilingual Arabic-English edition.

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Caliph `Ali ibn Abi Talib

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